
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Third Tradition

Third Tradition

 Abu Samit has narrated from Imam as-Sadiq (a.s.) that he said:

The Greater Sins are;

1.      To associate others (attribute partners) to Allah.

2.      Killing anyone whose killing is prohibited by Shari’a.

3.      Wrongfully acquiring the property of orphans.

4.      To disobey parents.

5.      To accuse falsely a chaste woman of adultery.

6.      To flee (cowardly) from the battlefield.

7.      To deny any of the obligations of religion promulgated by Allah.

Abdur Rahmān Ibn Kathīr has narrated from the same Masūm (a.s.) that he said:

“Not acknowledging the rights of us (Ahl ul-Bayt) is a Greater sin.”

Abi Khadija has quoted a tradition that:

“To attribute falsehood to the Holy Prophet (S) and the Holy Imams (a.s.) is counted among the Greater Sins.”

SadÅ«q (r.a.) has quoted that: “To deprive anyone of his rights (What he rightfully deserves) by not mentioning him in one’s will is a Greater sin.”

The book Kanzul Ummal has mentioned in a tradition:

“Shedding blood in the precincts of the Holy Ka’ba is a Greater sin.”

This is because Allah (S.w.T.) has ordained it to be a protected sanctuary.

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