
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm



A person who commits a Greater Sin and does not repent for it, is a transgressor. Salāt is not allowed behind him (he cannot lead a prayer assembly). His testimony is unacceptable. After death, he is liable for Divine punishment. By the Grace of Allah (S.w.T.) such a person may yet get salvation; and the Grace of Allah (S.w.T.) that can make this possible is the intercession of Muhammad (S) and his Progeny (a.s.).

As the Holy Prophet (S) says in one of his traditions:

“My intercession has been kept for the sinful among my followers.”

(Bihār al-Anwār vol.3).

He (S) also said,

“My intercession is specially for the sinful ones among my followers. But those who abstain from the Greater Sins, for them there is no accounting (of deeds).”

That is, they would be admitted to Paradise right away.

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