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Value of Belief

Part 3 

Value of Belief


 With regard to the value of belief, the discussion should proceed in three stages:

 1.  Is lack of belief in the principles of religion, such as the Oneness of God, Prophecy, and resurrection – and according to the ShÄ«`a view, these three in addition to Divine justice and Imāmate (succession) – always and necessarily cause for Divine punishment?  Or is it possible for some unbelievers to be excused and not be punished for their unbelief?

 2.  Is belief a necessary condition for the acceptance of good deeds, such that no good deed of a non-Muslim or non-ShÄ«`a is acceptable to God?

 3.  Do unbelief and rejection of the truth cause the invalidity of good deeds or not?

 In the coming discussions, we will touch on each of these three stages.


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