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Chapter 3-Abu Bakr's Dismissal from leading the Hajj and the Entrustment to Imam Ali (a)

Chapter 3 

AbÅ« Bakr’s Dismissal from leading the Hajj and the Entrustment to Imam ‘Ali« (‘a) to Convey Surah al-Bara’ah


 Ibn Hanbal says of the event which occurred in the month of DhÄ« al-Hijjah, 9 AH:

 WakÄ«‘ has related to us from Isrā’Ä«l from AbÄ« Ishāq from Zayd bin Yuthay‘ from AbÅ« Bakr:

 The Prophet sent him (AbÅ« Bakr) with Surah al-Barā’ah to the people of Mecca (to proclaim) that after this year no polytheist will be allowed at the Hajj, neither should the nude circumambulate the Ka‘bah, none will enter paradise except the person who has become Muslim, whoever has a pact between him and the Messenger of Allah it is valid until the specified period, and Allah and His Messenger are free from any obligation to the polytheists. After a while, he told (Imam) ‘AlÄ« [(‘a)], may Allah be pleased with him:

 Overtake AbÅ« Bakr and send him back to me and you proclaim (the Surah to the Meccans).

 (Imam) ‘AlÄ« [(‘a)] acted as per the instructions and when AbÅ« Bakr returned to the Prophet he cried and said:

 O Messenger of Allah, did anything happen?

 He replied:

 Nothing has happened concerning you except good, but I have been commanded (by Allah) that these (commandments) should either be conveyed by my or by a man who is from me.[30]

 Ahmad Shākir, the annotator of the Musnad has considered the isnād of this hadÄ«th as sahÄ«h (authoritative) and has said that Zayd bin Yuthay‘ was a trustworthy person of the first generation of Muslims after the Prophet and the name of his father has also been mentioned as Uthay‘.

 HabashÄ« bin Junādah al-SulukÄ« who took part in the Farewell Pilgrimage of the Prophet, has recorded four hadÄ«th with a similiar text in his own Musnad which confirms Ibn Hanbal’s narration of the above hadÄ«th. HabashÄ« quotes AbÅ« Bakr that the Messenger of Allah (S) said:

 ‘AlÄ« is from me and I am from him. My words will not be conveyed except by me or by ‘AlÄ«.[31]


[30] Al-Musnad, hadith no. 4.

[31] Ibn Hanbal’s Musnad published in 6 volumes by Matba‘ah al-Maymaniyyah, vol. 4, pp. 164-165, 1st edition, Egypt, 1313 AH.


#1 Prophets (A.S) of AllahGuest 2012-11-22 19:13
This shows the status of Hazrat Ali

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