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The Ninth Year after the Mission

The Ninth Year after the Mission

Nine years after our Master Muhammad's mission passed. The number of the Muslims increased.


Umar bin al-Khattab was very sensitive.

One day, he took his sword to kill our Master Muhammad [s]. He asked about him. It was said to him:

He's with his Companions in a house near al-Safa Mount.

So, Umar headed for him. On the way to al-Safa Mount, a man belonging to the tribe of Umar named Naeem came across and asked him


Umar, where are you going?

Umar rudely answered:

I want to kill Muhammad because this boy has abused our religion.

Naeem believed in Islam secretly So, he said to him:

If you hurt Muhammad, Bani Hashim won't leave you alive. Besides your sister and her husband have believed in Islam.

Umar shouted angrily:

What? My sister Fatimah?

Umar went to his sister's house. when he stopped at the door, he heard a man reading the Qur'an.

The Divine Words were impressive:

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Taha, we have not revealed the Qur'an to you so that you may be unsuccessful.

Umar knocked at the door and entered. His sister hid the page of the Qur'an for he wanted to tear it up. He hit his sister. So, blood flowed out of her face.

Umar felt regret, So, he went out.

Our Master Muhammad [s] and some Companions were in a house near al-Safa Mount. He was teaching them the Qur'an and wisdom. He was reading to them of the Divine verses.

In the meantime, they heard a man knocking loudly at the door. One of the Muslims got up. He looked through a hole in the door.

Al-Hamza asked:

Who is it?

The Muslim answered

It's Umar holding a sword.

AI-Hamza said:

Do not be afraid. Open the door. If he wants good we'll give it to him. If he wants evil, we'll kill him with his sword!

Al-Hamza stood up to receive the newcomer. He opened the door and asked:

Bin al-Khattab, what do you want?

Umar answered:

I've come to confess that there's no god but Allah and Muhammad is Allah's Apostle!

Our Master Muhammad [s] said:

Allah is great!


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