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Quran and Hijab - Islam Guidance

  • Divine Religions and Women’s Head Cover

    1. Woman’s Head Cover in Judaism
    In the Jewish tradition when a Jewish woman did go out in public, she always went out with a head covering which also covered the whole face, leaving one eye free.
    Going out without a head covering was considered so shameful that it was grounds not only for divorce by the husband, but divorce without the obligation to pay the Ketubah.
    “These are they that are put away without their Ketubah... if she goes out with her head uncovered.” In fact, Rabbi Meir is quoted as saying that it is a duty for a husband to divorce a woman who goes out without her head covered.
    In the Book of Daniel (written after 160 B.C.E.) there is a clear evidence that it was customary for women to cover their heads and faces in public.

    Face Cover in Judaism
    Veil, a cover for the face, or a disguise, from the earliest times has been a sign of chastity and decency in married women. As the sign of chastity they had to cover their faces with veils in the presence of strangers. The putting on of the veil marked the transition from girlhood to womanhood.

    2. Christianity and Woman’s Head Cover
    If a woman does not wear a veil, let her hair be cut; but if it is disgraceful for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, then let her wear a veil.” 1Corinthians, 11:6.
    “Judge for yourselves. Is it becoming for a woman to worship God without covering for her head? Does not nature itself teach you that long hair is disgraceful for a man but glorious for a woman? For her hair is granted her for a covering. In case, however, anyone seems anxious to dispute the matter, we do not observe such a practice, neither do the churches of God.” 1Corinthians, 11:13.

    3. Woman’s Head Cover in Islam
    And they shall not display their beauty and ornaments, except what are apparent of it. And they should draw their khemaars over their bosoms, and shall not relax this code in the presence of other than…” (Qur’an, Surah an-Nur, 24:31)
    The term ‘Khemaar’ in Arabic means whatever clothes which may cover the head, like scarf. The context of the Ayah clearly shows that head covering is an issue out of discussion, perhaps because it has already been mentioned in the previous Scriptures.
    The Ayah is asking for something more, i.e. to make the scarf or whatever women are covering their hair with, longs enough to be able to draw it over their bosoms and necks.

    Source: Aldhiaa.com

  • Importance of Hijab

    The importance of Hijab will be briefly discussed in the light of the verses of the Holy Qur'an on the subject. Allah says:
    Say unto the believer men to cast down their gaze and guard their private part; that is purer for them. Verily Allah is Well-Aware of what you do.
    And say unto the believing women that they cast down their gaze and guard their private parts; and not to display their adornment (Zeenat) except what becomes apparent of it; and to draw their head covers (Khumur) over their neck slits (Juyoob); and not to display their "Zeenat" except to their husbands…” (Noor, 24:31, 32)
    The verse first informs men of their duty in Hijab and then the women. Some important words in the second verse are:
    Zeenat: This is something we use to beautify ourselves like clothes, ornaments, jewelry, etc.
    Khumur: These are head covers or scarves.
    Juyoob: The neck slit was usually low in Arab dress and the women did not cover their necks. So in this verse they were ordered to cover their exposed necks with the head covers.
    In another verse Allah says:
    O Prophet! Say unto your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers that they let down upon themselves a robe (Jilbab); so that they may be distinguished, so that they will not be troubled; Allah is Oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful.” (Ahzab, 33:59)
    Here the word Jilbab refers to a covering that is bigger than a head cover and shorter than a shawl and is designed to cover the head and shoulders.
    According to the command of Allah, the coverings for women that form their Hijab is Wajib, and disobedience of this command earns Allah's anger.
    The entire body of the woman except hands and face should be covered. The overall appearance of the dress is that it must be loose so it does not reveal the form of the woman, and it should not be attractive in a way that it draws the eyes of the people to the wearer.

    Taken from: Imam Reza.Network

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