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Hygiene - Islam Guidance

  • Cleanliness and Hygiene in the Family Structure

    Jabir, the son of Abdullah Ansari has been narrated as saying: The Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) saw a man with badly disheveled hair. He asked him: Did he not find anything to comb his hair with? He saw another person with filthy clothes. He shouted: Did he not find any water to wash his clothes? [Mizan al-Hikmat, v.10, p.92]
    Imam Baqir (A.S) said: Sweeping your houses will eliminate poverty. [Mizan al-Hikmat, v.10, p.93]
    The sixth Imam (A.S) said: Washing the dishes and sweeping your courtyards will increase your daily bread. [Mizan al-Hikmat, v.10, p.93]
    The Commander of the Faithful (A.S) said: Do not collect the trash outside your house since it is a source of evil. [Mizan al-Hikmat, v.10, p.93]
    It is wonderful that the divine viewpoint of the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) and the Imams informed the people about microbes’ centuries before their discovery.
    The Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) said: Do not leave the unusable food leftovers at home overnight, and take them out of the house in broad daylight. In fact, these unusable leftovers are a source of evil. [Mizan al-Hikmat, v.10, p.95]
    He also said: Attend to cleaning with all your strength, since God the Almighty has established Islam on cleanliness. No one shall enter Heaven, but the clean. [Mizan al-Hikmat, v.10, p.95]
    Imam Reza (A.S) said: Cleanliness is one of the attributes of divine Prophets. [Mizan al-Hikmat, v.10, p.95]
    Considering the verses of the Quran regarding cleanliness and cleansing agents, and God's love of cleanliness and purity, and many traditions in this regard, it is the duty of the members of the family to clean their body and clothes, the furniture and the house as much as they can. As the Quran has recommended mutual cooperation based on kindness and piety, the man should help his wife in cleaning. Women are morally bound to clean the house, the furniture and clothes to please their husbands and God. This will also guarantee the family's health and will defeat pain, illness, distress and suffering. Housewives should remember that working at home to provide for the family's comfort is a form of worship and it certainly has divine reward.

    Ref: Aldhiaa.com

  • Why Ablution is obligatory?


    Ablution is obligatory before the five daily prayers in addition to other obligatory prayers except the Funeral Prayer. It is obligatory to wash the face and the two arms, and pass the hand over, for Shia, the head and the feet. Similarly, it is recommendable, in the ritual ablution, to wash the hands and rinse the mouth and the nose in addition to the other actions. The specialist physicians mention important advantages for the ablution. They are as follows:

    1. Water that is shed on the face and the hands helps in activating the dermal capillaries. This increases the heart vivacity, activates the body respiratory processes, and helps in inhalation and exhalation. Consequently, the perceptive motivated nerves are stimulated. Then, the stimulation moves to the whole cardiac, gastric, and plutonic nerves, as well as all of the organs and glands.

    2. Eyes are protected against ophthalmic because they are washed with water several times a day.

    3. The nasal channels are cleaned from the germs gathering there by rinsing the nose.

    4. The skin is protected against dermatomes. The face and the hands are uncovered organs that are vulnerable to the affection of microbes. Immunity will certainly be obtained if those organs are washed several times a day.

    5. The oral cavity is protected against the germs that penetrate because of the pollution of hands. If the hands are always clean, they will not carry any microbe. Diseases that affect the human body through polluted hands are the digestive parasites, typhoid, and paralysis. At any rate, the ablution is the most notable means of protecting the human bodies against such serious diseases.

    6. The ablution alleviate tense nerves and anger, as physicians aver. The Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) said: “Rage is the Satan. The Satan is created of fire. Water extinguishes fire. You should perform the ablution whenever you are enraged.”

    Taken from: Aalulbayt Global Information Center

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