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Observing Hijab - Islam Guidance

  • Hijab and its importance

    One Ethiopian female student was asked why you follow the rules of Islam such as fasting, hijab (head cover), prayers: she answered: I am following because Allah had ordered us to follow so as a Muslim, it is our duty to follow the rules taught to us by God.

    1. Why is Hijab compulsory for the girls in Islam?
    We observe how the media is ruthlessly misusing the external appearance of the woman by disrobing her. And only Allah knows, to what worst status it had reached now and how much this uncultured act will be carried on like this way.
    But Islam made compulsory for the woman to cover her head and body before the Non-Mahram (Men excluding father, grandfather, brother, husband, son, nephew (sisters and brothers son), and uncle (mothers and fathers brothers). These points are clearly mentioned in Quran.
    Hijab in every way is helpful to woman morally, socially and psychologically as it gives her protection completely. Hijab is not new to this world. There was hijab in every religion as the people changed the commands of God with time by their own choice and for their own profit they have also erased the rule of hijab as well. If we go through history we come across the rules of hijab everywhere in its own way.
    A Muslim woman respects the rules and laws of the Quran and her dear prophets and follows whole heartedly the rules of hijab. For the woman who loves Quran she never feels hijab as a burden in her life and feels proud of her hijab. In Islam hijab comes under a law so it remained until today but in other religions it almost vanished as it is not under any law.

    2.    What are its advantages?
    The advantages of hijab are:
    1- The woman is closer to God rather than these selfish humans. Her appearance is for God and not for others to entertain.
    2- She can lead a very simple life without any competition of dressing and showing off her jewelry. She does not make the life of her husband a hell to compel him to earn more and more to provide for her ultra-mod dressings and luxuries.
    3- The people observe the beauty of her character and talent and not only the beauty of her appearance.
    4- The relationship with her spouse will be strengthening more as the possessive husband is sure that her wife beauty is only dedicated to him.

    The disadvantaged of hijab
    1- The woman must always be alert to answer the silly questions of others who first attack her religion and mock her faith, on seeing her in hijab.
    2- She is preferred secondarily for the jobs as mostly men want the women who have more cool sight in her best attire.
    3- Outside the home, the men pay more attention to the women revealing her body than a woman in hijab.
    4- People very boldly name a woman in hijab a backward person". She goes through all the pains of hijab as she loves the rules and laws of Quran.
    Which book of any religion says that backwardness of the women is in covering her body and her freedom is in exposing her parts of her body???
    5- When a woman shows her body automatically the lust or the sexual desires of a man arises and he looks at her and approaches her with these intensions whereas his approach with the women in Hijab is without any sexual approach and desires but natural respect.
    6- What is the difference between Hijabi and Non-Hijabi girl (girl who does hijab and girl who don’t do hijab)?
    The Non-hijabi woman is one who follows the western world and their rules and regulations and makes them delighted and cheerful. They do not follow the rules of prophets and the Almighty God.
    The woman in hijab follows the commands of God and his Prophet and wears the cover like Hazrat Fatimah (S.A) (daughter of the Prophet). We have to follow her footsteps in observing the rules of hijab.
    Is women caged in Hijab?
    In Islam woman is given the opportunity to join whichever institution of education she likes and if she prefers to earn then she is most welcome. She is allowed to manage her own business if the Muslim woman is eager to do it. If the Muslim woman enters in the field of directing and producing the movies the world will get best movies for the youngsters to guide. So the woman is never caged in pardah or Hijab in Islam. The baseless traditions of Western civilization has caged women cruelly and not the clean and neat Hijab system.
    The backwardness of the women is not in covering her body and head and her freedom is not in exposing her parts of her body.

    taken from: Imam Reza.Network

  • Hijab: A Personal Choice?

    The Scientific View
    Human behavior and actions are controlled by information that our brains and nerve cells store. This information is received and perceived through our senses and stored within our brain as memories, thoughts, emotions and ideas. The stored information drives processes that affect one’s decision-making to a great extent, finally resulting in one’s outward behavior and actions.
    Surprisingly enough, around 80% of all sense perception reaching our brain comes from the eyes alone! One can imagine the significant role played by the eyes in driving our mental processes and behavior. Whether it is watching a movie, playing videogames, or regular day-to-day activities that our eyes perceive – they all play an important role in affecting our thoughts, actions and behavior. If one is not selective about filtering indecent and inappropriate scenes from being viewed, one can be assured that it will bring about negative responses and unworthy behavior!
    In a society where the eyes are not protected from viewing indecent or provocative sensory information, it should not be alarming to see the decay of modesty and higher morals in society. This is where one must realize the blessing of Hijab; the physical Hijab as well as the Hijab of the eye are a divine blessing for believers to avoid pitfalls and create a healthy society.

    The Islamic View
    The very reason that Islam considers mixed gatherings as prohibited is because they violate physical and social Hijab to a great extent. Our respected Maraja Taqleed and scholars unanimously agree with the impermissibility of mixed gatherings.
    Imam Sadiq (A.S) said: “Whenever the eye looks at something forbidden, a knot of desire is tied in the person’s heart, and that knot will only be untied by one of two conditions: either by weeping out of grief or regret in true repentance, or by taking possession of what one desired and looked at.” Clearly, the non-observance of physical Hijab by women has the potential to encourage forbidden gaze by the opposite gender. Indeed the dangers of not observing Hijab can be realized through the wisdom of our infallibles.
    In addition, lack of modesty in the society has the potential to impede its growth and corrupt it through diverting minds into unnecessary or indecent thoughts and behavior.
    Every society or country chooses to impose a dress code for its citizens. What better dress code can one impose than the Islamic Hijab? In the eyes of a believer, is there anything better than the Islamic standards of modesty?
    In conclusion, the beautiful blessing of Hijab extends itself from being just a personal choice to one that impacts greater good of the society. By choosing to observe Hijab, Muslim men and women not only elevate their own spirituality but they in fact help in elevating our social fabric and together prepare for the return of our awaited Imam (A.S).

    Taken from: Ahlulbayt Islamic Mission

  • Importance of Hijab

    The importance of Hijab will be briefly discussed in the light of the verses of the Holy Qur'an on the subject. Allah says:
    Say unto the believer men to cast down their gaze and guard their private part; that is purer for them. Verily Allah is Well-Aware of what you do.
    And say unto the believing women that they cast down their gaze and guard their private parts; and not to display their adornment (Zeenat) except what becomes apparent of it; and to draw their head covers (Khumur) over their neck slits (Juyoob); and not to display their "Zeenat" except to their husbands…” (Noor, 24:31, 32)
    The verse first informs men of their duty in Hijab and then the women. Some important words in the second verse are:
    Zeenat: This is something we use to beautify ourselves like clothes, ornaments, jewelry, etc.
    Khumur: These are head covers or scarves.
    Juyoob: The neck slit was usually low in Arab dress and the women did not cover their necks. So in this verse they were ordered to cover their exposed necks with the head covers.
    In another verse Allah says:
    O Prophet! Say unto your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers that they let down upon themselves a robe (Jilbab); so that they may be distinguished, so that they will not be troubled; Allah is Oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful.” (Ahzab, 33:59)
    Here the word Jilbab refers to a covering that is bigger than a head cover and shorter than a shawl and is designed to cover the head and shoulders.
    According to the command of Allah, the coverings for women that form their Hijab is Wajib, and disobedience of this command earns Allah's anger.
    The entire body of the woman except hands and face should be covered. The overall appearance of the dress is that it must be loose so it does not reveal the form of the woman, and it should not be attractive in a way that it draws the eyes of the people to the wearer.

    Taken from: Imam Reza.Network

  • Wearing Hijab Helps Body Confidence

    British Muslim women who wear the hijab feel generally better about their body image than those who don’t wear the hijab suggests research published in the British Journal of Psychology today.
    The research, conducted by Dr Viren Swami from the University of Westminster and colleagues looked at body image issues amongst British Muslim women.
    Dr Swami explained: “In the West anxiety about body image, for women, is so prevalent it’s considered normal. This study aimed to explore how these attitudes differ within a British Muslim community.”
    A total of 587 Muslim women aged from 18 to 70 years from London participated in a number of tests. From this group 218 women stated they never used the hijab and 369 women said they used some form of the hijab at least now and then.
    Participants undertook a number of questionnaires that asked them to rate their own feelings of body dissatisfaction, how much pressure the media put on them to be attractive and how religious they were. They were also asked to match their own figure to a set of female silhouette images that ranged from emaciated to obese.
    The results showed that women who wore the hijab generally had a more positive body image, were less influenced by the media’s beauty ideals and placed less importance on appearance.
    Dr Swami said: “Although the results showed only a small difference between those who wear or don’t wear the hijab it does suggest the hijab offers Muslim women a small protective effect in terms of feeling positive about their body image. It appears that those who choose to wear it are better able to distance themselves from the Western thin ideal.
    “These results may have useful implications for intervention programs aimed at promoting healthier body image among Muslim women in the West. For example, by identifying those aspects of hijab use that are associated with more positive body appreciation in future studies, it might be possible to isolate factors that can be targeted in intervention programs.”

    This article borrowed from Aim Islam

  • Why Hijab?

    Why Hijab?-Islamic Educational Center of Orange County - Sayed Moustafa Al-Qazwini

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