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Women - Islam Guidance

  • Living with husband

    The task of a wife is to maintain and take care of a husband. It is not an easy undertaking. Those women who are unaware of this feature of their role, may find difficulty in fulfilling the task. It is a job for the woman who is aware that the job requires a degree of sagacity, style, and ingenuity. For a woman to be a successful wife, she should win over her husband's heart and be a source of comfort to him. She should encourage him to do good deeds while dissuading him from bad ones. She should also provide adequate measures to maintain his health and well-being. The results of her efforts are directed towards making the man into a kind and respected husband who would be a proper guardian for his family, and a good father from whom the children would seek guidance and respect. Allah, the All-Knowing has endowed woman with extraordinary power. The prosperity and happiness as well as the misery of the family are in her hands.
    A woman can turn the home into a lofty paradise or a burning hell. She can lead her husband to the peak of success or the dregs of misfortune. The woman with the qualities bestowed on her by Allah, who is aware of her role as a spouse, can elevate her husband to a respected man even if he had been the lowest of all men.
    "One learned scholar wrote: 'Women possess a strange power in that they are able to acquire whatever they desire'. "
    In Islam, taking care of one's husband has an important position. It has been equated to the role of Jihad (holy war in the path of Allah). "Imam Ali (A.S) stated: 'The Jihad of a woman is to take care of her husband well'."[ Bihar al-Anwar, vol 103, p 254]
    Considering that Jihad is the struggle and holy war in the path of Allah including the struggle for advancement and honor of Islam, defending the Islamic territories and execution of social justice, it is one of the highest acts of worship. The value of fulfilling the duties of a proper spouse is also reflected upon when considering Jihad.
    "The Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) of Islam stated: ' Any woman who dies while her husband is pleased with her, enters Paradise'."[ Mahajjat al-Bayda, vol 2, p 70]
    The Holy Prophet also stated: "If a woman does not perform her duty as a spouse, she has not done her duty to Allah."[ Mustadrak, vol 2, p 552]

    Derived from: Principles of Marriage & Family Ethics
    By: Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini

  • Value of women in Society

    Islam has made the man and the woman equal in their will and action so far as the management of their lives is concerned. Allah said:
    The one of you being from the other. (3:195)
    She is independent in her will and intention and independent in her action. The woman owns the products of her own will and action as the man owns his own without any difference whatsoever. For her is the benefit of what she earns, and on her is the responsibility of what she does.
    According to Islam both are equal; the Qur’an confirms it and Allah shows the truth to be the truth by His words. Side by side, Islam recognizes two special qualities in her, by which the Creator has distinguished her from the man.
    First, she is like a tilth for the creation and propagation of the human ra ce. The species cannot exist without her. This distinction calls for some special rules concerning her life. Second, she has a comparatively delicate body and a sensitive perception. This has a tangible effect on her life and on the social and domestic responsibilities entrusted to her.
    This is her value in human society – and also the value of the man may be understood from it. These two distinctions are the basis of all the rules that are common to both groups and of those that are reserved for either of the two. Allah says:
    And do not covet that by which Allah has made some of you excel others; men shall have the benefit of what they earn and women shall have the benefit of what they earn; and ask Allah of His grace; surely Allah knows all things. (4:32)
    It shows that the contribution made by each group to society is the criterion of the excellence granted to it. And it is this excellence which gives special status to one in comparison to the other. For example, man has been given preference over woman in the share of inheritance; while woman has been given preference over man by being exempted from the responsibilities of maintenance. And no one should covet the preference given to someone else.
    There is another type of excellence, which results from the deeds of the doer, whoever he or she might be. For example, the virtues of faith, knowledge, reason, piety and other admirable qualities. And it is the grace of Allah, He gives it to whomsoever He wishes, and asks Allah of His grace.
    The proof of the above statement is found in the words of Allah, following the above-mentioned verse:
    Men are the maintainers of women . . . (3:34).

    Source: Ahlulbayt Islamic Mission

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