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Islam and Marriage - Islam Guidance

  • How Do You Look at Marriage?

    The Western culture has a big impact on the youth of today, but Islam has provided a way to keep us on the right path. It has strongly recommended early marriage. All the problems of today can be solved with this simple step. It is said that the Holy Prophet was proud of the fact that Islam has made it easy to get married. Have we not turned this around? Traditional Muslim wedding most parents today view marriage through the glass of culture and traditions. They have a set picture of the son/daughter in law, of their family, of the wedding day, of almost everything. Unfortunately, some fail to look at the real Islam and the real issues of today when creating this picture. Today is not the same as when the parents were younger. Just like Imam Ali (A.S) has said in his famous hadith, “Do not force your children to behave like you, for surely they have been created for a time which is different to your time.”
    How much longer will parents agree to all these Islamic proofs but keep following the culture? The youth today have different needs and different way of approaching things. Imam Ali (A.S) also states: “People resemble the people of their time more than they do their fathers.” He knows better than we do. Why not listen to him?
    Marriage is one such topic. We need to admit that the youth today have a different way, and as long as that way is not un-Islamic, parents need to start listening with an open mind. Culture is not something the youth pay attention to, especially when it comes to marriage. The youth today have had a lot more exposure to scholars and learning Islam without the mix of culture, which is a blessing since it is learned as pure Islam, without some of the meaningless cultural traditions. Usually culture conflicts with what youth are learning about what Islam says and what their parents make them do. Even so, many parents have learned true Islam after attending speeches, lectures, conferences, etc. They have changed their lives completely (observing Hijab, eating Halal, say praying). But when it comes down to marriage, they have not picked up the true Islamic way of looking at it. Is that not double standards? You can’t pick a little of Islam and leave the other parts of it.
    The number one mistake parents make is thinking it is too early for their children to get married, that they are not “mature” yet. A girl is a woman when she is nine. Allah did not set this rule for no reason. She is no longer a girl, but a woman, meaning her physical and mental psyche is no longer that of a child. It is the same for men at age 15. Getting married early keeps the youth away from sin and corruption. Especially today, not fulfilling or denying marriage leads one to engage in dating, causes them to sin more (not lowering their gaze, etc.), look to other sources to satisfy their desires, etc.
    The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) states: “O youths, whosoever among you can marry, he should do so, because marriage protects your eyes (from indulging in sin by looking lustily at others) and privacy.” 
    The Western culture has a big impact on the youth of today, but Islam has provided a way to keep us on the right path. It has strongly recommended early marriage. All the problems of today can be solved with this simple step. It is said that the Holy Prophet was proud of the fact that Islam has made it easy to get married. It has been narrated that when a youngster marries early in his youth, Satan cries out of desperation and says, “Alas! This person has protected one third of his religion, now he will protect the remaining two thirds also.” (Mustadrak al-Wasail)
    Another issue is the new approaches youth are taking to get married. It’s not always the same story where parents find the spouse; rather, the majority of the youth today are taking the responsibility to find someone. Through school, work, etc., many youth find someone who is a suitable match and begin to consider marriage. How should youth and parents take that? If it’s not according to parental plans, does it make it wrong? According to Islam, both parents and youth must agree, but eventually the youth’s input is the most important and final. Unfortunately, what’s happening today is that the youth find a suitable match, and instead of getting consideration from the parents, they hear a “no way” without discussion. The usual reasons are “you’re too young”, “the guy’s not stable yet”, or “(s) he’s not of the same culture”.
    Break these down, and you’ll see that these reasons hold no substance in the view of Islam. Islam considers just one thing when looking for a spouse and that is piety. Islam does not regard social status, race or culture as an obstacle in marriage. It simply states that the first attribute that should be taken into consideration is piety (Taqwa). 
    According to the book Islamic Family Structure, Imam Sajjad (A.S) said to a man who was regarding race/ethnicity in marriage: “Do you not know that God the Almighty removed all inferiorities and compensated for all defects by Islam? He replaced inferiority with nobility. Now, no matter what the social status of a Muslim is, (s) he is not inferior but is respectable. The inferiorities belong to the Age of Ignorance.” If a Muslim couple has faith, piety, morality, trustworthiness, chastity, purity and health, then they are well-matched. This is true even if one is an Arab, and the other one is a Persian; one lives in a city, and the other one is a villager; one is rich, and the other is poor; one is white, and the other is black; one belongs to a noble family, and the other one does not.
    There is also no rule in Islam that says the guy/girl must have a bachelor’s degree, a job, and a house in order to get married. Parents need to get over that way of thinking! Islam encourages an early marriage; in fact marriage becomes mandatory when fear of sin is involved.

    This article borrowed from Islamic insight.

  • How to prepare yourself to be a good spouse?

    How to prepare yourself to be a good spouse?
    By: Syed Muhammad Baqir Qazwini

  • The Purpose of Marriage in Islam

    A great deal of emphasis has been given in the Holy Qur’an and the traditions to both marriage and having children. The Almighty Allah states in the Holy Qur’an: “And among His signs is this that He created for you mates from among yourselves.” (30:21)
    The Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) stated: “There is no better structure founded in Islam other than marriage.” (Wasail al-Shia)
    “Imam Ali (A.S) said, “Engage in marriage, because this is the tradition of the Prophet of Allah.” (Wasail al-Shia)
    The Prophet of Allah further stated: “Whoever chooses to follow my tradition must get married and produce offspring through marriage (and increase the population of Muslims), so that on the Day of Resurrection, I shall confront other Ummah (nations) with the (great) numbers of my Ummah.” (Wasail al-Shia)
    Imam Ali Ridha (A.S) stated: ‘The greatest gain for a man is a faithful woman who, when she sees him, becomes happy, and protects his property and her own honor in his absence.”(Wasail al-Shia)
    What has been dealt with so far in this discussion has been only the worldly and animalistic side of marriage which the animals also share: the benefits of companionship and reproduction. As such, the true purpose of marriage for the human race is of a different kind. Mankind is not meant to have entered this world solely in order to eat, drink, sleep, seek pleasure or act lustfully, and then to die and be destroyed. The status of man is higher than such deeds. Human beings are meant to train themselves and their souls by gaining knowledge, committing good deeds, and behaving with good manners. Man is meant to take steps along the straight path to achieve nearness to Almighty Allah. Mankind is a creation that is able to cleanse his soul, and by avoiding evil deeds and exercising good behavior, reach a level of such high status that even the angels are not able to attain. Man is a creature that is eternal. He has come to this world so that – by the guidance of the prophets and the implementation of the programs set by the religion (of Islam) to secure his happiness in this world and the Hereafter he could live a peaceful life in the next world eternally.
    Therefore, the purpose of marriage should be searched for in this spiritual context. The aim of marriage for a religious person should be a means of avoiding evil deeds and purging one’s soul of sins. It should be a means of acquiring nearness to the Almighty Allah. It is in this context that a suitable and good partner assumes an important role. When two believers form a family through marriage, their sexual relationship would benefit them in strengthening their mutual love and kindness. For such a couple, there would not exist any dangerous threats of sexual perversion, dangerous addictions, or unlawful deeds. The Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) of Islam and all of the Imams (A.S) have laid great emphasis on the institution of marriage.
    A pious person would always invite his partner to goodness, just as a corrupt person would tempt his partner towards corruption. It is then reasonable that in Islam, men and women who want to get married are advised to regard the piety and good manners of their future partners as essential conditions.
    A person went to the Prophet and said: “I have a wife who always welcomes me when I come home and escorts me to the door when I leave. When she finds me sad and unhappy, she then consoles me by saying: ‘If you are thinking of sustenance, then do not despair, because Allah provides sustenance; and if you are thinking about the next life, then may Allah increase your intellect and efforts.'” Then the Prophet stated: “Allah surely has functionaries and agents in this world, and your wife is one of those. Such a woman would be rewarded half as much as a martyr.” (Wasail al-Shia)
    Imam Ali (A.S) was thinking the same when he spoke of Lady Fatima Zahra (S.A). He stated that she was the best help for worshiping the Almighty Allah. History tells us that the Prophet, one day after the wedding of Imam Ali and Lady Zahra, went to congratulate them in their house and know about their welfare. He asked Imam Ali: “How do you find your spouse?” The Imam replied:” found Zahra as the best help in worshiping the Almighty Allah.” The Prophet then asked the same of Lady Zahra (S.A), and she replied: “He is the best husband.” (Bihar al-Anwar)
    In one sentence, Imam Ali (A.S) thus introduced the best woman in Islam and expressed the main purpose of marriage.

    Derived from: Principles of Marriage & Family Ethics
    By: Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini

  • What Age Should One Look to Get Married?

    What Age Should One Look to Get Married? - Syed Muhammad Baqir Qazwini

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