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Islam - Islam Guidance

  • 17th of Rabi' al-awwal, a Historic Day

    At the dawn of Friday, 17th Rabi' al-awwal, in 530 A.D. a child born whose birth was announced in the divine Books (Old and New testaments). Muhammad ibn Abdullah is the last great prophet (who has divine book), and the mercy for the inhabitants of the world, whom the exalted God granted to mankind, and forever his light brightened the world.
    Eighty-three years after Hijrat, on 17th Rabi' al-awwal, a child from holy prophet's progeny born, who was entitled as Sadiq- Ale- Muhammad. His knowledge and information, in all sciences, was so extensive that in all debates, with other scholars, his presentation was brilliant. Historians have narrated that Imam Sadiq (A.S) had 4000 students. In his time, jurisprudence (Fiqh) and Islamic teachings flourished. It was also the age of progress of tradition manifestation and appearance of the important Islamic philosophies.
    The Holy Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H&H.P) says, "The ways which guide my followers toward paradise are virtues, and good behavior." (Kafi, Vol 2, P.100) Imam Sadiq (A.S) says, "To the exalted God, the best acts of the good servant are to make pious man happy, to feed him, to remove his grief, and to pay for his debt." (Kafi, Vol 2, P.199)
    The Holy Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H&H.P) and his infallible and innocent family are the best symbols for mankind. We conclude from two above traditions that virtues and good behavior are two characters that attract God and servant's satisfactions, and finally will lead to paradise.
    It is a duty for every Muslim, to take care of not only his faithful brothers and sisters, but also all the fellow- creatures in different respects, and to solve their problems as much as possible.

    Ref: Imam Reza Network

  • A young primary school Muslim girl responds to Ofsted's decision

    A young primary school Muslim girl responds to Ofsted's decision to question young girls about Hijab during school inspections.
    Amira Bdaiwi: My reply to Ofsted 10 year old Muslim

  • Abu Lahab - Bitter and Humiliated



    Abu Lahab, the uncle of the Prophet (P.B.U.H) was his inveterate enemy. In the early days of Islam, whenever the Prophet (P.B.U.H) came to the market place to proclaim Oneness of Allah and denounce idolatry, Abu Lahab would follow him and announce: "O people! This young man is an impostor do not listen to him."

    In the Battle of Badr, he decided to stay behind while other veterans joined the army to fight the Prophet (P.B.U.H). He was anxious of the outcome of the battle and would ask anyone who would come from the vicinity of Medina if he had any news. At last when Abu Sufyan returned, crest fallen and ashamed, Abu Lahab inquired: "Tell me what happened, for no doubt you have the reliable news."

    Abu Sufyan related how his army of Meccans suffered a shameful defeat, and how the great veterans of Quraish fell, one after the other. "Believe me, it was an effortless surrender. We seemed to be at their command, submitting our necks for slaughter and our hands for being taken prisoners. And I do not blame the Quraish. By God! We saw white robed soldiers on black horses fill the place, and none of us could stand against their onslaught."

    Abu Lahab was overtaken by grief; he began to cry and wail. Sitting next to him was a slave called Abu Rafe' who was known for leaning towards Islam. In a fit of uncontrolled anger, Abu Lahab slapped him on the face; and then there was a commotion in which a lady, Ummul Fadhl, hit Abu Lahab on his head.

    Abu Lahab entered his house, bitter and humiliated; and within 7 days thereafter, died a miserable death.

    Taken from: Almujtaba Islamic Network

  • Care for the Orphans

    An orphan feels deprivation after losing his father or mother or both of them. Deprivation of satisfying his emotion and spiritual needs, deprivation of satisfying his material needs like food, drinks and dresses, he will be befallen with obsessions and fears, predominated by anxiety and disturbance.
    Feeling of deprivation from affection and kindness has its negative effect on the existence and building the personality of the child. Through the observation of the society reality we found that most orphans that didn't get assistance and care from others do personally disturbed and were befallen with tied psychology and negative agreement with the community that deprive him from assistance and care. For that Islam bequeath special guardianship of the orphans even more than other children. It emphasizes the satisfaction of all of their material and spiritual needs.
    The specified verses of the Qur'an for the guardianship of the orphan are more than that of the general children.
    Satisfaction of the orphan's material needs is the first needs that Islam laid emphasis on.
    Allah the most High said: [And they feed the poor, the orphan and the prisoner, for the love for Him] (Qur'an 76: 8).
    [... And to feed in the day of hunger, to an orphan, near of kin] (Qur'an 90:14-15).
    [... And give the wealth, for love of Him, to kinsfolk and to orphans and the needy...] (Qur'an 2:177).
    Allah the most High makes the Right of the orphan in the Muslim's wealth. [And know that whatever ye take as spoil of war, Lo! a fifth there of is for Allah, and for the Messenger and for the kinsman (who hath need) and orphans and needy...] (Qur'an 8: 41).
    The most High said: [Say: that which ye spend for good (must go) to parents and near kindred and orphans and the needy...] (Qur'an2: 215).
    The most High has forbade spending the orphan's wealth except in a best form which has benefits and profitable to him [And approach not the wealth of the orphan save that which is better, till he reach maturity] (Qur'an 6: 152).
    The Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) said: "Who sustain an orphan till he is in no need, Allah will make it obligatory because of that to enter Paradise" (Tuhfal Uquul: 198).
    The prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) said: "Whoever liable for the orphan enters him to his food and drinks, Allah will let him enters Paradise except he committed unforgivable sin" (Mustadrakil Wasaa'il vol - 1: 148).
    The Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) said: "He was joining his fingers together and said: I and the guarantor of an orphan are like this in the Paradise" (Al-mahjatul badaa'i vol – 3, P 403).
    Giving good education to the orphan is among the care and protection to them and prepares him to be a good member of the community. The Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (A.S) said: "Educate the orphan the way that you educate your child..." (Al-kafi, vol 6:48/8 CH- educating the child).
    An orphan that obtain care, protection, love and kindness feels at rest, tranquil and leaves uprightly in his emotion and personality but in a state of deprivation he will not become upright and may take up by perverted ones and focus him to unrighteousness and will become a harmful member to the society.
    Derived from: Imam Hussein Holy Shrine

  • Co-operation, the Key To Success

    The Prophet of Islam, Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P). was once travelling with his companions. They stopped at a place to have something to eat and then rest. They decided to slaughter a sheep and roast it.
    One of them said, “I shall do the slaughtering.”
    The other said, “I shall remove the skin.”
    The third one said, “I shall do the roasting.”
    Each one of them volunteered to do one piece of work.
    The Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) of Islam said, “I shall collect and bring the firewood from the forest.”
    The companions said, “Oh Prophet! You need not take the trouble. We shall attend to everything.”
    The Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) said, “I know you can do everything. But I do not like to enjoy a preferential treatment from you. God Almighty does not like to see a person distinguishing himself from his companions.” Thus the Prophet went and brought firewood from the forest;
    This is one of the examples set by the Prophet of Islam on co-operation and working together for a common good.

    Ref: Al-Islam.org

  • Concept of the Human Body in Islam

    Islam emphasizes respect for the body as a gift from Allah; a Muslim does not assume absolute “ownership” of his or her body, but only cares for it as a precious gift while he/she lives, until it is returned to its Creator upon death. Muslims are required to take good care of their health and that of other Muslims as much as humanly possible. We are also required to respect nature, the environment, and the physical well-being of all living things, including humans of other faiths. Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) conveyed to Muslims that they will be asked in front of Allah on Judgment Day about how they used the gift of healthy bodies in life. Contrary to some other faiths, a Muslim is prohibited from terminating his own life or abusing or damaging his own body.
    As the Holy Qur’an says: “And spend of your substance in the cause of Allah, and make not your own hands contribute to [your] destruction; but do good; for Allah loves those who do good.” (2:195)
    Islam teaches that every living being has an equal right to life-sustaining elements, and humans get the greatest share of respect as the deputies of Allah on Earth. Muslims are instructed to study the functions of our own bodies in order to appreciate Allah’s magnificence and to be able to save precious lives.
    According to these principles, seeking medical help to “repair” effected or impaired physical functions becomes a priority for a good Muslim to maintain a body healthy enough to fulfill his Islamic duties on earth. If we are invited to ponder the complexity of our bodies, why then would it not be essential to learn of how to repair it in the event of injuries?

    Islam, a Religion of Healing
    In addition to seeking medical assistance from a professional to cure the body on emergencies or chronic cases, Islam offers the sick and the ailing cure for their souls and minds through an array of Qur’anic verses and supplications. We believe that Allah is the Creator of everything in the universe, including germs, illness, accidents, natural disasters, etc. So, after seeking medical assistance, we are required to turn to Allah to for comprehensive healing.
    In fact, the healing philosophy is taken a step further as Islam looks at the Muslim nation as one healthy human body: as the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) said: if one member is sick, the rest of the body suffers. Consequently, Muslims worldwide are supposed to offer assistance, first aid, and life sustenance to their Muslim brethren in other lands affected with natural disasters or epidemics – thus the creation of international organizations such as Islamic Relief and the Red Crescent.

    Islamic Ethical System Refined Arabs’ First Aid Skills
    As Islam spread, a comprehensive ethical system was introduced into all aspects of the daily lives of its followers, through the teachings of the Holy Qur’an and our Infallibles (A.S). The Qur’an elaborates on being kind and humane to others, even to prisoners, captives, and enemies during wars. In fact, there are several instances where the Prophet is reported to have administered First Aid on the battleground to his followers. In his famous seminary in Medina, Imam Sadiq (A.S) used to teach medicine to his students alongside jurisprudence, chemistry, and mathematics.
    Even during wars, medical help and first aid was systematically offered to everyone in equal measure, Muslim soldiers as well as prisoners of war. Muslim women volunteered as nurses at war. As a result, many captives embraced Islam after sampling superior humane treatment from their Muslim captors. In fact, when Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq was asked about the role of women in the army of the Twelfth Imam (A.S), he said, “They will treat the injured and look after the sick, just as the [women did] at the time of the Messenger of Allah [during the battles].” (Ithbatul Hudat)
    Consequently, the teachings of the Infallibles remind us that as they practiced administering First Aid, so too must we, and in doing so, we follow their Sunnah. This following led to Muslims being regarded as skilled First Aid and medical experts when they traveled across the world. People came to them for advice and information. Many such stories are recorded in history and travel books in Europe, Asia, and Africa. In a few decades from the dawn of Islam, Muslims built the firm foundations of the science of modern medicine, anatomy, and surgery. The work of the great Muslim scientist Ibn Sina (Avicenna) is still taught in medical schools around the world to this present day.

    This article borrowed from Islamic Insight.

  • Every human being is Muslim. Islam means uprightness

    Every human being is Muslim. Islam means uprightness
    By: Louis Farrakhan

  • Health in Islam – part 1

    Health 3

    Islam has adopted positively the principles of the general health to concentrate in the legislative fields. All of the precepts and laws of Islam yield the best fruits that preserve the physical health and guard against many diseases.

    Some Western physicians, after they had been acquainted with the Arab and Islamic medicine, accepted Islam. Dr. Georgeo Dar Blanto says, all of the Islamic precepts, rituals, and recommended practices have a good relation to health. They always intend to achieve two goals at the same time; religious and physical. Dr. Ronan confirms the same fact.

    Dr. Rondsandge says, The Islamic instructions represent health since they call to contentment and moderation in food and drink, cleaning, and washing with pure water five times a day before every ritual prayer. In addition, the ritual prayer is a set of physical activities. Islam has also decreed to confine those who are defected by infectious diseases. The Islamic sciences allot a great part of searches for the health conservation.

    Taken from: Aalulbayt Global Information Center

  • How to eat, to be Healthy

    You might have heard some people are depriving of health, although they have good facilities or enough budgets to have different type of foods however, they don’t enjoy life. On the other hand, there are some people who have ordinary foods but they are healthy and have long life.
    So, what is the secret of health?
    Some people think health comes by eating different foods contains proteins, fibers, vitamins… but the matter is how to eat not what to eat!
    Whatever you read in this article is from the valuable words of sinless Imams (A.S) that includes three important issues about eating habits:
    – Habits before eating
    – Habits through eating
    – Habits after eating
    If you notice and perform them, you will have a strong body and a fresh spirit. Do not forget, Prevention is better than cure.

    Habits before eating:
    – Start your meals with the name of Allah (In the name of God, The merciful, the compassionate)
    Imam Ali (A.S) said: Reminisce Allah before eating and avoid of ranting through eating because food is a gift from Allah and you should reminisce and thank him.
    (frou’e Kafi, volume 6, page 296)
    – Eating a little Salt before meals
    Imam Ali (A.S) said: at the beginning of eating, eat a little salt. If people knew the nature of salt, they would use it instead of each kind of cure.
    (teb Al-A’emah, page 70)
    – Start meals with vinegar
    Mohammad ibn Ali said: a man met Imam Reza in Khorasan. A food was given to Imam alongside with vinegar and salt. Imam started eating with vinegar. That man said to Imam (A.S): O, my lord! You ordered us to start with salt?! Imam said: they are the same, truly, vinegar strengthen mind and boost wisdom.
    (Teb va Darman, page 140)
    – Washing hands before meals
    Wash your hand before and after eating
    Imam Ali (A.S) said: washing hands before eating, increase your aliment, keeps clothes clean and strengthen eyes.
    (Khisal, page 612)

    Habits through eating:
    – Eating less and health
    Imam Ali (A.S) said: decrease your eating to decrease your disease
    (Qhorar Al-Hekam, volume 1, page 114)
    – Eat small meals to be light hearted
    The messenger of Allah, Mohammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) said: who eats less and is more light-hearted, is more popular in front of Allah.
    (Kanz Al-Ommal, volume 15, page 261)
    – Moderation in eating
    Imam Sadiq (A.S) said: if people be moderate in their foods, their bodies will be strong and stable.
    (Safinah Al-Behar, volume 2, page 79)
    Imam Kazim (A.S) said: diet doesn’t mean to eat nothing, it means eat but moderate
    (Vasa’el Al-Shia, volume 17, page 183)
    – Glutting
    The messenger of Allah, Mohammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) said: glutting destroy your intelligence
    (Mostatraf, volume 1, page 180)
    Imam Ali (A.S) said to one of his companions: Komeil! Don’t full your Stomach of food, leave space in it for water and air. Stop eating while you still have appetite for eating, if you perform these advices, food will be tasty to you. Truly, health comes by eating and drinking less.
    (That Al-Oghoul, page 66)
    – Appetite for food
    The messenger of Allah, Mohammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) said: avoid eating something that you don’t have appetite for, because it makes you foolish
    (La’ali Al-Akhbar)
    – Always being full
    Imam Ali (A.S) said: avoid of always being full or eating too much, because it stimulates disease and suffers.
    (Qhorar Al-Hekam, volume 51, page 151)
    – Eating unlawful food
    The messenger of Allah, Mohammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) said: if anyone eats an unlawful bit, his/her prayer won’t be accepted, his/ her prayer won’t be answered, and each part of his/her body which grow by that Unlawful bit, deserve the fire (Hell).
    (Behar al-Anvar volume 66, page 314)
    – Hot Food
    Imam Ali (A.S) said: let the hot food become colder, once, a meal was brought to the prophet and he said: let it be cold and be eatable because Allah never makes us to eat fire, blessing is in the tepid food.
    (Forou’e Kafi, volume 6, page 322)
    – Eating together
    The messenger of Allah, Mohammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) said: the food which is more eaters (around it) is the most popular foods in front of Allah.
    (Nahj Al- Fasahah, page 15)
    – Blowing in food
    Imam Sadiq (A.S) said: blowing in the food or drinks and the place of prostration is execrable.
    (Khisal, page 158)
    – Attention to the poor people
    Imam Ali (A.S) said: when your meal is ready to serve, don’t reject poor ones if they reach to you.
    (Mahasen Borghi, page 423)
    – Night meal (dinner)
    Imam Reza (A.S) said: certainly, have meals at night, even some bread, because it (Night Meal) strengthens your body.
    (Teb Al- A’emah, page 65)
    – Hurry in eating
    Chew your food well and never hurry in eating.
    Imam Sadiq (A.S) said: lengthen your eating; moments of eating won’t be counted as your lifetime.
    (Safinah Al- Behar, volume 1, page 27)
    – Eating and walking
    Imam Sadiq (A.S) said: do not eat while you are walking, unless you have to.
    (Rozah Al- Mottaghin, page 524)
    – Drinking along with eating
    Imam Reza (A.S) said: everyone who wants to have healthy Stomach shouldn’t drink during eating until eating get finish. Because drinking through meal make the stomach weak and blood cannot take the food’s properties.
    (Mostadrak Al- Vasa’el)
    Imam Sadig (A.S) said: drinking water with greasy food, cause pain.
    (Vasa’el Al-Shia, volume 17, page 190)
    Imam Reza (A.S) said: drinking cold water after hot food and after sweats, damages teeth.
    (Behar Al- Anvar, volume 4)
    Imam Ali (A.S) said: Frequently, I saw the prophet when he was drinking water, he breathing 3 times during drinking; he was starting in the name of Allah and was appreciating Allah after breathing.
    (Behar Al-Anvar, volume 1, page 476)

    Habits after eating:
    – Appreciation after meal
    Don’t forget to appreciate Allah after finishing the meal.
    Allah says in Quran: O ye who believe! Eat of the good things that we have provided for you, and be grateful to Allah, if it is him ye worship.
    (Surah Al- Baqarah, verse 172)
    – Eating a little Salt after meals
    Imam Baqir (A.S) said: Allah revealed to Moses (A.S): order your people to start and finish their meals with salt, otherwise, if they get sick, they just blame themselves.
    (Teb Al- A’emah)
    – Tooth brushing
    The messenger of Allah, Mohammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) said: tooth brushing has 10 benefits. it make Allah satisfy, it increase your oblation 70 times, it’s my method and it is grateful, it makes the teeth shiny and white, it makes gum stronger, it washes out the mucus, it eliminates weakness of eyes, and it increase your appetite.
    (Khisal, page 481)
    – Relaxing after meal
    Imam Sadiq (A.S) said: After meal, lying on the back, make the body strong and it digest the meal and removes discomfort. Imam Reza (A.S) usually after meal lied on the back and put his right foot on the left food.
    (Safinah Al-Behar, volume 1, page 27)
    – Taking shower after meal
    Imam Reza (A.S) said: Do not take a shower with full stomach, it causes colic.
    (Resalah Al-Zahabiah, page 26-29)

    Some Islamic advices:
    – Always try to use healthy and fresh food.
    – Use different type of food to answer your body requests.
    – Do not look at the others dishes when you are eat together.
    – Do not dissipate foods and drinks and respect to the food you eat, because it’s a gift from Allah.

    This article borrowed from Islam, Peaceful Religion (p.f.r).

  • Islamic medical wisdom

    Health 2

    Imam Sadiq (A.S) discussed medicine and hygiene and delivered valuable lectures that revealed the most accurate affairs of these sciences. He also discussed physiology, blood circulation and the microbes that affect diseases. Moreover, he reviewed the qualities of fruits, vegetables, meat, and the like. These physical and medical discoveries have been compiled in a book titled Tibbul-Imam Al-Sadiq Medicine of Imam Sadiq (A.S).

    The Imam argued with the best physicians of his age and discussed the deepest and most accurate medical advances. Those physicians submitted to his knowledge and confessed of the questions he had provided. Most of these argumentations are recorded in the books dealing with the life of the Imam. We may consider that the best of these advances are those recorded in the book titled Amalil Imam Sadiq Dictations of Imam Sadiq (A.S), in which chapters pertaining to physiology with its accurate questions and topics are recorded.

    The most modern scientific labs and analytic devises and technology have not attained the topics that are discussed in that book. Naturally, these treatises contributed in the development of hygiene. As much as we conceive, the most splendid physical theses that are related to the Imams (A.S) are those recorded in the book titled Ar-Risaletul Thehebiya, The Golden Treatise. It is also called Tibbul Imam Al-Reza, The Medicine of Imam Al-Reza (A.S).

    Ref: Aalulbayt Global Information Center

  • Marriage and its Merits

    Marriage 3

    The family is a small social unit that begins with the union of husband and wife and is fortified with the birth of children. Marriage is a natural need for humans, which is sanctioned by pronouncing the formula of the marriage contract (the marriage vows).

    Islam assigns great importance upon establishing the family and regards it as a holy event. Various Hadith consider family the finest institution in existence. Imam Muhammad Baqir (A.S) has cited from the Prophet of Allah (S.W.T):

        عن أبی جعفر (ع) قال: رسول الله (ص): «ما بُنِي بناء فی الإسلام أحبّ إلی الله عزوجل من التزویج»

    No institution has been established in Islam that is more loved by Allah, the Honored, the Glorified, than marriage.
    [Wasa’il ush-Shi‘ah, vol. 20, p. 15]

    Imam Sadiq (A.S) has cited from the Prophet of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P):

        عن أبی عبدالله (ع) قال: قال رسول الله (ص): «ما من شیء أحبّ إلی الله من بیت یعمر فی الإسلام بالنکاح، و ما من شیء أبغض إلی الله من بیت یخرب فی الإسلام بالفرقه، یعنی الطلاق.»

    Nothing is more loved by Allah than a house that is populated through marriage and nothing is more hated by Allah than a house that is broken through separation (i.e. divorce).
    [Wasa’il ush-Shi‘ah, vol. 20, p. 16]

    Marriage is an invaluable Islamic tradition, the necessity of which the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) and Immaculate Imams (A.S) have emphasized. The commander of the faithful (A.S) has declared:

        قال أمیر المؤمنین (ع): تزوّجوا فإنّ رسول الله (ص) قال: «من أحبّ أن یتّبع سنّتي فإنّ من سنّتي التزویج.»

    Marry because the Prophet of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P) has stated: Those who wish to follow my traditions must know that marriage is one of them.
    [Wasa’il ush-Shi‘ah, vol. 20, p. 17]

    The Prophet of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P) has stated:

        قال رسول الله (ص): «النکاح سنّتي فمن رغب عن سنّتي فليس منّی».

    Marriage is my tradition and whoever forsakes my tradition is not of me.
    [Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 103, p. 220]

    Islam does not regard marriage (and procreation) as an animalistic deed and it does not enjoin its followers to monastic existence and abandonment of marriage. On the contrary, it regards it as a way of purification [tazkiyah] and edification [tahdhib] of the soul, abstinence from sin, and proximity to Allah. Imam Sadiq (A.S) has stated:

        قال أبوعبدالله (ع): «رکعتان یصلّیهما المتزوّج أفضل من سبعین رکعة یصلّیها عزب.»

    Two units (rak‘ats) prayer of a married person is superior to seventy units (rak‘ats) prayer of an unmarried person.
    [Wasa’il ush-Shi‘ah, vol. 20, p. 18]

    The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) has stated:

        قال النّبی (ص): «رکعتان یصلّیهما متزوّج أفضل من رجل عزب یقوم لیله و یصوم نهاره.»

    Two units (rak‘ats) prayer of a married person is superior to the worship of an unmarried man who spends his nights in prayer and his days in fast.
    [Wasa’il ush-Shi‘ah, vol. 20, p. 19]

    Imam Sadiq (A.S) has cited from the Prophet of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P):

        عن أبی عبدالله (ع) قال: قال رسول الله (ع): «رُذّال موتاکم العزّاب.»

    The worst of your dead are those who die without marrying.
    [Wasa’il ush-Shi‘ah, vol. 20, p. 19]

    Taken from: An Introduction to the Rights and Duties of Women in Islam
    Author(s): Ibrahim Amini
    Translator(s): Abuzar Ahmadi

  • Ms. Christian says: Islam, the Qur'an, Muslims are good!

    Ms. Christian says: Islam, the Qur'an, Muslims are good!

  • Muhammad Ali on Islam and Terrorism

    Muhammad Ali on Islam and Terrorism
    "I think all the people should know the truth and come to recognize the truth because Islam is peace."

  • None other is like Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P)

    The time goes back to when Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) was leader of the Muslim society in Medina. He (P.B.U.H&H.P) is preparing to participate in the collective prayers, when a Jewish man approaches the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) in an alley and claims that the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) owes him. The Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) replies: "Firstly, I do not owe you, and you claim for no reason. Secondly, I do not have money with me at this time, allow me to leave." The man does not allow the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) to take another step. The gentle behavior of the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) only causes the man to act harsher. The Jewish man grapples the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P), ties the Prophet's cloak around his neck, and pulls hard on the cloak. Muslims, now wondering why the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) has delayed in his arrival for prayer, search for the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P), only to find him in the dilemma with a Jewish person demanding money. They want to behave harshly but the Prophet of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P) says: "Leave him alone. I know how I should behave with my friend." The Prophet’s behavior to the Jewish man was so compassionate that the Jewish man utters "I bear witness that there no God except Allah and you are the Messenger of Allah". Now a Muslim, the man then adds, "when you endured me with such a power, I realized that this is not the endurance of a normal man; this is a prophetic endurance…"

    Ref: Imam Reza.Network

  • The Harmful effects of Pork on the Health of a person

    Question: What is the harm in eating pork, that Islam has prohibited it, whereas Christians consume it with delight?
    Answer: The present age has realized that pork has many unimaginable dangerous effects. One who eats pork is affected in a dangerous way. It is also bad from the ethical point of view, which comes into existence with the Hormones, and also many more health matters. Here we will point to one harm, a disease called Trichinosis; whose cure has not been found and it is interesting to know that whatever you are going to read below is an article from an American research center.

    A dangerous disease caused by pork
    The doctors of Health centers have received reports from patients who have trichinosis and now this report shows that this disease has spread a great deal and the incidence of this in the society is much more than it was thought.
    Trichinosis is a common disease caused due to a small hair-like worm, which itself is a type of earthworm. This worm lives in pigs and other animals. It is possible that those who give milk to their young ones, by eating pork may contract this disease. But in this case human beings are more prone to this disease. For example bear by eating the intestine of the pig gets this disease and hunters who use the meat of bear also get this disease.
    Generally when a person eats meat that is not cooked properly he gets infected by this disease. No one can say surely that pork used by him was properly cooked as now also we see the incidence of those who are using it. Before consuming pork, it was prepared with some ingredients to remain safe from the worms, the writer of the article has pointed towards it in the end.
    From the above said article we come to know that two and half crore people are ingesting these worms into their body. Only one group from them has been diagnosed, but there are thousands of incidences, which are not known to the doctors.
    It is expected that two and half crore people are infected with this disease and 16,000 have publicly announced their illness, from which 5% have died due to the severity.

    Ref: Imam Reza.Network.

  • The Religion of Islam and Marriage

    Man - just like any other creation possessing both a body and a soul is in need of several things - each of which is essential for the safeguard of one's survival and well-being. For example, the hunger pains and desire for nourishment compel one to eat so as to build up energy to live another day; the feelings of thirst make one drink water, which is also essential for one's life. These and many other things facilitate man to live a prosperous and healthy life.
    Similarly, the sexual desires and the need to fulfill one's sexual requirements and passions play a key role in the protection of mankind, and continuation of the human race. Therefore, it is not sensible to defy this necessity or try to suppress it.
    Since man has been chosen as "the best of creations", Allah (S.W.T) has laid down the foundation of marriage in order to allow this need of life to be fulfilled in a legitimate manner. As well, the guidelines are very much in accordance with the intellect since the laws are divine and the specific conditions are befitting to the valuable souls of both men and women alike.
    Historically speaking, the very first relationship that was established was that of marriage between a male and female not that of a mother/daughter relationship, nor a father/son relationship. Thus, it can be deduced that marriage is one of the most sacred bonds between a man and a woman. In the book, Etiquette of Marriage, it mentions the beautiful story of Prophet Adam (A.S), the first vicegerent of Allah (S.W.T) on the earth and his marriage, which we narrate here.
    After Adam (A.S) was created, he felt lonely and complained to the Almighty about his solitude. Allah (S.W.T) put Adam (A.S) to sleep and then created Eve (S.A) with the utmost beauty. He covered her with the robes of paradise and brought her forth with other ornaments of beautification.
    At this time, He instructed Eve (S.A) to sit near the head of Prophet Adam (A.S). When he awakened from his sleep and his eyes fell on Eve (S.A), he was so obsessed and captivated by her charm that he wanted to reach out and touch her. At this point, the angels forbid him from doing so.
    Adam (A.S) asked them, 'Did Allah (S.W.T) not create her for me?' The angels replied, 'Yes, but you have to approach her in the appropriate manner. First you must propose to her (by asking her guardian for permission to marry her), then you must grant her the dowry (gift), followed by the recitation of the Aqd (marriage contract).'
    Prophet Adam (A.S) questioned, 'Who do I have to ask for permission to marry her?' The angels replied, 'You must ask Allah (S.W.T).' Then Adam (A.S) asked, 'O' Allah (S.W.T)! What will her dowry be?' Allah (S.W.T) replied, 'Teach her the rules of my religion and send blessings (salawat) on Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) and the family of Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P).'
    From the above historical event, we can see that when a man wants to agree upon the dowry with his wife, they should make an agreement that (as a part of the dowry); he will teach her the rules and regulations of the religion of Allah (S.W.T). Therefore, from this narration, we see that the first relationship that was created by our Creator for humanity was that of marriage.
    With this said, we must know the finer points and overall rulings of this sacred foundation in order to have a fruitful and successful life in this world and more importantly, in the life hereafter.

    Adopted from: Imam Reza.Network

  • Unvirtuous Elites | Talhah ibn Ubaidullah

    Unvirtuous Elites | Talhah ibn Ubaidullah

    Talhah ibn Ubaidullah: he was a close companion of the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) and participated in many important battles in service of Islam. When the Prophet passed away, he suddenly changed. What happened?

  • Who is your bodyguard?

    Who is your bodyguard?    
    So listen to Muhammad Ali’s answer.

  • Why Ablution is obligatory?


    Ablution is obligatory before the five daily prayers in addition to other obligatory prayers except the Funeral Prayer. It is obligatory to wash the face and the two arms, and pass the hand over, for Shia, the head and the feet. Similarly, it is recommendable, in the ritual ablution, to wash the hands and rinse the mouth and the nose in addition to the other actions. The specialist physicians mention important advantages for the ablution. They are as follows:

    1. Water that is shed on the face and the hands helps in activating the dermal capillaries. This increases the heart vivacity, activates the body respiratory processes, and helps in inhalation and exhalation. Consequently, the perceptive motivated nerves are stimulated. Then, the stimulation moves to the whole cardiac, gastric, and plutonic nerves, as well as all of the organs and glands.

    2. Eyes are protected against ophthalmic because they are washed with water several times a day.

    3. The nasal channels are cleaned from the germs gathering there by rinsing the nose.

    4. The skin is protected against dermatomes. The face and the hands are uncovered organs that are vulnerable to the affection of microbes. Immunity will certainly be obtained if those organs are washed several times a day.

    5. The oral cavity is protected against the germs that penetrate because of the pollution of hands. If the hands are always clean, they will not carry any microbe. Diseases that affect the human body through polluted hands are the digestive parasites, typhoid, and paralysis. At any rate, the ablution is the most notable means of protecting the human bodies against such serious diseases.

    6. The ablution alleviate tense nerves and anger, as physicians aver. The Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) said: “Rage is the Satan. The Satan is created of fire. Water extinguishes fire. You should perform the ablution whenever you are enraged.”

    Taken from: Aalulbayt Global Information Center

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