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Damascus - Islam Guidance

  • Holy Shrine of Hazrat Roghayah (S.A)

    Holy Shrine of Hazrat Roghayah (S.A) - Damascus

  • Imam Sajjad (A.S) and real victorious

    When Imam Sajjad (A.S) was a captive in Damascus a man named Ibrahim bin Talha bin Ubaydullah Taymi came before him in the Bazaar and said tauntingly: "O Ali bin Hussain! Who was victorious in this battle?" He meant to say that the Ahlul Bayt suffered a crushing defeat and their enemies won a glorious victory.
    The Imam (A.S) said to him in reply: "Now that the time for prayers is approaching you should pronounce Azan and Iqamah so that you may come to know and understand clearly as to who has been victorious". The Imam (A.S) meant to tell him this: 'As you belong to the Taym tribe of Quraysh you are perhaps happy for some reasons that Bani Hashim had suffered defeat. However, so long as you are a Muslim it is necessary for you to pronounce in Azan as well as Iqamah: "I testify that Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah".
    We and not others are the descendants and heirs of Prophet Muhammad without mentioning whose name and invoking Divine blessings for him the prayers' of any Muslim are not acceptable. Hence, so long as Islam exists the honor and glory belonging to us, the descendants of Muhammad, will also remain established and confirmed'.
    The Imam (A.S) uttered these brief but fascinating words in reply to one person and perhaps uttered it in a low tone, but these very words uttered in low tones continue to resound in history.

    Source: A Probe into the History of Ashura
    By: Dr. Ibrahim Ayati

  • Noble Qur'an and Imam Hussain (A.S)

    Like other Imams (A.S), Imam Hussein (A.S) also used to guide people through the book of Allah (S.W.T). The following beautiful incident has been recorded in Safinatul-Bihar:
    Assaam bin Mustaliq was a man from Damascus who used to be a staunch enemy of the Ahlulbayt (A.S), particularly of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (A.S). It is related that one day he came to Medina. As he entered the city gate, his eyes fell on Imam Hussein (A.S). Assaam bin Mustaliq was very disappointed and the hatred of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (A.S) became evident in him. He approached Imam Hussein (A.S) and asked, "Are you the son of Ali bin Abi Talib?" Imam Hussein (A.S) replied in affirmative. When Assaam bin Mustaliq heard this, he began to abuse the Imam Hussein (A.S) and spoke bad words to him. Imam Hussein (A.S) calmly looked at him. When he was over, Imam Hussein (A.S) recited the following verses from the Noble Qur'an:
    "Adopt tolerance, enjoin good and turn away from the ignorant. And if a prompting from Satan instigates you (to evil), then seek refuge with Allah. Verily He is all-Hearing, all-Knowing. Verily those who safeguard themselves (against evil) with full awareness of divine laws, when an evil thought from Satan assails them, they remember Allah, and lo! They see light. And their brethren plunge them deeper into error, so they do not slacken their efforts". (7:199-202)
    Then Imam Hussein (A.S) said to Assaam bin Mustaliq, "You have been misled. We pray for our and your forgiveness from Allah (S.W.T). If you need our help, then we are willing to help. If you need our protection, then we are willing to defend you. And if you need our guidance, then we are willing to guide you".
    When Assaam bin Mustaliq heard this, he was very ashamed of his rude remarks. Imam Hussain (A.S) continued, "From today onwards, there shall be no blame on you. May Allah (S.W.T) forgive you and He is the most Merciful". Then Imam Hussein (A.S) asked, "Are you from Damascus?" Assaam bin Mustaliq said, "Yes". Imam Hussein (A.S) said, "Whatever remarks you passed is of no importance to me, may Allah (S.W.T) protect us both. Without hesitation, present your needs to me. Whatever I offer you, I hope, will remove all misconceptions you have of me".
    Assaam bin Mustaliq says, "When I heard this, I felt so ashamed but could not find any place to hide myself. Moreover, I wished the earth would tear apart and I would fall into it. After this encounter, there is no one on the face of this earth who is more beloved to me than Imam Hussain (A.S) and his fathers, Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (A.S)".

    Ref: islamicoccasions.com

  • The Christian Monk on the Journey from Karbala to Damascus

    "One night they rested in the mountain top of a hermitage of a monk who had devoted his life to prayers and meditation. Shimr gave the heads of the martyrs to him for safe keeping. Just one look at the face of Imam Hussain (A.S) convinced the hermit that it was the head of a saint. He took it with him and kept it near his bed and then retired to sleep.
    At night he dreamt that all the Prophets and angels had descended from heaven to keep watch over the head. He woke up from his sleep startled and baffled as to what he should do. He decided to ask the leader of the guards about the identity of the people whom they had beheaded and whose family they had taken as prisoners.
    Rushing out of the monastery he woke up Shimr and demanded to know who the martyrs were. When Shimr told him that, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) who had defied the authority of the ruler Yazid ibn Muawiya and refused to acknowledge his spiritual superiority had been killed by the army of Yazid and they were carrying the heads of all the people who had been killed in Karbala, the hermit was shocked beyond words.
    Recovering himself he said “You cursed people! Do you realize that you have committed the most heinous crime by beheading your own Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P)’s grandson who undoubtedly was a great saint! Fie upon you coward that not satisfied with what you have done that you are so brutally treating his innocent ladies and children and subjecting them to such atrocities!”
    He asked to kiss the head but they refused till he paid them some money. He declared the testimony of faith and embraced Islam through the blessing of the one who was just beheaded for supporting the divine call.
    These words of the hermit enraged Shimr who had even otherwise lost his temper with him for waking him up from sleep in the dead of night. With one sweep of his sword he chopped off the hermits head. This brute had little regard for the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P)’s injunctions and orders granting the fullest protection to those who had retired from the world and dedicated their lives to prayers and penance.
    When the life of the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P)’s own grandson was not spared by this brute what regard could he be expected to have for the commands of the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P)?
    When they left that place they looked at the money the monk had given them and saw this verse inscribed on it “And those who oppressed shall come to find how evil their end shall be.”

    Taken from: Imam Hussain holy shrine international media

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