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Hazrat Fatima (S.A) - Islam Guidance

  • Allah's Messenger Reveals Fatima's Future to Her

    'Once, the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) summoned Ali, Fatima, Al-Hassan and Al-Hussain (A.S) and ordered everyone present in the house to leave. He then ordered Umme Salama to stand at the door so no one could come near it.
    The Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) then said to Ali (A.S):
    "Come near me."
    Ali came near as the Prophet asked; he then held Fatima's hand and put it on his chest for a long time, and held Ali's hand in his other hand. When the Prophet tried to speak, he was overtaken by tears and was unable to do so. Therefore, Ali, Fatima, Al-Hassan and Al-Hussain cried when they saw him (P.B.U.H&H.P) crying.
    Fatima (S.A) then said:
    "Messenger of Allah! You have broken my heart and brought sorrow to me with your crying. You are the Master of all Prophets and the trusted Prophet of your Lord; you are the beloved Prophet of Allah! Who do I have for my children after you? Who do I have to protect me from the humiliation, which will inflict me after you? Who does Ali, your brother and the helper of your religion, have after you? Who is to (attend to) Allah's revelation and affair?"
    Fatima then broke down crying and embraced him together with Ali, Hassan and Hussain (A.S). The Prophet raised his head, and while holding Fatima's hand, he placed it in Ali's hand and said:
    'Abu Al-Hassan, she is Allah's and His Messenger's, Muhammad, trust to you. Therefore, keep Allah's and His Messenger's trust by protecting her. Surely I know you will.'
    'Ali, this (Fatima) by Allah, is the Mistress of all women of Paradise; this, by Allah, is (like) Maryam al-Kubra.'
    'By Allah, before I reached this state, I asked Allah (certain things) for you and I, and He surely has given me what I asked.'
    'Ali, Execute that which Fatima commands you to do, for I have commanded her to (perform certain affairs) which Gabriel ordered me to do. Be informed, Ali that I am satisfied with him who my daughter is satisfied with, so is my Lord and the angels.
    'Ali, Cursed is he who oppresses her; Cursed is he who usurps her right; Cursed is he who violates her sanctity..."
    The Prophet then embraced Fatima (A.S), kissed her hand and said:
    "May your father be your sacrifice, Fatima."
    At that moment, the Messenger of Allah was putting his head on Ali's chest; but his love for Fatima kept driving him to embrace and kiss her repeatedly. He cried until his tears made his beard and shirt wet.
    Imam Hassan and Imam Hussain (A.S) began crying and kissing his feet; when Imam Ali (A.S) tried to separate them, the Prophet said:
    “Let them smell me and let me smell them; Let them be near me, surely they will be afflicted with sorrows and difficult problems after me. May Allah curse him who abuses them.” O Allah!! I commend them to your protection and to the protection of the righteous believers."
    Meanwhile, Fatima (A.S) was speaking to her father with a crying voice and saying:
    "May my soul be your sacrifice! May my face prevent harm from your face! Father, can you not speak a word to me?! Surely I see the knights of death attacking you fiercely!!"
    Allah's Messenger then said:
    "Daughter, I am leaving you; thus, peace be upon you from me".

    Fatima (S.A) the Gracious
    By: Abu Muhammad Ordoni
    P. 190 – 194

  • Hazrat Fatima’s last day of this earth

    One day, during the time when Hazrat Fatima (S.A) was ill in bed. Imam Ali (A.S) returned home and he found very busy, cooking and cleaning her children, Imam Hassan (A.S) and Imam Hussain(A.S). Imam Ali (A.S) asked her as to why she was so hard working.
    Tears started flowing from her eyes. She told him that on the previous night she had seen her father in a dream. She told him about the troubles that she had to go through after his death and that she found life without him very difficult. Her father, the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) consoled her and told her not to worry anymore because after one day she would be with him.
    By this dream Hazrat Fatima (S.A) knew that it was her last day. So she wanted to do all that she could for her beloved children before she was separated from them by death.
    This news made Imam Ali (A.S) very sad.
    Hazrat Fatima (S.A) then made her final wishes know to him. Her first wish was that those who had oppressed her and her husband should not be allowed to attend her burial.
    To make this possible, she wished that she be buried in the darkness of night. Secondly, she recommended Imam Ali (A.S) to her daughter, Zainab, as she would take good care of the children.
    Thirdly, she requested Imam Ali (A.S) to be extra careful with Imam Hassan (A.S) and Imam Hussain (A.S) as they would be very sad after their mother's death.
    With tears in his eyes Imam Ali (A.S) said goodbye to her and went to the Mosque together with Imam Hassan (A.S) and Imam Hussain (A.S).
    Hazrat Fatima (S.A) was now left home alone with Asma Bint Umays. Asma reports that when alone, Hazrat Fatima (S.A) put on a new garment and perfumed herself. She then retired to the place where she used to pray daily. She asked Asma to leave her alone as she wished to carry out some special prayers in remembrance of Allah, the Almighty. She requested Asma to come back to her after sometime and check if she was still alive or not.
    Asma says, "I did as I was told. When left alone, Hazrat Fatima (S.A) started addressing Allah and praying for the wellbeing of her followers. After sometime there was silence. I rushed to see what she was doing and saw that she was lying straight on her back. Her face was covered with a piece of cloth.
    When I removed the cloth from her face, I found her not breathing any more. She had left this world to join her father.”
    As per her wishes, Imam Ali (A.S) buried her in the darkness of the night. Besides Imam Ali (A.S) and his two sons, very few others such as Ammar, Salman, Mighdad and AbuZar attended her funeral.

    Derived from: Al Hassanain.

  • Hijab and its importance

    One Ethiopian female student was asked why you follow the rules of Islam such as fasting, hijab (head cover), prayers: she answered: I am following because Allah had ordered us to follow so as a Muslim, it is our duty to follow the rules taught to us by God.

    1. Why is Hijab compulsory for the girls in Islam?
    We observe how the media is ruthlessly misusing the external appearance of the woman by disrobing her. And only Allah knows, to what worst status it had reached now and how much this uncultured act will be carried on like this way.
    But Islam made compulsory for the woman to cover her head and body before the Non-Mahram (Men excluding father, grandfather, brother, husband, son, nephew (sisters and brothers son), and uncle (mothers and fathers brothers). These points are clearly mentioned in Quran.
    Hijab in every way is helpful to woman morally, socially and psychologically as it gives her protection completely. Hijab is not new to this world. There was hijab in every religion as the people changed the commands of God with time by their own choice and for their own profit they have also erased the rule of hijab as well. If we go through history we come across the rules of hijab everywhere in its own way.
    A Muslim woman respects the rules and laws of the Quran and her dear prophets and follows whole heartedly the rules of hijab. For the woman who loves Quran she never feels hijab as a burden in her life and feels proud of her hijab. In Islam hijab comes under a law so it remained until today but in other religions it almost vanished as it is not under any law.

    2.    What are its advantages?
    The advantages of hijab are:
    1- The woman is closer to God rather than these selfish humans. Her appearance is for God and not for others to entertain.
    2- She can lead a very simple life without any competition of dressing and showing off her jewelry. She does not make the life of her husband a hell to compel him to earn more and more to provide for her ultra-mod dressings and luxuries.
    3- The people observe the beauty of her character and talent and not only the beauty of her appearance.
    4- The relationship with her spouse will be strengthening more as the possessive husband is sure that her wife beauty is only dedicated to him.

    The disadvantaged of hijab
    1- The woman must always be alert to answer the silly questions of others who first attack her religion and mock her faith, on seeing her in hijab.
    2- She is preferred secondarily for the jobs as mostly men want the women who have more cool sight in her best attire.
    3- Outside the home, the men pay more attention to the women revealing her body than a woman in hijab.
    4- People very boldly name a woman in hijab a backward person". She goes through all the pains of hijab as she loves the rules and laws of Quran.
    Which book of any religion says that backwardness of the women is in covering her body and her freedom is in exposing her parts of her body???
    5- When a woman shows her body automatically the lust or the sexual desires of a man arises and he looks at her and approaches her with these intensions whereas his approach with the women in Hijab is without any sexual approach and desires but natural respect.
    6- What is the difference between Hijabi and Non-Hijabi girl (girl who does hijab and girl who don’t do hijab)?
    The Non-hijabi woman is one who follows the western world and their rules and regulations and makes them delighted and cheerful. They do not follow the rules of prophets and the Almighty God.
    The woman in hijab follows the commands of God and his Prophet and wears the cover like Hazrat Fatimah (S.A) (daughter of the Prophet). We have to follow her footsteps in observing the rules of hijab.
    Is women caged in Hijab?
    In Islam woman is given the opportunity to join whichever institution of education she likes and if she prefers to earn then she is most welcome. She is allowed to manage her own business if the Muslim woman is eager to do it. If the Muslim woman enters in the field of directing and producing the movies the world will get best movies for the youngsters to guide. So the woman is never caged in pardah or Hijab in Islam. The baseless traditions of Western civilization has caged women cruelly and not the clean and neat Hijab system.
    The backwardness of the women is not in covering her body and head and her freedom is not in exposing her parts of her body.

    taken from: Imam Reza.Network

  • Imam Ali's (A.S) Grief on the Death of Bibi Fatima (S.A)

    What the commander of the faithful (A.S) said on the occasion of the burial of Supreme lady Fatima (S.A) while addressing the Holy Prophet at his grave.
    O' Prophet of Allah! Please accept my salutation and those of your daughter who is being buried not far from you, and who is to meet you so quickly. O the chosen Apostle! The death of your daughter has left me without patience and solace. I have lost my self-restrain and the power of endurance.
    After having from endured the separation you I shall have to bear this catastrophe patiently O Prophet of God! I laid you down in the grave with my own hands, your soul departed from my body while you were resting upon my breast and your head was lying between my neck and heart.
    Verily we are Allah's and verily unto Him shall we return (Qur'an 2:156)
    Your trust (your daughter) which was entrusted to me is taken back from me. Sorrow now abides with me and happiness has taken leave. This grief is so overbearing that it engulfs and swallows other sorrows, and it has left me with sleepless nights and joyless days. From now onwards, my life will be a continued heartache until God gathers me with you both in the realm of His favor and peace.
    O' Apostle of God! Your dear daughter will tell you how your followers have behaved with her and how they have mistreated her. You pleases ask her the details of all that has happened to her during such a short period (barely three months) after your departure to the Heaven. This period of separation from you was so short that people were still remembering you and talking about you.
    Please both of you accept my parting salutation and goodbye. It is the wish of a sincere heart which has loved and will always love you both, a heart which will cherish and will carry your tender and loving memories to its grave. Goodbye O daughter of the chosen Apostle of God! May you rest in peace which mankind has refused you in this world. If I leave your grave to go it is not because I am tired of your company, rather I wish I had it till the end of my life. If I make a permanent abode on your grave, it will not be because I doubt the reward that God has reserved for those who bear sorrows patiently, Goodbye, may God's peace and blessings be with you both.

    Ref: Balaghah.net

  • The Events of Saqifa

    While Imam Ali (A.S) was busy attending to the burial of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P), the Muhajireen of Mecca and the Ansar of Medina had lost no time in contesting the matter of the Caliphate. They had gathered at a place called Saqifa bani Sa'da and each group was putting forward its merits and claiming the Caliphate.
    One can only wonder at their actions, because only two months ago the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) had openly declared that Imam Ali (A.S) would be his successor. In their greed, these so-called Muslims even forgot that their beloved Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) lay as yet unburied.
    The Muhajireen claimed that they had a greater right to the Caliphate because they had been Muslims for longer and had supported the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.U&H.P) in Mecca when he had very few friends. They also claimed to be his kin and said that they had migrated from their homes in Mecca in very difficult circumstances, leaving behind all their wealth and property.
    The Ansar insisted that they had a greater right to the Caliphate because they had given the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) shelter in Medina when he could live in Mecca no longer. They had also protected him in his time of need and had fought at his side in battles against powerful enemies. They recalled how for 13 years he had preached amongst the Meccans and only a handful had become Muslims. They argued that it was the Ansar who had given Islam strength and consolidation.
    When Umar bin Khattab and Abu Bakr bin Qahafa reached Saqifa, the arguments had almost been settled in favor of the Ansar, who had chosen Sa'd bin Ubadah to lead the Muslims. Umar did not find this acceptable at all as he had already planned to bring in a man from the Muhajireen. He urged Abu Bakr to make a speech and turn the situation. Abu Bakr rose and said that the Arabs would not accept any Caliph who was not from the tribe of Quraish, which was the tribe of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P). He also praised the merits of the Ansar to keep them quiet. The Ansar were not fooled by the clever words of Abu Bakr and while there was some silence, Abu Bakr received help from an unexpected quarter.
    The two main tribes of the Ansar were the Aws and Khazraj. The old enmity between them had been settled long ago by the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P), but now it came out into the open.
    To stop the selection of Sa'd bin Ubadah who was the chief of the Khazraj, Bashir bin Sa'd from the tribe of Aws suddenly went forward and gave his allegiance to Abu Bakr. He was followed by three other men from Aws. Suddenly, the tables had turned and now the Muhajireen had the upper hand.
    Despite protests from the tribe of Khazraj and a few followers of Imam Ali (A.S), Abu Bakr was elected as the first Caliph. How strange was their behavior! While Abu Bakr and Umar sold their religion for their greed, the people of Aws sold their religion for fear that the Khazraj might come to power. The rest of the people followed like sheep, too weak or uncaring to protest. The few who did raise their voices to defend the unrecognized rights of Imam Ali (A.S) were ignored and outnumbered.
    The members of Bani Hashim and some loyal Muslims were too occupied with the passing away of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) to give any thought to worldly affairs. By the time they learnt of the happenings at Saqifa, it was too late to do anything.
    When Imam Ali came to exercise his right to the Caliphate as per the orders of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) at Ghadeer Khum, his claim was rejected and he was forced to return to his house. Later, Abu Bakr sent Umar to Hazrat Fatimah's (S.A) house, where Imam Ali (A.S) and some friends had gathered. Umar had instructions to bring Imam Ali (A.S) to Abu Bakr to pay the oath of allegiance to him. When Imam Ali (A.S) refused to do this, Umar threatened to burn down the house. Imam Ali (A.S) then came out with Abbas and Zubayr. From the open door was heard the sound of Hazrat Fatimah (S.A) weeping.
    She was saying:
    "O Father, how soon after your death are troubles pouring on our head at the hands of the son of Khattab and the son of Abu Qahafa. How soon they have ignored your words of Ghadeer Khum and your saying that Ali was to you as Haroon was to Musa."
    Hearing these heartrending words, the companions of Umar could not keep themselves from weeping and turned back.
    However Umar was bent on humiliating Imam Ali (A.S). He insisted that Imam Ali (A.S) be led to the mosque tied with a rope so that he could not escape.
    The Muslims now saw an amazing sight. The Lion of Allah, the man who was the champion of Badr, Uhud, Khandaq, Khayber and Hunayn, was being led by the cowardly Umar, who had run away from the battle of Uhud when the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) was injured.
    It was a measure of the patience of Imam Ali (A.S) that he did not use force in the interests of Islam. He knew that nothing could be gained by fighting, and a civil war would destroy the Muslims.
    When Imam Ali (A.S) was brought in front of Abu Bakr, Umar insisted that if he did not give the oath of allegiance, he should be killed. Imam Ali (A.S) replied:
    "Will you kill a man who is a servant of the Lord and a brother of the Apostle of the Lord?"
    Umar then turned to Abu Bakr who had remained silent till then, asking him to decide Imam Ali's (A.S) fate. However, Abu Bakr said that so long as Hazrat Fatimah (S.A) was alive, he would not force her husband to give allegiance to him.
    After that Imam Ali (A.S) was released and he went directly to the grave of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) where he stood, reflecting on how the attitude of the people had changed now that his brother had left this world.

    Taken from: Imam Reza.Network

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