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Imam Hussein (A.S) - Islam Guidance

  • 28th Rajab, Start of Journey of Imam Hussein (A.S) Towards Iraq

    After hatching the conspiracy and achieving ultimate martyrdom of Imam Hassan (A.S), Muawiya started campaigning openly for the succession of his son Yazid to the office of Caliphate. Until that time he had always planned in secret about this intention. To materialize his plans, he started his campaign among his most trusted people in Syria where he had established his headquarters. Later on, his missionaries took the message to other parts of the Islamic world and with the help of lot of money and bribery he got support for the caliphate of Yazid from a number of important Islamic cities.
    After his death in Shabaan of the 60th Hijrah, Yazid sat on his throne and started the campaign of getting Baiyat of all Muslims so that they would accept him as the Caliph. The materialistic personalities of that time came forward and accepted his caliphate. Among them were mostly the people who were known for their enmity towards the Ahlul-Bayt (A.S) of our Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P). The other group was of the people who were either coerced by force or treachery or their loyalties were bought through material offers.
    When the campaign crossed the borders of Syria, instructions were sent to the Governor of Medina – Walid ibn-e-Aqba ibn-e-Abu Sufyan – as well to get the baiyat of Imam Hussein (A.S). According to some historians, Yazid also mentioned that if Imam Hussein (A.S) declines his baiyat then Walid should kill him and send his head to Syria. Walid invited the Imam (A.S) to his court and gave him the orders of Yazid and demanded his baiyat. Imam (A.S) replied “A person like me would never accept the baiyat of a person like Yazid”. In this statement, Imam (A.S) gave a clear guideline for all the future time to come.
    One of the advisors of Walid named Marwan bin Hakm incited Walid on getting Imam (A.S) killed right there but Imam (A.S) was joined by a few of his followers from Bani Hashim under the leadership of Hazrat Abbas (A.S) and returned safely from the court.
    Within a few days time, the political developments made it very clear that Yazid is going all out to either obtain the baiyat of Imam Hussein (A.S) or to get him killed. Imam (A.S) had the sanctity of Medina as well as the salvation of the religion of Islam in his mind, therefore, he decided to leave Medina and go towards Iraq. He asked for the preparation of a Caravan of his selected family members and his trusted friends and set off for this long journey on the 28th of Rajab.
    When Imam (A.S) had made his decision to leave Madina, he went to the grave of his brother Imam Hassan (A.S) with a very heavy heart. There he stayed for some time talking to his brother saying "O brother now your killers are after my blood. It looks like time for my martyrdom is near and I am leaving you now.". I imagine that Imam Hassan (A.S) would have replied from his grave – O my brother I bid you farewell and give you my son Qasim to become your sacrifice in Karbala.
    After that Imam (A.S) went to the grave of his grandfather, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P). He stayed there for a long time and wept a lot until he went to sleep. He saw the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) in his dream and said to him "O my grandfather, my salutations to you. The land of Medina has become small for me. Tyrants among your ummah are after my blood and I am leaving Medina with a heavy heart".
    Finally Imam Hussein (A.S) came to the grave of his mother Hazrat Fatima Zahra (S.A). Historians write that Imam (A.S) ran towards her grave just like a child runs toward his mother and he fell on her grave just like a child falls in the lap of the mother. Imam (A.S) said "O my mother accept my last salam. I am leaving the land of Medina and would not come back. The prophecy of my grandfather is about to come true". I imagine that Hazrat Zahra (S.A) would have said from her grave "O my beloved son, O the one whom I have raised by keeping awake in the night, I would not let you go alone. From this day I would not rest in my grave but I would accompany you throughout your journey."
    Historians write that throughout the journey various people reported to Imam (A.S) that when everyone goes asleep during the night, we hear feminine voices of weeping and Bibi’s voice crying "Ya Hussein, Ya Hussein". Imam (A.S) told them "O my trusted companions this is my mother Zahra (S.A) who is with me ever since I have left Medina".

    Derived from: Imam Reza.Network

  • A reminder for all...

    A reminder for all...
    By: Sheikh Muhammad Al-Hilli

  • Abdullah son of Al-Hassan (A.S)

    The enemies of Allah waited for a short while then returned to Hussein (A.S) whom they surrounded as he sat on the ground unable to stand. Abdullah son of Imam Hassan (A.S), grandson of the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P), who was then eleven years old, looked and saw how his uncle was being surrounded by those people, so he came running towards him. Zaynab wanted to restrain him but he managed to evade her and to reach his uncle.
    Bahr ibn Kaab lowered his head to strike Hussein (A.S), so the child shouted, “O son of the corrupt woman, are you going to strike my uncle?” The man dealt a blow from his sword which the child received with his hand, cutting it off. The child cried in agony, “O uncle!” Then he fell in the lap of Hussein (A.S) who hugged him and said: “O son of my brother! Be patient with regard to what has befallen us, and consider it as goodness, for Allah, the most Exalted, will make you join your righteous ancestors.” Then He (A.S) raised his hands and supplicated saying, “O Allah! Let them enjoy themselves for some time then divide them and make them into parties, and do not let their rulers ever be pleased with them, for they invited us to support us, then they turned their backs to us and fought us.”
    Harmalah ibn Kahil shot the child with an arrow, killing him as he sat in his uncle's lap.
    Hussein (A.S) remained lying on the ground for some time. Had those rogues wished to kill him, they could have done so, but each tribe relied on the other to do what it hated to do itself.
    Al-Shimr shouted, “What are you standing like that for?! What do you expect the man to do since your arrows and spears have wounded him so heavily? Attack him!”
    Zarah ibn Sharik struck him on his left shoulder with his sword while Hussein (A.S) shot him with an arrow which penetrated his mouth; another man struck him on the shoulder. Sinan ibn Anas stabbed him in his collar bone area of the chest then shot him with an arrow in the neck. Salih ibn Wahab stabbed him in the side.
    Hilal ibn Nafi has said, “I was standing in front of Hussein (A.S) as he was drawing his last breath. Never did I ever see anyone whose face looked better than him or more glowing as he was stained with his own blood!
    In fact, the light emanating from his face distracted me altogether from the thought of killing him! As he was in such a condition, he asked for some water to drink, but they refused to give him any.”
    A man said to him, “You shall not taste of water till you reach hell from whose hot boiling water shall you drink.” He (A.S) said, “Am I the one who will reach it? Rather, I will reach my grandfather, the Messenger of Allah, and will reside with him in his abode of truth near an Omnipotent King, and I shall complain to him about what crimes you committed against me and what you have done to me.” They all became very angry. It is as if Allah did not leave one iota of compassion in their hearts.

    Adapted from: "Maqtal al-Hussein; Martyrdom Epic of Imam Hussein (A.S)" by: "Abd al-Razzaq al-Muqarram"

  • Abis ibn Shabib al-Shakeri

    Abis ibn Shabib al-Shakeri came to Shawthab, a slave of Shaker. Shawthab was a sincere man whose house was always frequented by the Shias; it was there that they discussed the merits of Ahlul-Bayt (A.S). He said: “O Shawthab! What do you intend to do?” Shawthab said: “I shall fight on your side till I am killed.” He prayed Allah to reward him well then said to him: “Advance to greet Aba-Abdillah (A.S) so that he may pray for you just as he prayed for the others, for this is a day when we seek as much reward as we can.” Shawthab advanced and greeted Hussein (A.S) then fought till he was killed.
    Abis stood before Aba-Abdillah (A.S) and said: “There is none on the face of earth either near one or distant one, dearer to me than you. Had I been able to ward off injustice from you with anything more precious than my life, I would have done so. Peace be with you, and I testify that I am on you and your father's guidance!” He walked towards the enemy with his sword raised despite a wound which he had already received on his forehead. All men who saw him shouted, “O men! Stay away from him!” They knew very well that he was most courageous. Observing the situation, `Omer ibn Saad shouted, “Kill him with your stones!” He became the target of a shower of stones. Having seen that, he put down his shield and charged, causing as many as two hundred men to flee away from him. Soon they surrounded him from all directions and killed him. A number of them disputed with one another about who among them would take his head covering as booty. Ibn Saad said, “This man was not killed by one single person.” He distributed the slain hero's head-gear among them.

    Ref: Maqtal al-Husain by Abd al Razzaq al-Muqarram

  • Ali (A.S) is Salat (Prayer)

    Narrated from Abdul Rahman bin Kaseer:

    عن عبد الرحمن بن كثير عن أبى عبد الله عليه السلام في قوله:” حافِظُوا عَلَى الصَّلَواتِ وَ الصَّلاةِ الْوُسْطى‏ وَ قُومُوا لِلَّهِ قانِتِينَ”
     قال الصلوات رسول الله و أمير المؤمنين و فاطمة و الحسن و الحسين عليهم السلام، و الوسطى، أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام و قُومُوا لِلَّهِ قانِتِينَ طائعين للائمة.

    Imam Sadiq (A.S) said regarding the verse of Quran;
    "Guard strictly your (habit of) prayers, especially the Middle Prayer; and stand before Allah in a devout" [2:238]
    "Prayers" is (refers to) the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P), the commander of the faithful (A.S), Fatima (S.A), Hassan (A.S) and Hussein (A.S). And the "Middle Prayer" is (refers to) the commander of the faithful (A.S). And "Stand before Allah in devout" is obedient to the Imam's (A.S).
    [Source: Tafseer Noor us Saqlain Vol.1 Pg.237-238]

    Ref: Marefate AhleBait (AS).com

  • Ali Akbar in the Battlefield

    A man from amongst the crowd shouted, "O Ali! You relate to Yazid - for his mother Layla was daughter of Maymoona daughter of Abi Sufyan - and we want to respect this relationship.
    We may grant you an amnesty and a refuge if you wish".
    He said "The kinship of the Apostle of God should be second to none." He pressed on proclaiming who he was.
    Imam Hussein could not hold back his tears and shouted at Omar bin Sa'ad, "What has become of you? May Allah bereave you of your kindred as you have made me bereft of mine, and did not respect my relationship of the Prophet. May Allah set on you an adversary who will slay you in your bed." He then raised his hands to the sky and said:
    "O Lord! Bear witness on those people for he who emerged to them is bearing a strong likeness to Your Prophet in all departments - resemblance of disposition, complexion, and logic. Hence we look at him when we crave to see Your Apostle."
    Ali al-Akbar continued fighting. He killed all those who had the guts to meet him in duel. He killed scores of combatants.
    He killed many well-known warriors. No one dared to come close to him in a single combat. Umar Sa'ad ordered his soldiers to kill him, saying, "When he dies, Hussein will not want to live! Ali Akbar is the life of Hussein."
    Since thirst greatly contributed to his overstraining, he returned to his father to rest and state of what thirst had done to him. Hussein cried, appealed for help and said, "You will soon meet your grandfather who will water you from his tumbler that you will never be thirsty again".
    Ali Akbar returned to the battlefield happy to be told by his father that be would meet his grandfather, the Prophet. He delved into their ranks dispersing them. It seemed as though it were his grandfather, Imam Ali roaring in the battle ground fighting them. He killed more Kufans.
    When the death toll mounted, Murra bin Munqidh al-Abdi made a pledge saying, "I shall bear all the sins of the Arabs, if I do not bereave his father." He ran his lance into his back and dealt him a blow on his head causing it to split.
    As Ali Akbar fell from his horse, he said, "O Father, my last salaams to you! Here is my grandfather, the Messenger of Allah, giving me my water. He says yours is here waiting for you".
    When Hussein ibn Ali went to Akbar, Akbar placed his right hand on his wounded chest and his left arm over the shoulder of his father. Hussein ibn Ali asked, "Akbar, why do you embrace me with only one arm?"
    Akbar did not reply. Hussein ibn Ali tried to move Akbar's right hand, but Akbar resisted. Hussein ibn Ali forcefully moved the hand. Then he saw the blade of the spear. Hussein ibn Ali laid Ali Akbar on the ground and sat on his knees, he placed both of his hands on the blade of the spear. He looked at Najaf, and said,
    "Father, I too have come to my Khaybar!" He pulled out the blade. Ali Akbar sighed and died.
    While lifting the spear from the chest of Ali Akbar, Hussein faced towards the direction of Najaf, where his father Ali ibn Abi Talib's grave was, and shouted out:
    "O father, you lifted the gates of Khaybar, yet you never had to lift a spear from the chest of your own son. Come to Karbala and see me lifting the spear from the chest of my son, Ali Akbar."

    Source: qul.org

  • American Shia Muslim speaks on her trip to Visit the Holy Land of Karbala

    American Shia Muslim speaks on her trip to Visit the Holy Land of Karbala and her impression on Iraq and the Iraqis compared to what she would hear on the media.

  • Arbaeen Anniversary of Imam Hussein (A.S)

    We condolence on the Arbaeen anniversary, marking end of a 40-day mourning period after the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein ibn Ali (A.S), the third Imam of prophet Muhammad’s (P.B.U.H&H.P) infallible household.
    Number forty is mystic in Theosophy. According to the Islamic culture if someone practices a good deed constantly during forty days, it would be his inseparable attribute and lead to descending of God’s blessing. In some religions forty days and forty nights praying has been special position.
    When Moses (A.S) prayed forty nights; found the ability to hear the words of God.
    [And remember when we appointed for Moses forty nights, and (in his absence) you took the calf (for worship), and you were polytheists and wrong-doers.] (Holy Quran1:51)
    The holy prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) said:
    If someone devotes him only to god forty days; the springs of wisdom found in his words.
    Commemorating of the fortieth day of deeds by their family and giving alms is one of the common customs among some of the Muslims. The fortieth day of Imam Hussein’s (A.S) martyrdom is called Arbaeen. In this day Shiites commemorate Imam Hussein’s (A.S) revolution. These forty days are a suitable opportunity for people to develop the love of Hussein (A.S) and hate his murderers, in their hearts. Forty consecutive days, from Ashura up to Arbaeen, also is a national ceremony of aversion announcement from oppressors of the history.
    In the first Arbaeen, Jabir Ibn Abdullah and Atieh were the persons who pilgrimaged the holy tombs of Imam Hussein (A.S). According to some narrations, captive family of Imam Hussein (A.S) In the way of returning to Medina from Sham, visited Jabir and pilgrimaged tombs of Ashura"s martyrdoms.

    Ref: Alhassanain.com

  • Arbaeen pilgrimage draws Five times that of the Hajj

  • Ashura Procession

    Ashura Procession 1438 / 2016 - Karbala, Iraq

  • BBC News - Inside Iraq's Imam Hussein (A.S) Mosque

    BBC News - Inside Iraq's Imam Hussein (A.S) Mosque.

    Just like Bethlehem and Nazareth for Christians, the Iraqi city of Karbala is one of those places Muslim children hear about from when they are very young.

  • Christian fathers tribute to Imam Hussein (A.S)

    Christian fathers tribute to Imam Hussein (A.S)

  • Conversation of Angels with Imam Hussein (A.S)

    Shaikh Mufeed has narrated through his chain of transmitters that Imam Sadiq (A.S) said, that when Imam Hussein (A.S) left Medina, a group of Angels, having distinct marks, met him on the way. They carried swords in their hands and had mounted the horses of Paradise. They came to Imam (A.S), saluted him and said: "O Allah's Proof (Hujjah) upon the creatures after your Grandfather, Father and Brother! Allah the Glorious had rendered help to your Grandfather through our medium in many of his battles, and has now sent us to assist you." Imam (A.S) replied: "The Promised Land is called Karbala, thus you may come to me there."
    They said: "O Proof of Allah! You may command whatever you desire and we will comply with it and obey you. If you fear the enemies we shall defend you against them."
    Imam (A.S) replied:
    "They have no way upon me and they will not be able to hurt me until I reach my (destined) mausoleum."

    Derived from: Nafasul Mahmoom   
    By: Sheikh Abbas Qummi

  • Crying and wailing for Imam Hussein (A.S)

    Crying is a natural act
    Islam is a religion based on nature. Wailing or weeping is the innate instinct of a human being. A newborn child starts his life crying. Weeping is not prohibited in any religion or creed of the world. Tears are automatically shed when a man is confronted by any physical, mental or spiritual mishap, and tears are not only the sign of grief but also a kind of reimbursement for that grief. Now in whose grief does a newborn child weep? That’s the question, which can be answered by the one who remembers his own weeping when he was born. It is said, that when Adam (A.S) was sent to this earth from heaven, he wept on that migration and hence every child of Adam (A.S), weeps when he opens his eyes in this world. If this is true, then this reason for wailing certainly supports our point of view that in the grief of a departure, wailing is a natural habit. Wailing or weeping is a natural instinct hence Allah (S.W.T) has also praised this act and has said in the Holy Qur’an:

    We read in Surah Maryam 19.58:
    Those were some of the prophets on whom Allah did bestow His Grace, – of the posterity of Adam, and of those who we carried (in the Ark) with Noah, and of the posterity of Abraham and Israel of those whom we guided and chose. Whenever the Signs of (Allah) Most Gracious were rehearsed to them, they would fall down in prostrate adoration and in tears.

    Surah An-Nahl verse 53:
    And ye have no good thing but is from Allah. And moreover, when ye are touched by distress, unto Him ye cry with groans.
    It is quite clear from these words of Allah (S.W.T) that He praises this act and dislikes mocking the concept of weeping. Therefore, during mortification or humility before Allah (S.W.T) and during the situations of calamity and catastrophe, wailing is the act of the praised ones and since ‘wailing’ is a composite act of mourning it serves as evidence for mourning.

    Taken From: Shia Pen

  • Epic of Arbaeen!

    Epic of Arbaeen! Iraq- Arbaeen 1439/November 2017

  • Extent of Authority and Knowledge of Imam Hassan (A.S)

    أَحْمَدُ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ وَ مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ يَحْيَى عَنْ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ الْحَسَنِ عَنْ يَعْقُوبَ بْنِ يَزِيدَ عَنِ ابْنِ أَبِي عُمَيْرٍ عَنْ رِجَالِهِ عَنْ أَبِي عَبْدِ اللَّهِ ع قَالَ إِنَّ الْحَسَنَ ع قَالَ إِنَّ لِلَّهِ مَدِينَتَيْنِ إِحْدَاهُمَا بِالْمَشْرِقِ وَ الْأُخْرَى بِالْمَغْرِبِ عَلَيْهِمَا سُورٌ مِنْ حَدِيدٍ وَ عَلَى كُلِّ وَاحِدٍ مِنْهُمَا أَلْفُ أَلْفِ مِصْرَاعٍ وَ فِيهَا سَبْعُونَ أَلْفَ أَلْفِ لُغَةٍ يَتَكَلَّمُ كُلُّ لُغَةٍ بِخِلَافِ لُغَةِ صَاحِبِهَا وَ أَنَا أَعْرِفُ جَمِيعَ اللُّغَاتِ وَ مَا فِيهِمَا وَ مَا بَيْنَهُمَا وَ مَا عَلَيْهِمَا حُجَّةٌ غَيْرِي وَ غَيْرُ الْحُسَيْنِ أَخِي.

    Ahmad ibn Muhammad and Muhammad ibn Yahya have narrated from Muhammad ibn al-Hassan from Ya‘qub ibn Yazid from ibn abu ‘Umayr from his people from abu ‘Abd Allah (A.S) who has said the following:
    "Hassan (A.S) has said: Allah has two cities. One is in the east and the other is in the west. They have a boundary around them that is made of iron and each one has a million doors. Seventy thousand different languages exist therein and I know all those languages and all that is therein. There is no one who would possess Leadership with Divine Authority over them except me and my brother Hussein (A.S)."

    [Source: Al Kaafi Vol.1 Pg.462]

    Ref: Marefate AhleBait (A.S).com

  • Imam Hussein (A.S) Savior and Pride of Islam

    Imam Hussein (A.S) Savior and Pride of Islam

    By: Sheikh Imran Hussein

  • Life of Imam Sajjad (A.S)

    The Imam with his father at the massacre in Karbala
    Imam Sajjad (A.S) was present in Karbala and endured the psychologically scarring event of watching his father, brothers, uncles and near relatives massacred by Yazid’s army. The Imam therefore serves as a pivotal eye-witness to the events at Karbala.
    Although being the successor to Imam Hussein(A.S), Imam Sajjad (A.S) still wished to defend his father. Despite being overcome and afflicted by a very severe fever, he was still prepared to leave the camp and defend his father. However, Imam Hussein (A.S) did not give his son permission to leave, knowing that he needed to protect the future Imam from harm.

    The Imam’s scholarly activities
    One of the qualities that the Imam possessed, which can be observed through the surviving writings from the Imam’s letters and sayings, is his courage in advising other scholars to carry on the Islamic duty of calling to good and forbidding evil.
    In a letter which survives as an example of the Imam’s advice to the scholars, the Imam harshly rebukes one of the scholars of the Muslims known as “Ibn Shihab al-Zuhri”. The Imam condemns him for having offered his position as a scholar to be used knowingly by corrupt authorities.
    “You have been the propagandist of their temptation when you took their courses. They have employed you as the means through which they aroused doubts against the scholars and dragged the hearts of the ignorant to them. The best one in their government and the most powerful of them could not achieve success like that which you have attained through showing their corrupt affairs as honest and attracting the attentions of the celebrities as well as the ordinary people to you.”
    The Imam was particularly critical of scholars who openly supported the government as they were in a position to be able to speak out against the regime. He also condemned common Muslim scholars whose silence tended to lend the government legitimacy.
    The Imam’s greatest scholarly contribution, however, is a very unique work which comparably has no equal in classic Islamic texts - a unique genre, called the “Treatise of Rights” (Risalat al-Huquq).
    The Treatise of Rights is a document which highlights the uniqueness of the intellect of the Imams. It builds upon the general rights prescribed in the Qur’an and offers unique guidance for believers as to the rights of God, the rights of slaves, parents, rulers and those ruled over. As a document it highlights just how visionary the thoughts of the Imam were given the era that his Imamate took place.
    The document remains very unique, even by the standards of modern day charters of rights in that the document highlights numerous objects which have rights, for example, the rights of the ear, the rights of the eye etc.

    Death of the Imam (A.S)
    In the year 95 A.H, Imam Sajjad (A.S) was poisoned under the instructions of the Caliph Walid b. Marwan. The Imam left behind a vast collection of devotional supplications and written documents and as such his legacy was enshrined in the corpus of Shi’a devotional literature.

    Taken from: Center for Islamic Shia studies

  • London Becomes Karbala

    London Becomes Karbala - 2017

  • O Son of Ali

    O Son of Ali
    By: Noureddine Al-Kathemy

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