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Imam Hassan (A.S) - Islam Guidance

  • 28th Rajab, Start of Journey of Imam Hussein (A.S) Towards Iraq

    After hatching the conspiracy and achieving ultimate martyrdom of Imam Hassan (A.S), Muawiya started campaigning openly for the succession of his son Yazid to the office of Caliphate. Until that time he had always planned in secret about this intention. To materialize his plans, he started his campaign among his most trusted people in Syria where he had established his headquarters. Later on, his missionaries took the message to other parts of the Islamic world and with the help of lot of money and bribery he got support for the caliphate of Yazid from a number of important Islamic cities.
    After his death in Shabaan of the 60th Hijrah, Yazid sat on his throne and started the campaign of getting Baiyat of all Muslims so that they would accept him as the Caliph. The materialistic personalities of that time came forward and accepted his caliphate. Among them were mostly the people who were known for their enmity towards the Ahlul-Bayt (A.S) of our Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P). The other group was of the people who were either coerced by force or treachery or their loyalties were bought through material offers.
    When the campaign crossed the borders of Syria, instructions were sent to the Governor of Medina – Walid ibn-e-Aqba ibn-e-Abu Sufyan – as well to get the baiyat of Imam Hussein (A.S). According to some historians, Yazid also mentioned that if Imam Hussein (A.S) declines his baiyat then Walid should kill him and send his head to Syria. Walid invited the Imam (A.S) to his court and gave him the orders of Yazid and demanded his baiyat. Imam (A.S) replied “A person like me would never accept the baiyat of a person like Yazid”. In this statement, Imam (A.S) gave a clear guideline for all the future time to come.
    One of the advisors of Walid named Marwan bin Hakm incited Walid on getting Imam (A.S) killed right there but Imam (A.S) was joined by a few of his followers from Bani Hashim under the leadership of Hazrat Abbas (A.S) and returned safely from the court.
    Within a few days time, the political developments made it very clear that Yazid is going all out to either obtain the baiyat of Imam Hussein (A.S) or to get him killed. Imam (A.S) had the sanctity of Medina as well as the salvation of the religion of Islam in his mind, therefore, he decided to leave Medina and go towards Iraq. He asked for the preparation of a Caravan of his selected family members and his trusted friends and set off for this long journey on the 28th of Rajab.
    When Imam (A.S) had made his decision to leave Madina, he went to the grave of his brother Imam Hassan (A.S) with a very heavy heart. There he stayed for some time talking to his brother saying "O brother now your killers are after my blood. It looks like time for my martyrdom is near and I am leaving you now.". I imagine that Imam Hassan (A.S) would have replied from his grave – O my brother I bid you farewell and give you my son Qasim to become your sacrifice in Karbala.
    After that Imam (A.S) went to the grave of his grandfather, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P). He stayed there for a long time and wept a lot until he went to sleep. He saw the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) in his dream and said to him "O my grandfather, my salutations to you. The land of Medina has become small for me. Tyrants among your ummah are after my blood and I am leaving Medina with a heavy heart".
    Finally Imam Hussein (A.S) came to the grave of his mother Hazrat Fatima Zahra (S.A). Historians write that Imam (A.S) ran towards her grave just like a child runs toward his mother and he fell on her grave just like a child falls in the lap of the mother. Imam (A.S) said "O my mother accept my last salam. I am leaving the land of Medina and would not come back. The prophecy of my grandfather is about to come true". I imagine that Hazrat Zahra (S.A) would have said from her grave "O my beloved son, O the one whom I have raised by keeping awake in the night, I would not let you go alone. From this day I would not rest in my grave but I would accompany you throughout your journey."
    Historians write that throughout the journey various people reported to Imam (A.S) that when everyone goes asleep during the night, we hear feminine voices of weeping and Bibi’s voice crying "Ya Hussein, Ya Hussein". Imam (A.S) told them "O my trusted companions this is my mother Zahra (S.A) who is with me ever since I have left Medina".

    Derived from: Imam Reza.Network

  • A Different Perspective

    Amidst the chaos of the everyday life, certain phrases like Brotherhood, Dignity, and Forbearance have lost their meaning.  One might think those phrases belonged to a previous age and to another period of time. The age that a father would ask his son while he did not need to ask; and the son would reply while he knew the father already knows the answer. It was all so a time would come, when some exhausted souls like me, you, and us, would ponder upon their dialog and breaks the barriers of ambiguity to these strange words.
    The commander of the faithful (A.S) asked his son Hassan: "O my son, what is righteousness?"
    Hassan Ibn Ali (A.S) replied: "O father, righteousness is to replace the bad things with good deeds."
    - What is Dignity?
    - To be good with relatives, and to remain tolerant of their cruel deeds.
    - What is Bravery?
    - To be chaste
    - What is Lowliness?
    - To think of cheap things in life and to refuse giving even smallest belongings in charity.
    - What is Generosity?
    - To give away (in charity) before requested.
    - What is Cheapness?
    - To seek owns comfort and ignore one’s spouse.
    - What is Mercy?
    - To give and benefit others, whether we are in need and whether full.
    - What is Stinginess?
    - To consider your property as (your) honor, and what you have given away in charity as wealth that has been wasted.
    - What is Brotherhood?
    - To have Devotion and loyalty in the time of hardship and peace.
    - What is Fear?
    - To act brave upon friends, and to run away from the enemy.
    - What is Opportunity?
    - To be pious in this world?
    - What is Forbearance?
    - To control one’s anger and to keep resentment.
    - What is Wealth?
    - To be satisfied with what Allah has given, no matter how small?
    - What is Poverty?
    - To greed for everything.
    - What is Abjectness?
    - To fear the truth?
    - What is Worthless Suffering?
    - To talk about something that does not benefit you in any way.
    - What is Greatness?
    - To give away (in charity) in your time of need and to forgive the bad deeds of others.
    - What is wisely?
    - To take good care of what is given to you...
    - What is Great status?
    - To do what is beautiful and to refrain from what is ugly.
    - What is Providence?
    - To be very patient and to treat people with leniency.
    - What is Silliness?
    - To follow those who think cheap and interact with those who are not on the guided path.
    - What is deprivation?
    - To lose a benefit that had been granted to you.
    - What is Foolishness?
    - To rush in reaching opportunities before having them available, and to refrain from answering (to what you already know). Nonetheless, silence is a great companion in most cases, no matter how eloquent of a speaker you are.
    When we think about phrases we see:
    As a matter of fact, it is possible to look at life through a different perspective, to experience a more pleasant taste of life, and to experience even more beauty in life.

    This article borrowed from Roshd Islamic Shia Website

  • A Traveler's Story

    The following incident is quoted in the book ` Kashf al-Ghumma ':
    A Syrian came to Medina. He saw a handsome man astride a good camel. Upon enquiry he learnt that it was Imam Hassan ibn Ali (A.S).
    This man from Syria stepped forward in anger and said; "Are you the son of Ali ibn Abi Talib?"
    "Yes, I am the son of Ali."
    He said: "You are the son of a person who was a polytheist". And he continued his foul utterances till he got tired of it. Imam Hassan (A.S) remained silent. At last the man felt ashamed.
    The Imam (A.S) seeing his remorse said: "You look like a traveller, are you from Syria ?"
    "Yes sir", he replied.
    Imam Hassan (A.S) said: "If you need a place to stay, we shall provide it. If you need money we would give it you. If you have any other problem, we shall help you."
    Not only was the Syrian ashamed but was also rendered speechless by such an excellent behavior.
    The following are his own words: "After I had the good fortune of enjoying the hospitality of Imam Hassan ibn Ali (A.S), I found his personality more likeable than that of any other person in the world."
    Imam Hassan (A.S) had offered the same type of hospitality to Asam bin Mutlaq the Syrian, and he too became his devotee.

    Ref: Almujtaba Islamic Network

  • Abdullah son of Al-Hassan (A.S)

    The enemies of Allah waited for a short while then returned to Hussein (A.S) whom they surrounded as he sat on the ground unable to stand. Abdullah son of Imam Hassan (A.S), grandson of the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P), who was then eleven years old, looked and saw how his uncle was being surrounded by those people, so he came running towards him. Zaynab wanted to restrain him but he managed to evade her and to reach his uncle.
    Bahr ibn Kaab lowered his head to strike Hussein (A.S), so the child shouted, “O son of the corrupt woman, are you going to strike my uncle?” The man dealt a blow from his sword which the child received with his hand, cutting it off. The child cried in agony, “O uncle!” Then he fell in the lap of Hussein (A.S) who hugged him and said: “O son of my brother! Be patient with regard to what has befallen us, and consider it as goodness, for Allah, the most Exalted, will make you join your righteous ancestors.” Then He (A.S) raised his hands and supplicated saying, “O Allah! Let them enjoy themselves for some time then divide them and make them into parties, and do not let their rulers ever be pleased with them, for they invited us to support us, then they turned their backs to us and fought us.”
    Harmalah ibn Kahil shot the child with an arrow, killing him as he sat in his uncle's lap.
    Hussein (A.S) remained lying on the ground for some time. Had those rogues wished to kill him, they could have done so, but each tribe relied on the other to do what it hated to do itself.
    Al-Shimr shouted, “What are you standing like that for?! What do you expect the man to do since your arrows and spears have wounded him so heavily? Attack him!”
    Zarah ibn Sharik struck him on his left shoulder with his sword while Hussein (A.S) shot him with an arrow which penetrated his mouth; another man struck him on the shoulder. Sinan ibn Anas stabbed him in his collar bone area of the chest then shot him with an arrow in the neck. Salih ibn Wahab stabbed him in the side.
    Hilal ibn Nafi has said, “I was standing in front of Hussein (A.S) as he was drawing his last breath. Never did I ever see anyone whose face looked better than him or more glowing as he was stained with his own blood!
    In fact, the light emanating from his face distracted me altogether from the thought of killing him! As he was in such a condition, he asked for some water to drink, but they refused to give him any.”
    A man said to him, “You shall not taste of water till you reach hell from whose hot boiling water shall you drink.” He (A.S) said, “Am I the one who will reach it? Rather, I will reach my grandfather, the Messenger of Allah, and will reside with him in his abode of truth near an Omnipotent King, and I shall complain to him about what crimes you committed against me and what you have done to me.” They all became very angry. It is as if Allah did not leave one iota of compassion in their hearts.

    Adapted from: "Maqtal al-Hussein; Martyrdom Epic of Imam Hussein (A.S)" by: "Abd al-Razzaq al-Muqarram"

  • Al-Qasim and His Brother

    Abu Bakr, son of Imam al-Hassan son of the Commander of the Faithful (A.S), came out. His first name was Abdullah al-Akbar [Abdullah senior] and his mother was Ramla. He fought till he was killed.
    After the latter, his full-blooded brother, Qasim, came out. He was a lad who had not yet come of age. When Hussain (A.S), looked at him, he hugged him and wept. Then he permitted him to fight, so he came out with a face looking like a full moon bearing a sword and wearing a shirt and a mantle. On his feet he wore sandals. He had to fight on foot. The sandal's string on his left foot was cut off, so he, the son of the great Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) hated to walk bare-footed on the battlefield. He, therefore, stopped for a moment to tie his sandal6, regarding those enemies as no more valuable than his own sandal, paying no heed to their multitude, feeling unconcerned about their thousands.
    As he was thus engaged, ` Amr Ibn Sa'd Ibn Nafil al-Azdi attacked him. Hamid ibn Muslim asked him: “What do you want to do to this lad? Are you not satisfied to see the entire crowd that surrounds him?”
    He said: “By Allah I shall attack him!”
    He hit Qasim with his sword. The lad fell face-long crying out: “O uncle!”
    Hussain (A.S) came out to his help like an angry lion and struck Amr with his sword. Amr tried to avoid it with his arm, so the Imam cut it off from the elbow, causing him to let out a very loud scream which was heard by the entire army. The cavalry of Ibn Sa'd charged in order to rescue him. Amr met them face-to-face, causing their horses to trample upon him and to eventually kill him.
    After some time the cloud of dust dissipated, so Hussain (A.S) was now seen standing at the head of the young boy, examining his feet. Hussain (A.S) said:  “Away with people who have killed you while their opponent on the Day of Judgment will be your grandfather (P.B.U.H&H.P)!” Then he said: “Hard it is, by Allah, that you call upon your uncle to help you and he cannot answer your call, or that he does answer it but cannot do much for you. It is a lone voice whose enemies are numerous and whose supporters are few.” Then he carried him away.
    Qasim was on Hussain's chest; his legs were dragging on the ground. Hussain (A.S) put the corpse beside that of Ali al-Akbar and of those of his family who had been killed. Then he raised his eyes to the heavens and supplicated thus:
    O Allah! Count their numbers, and do not leave any of them alone, and do not forgive a single one of them! Be patient, O cousins! Be patient, O my Ahlulbayt! You shall never meet any hardship after today at all. [Al-Khwarizmi, Maqtal al-Hussain, Vol. 2, p. 28]

    Maqtal al-Hussain- Martyrdom Epic of Imam al-Hussain
    By: Abd al-Razzaq al-Muqarram

  • Ali (A.S) is Salat (Prayer)

    Narrated from Abdul Rahman bin Kaseer:

    عن عبد الرحمن بن كثير عن أبى عبد الله عليه السلام في قوله:” حافِظُوا عَلَى الصَّلَواتِ وَ الصَّلاةِ الْوُسْطى‏ وَ قُومُوا لِلَّهِ قانِتِينَ”
     قال الصلوات رسول الله و أمير المؤمنين و فاطمة و الحسن و الحسين عليهم السلام، و الوسطى، أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام و قُومُوا لِلَّهِ قانِتِينَ طائعين للائمة.

    Imam Sadiq (A.S) said regarding the verse of Quran;
    "Guard strictly your (habit of) prayers, especially the Middle Prayer; and stand before Allah in a devout" [2:238]
    "Prayers" is (refers to) the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P), the commander of the faithful (A.S), Fatima (S.A), Hassan (A.S) and Hussein (A.S). And the "Middle Prayer" is (refers to) the commander of the faithful (A.S). And "Stand before Allah in devout" is obedient to the Imam's (A.S).
    [Source: Tafseer Noor us Saqlain Vol.1 Pg.237-238]

    Ref: Marefate AhleBait (AS).com

  • Allah's Messenger Reveals Fatima's Future to Her

    'Once, the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) summoned Ali, Fatima, Al-Hassan and Al-Hussain (A.S) and ordered everyone present in the house to leave. He then ordered Umme Salama to stand at the door so no one could come near it.
    The Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) then said to Ali (A.S):
    "Come near me."
    Ali came near as the Prophet asked; he then held Fatima's hand and put it on his chest for a long time, and held Ali's hand in his other hand. When the Prophet tried to speak, he was overtaken by tears and was unable to do so. Therefore, Ali, Fatima, Al-Hassan and Al-Hussain cried when they saw him (P.B.U.H&H.P) crying.
    Fatima (S.A) then said:
    "Messenger of Allah! You have broken my heart and brought sorrow to me with your crying. You are the Master of all Prophets and the trusted Prophet of your Lord; you are the beloved Prophet of Allah! Who do I have for my children after you? Who do I have to protect me from the humiliation, which will inflict me after you? Who does Ali, your brother and the helper of your religion, have after you? Who is to (attend to) Allah's revelation and affair?"
    Fatima then broke down crying and embraced him together with Ali, Hassan and Hussain (A.S). The Prophet raised his head, and while holding Fatima's hand, he placed it in Ali's hand and said:
    'Abu Al-Hassan, she is Allah's and His Messenger's, Muhammad, trust to you. Therefore, keep Allah's and His Messenger's trust by protecting her. Surely I know you will.'
    'Ali, this (Fatima) by Allah, is the Mistress of all women of Paradise; this, by Allah, is (like) Maryam al-Kubra.'
    'By Allah, before I reached this state, I asked Allah (certain things) for you and I, and He surely has given me what I asked.'
    'Ali, Execute that which Fatima commands you to do, for I have commanded her to (perform certain affairs) which Gabriel ordered me to do. Be informed, Ali that I am satisfied with him who my daughter is satisfied with, so is my Lord and the angels.
    'Ali, Cursed is he who oppresses her; Cursed is he who usurps her right; Cursed is he who violates her sanctity..."
    The Prophet then embraced Fatima (A.S), kissed her hand and said:
    "May your father be your sacrifice, Fatima."
    At that moment, the Messenger of Allah was putting his head on Ali's chest; but his love for Fatima kept driving him to embrace and kiss her repeatedly. He cried until his tears made his beard and shirt wet.
    Imam Hassan and Imam Hussain (A.S) began crying and kissing his feet; when Imam Ali (A.S) tried to separate them, the Prophet said:
    “Let them smell me and let me smell them; Let them be near me, surely they will be afflicted with sorrows and difficult problems after me. May Allah curse him who abuses them.” O Allah!! I commend them to your protection and to the protection of the righteous believers."
    Meanwhile, Fatima (A.S) was speaking to her father with a crying voice and saying:
    "May my soul be your sacrifice! May my face prevent harm from your face! Father, can you not speak a word to me?! Surely I see the knights of death attacking you fiercely!!"
    Allah's Messenger then said:
    "Daughter, I am leaving you; thus, peace be upon you from me".

    Fatima (S.A) the Gracious
    By: Abu Muhammad Ordoni
    P. 190 – 194

  • Extent of Authority and Knowledge of Imam Hassan (A.S)

    أَحْمَدُ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ وَ مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ يَحْيَى عَنْ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ الْحَسَنِ عَنْ يَعْقُوبَ بْنِ يَزِيدَ عَنِ ابْنِ أَبِي عُمَيْرٍ عَنْ رِجَالِهِ عَنْ أَبِي عَبْدِ اللَّهِ ع قَالَ إِنَّ الْحَسَنَ ع قَالَ إِنَّ لِلَّهِ مَدِينَتَيْنِ إِحْدَاهُمَا بِالْمَشْرِقِ وَ الْأُخْرَى بِالْمَغْرِبِ عَلَيْهِمَا سُورٌ مِنْ حَدِيدٍ وَ عَلَى كُلِّ وَاحِدٍ مِنْهُمَا أَلْفُ أَلْفِ مِصْرَاعٍ وَ فِيهَا سَبْعُونَ أَلْفَ أَلْفِ لُغَةٍ يَتَكَلَّمُ كُلُّ لُغَةٍ بِخِلَافِ لُغَةِ صَاحِبِهَا وَ أَنَا أَعْرِفُ جَمِيعَ اللُّغَاتِ وَ مَا فِيهِمَا وَ مَا بَيْنَهُمَا وَ مَا عَلَيْهِمَا حُجَّةٌ غَيْرِي وَ غَيْرُ الْحُسَيْنِ أَخِي.

    Ahmad ibn Muhammad and Muhammad ibn Yahya have narrated from Muhammad ibn al-Hassan from Ya‘qub ibn Yazid from ibn abu ‘Umayr from his people from abu ‘Abd Allah (A.S) who has said the following:
    "Hassan (A.S) has said: Allah has two cities. One is in the east and the other is in the west. They have a boundary around them that is made of iron and each one has a million doors. Seventy thousand different languages exist therein and I know all those languages and all that is therein. There is no one who would possess Leadership with Divine Authority over them except me and my brother Hussein (A.S)."

    [Source: Al Kaafi Vol.1 Pg.462]

    Ref: Marefate AhleBait (A.S).com

  • Hazrat Fatima’s last day of this earth

    One day, during the time when Hazrat Fatima (S.A) was ill in bed. Imam Ali (A.S) returned home and he found very busy, cooking and cleaning her children, Imam Hassan (A.S) and Imam Hussain(A.S). Imam Ali (A.S) asked her as to why she was so hard working.
    Tears started flowing from her eyes. She told him that on the previous night she had seen her father in a dream. She told him about the troubles that she had to go through after his death and that she found life without him very difficult. Her father, the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) consoled her and told her not to worry anymore because after one day she would be with him.
    By this dream Hazrat Fatima (S.A) knew that it was her last day. So she wanted to do all that she could for her beloved children before she was separated from them by death.
    This news made Imam Ali (A.S) very sad.
    Hazrat Fatima (S.A) then made her final wishes know to him. Her first wish was that those who had oppressed her and her husband should not be allowed to attend her burial.
    To make this possible, she wished that she be buried in the darkness of night. Secondly, she recommended Imam Ali (A.S) to her daughter, Zainab, as she would take good care of the children.
    Thirdly, she requested Imam Ali (A.S) to be extra careful with Imam Hassan (A.S) and Imam Hussain (A.S) as they would be very sad after their mother's death.
    With tears in his eyes Imam Ali (A.S) said goodbye to her and went to the Mosque together with Imam Hassan (A.S) and Imam Hussain (A.S).
    Hazrat Fatima (S.A) was now left home alone with Asma Bint Umays. Asma reports that when alone, Hazrat Fatima (S.A) put on a new garment and perfumed herself. She then retired to the place where she used to pray daily. She asked Asma to leave her alone as she wished to carry out some special prayers in remembrance of Allah, the Almighty. She requested Asma to come back to her after sometime and check if she was still alive or not.
    Asma says, "I did as I was told. When left alone, Hazrat Fatima (S.A) started addressing Allah and praying for the wellbeing of her followers. After sometime there was silence. I rushed to see what she was doing and saw that she was lying straight on her back. Her face was covered with a piece of cloth.
    When I removed the cloth from her face, I found her not breathing any more. She had left this world to join her father.”
    As per her wishes, Imam Ali (A.S) buried her in the darkness of the night. Besides Imam Ali (A.S) and his two sons, very few others such as Ammar, Salman, Mighdad and AbuZar attended her funeral.

    Derived from: Al Hassanain.

  • Neighbors First

    The child had made it a habit to rise regularly in the small hours of the night and join his mother in her nightly prayers. He observed that his mother prayed for all Muslim men and women. She remembered them by name and prayer for their prosperity and well-being.
    O Allah, pardon them their sins and let your grace embrace them in all their dealings.
    On this particular morning, he decided to ask. When the prayers were over, he asked:
    Mother, you pray for all every day. Not a word for yourself or anyone in the family?
    Hazrat Fatima, blessings and salutations to her, said: “O Hassan, remember one thing. Neighbors first and then the house.”

    Ref: Shia.es

  • The Historical Event

    On the 24th of Zul Hijjah 10 A.H., the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) came out for Mubahila.
    Early next morning the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) sent Salman al Farsi to the open place, fixed outside the city for the historic event, to erect a small shelter for him and those he intended to take along with him for the contest.
    On the opposite side appeared the Christian priests, while at the appointed hour the Christians witnessed the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) entering the field with Imam Hussein (A.S) in his lap, Imam Hassan (A.S) holding his finger, and walking beside him, Lady Fatima (S.A) and followed by Imam Ali (A.S).
    The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) on reaching the appointed spot stationed himself with his daughter, her two sons and her husband, raising his hands towards the heaven said:
    Lord these are the People of my House. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) said to them: "when I pray you should say Ameen."
    In obedience to the verse of Mubahila sent by Allah , the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) had brought Imam Hassan (A.S) and Imam Hussein (A.S) as his "sons", Hazrat Fatima (S.A) as his "women" and Imam Ali (A.S) as his "self".
    The Chief Pontiff on knowing that the baby in the lap of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) was his young grandson, Imam Hussein (A.S), the child walking holding the Prophet's (P.B.U.H&H.P) hand was his first grandson, Imam Hassan (A.S), the Lady behind him was daughter, his only surviving issue was Fatima (S.A) the mother of the two children and the one who followed the Lady was his son in law, the husband of Fatima (S.A), addressed the huge crowd of the people who had gathered on the spot, and addressed them saying:
    “By God, I see the faces which, if they pray to God for mountains to move from their places, the mountains will immediately move!”
    O believers in the Jesus of Nazareth, I will tell you the truth that should ye fail to enter into some agreement with Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) and if these souls whom Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) has brought with him, curse you; ye will be wiped out of existence to the last day of the life of the earth!
    The people readily agreed to the advice counseled by their Leader.
    They beseeched the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) to give up the idea of the agreed Mubahila and requested for themselves to be allowed to continue their faith, offering to pay ' Jizya '.
    [Al Tabari, Commentary of the Quran, v 2 p 192 – 193]

    When the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) heard these words he remarked:
    “By God, had the Christians of Najran contested with us, they would have been transformed into monkeys and swine. Fire would have rained over them.”

    Source: ahl-ul-bayt.org

  • The Lineage of Abd al-Azim

    The Imami scholar and biographer Shaykh al-Najashi (d 450 AH/1058 AD) has recorded the lineage of Abd al-Azim at the beginning of his biography as: Abd al-Azim bin Abdullah bin Ali bin al-Hassan bin Zayd bin al-Hassan bin Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S) and this is his correct lineage. However, he then writes at the end of the biography: He (i.e. Abd al-Azim) died and when he was undressed so that the funeral bath could be given to him, a small piece of paper was found in one of his pockets in which was written his lineage, as follows: “I am Abu al-Qasim Abd al-Azim bin Abdullah ibn Ali bin al-Hassan bin Zayd bin Ali bin al-Hassan bin Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S).” But the first rendering of his lineage is correct for Imam al-Hassan’s progeny continued through the agency of two sons, who were:
    1) Zayd bin al-Hassan, and
    2) Al-Hassan al-Muthanna.
    Thus it is apparent that Imam Hassan (A.S) did not have a son by the name of Ali through whom he may have had grandchildren (as the second version of Sayyid Abd al- Azim’s lineage above implies).
    Therefore on the basis of the above, Sayyid Abd al-Azim was separated from Imam Hassan (A.S) by four generations only.

    Ref: Al-Islam.org

  • The Month of Muharram

    قال امام الرضا عليه السلام:
    كان أبي صلوات اللّه عليه إذا دخل شهر المحرم لا يرى‏ ضاحكا و كانت الكآبة تغلب عليه حتّى يمضي منه عشرة أيام، فإذا كان يوم العاشر كان ذلك اليوم يوم مصيبته و حزنه و بكائه، و يقول: هو اليوم الذي قتل فيه الحسين عليه السلام.

    Imam Reza (A.S) said, "With the advent of the month of Muharram, my father Imam Kadhim (A.S) would never be seen laughing; gloom and sadness would overcome him for (the first) ten days of the month; and when the tenth day of the month would dawn, it would be a day of tragedy, grief and weeping for him and He would say, "This is the day on which Imam Hussein (A.S) was killed".
    [Source: al-Amaali, Shaikh Saduq, Pg. 128]

    Narrated from Imam Sadiq (A.S) from his Father (A.S) from his Grand Father (A.S):

    أن حسين بن علي بن أبي طالب (عليه السلام) دخل يوما على الحسن (عليه السلام) فلما نظر إليه بكى فقال ما يبكيك قال أبكي لما يصنع بك فقال الحسن (عليه السلام) إن الذي يؤتى إلي سم يدس إلي فأقتل به و لكن لا يوم كيومك يا أبا عبد الله

    Hussein bin Ali bin Abi Talib (A.S) entered on the day of (Martyrdom) Al-Hassan (A.S) and wept when he looked at him. Imam Hassan (A.S) said: What makes you cry?
    He replied: that which is brought to you (Poison).
    Imam Hassan (A.S) said: "And there is no day like your day O'Aba Abdillah."
    [Source: Al-Lahoof - Sayed ibn Taoos Pg.25]

    Ref: Ahlulbayt Global Information Center

  • The Prophet's flower

    Hussain (A.S) spent his childhood with Lady Fatimah (S.A), Imam Ali(A.S), and especially with Prophet Muhammad(A.S). The love and affection Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) had towards Hussain(A.S) was so unique that all the companions were aware of it, had frequently seen its manifestation, and had heard of it repeatedly. Moreover, historians have recorded incidents and narrations in this respect. In one account it has been said that the Prophet's prostration took longer than usual in his prayer. People came to the Prophet and asked, "Were you receiving a revelation or order from Allah during prostration?" Prophet Muhammad(A.S) replied, "No, my son Hussain had climbed onto my back; I waited until he wished to come down." This is an example showing how the best creature of Allah (S.W.T) treated Hussain(A.S) while he was in the best state of worship. 
    The companions had seen Prophet Muhammad(A.S) repeatedly put Hassan and Hussain(A.S) on his shoulders and play with them. At other times he would kiss Hussain(A.S) and say, "Hussain is from me, and I am from Hussain. May Allah love him who loves Hussain." In other traditions the Prophet would say, "Hassan and Hussain(A.S) are my two aromatic flowers from this world."
    Nonetheless, most people knew that the Prophet's love for his two grandchildren, especially for Hussain(A.S) was not a usual love of a grandfather for his grandchild. According to the Holy Quran, the Prophet's(A.S) actions and words are apart from his desires: "Indeed in the Messenger of Allah you have a good example to follow..." (The Holy Quran, 33:21) On the other hand, although Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) had other adopted daughters and a son, the specific affection and recommendations were only shown towards Hassan and Hussain(A.S).
    Prophet Muhammad's (P.B.U.H&H.P) recommendations and affections for Hussain(A.S) were in fact portraying an important fact. He would repeatedly inform people that salvation and prosperity can only be found through the friendship and love of Imam Hussain(A.S). Umar Ibn Khattab narrates from Prophet Muhammad(A.S): "Hassan and Hussain are masters of the youth in heaven. Whosoever loves them has loved me, and whosoever has animosity with them, is my enemy." In another account the Holy Prophet has also said, "You came to awareness by me; you found the right path and were guided by Ali; you were given blessings through Hassan; but your eternal salvation is with Hussain. Be aware that Hussain is a door from the doors of heaven. Whosoever has animosity towards him can never enter heaven."

    Taken from: Islamic Shia information site

  • The story of Qassim bin Hassan (A.S)!

    The story of Qassim bin Hassan (A.S)!
    Peace be Upon you oh Qassim!

  • They are strict about body’s food but...

    Imam Hassan (A.S) says:
    I wonder about those who think about their body’s food, but   do   not   think   about   their   soul’s   food.   They   keep undesirable food away from their belly, but fill up their heart with destructive subjects.

    Brief description
    As our great Imam has said, our people are usually quite careful with their food and do not start eating unless they know what it is. They avoid anything that looks doubtful and   some   go to great lengths to ensure that the body receives good, clean, healthy diet. Yet, when it comes to the food for the soul, these same individuals will throw caution to the winds. With eyes closed,   unaware   of   the   reality,   they   would   have   no hesitation in pouring down any mental food into their soul. They harm their souls by accepting without question the   speeches   of   unsuitable   friends,   misleading   press reports and suspicious or poisonous propagation, and this is very surprising.

    Ref: Shiaislamiclibrary.com

  • Virtues of Ahlul Bayt (A.S)

    Abi Abdullah Jaafar bin Mohammad (A.S) said:
    One day my father (Imam Mohammad bin Ali Al-Baqir (A.S)) said to Jabir bin Abdullah, "I need to see you privately."
    So when my father was alone with Jabir he said. "Tell me about the tablet that my mother, Fatima (S.A), had."
    Jabir said:
    Allah is my witness that I went to Fatima (S.A), daughter of the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P) to congratulate her on the birth of Hussain (A.S). I saw a green tablet in her hand made of green aquamarine. There was some writing on it with a light that was brighter than the sun and (the tablet) smelled better than musk.
    I asked Fatima (S.A), "What is this tablet, O daughter of the Messenger of Allah?"
    She replied, "This tablet is a gift from Allah to my father. It contains the names of my father, my husband, and the names of his successors from my sons after him."
    I asked her to give it to me so I could write a copy of its contents, and she accepted.
    Then my father (Mohammad bin Ali (A.S)) asked Jabir, "Can you show me the copy you made?"
    Jabir replied, "Yes."
    Then Jabir went to his house and brought back a piece of paper with him.
    My father said to him:
    Look at your copy to see (if) what I say (matches your copy). This is what was written on that tablet:
    In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful. This is a letter from Allah, the most Honorable, the most Knowledgeable, which was sent with the guardian spirit to Mohammad, the last of the messengers.
    O Mohammad! Glorify my names, be thankful for my grace, and do not deny my blessings.
    Do not desire anyone but me and do not fear anyone but me, because those who desire anyone but me or fear anyone but me will be punished in a way that I have never punished anyone else from all of the worlds.
    O Mohammad! I have chosen you from amongst all of the prophets and I have given preference to your successor above all of the successors.
    I have made Hassan the container of My Knowledge after the time of his father, and (I have made) Hussain the best of the sons from the first to the last, and through Hussain the Imamate will continue.
    Ali, the beauty of the worshippers, will remain from Hussain, and then (it will be) Mohammad, the one who rips open My Knowledge, the one who will invite (people) to my path through the right methods.
    Then (it will be) Jaafar, the truthful in his speech and his actions, after whom there will be a deafening conspiracy.
    Woe and more woe unto those who deny my slave and the best of my creation, Moses!
    Then Ali, the pleasant, will be killed by a pagan daemon, and he will be buried in the city that was built by the righteous slave, next to the worst of Allah's creation.
    Then Mohammad (will come), the guide to my path, the one who safeguards my sanctity, and the one who will leave Ali behind.
    Ali will be the one with two names (Ali and Naqi).
    After him, Hasan, the honorable, will lead his people.
    And after him his son. Mohammad, will rise at the end of time. There will be a white cloud over him to offer him shade from the sun. He will speak with an eloquent language and his voice will reach everyone and everywhere. He is the Mahdi of the family of Mohammad and he will fill the earth with justice, just as it is will be filled with injustice.
    [Source: Basharat ul Mustafa Le Shiyyat e Murtuza, Chapter 5, Hadees 1 / Amaali of Sheikh Tousi, Vol 1, Pg. 298/O’youn-e-Akhbaral-Redha, Pg 25]

    Derived from: Marefate Ahlebayt.com

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