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Ahlul Bayt (A.S) - Islam Guidance

  • 9th Rabi al Awwal Anniversary of Imam Mahdi's Imamate

    The 9th of Rabi'al Awwal marks a turning point in the history of the Ahlul Bait (A.S) and their followers. This day is a day of joy and happiness for the lovers of the Ahlul Bait (A.S). The hadith which speaks about this day refers to it as the ‘Greatest Eid in the sight of the Ahlul Bait (A.S) and those who love and follow them.
    Indeed, it is after going through close to 70 days of grief and sorrow in which we commemorated the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (A.S) and his family and friends in Karbala and the other martyrdoms which we have marked over this period - including the demise of our 2nd Imam, 4th Imam 8th Imam, 11th Imam, and of course our beloved Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) – that we have finally reached this day of blessings when we can adorn ourselves with the clothing of piety which we have learned from the ceremonies over the past two and a half months.
    One particular hadith which speaks of this day tells us that while in a gathering with the Prophet of Islam, Imam Ali and his two sons, Hasan, and Husain (A.S), the Prophet, with a smile on his face, said, “It is on this day that Allah will destroy your enemies and the enemies of your grandfather and it is on this day when Allah will accept the actions of your Shia and those who love you." This is the day when the words of Allah came true where He said (in the Qur`an): ‘So those are the houses fallen down because they were unjust…’ (27:52) and this is the day when the Pharaoh of the time of the Ahlul Bait (A.S) was destroyed…”
    On this day, one of the important things which we should bring to mind is the start of the Imamate and leadership of our 12th and Living Imam, Al-Mahdi (A.S). With the tragic death of his father at such a young age, the Awaited Savior began the mission of his Imamate on this day – and it continues even now during the period of the Occultation until Allah permits him to make his advent to establish the universal government of Islam over the entire planet!
    We should also keep in our hearts two of the most important pillars of our Furu ad-Din – namely Tawalla and Tabarra – or showing love for the Ahlul Bait (A.S) and those who love them and showing and expressing our dislike for the enemies of the Ahlul Bait (A.S) during this day and the gatherings which we attend. The concept of love and hate is something which is engrained in the Quran in many verses and is something which we must live our life by – we must know who our friends are and love and support them, and we must know who our enemies are so that we can keep away from them and their wicked plots and ideas.
    This is the day of Eid for faithful and marks the end of the mourning period after the events of Karbala. According to Ulema, this is the day when the key murderers of Imam Hussain (A.S), Umar Ibn Saad and Ubayd Allah ibn Ziyad were killed and sent to the Hell. When their heads were presented to Imam Sajjad (A.S) by the forces of Mukhtar Al-Saqafi, Imam (A.S) prostrated and thanked Allah (S.W.T) that he had granted him long enough life that he could see the heads of the killers of Imam Hussain (A.S).
    This was the first time since the events of Karbala that the people saw smile on the face of Imam Sajjad (A.S). Therefore, the faithful of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) and his Ahlul Bait (A.S) should celebrate this day as an Eid day. Allah (S.W.T) has reserved great reward for anyone who declares and celebrates this day as Eid day.
    This Eid day achieves more heights of honor, glory and excellence as on this auspicious day the crown of Imamate is passed to Imam of our era, the last 12th Imam Al-Mahdi (A.S). A saying of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) goes: "One, who dies without knowing the Imam of his time, dies a death of ignorance.”
    Imam Al-Mahdi (A.S) is our Imam, Imam of our time and as the verse 71 of chapter Bani Israel of holy Quran says: "(Remember) the day (of Judgment) when we shall call every people with their Imam". we will be called and presented with our Imam on Resurrection Day.
    Friends of Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) should celebrate this day with great happiness, for our joys are with the joys of Ahlul Bait (A.S) and our grief and sorrows are for them alone.

    Derived from The Universal Center of Imam Al-Mahdi.

  • Abis ibn Shabib al-Shakeri

    Abis ibn Shabib al-Shakeri came to Shawthab, a slave of Shaker. Shawthab was a sincere man whose house was always frequented by the Shias; it was there that they discussed the merits of Ahlul-Bayt (A.S). He said: “O Shawthab! What do you intend to do?” Shawthab said: “I shall fight on your side till I am killed.” He prayed Allah to reward him well then said to him: “Advance to greet Aba-Abdillah (A.S) so that he may pray for you just as he prayed for the others, for this is a day when we seek as much reward as we can.” Shawthab advanced and greeted Hussein (A.S) then fought till he was killed.
    Abis stood before Aba-Abdillah (A.S) and said: “There is none on the face of earth either near one or distant one, dearer to me than you. Had I been able to ward off injustice from you with anything more precious than my life, I would have done so. Peace be with you, and I testify that I am on you and your father's guidance!” He walked towards the enemy with his sword raised despite a wound which he had already received on his forehead. All men who saw him shouted, “O men! Stay away from him!” They knew very well that he was most courageous. Observing the situation, `Omer ibn Saad shouted, “Kill him with your stones!” He became the target of a shower of stones. Having seen that, he put down his shield and charged, causing as many as two hundred men to flee away from him. Soon they surrounded him from all directions and killed him. A number of them disputed with one another about who among them would take his head covering as booty. Ibn Saad said, “This man was not killed by one single person.” He distributed the slain hero's head-gear among them.

    Ref: Maqtal al-Husain by Abd al Razzaq al-Muqarram

  • Journey of the Unseen World

    When I died, I saw myself standing, relieved of my illness, feeling fit and healthy; I saw my relatives mourning around my corpse. I was saddened by their crying and told them that I was cured and not dead; but nobody heard me.
    My body was bathed and shrouded. I even joined the funeral procession, in which I saw many wild animals which frightened me. But the other people didn't even notice these beasts.
    My body was lowered head-first into the grave. Just at that moment many animals emerged and started attacking my body. My fear knew no bounds but the other people behaved as if they did not even see them! My cries for help fell on deaf ears!
    Suddenly some people entered the grave and shooed away the animals. I thanked them. They told me that they were my “Good Deeds”, while the beasts were my “Evil Deeds”.
    The grave was closed over my dead body and all my friends and relatives deserted me in my lonely confinement. I was afraid and bewildered. Suddenly the grave trembled and split open.
    Two huge Angels with fearful faces entered. Smoke and fire bellowed from their mouths and nostrils. They were holding red hot iron rods in their hands. Suddenly in a thundering voice, they asked me: “Who is your Lord?” In my extreme fear I could not speak and beseeched Allah for help and sought the intercession of Imam Ali (A.S) knowing that he helps in the most difficult of circumstances.
    My silence angered them and they repeated their question. My fear left me and I replied by reciting the Ayats of Sura al-Hashr (Verse 22, 23). Next they asked me, “Who is your Prophet? Which is your Book? (Kitaab), Direction of Worship (Qibla), Imams”. My answers seemed to satisfy them.
    They then asked me “What is the source of these answers?” I again became confused. Would the arguments I learned in the dark, ignorant and material world hold true in this enlightened, illuminated place?
    I again beseeched Allah with Imam ‘Ali's intercession. Suddenly the answer was revealed to me. I was guided by Allah. I replied. They said “Then sleep like a newly-wed” and left me. I felt the fear leave me and I slept peacefully.
    When I woke up, I found myself in a pleasant room with a handsome youth. After greeting each other with respect, he told me “My name is Haadi (Guide). I guided you to your last answers. Had you answered wrongly your grave would have been filled with fire from Hell.”
    I asked him “Tell me how do you know me so well, without having met me? “ He replied “I am the relationship of love and friendship which you had with Imam Ali (A.S) and the Ahle-Bayt of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P). I have been with you always, but you never sensed my presence since in the material world your sight lacked the power to perceive me.” After some discussions, he left me. I soon went to sleep.
    On awakening, I saw two men sitting on my either side, one handsome and the other ugly. They kept sniffing my body from head to toe, whispered to each other, and then filled up certain boxes and sealed them. I realized that my deeds were being judged and recorded. On completing their task, they tied some sheets round my neck and kept the boxes beside my head.
    Next they put me inside an iron cage, which was made smaller by twisting a lever. I was terrified and couldn't breathe. I heard my bones cracking and oil oozed out of my body which they mopped up. I soon fainted and became unaware of what was going on.
    When I regained consciousness, I found my head on Haadi's lap. I started crying in a weak voice. He consoled me and then said, “Everyone has to face this in the initial stage in the grave. It is due to one's own past deeds.” After making things comfortable, he left me. My body appeared to have been purged of all debasements and become pure and clean. I now understood that the constriction had actually been an act of purifying, so that if a man possessed evil traits these debasements would, as a result of the constriction, be squeezed out of him like the black oil which I had seen.
    On Thursday night, I visited my house in the form of a dove. I saw my family and friends were reciting Quran, listening to religious lectures and then eating good food. I was saddened as all this was being done for tradition's sake. No needy or deserving person was invited. Of what good was such food to me?
    When I returned to the grave, I saw Haadi with a tray of sweet ripe apples. “Where have these come from?” I asked. “Somebody sincerely recited Sura al-Fateha near your grave, and Allah has rewarded you”, he replied. He then informed me of another good news, “The Imam's son whose grave you visited and the religious scholars whom you used to remember in your night prayers are coming to visit you.”
    Suddenly the guests arrived; most prominent amongst them were Hazrat Abbas and Hazrat Ali Akbar Their majestic faces were very bright and they were wearing a war-helmet, shield, sword etc. as if prepared for battle. Hazrat Abbas spoke to me, “Your remembering my father, Imam Ali (A.S), has proved your salvation. You have been pardoned and absolved.” After some conversation, the guests departed.
    It was time to move ahead and picking up my bag of Deeds, I started walking along the path that Haadi had shown me. After covering some distance, I began feeling a bit tired and thirsty.
    At this point, an ugly person, “Abu Lahaw” joined me. He told me, “They call me “Ignorance.” My title is “Waywardness”. My family name is “Abu Lahaw” (Father of playfulness and wasting time). My aim is to create mischief, mislead people and cause them to go astray.”
    He tempted me into a “short cut” and I left the main road. This proved to be more difficult, full of ditches, dirt and thorns with many snakes and scorpions. The unbearable heat made me very thirsty, but my companion laughed and seemed to enjoy my plight.
    On an open ground, we saw some watermelons which he ate with relish and also offered me some. “It is somebody's property and hence it's not right to eat this without permission.” He tempted me again saying, “Don't be so pious. The Qur'an says, “Whoever is driven to necessity, not desiring nor exceeding the limits….” I fell into his trap again and bit into the fruit. To my horror, it was so bitter that my mouth and throat hurt.” Watermelons of Satan and Ignorance!” I thought.
    Suddenly we were attacked by a dog and a guard of the land. I was beaten viciously for being on the property without permission. By the time I reached the true road, I was in a bad state. Abu Lahaw, who had escaped the beating, was laughing and enjoyed seeing me crying and calling out to Haadi for help. “The seeds of these sorrows were laid by yourself on the earth.” he shouted.
    After sometime, I reached an open airy and bright city. I requested the guard to rid me of Abu Lahaw. He replied, “Abu Lahaw is inseparable just like your shadow! But he cannot enter the City of Light. Though, when you resume tomorrow, he'll be beside you again.”
    I spent the night in this place. It was beautiful and here I met some old acquaintances. We were happy here with the best of people, food and service. We were thankful to Allah that for our small deeds on the earth, He had richly rewarded us.
    The next day, I moved on. At a bisection, to my dismay, I saw Abu Lahaw approaching me like a black smoke. The Duty-officer saw this and said, “Abu Lahaw is the face of your own bad traits, like injustice, pride, desire, anger etc. etc. If you did not desist from them on earth, how can you separate them from yourselves now?”
    I moved on with Abu Lahaw by my side. We soon reached a mountain, which had a deep moat on one side. Abu Lahaw tempted me to climb this. I accepted and to my great surprise, it proved to be very difficult and dangerous. Several times, I slipped and hurt myself almost falling into the moat. Abu Lahaw laughed and said, “He who is proud in this world, Allah will break his back, and he who tries to be higher than others, Allah will rub his nose in dust. You have read all this (in the Qur'an), but never acted on it!”
    After some time I reached a garden with a pond around which some people were sitting and eating fruits. They greeted me and invited me, “We had been fasting at the time of our death; since you had played host to people who were fasting, you can also have these fruits. As for Abu Lahaw, your defense weapon against him is the control which you had exercised in your life over your desires.”
    The next part of the journey was easy going. There were fruit laden trees on both sides of the road and a river flowed alongside it. It was as if we were beholding the beauty of God.
    I reached the next station without feeling tired. A separate silver and gold bricked palace reserved for me to stay in. The servants were handsome and well-mannered and took care of every comfort for me.
    At nightfall, the palace became illuminated. I realized at once, that this light was of the tree of Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) and his progeny and this city, was for those who had love for them. I thanked Allah for His Grace and Bounty and to Muhammad (P.B.U.U&H.P) and his progeny for having guided us towards the straight path.
    The next morning, I headed for the next station. Again the path was easy and beautiful with lush green trees, cool water in the lakes and a pleasant breeze.
    Once out of the city, the path became narrow and rocky. Suddenly, Abu Lahaw appeared by my side and tried to tempt me into taking another “short cut”, but I kept to the same road, having no trust for him and having already suffered at his hands before. As Imam Ali (A.S) has said, “To try him whom you have already tried (and he has failed) is stupidity.”
    In a short while we reached the good road again and were soon at the next station. Haadi met me at the gate. We greeted and embraced. He said, “Don't consider yourself to be safe from Abu Lahaw as yet. He has powerful weapons of deception and I can only warn and alert you against Abu Lahaw's deceptions, so be very careful that you don't fall into traps now. As today is Friday, go and visit your family, and see if they have done any good deeds on your behalf.”
    I visited my home again. What I saw saddened me. My family was going through difficult times without anyone caring for their welfare. I prayed “O Most Merciful, have pity on my family and myself, because you are the Lord of all.” I then noticed that my family were also praying for me and weeping remembering the good times they had in my lifetime.
    When I returned, I found a strong horse besides Haadi. “Your family prayed for you and Allah's blessings has come to you in this form. You'll need this horse for your next journey,” he said, “Moreover, your prayer for your family has been granted and henceforth, they will live in comfort and well-being.”
    I returned to my room and was pleasantly surprised to find a beautiful maiden there. Her eyes were bright and her shining face seemed to illuminate the whole room. “This maiden has been wed to you and especially sent here for tonight from the valley of Peace.” Haadi announced and left us.
    The next morning with a stick and sword, I mounted the horse and rode away. The ground was sandy and slippery. I saw monkey-like creatures who, I realised were actually humans for they had neither tails nor hair and walked on two legs. Pus and blood emitted from their private parts accompanied by a bad stink. “This is the land of Lust and Desire,” Haadi said, “These people were adulterers. Beware you don't deviate from the straight path, or it might spell the end of you.”
    Next, I saw people resembling animals hanging from posts and their private parts had been nailed to the posts with big iron nails. Some were also being whipped and were screaming in pain. Haadi informed me that these people used to indulge in various forbidden sexual pleasures.
    Suddenly, Abu Lahaw appeared and tried to lure me into the adjoining path. I resolutely followed Haadi's advice and stuck to the straight path because salvation lies only in following the straight path.
    Riding on, I experienced the earth shaking, the winds raging and the sky darkening. A hail storm of stones was falling. All around me I saw people who had followed their Abu Lahaw's advice sinking into the mire or being crushed by the falling huge stones. “These people were homosexuals.” Haadi cried. “Now get out fast from here, or otherwise you might be subjected to the same punishment!”
    We travelled only a couple of miles more to find ourselves out of the place. I thanked Allah and went on with the journey.
    Suddenly the accursed Abu Lahaw arrived. My horse shied at his sight and threw me down. I was badly hurt. Haadi arrived and helped me mount again. I bitterly complained, “Whenever you leave, Abu Lahaw arrives to cause trouble.” He replied, “No, I always leave when Abu Lahaw arrives, but this is also due to your misdeeds on earth”.
    Ahead of us was another Land of Desire. Here were people who used to be heavy eaters. Those who used to overeat their food obtained by lawful means, had faces like donkeys and cows. Those who had obtained their food by unlawful means had faces of pigs and bears with huge bellies and thin legs! They were being severely punished. It was as if their bellies were full of fire.
    We quickly moved on and soon reached a rest house in a barren and deserted area. Some other travellers were also there, eating from their bags. As my limbs were still painful, Haadi applied some ointment and instantly the pain vanished! “Haadi, what medicine is this?” I inquired. “This is the praises and thanks to Allah you used to give for any gift you were blessed with!
    The next day, Haadi warned me that I would now witness punishments due to the sins of the tongue and advised me to take along water and shield. “Your fasts on the earth are the shield which will now protect you from Hell fire.” On the way we saw various animals fighting with each other viciously, some even eating the flesh of the dead bodies. They were extremely thirsty and flames emerged from their mouth and ears. These are the back-biters and their audience, liars, fault finders and those who laughed and made fun of the faithful.”
    We then came near a garden with fruit trees. Suddenly I realized that they were burning! “What is happening here?” I asked. “This is the garden made by the faithful from the praise and remembrance of Allah. But when these faithful lied, or indulged in back-biting or insulting, this garden went up in flames. That is their sins caused the reward of their good deeds to go to waste”.
    On Friday night, I went to my home again as a bird. My children had gathered under the fruit tree I was sitting on. “Our father planted this fruit tree and we are enjoying its fruits. May Allah bless him” One recalled and then they recited Sura al--Dukhan and Sura al-Dahr their prayers made me happy and I also prayed for them and then returned to my current abode.
    When I returned, my horse was ready. Haadi presented me two gifts. One was from Hazrat Fatimah Zahra (S.A) and the other from Hazrat Ali (A.S) as the two Suras recited by my children are connected to them. “At the time of need these two gifts will open by themselves.” Haadi told me.
    After some time, we reached the land of Greed and Avarice. There we saw people with faces like dogs fighting among themselves. Some were eating dead bodies and fire was coming out from their behinds. Haadi informed me, “These people used to take bribes and embezzle or steal wealth belonging to orphans.”
    Next we entered the Land of Jealousy. I saw robot like giants approaching us. Suddenly Abu Lahaw appeared. My horse shied away at his sight, throwing me down. Abu Lahaw screamed with laughter, “O fool! Name me one learned man who has been free from jealousy. You'll never get out from this trap of mine!”
    I was angry and started fighting him but he was stronger and was overpowering me. I cried for help. “Ya Ali Madad!”
    Immediately the robot like creatures turned around and retreated. Abu Lahaw too tried to run away but was crushed under the wheels of a giant roller. This was my last encounter with him!
    Getting up, Haadi and I started walking away quickly. “Haadi, it seems Abu Lahaw is dead”. I said. “No,” Haadi replied, “Abu Lahaw never dies. But he will not approach you now as we are quite far from the Valley of Barhoot. Ahead, people are being punished for Pride and Arrogance but since you rid yourself of these traits in your lifetime, you will not be troubled.”
    It got pleasant as we went ahead, with cool breeze, mountains, greenery and waterfalls. Numerous tents soon became visible. “This is the city of 'Huma', Haadi told me. It is the valley of Right and Sacred Land and you'll stay here a few days.”
    Some attendants appeared and Haadi instructed me to go with them, “Go to your tent with them. You'll find friends there”.
    On entering, a beautiful maiden greeted me. We sat down and were served by a handsome lad. She spoke to me about religious issues. The depth of her knowledge impressed me. “I was educated in the Holy City of Medina and brought up by Hazrat Fatimah (S.A) who, like her father is herself a city of knowledge and purity”. She told me.
    Then we went for a walk in the woods. As I would approach a tree, its fruit laden branch would bend down towards me. The fruits were sweet and fresh and did not decrease regardless of how many I ate. Melodious voices rang out from the trees inviting me to eat whatever I liked.
    On returning to the tent, I was greeted by Haadi, ready for the onward journey. We departed, accompanied by friends and some angels. Soon we approached a hill overcast with dark clouds and sparks emitting from it. We could hear thunder in the distance. The angels immediately burst out, “There is no course of circumstances and no power except Allah's!”
    We climbed down the hill and looked down. “This is the Valley of Barhoot”, the Angels said, “and these sparks resembling arrows, spears and swords are in fact curses which the faithful send upon the enemies of the Ahlul Bayt (A.S) and these are hitting their targets.”
    We could see these fiery arrows passing through numerous people in the valley and they could not escape these. They were wailing and the voices sounded like yelping of dogs! All of us cursed the enemies of the Ahlul Bayt. This resulted in a ten-fold increase in the fiery showers.
    Seeing the fate of the enemies of Ahlul Bayt made me happy and satisfied and we resumed our journey saying, “O Allah, give them such a punishment from which even the dwellers of Hell would wish they were freed”.

    Abridged text of the original book 'Journey to the Unseen World' in simple English, which discusses the circumstances of life after death By Ayatullah Najafi Quchani.
    This Article was borrowed from Al Islam.org.

  • Pilgrimage for Abbas (A.S)

    The pilgrimage to the holy shrines of the Prophets, Imams, and saints is called Ziyara. It is different from the ritual pilgrimage to Mecca, which is called Hajj. Hajj however is obligatory upon every Muslim man and woman under specific conditions, whereas Ziyara is not obligatory. Yet, it is much recommended in the innumerable narrations of the Prophet and the Imams who have stated about the rewards of those who perform such pilgrimages voluntarily. [See Sheikh Abbas al-Qummi, Mafaateeh ul-Jinan]
    Simply, Ziyara is to visit the tomb and say a word of greeting, such as ‘Salaam (Peace)’. Other narrations have confirmed that it is acceptable to address such words of greetings from any place in the world while directing the face towards the direction of the tomb.
    At any rate, it is advisable, according to reason as well as instructions of well-versed scholars, to commit to the statements of the Ziyaras that are related to the Ahlul Bayt (A.S), because such statements express the deep reality of status of the owner of the visited tomb and hint at the most accurate conducts to be practiced there.
    On that account, it is recommended for the visitors of the tomb of al-’Abbas to follow the instructions mentioned in the saying of Imam Sadiq (A.S) regarding the Ziyara.
    In this saying, the Imam instructs the visitor to stop opposite to the body of al-’Abbas turning the back to the kiblah, just like visiting the tombs of the prophets and Imams. This expresses the utmost courtesy befitting the elevated rank of al-’Abbas. In fact, to visit al-’Abbas after his death is same as visiting him during his life. This is because the martyrs are
    “… alive with their Lord and receive sustenance from Him.” [The Holy Qur’an; Sura of Aal-Imran, Verse 169]

    The author of Mezar ul-Bihar on page 165, records that Sheikh al-Mufid, Ibn al-Mashhadi, and Al-Shahid al-Awwal emphasized that the visitor of the tomb of al-’Abbas should first stop at the door of the shrine and seek permission to enter by saying: “Greetings of Allah… etc.” He then should enter and throw himself on the tomb and recite: “Peace be upon you, the righteous servant of God… etc.” He then should move to the direction of the head to offer the prayer and supplicate to God. He then should return to the tomb, stop at the two legs, and recite: “Peace be upon you, Abul-Fadhl al-Abbas… etc.”
    Although these statements do not show whether it is advisable to stop at a specific side, it is understood that the direction of the kiblah is the intended.
    Some scholars however advised to visit the tomb of al-’Abbas before that of Imam Hussain (A.S), because the earlier is the door to the latter.
    It is also advisable to offer the two-units prayer of Ziyara at the tomb of Abbas. During his visit to the tombs of the martyrs of Karbala on the fortieth day after their martyrdom, Jabir ibn Abdullah al-Ansari visited the tomb of Abbas ibn Ali and offered a two-units prayer. [See Ziyarat ul-Arbaeen]
    It is also advisable to kiss the tomb. This is proved through the narration of Safwan al-Jammal who relates it to Imam Sadiq (A.S):
    “…You should then come near the tomb of Abbas ibn Ali and say… Then throw yourself on to the tomb, kiss it, and say… etc.”

    Ref: Al-Abbas
    Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

  • The migration of the Lady Fatima Masuma (S.A) from Medina to Merv

    In the year 201 A.H., lady Fatimah Masuma (S.A) accompanied by her brothers and other elders from the Ahlul Bayt (A.S) left Medina for Marv (Khorasan) to meet Imam Ridha (A.S). On their way they were welcomed and greeted by the people of the different cities and villages.
    Lady Masuma (S.A) like her noble aunt lady Zainab (S.A) delivered the message of innocence of her brother Imam Ridha (A.S) and revealed the evil intentions of the Abbasid caliph to the public. When the caravan reached Saveh a group of armed men who were deputed by Mamun, the Abbasid caliph savagely attacked them and all the brothers of lady Masuma (S.A) were martyred and according to some historical reports she was poisoned and became severely ill.
    Due to her ill health she was unable to continue her journey towards Khorasan and decided to go towards Qom which is near Saveh. Lady Masuma (S.A) narrated while going towards Qom that her father, Imam Musa al-Kadhim (A.S) has said that city of Qom is the center of the Shi'ites.
    The inhabitants of Qom who were Shi'ites became very happy that lady Masuma (S.A) is visiting their city and they gave warm welcome to her. Musa bin Khazraj Ash'ari, the doyen of Ashari family in Qom took the rein of the she-camel litter in his hand in which lady Masuma (S.A) was travelling and large number of people gathered around the she-camel litter. Lady Masuma (S.A) entered the city of Qom on 23rd Rabi al-Awwal, in the year 201 A.H.
    She then resided in the house of Musa bin Khazraj in the locality which is now called as "Maidan Mir".
    She remained alive only for 17 days because she was poisoned in Saveh. But even in this condition she spent most of her time in praying and supplicating to Allah (S.W.T).
    She (S.A) passed away on 10th Rabi al-Thani, in the year 201 A.H. and she could not meet her elder brother before death. The Shi'ites in Qom greatly mourned her death and she was buried in a place which at that time was located outside the city. When the grave was ready there arose a difference that who should keep the body of lady Masuma (S.A) in the grave. It is reported that suddenly two men whose face were covered and riding the horses came to that place and performed the prayers for the dead person and then one of them went in the grave and the other person gave the body of lady Masuma (S.A) to that standing person in the grave who laid her to rest in the grave.
    After the burial ceremony was over both those persons without talking to anybody sat on their horse and went away.
    It is said that those two holy personalities who performed the burial ceremony for lady Masuma (S.A) were Imam Ridha (A.S) and Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Jawad (A.S). According to sacred rules the burial ceremony of an infallible has to be performed by another infallible person for example the burial ceremony of lady Fatima Zahra (S.A) was performed by the commander of the faithful, Imam Ali (A.S).
    After the burial of lady Masuma (S.A), Musa bin Khazraj built a shed over the grave made out of mat. In the year 256 A.H., Lady Zainab (S.A), the daughter of Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Jawad (A.S) constructed a dome over the grave of her aunt Lady Masuma (A.S).
    Since the burial of that divine lady of Islam in Qom, the holy grave of her have become a center of pilgrimage for the lovers of the Holy Ahlul Bayt (A.S)

    Taken from: Almujtaba Islamic Network

  • What did the Ahlul Bayt (A.S) say about Abu Bakr & Umar?

    الحسين بن محمد الاشعري، عن معلى بن محمد، عن الوشاء، عن أبان بن عثمان، عن عبد الرحمن بن أبي عبد الله قال: قلت لابي عبد الله (عليه السلام): إن الله عز وجل من علينا بأن عرفنا توحيده، ثم من علينا بأن أقررنا بمحمد (صلى الله عليه وآله) بالرسالة ثم اختصنا بحبكم أهل البيت نتولاكم ونتبرأ من عدوكم وإنما نريد بذلك خلاص أنفسنا من النار، قال: ورققت فبكيت، فقال أبو عبد الله (عليه السلام): سلني فوالله لا تسألني عن شئ إلا أخبرتك به، قال: فقال له عبد الملك بن أعين: ما سمعته قالها لمخلوق قبلك، قال: قلت: خبرني عن الرجلين؟ قال: ظلمانا حقنا في كتاب الله عز وجل ومنعا فاطمة صلوات الله عليها ميراثها من أبيها وجرى ظلمهما إلى اليوم، قال - وأشار إلى خلفه - ونبذا كتاب الله وراء ظهورهما

    Narrated al-Husain bin Mohammad al-Ashari, from Mualla bin Mohammad, from al-Washa, from Aban bin Usman, from Abd al-Rahman bin Abi Abdillah who said,
    I said to Abi Abdillah Imam Sadiq (A.S), "Allah blessed us with the recognition of His monotheism (Tawheed), then He blessed us with the belief in Muhammad's (P.B.U.H&H.P) message, then He distinguished us with your love the Ahlul Bayt (A.S). We love you (Tawallah) and dissociate (Tabarrah) from your enemy. We want that so that we may save ourselves from the Fire."
    Then, the man became weak, and began to weep. So Imam as-Sadiq (A.S) said, "Ask me, for by Allah, you will not ask me about a thing except that I will inform you about it."
    The man said, "Inform me about the two men (referring to Abu Bakr & Umar)."
    The Imam (A.S) replied, "They oppressed our rights, which are in the Book of Allah, and they prevented Fatima(S.A) from her inheritance from her father. Their oppression has continued until today" - then he pointed to his back - "and they have hid the Book of Allah behind their backs."
    [Source: al-Kafi, Vol. 8. Pg. 102]
    Ref: Marefate AhleBait (A.S).com

  • Why is the grave of Lady Fatimah (S.A) still concealed, while Imam Ali`s (A.S) has been revealed?

    Complete Question
    Considering the enmity towards Imam Ali (A.S) and Lady Fatimah (S.A), why has Imam Ali’s (A.S) grave been revealed after some time, while Lady Fatimah’s (S.A) is still missing?

    Concise answer
    The reason for why the grave of Imam Ali (A.S) was concealed for a while was the fact that ignorant and abusive individuals, who were enemies to him, would possibly disrespect his grave. Later on though, after time had passed and the abovementioned individuals had passed away, in addition to the growing strength of the school and teachings of the Ahlul-Bayt, the possibilities of such a matter lessened. Moreover, since the grave was located in between reeds and the desert, no one was certain even about its approximate whereabouts, causing the people not to be able to visit it and from its great blessings and bounties. These factors caused the imams to show the grave to their true followers and slowly, it became known to all over the years and as the Shia became stronger.
    As for why Lady Fatimah (S.A) had ordered for her grave to be concealed, it was because this was a form of protest and making her voice heard that she objects to what has taken place regarding the caliphate and successorship of the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P). Therefore, as long as the Muslim nation doesn’t believe in what she believes in regarding the Prophet’s successorship, which results in the deprivation of the Muslim nation of many true Islamic teachings, the reason for the concealment of her grave will remain.
    Another point is that the concealment of her grave is a strong barrier that doesn’t allow the falsification of the history of early Islam, preventing people from totally denying her stance against the situation that had come up regarding the caliphate. The issue of her grave is a sign for those in search of the truth, guiding them across the sea of evil and corruption to the shore of salvation, unveiling the truth and completing Allah’s (S.W.T) proof regarding it.
    Of course, since the approximate coordinates of her grave have been mentioned, people can benefit from the areas close to her grave.
    What was said, were only a few points that are supported by different clues and evidence, but that doesn’t mean that these are all of the reasons, meaning that there are possibilities that there are other secrets behind this matter that might be unveiled in the future.

    Source: Shiastudies.net

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