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Prophet Moses (A.S) - Islam Guidance

  • Allah's Confidential Talk To Prophet Moses (A.S)

    The following are Allah's confidential talks to Moses (A.S) the prophet, son of Imran.
    1- O’ Moses, do not have a long expectation in this world lest your heart will be hard. The hard-hearted are far away from Me. Deaden your heart with fear (of Allah). Your dress should be worn - out but your heart should be fresh. You should be unknown by the people of this earth but well-known for the inhabitants of the heavens. Cry to me, for the plenty of your sins, like the cry of the runaway from his enemy. Seek my help to do so, for I am surely the best One whose help is sought.
    2- O’ Moses, I am above the servants and they are below Me. Everyone is submissive to Me. Make yourself the supervisor on yourself. Do not depend upon even your sons in the affairs of your religion except that your son, like you, loves the virtuous ones.
    3- O’ Moses, be clean, wash yourself, and come near to my virtuous servants.
    4- O’ Moses, you are my servant and I am your Lord. Do not humiliate the modest poor ones and do not envy the rich ones. Be earnest when you refer to me, and be hopeful when you recite my reference. Let me hear the delight of the Torah when you use a tuneful submissive voice as you recite it. Be tranquil when you refer to Me. Worship Me and do not associate anyone (or anything) with me. I am certainly the Lord. I have created you from an insignificant drop of fluid, from clay that I extracted from a gametic humble land, and it became human being. I am its Creator. Blessed be my face and sacred be my made. There is nothing like me. I am the Everlasting the Eternal Who never comes to an end.
    5- O’ Moses, whenever you call on me, you will find me. I will forgive what you have done. The heavens are praising me out of their fear, the angels are fretful of fearing me, the earth is praising me out of desire, and all the creatures are praising me submissively. Adhere to the prayer, for I have a special consideration for it and it has a firm pledge with Me. Add to it the zakat of the offer to me. You should defray it from your best property and food, for I accept nothing but the best when it is intended purely to Me. Insert with it the regard of the relatives. I am the Beneficent the Merciful.
    I created the relation of kinship from my mercy so that the servants will compassionate each other according to their relations of kinship. In the world to come, it will have a ruling authority (as it will intercede for those who have regarded it). I will surely disregard him whoever disregards it and regard him whoever regards it. Thus will I do to him who neglects my commandments?
    6- O’ Moses, respect the beggars by means of a gentle rejection or a little donating. Those who come to ask from you are neither human beings nor jinn. They are the angels of the Beneficent whose purpose is to examine what you are doing with that on which I have made you custodian and examine how you will console (others) by means of that which I have given to you. Submit to Me by way of invocation and cry to me by wailing during reciting the (Torah) Book. You should understand that my calling to you is as same as the call of the master to his slave, so that you will attain the best of positions. This is a part of my favor to you as well as your past fathers.
    7- O’ Moses, do not forget me under any condition and do not be happy for the abundance of your property. To forget me causes hard-heartedness. The abundance of property brings about the plenty of sins. The earth is submissive, the heavens are submissive, and the oceans are submissive (to me). He who disobeys me will surely be unhappy. I am the Beneficent the Merciful. I am the Beneficent in all times. I convey hardship after comfort and comfort after hardship. I bring kings after kings consecutively. All this and my kingdom are everlasting and never-ending. Nothing in the earth or in the heavens can hide from me. How can things hide from me when I am their only Originator? How do you not care totally for me when you will inevitably be returned to me?
    8- O’ Moses, this world and its people are seditious matters for each other. Everybody sees what he is in as excellent. As for the believers, they see the world to come as excellent. They look at the world as a source of misfortune. The bliss of the world to come precluded them from enjoying the pleasures of their lives. It caused them to stay up to the last hours of night like the rider who longs for the finish line. They keep on depression and spend their nights with sadness. Bless are those. What great bliss they will see if only the screen is removed for them!
    9- O’ Moses, the few that is intended purely for me is very much. The very much that is intended for anyone (or anything) other than me is few. The best of your days should be the coming. Hence, you should regard for the coming day and prepare your answers, for you will surely be stopped for interrogation. The long age in this (worldly) time is certainly short and the short age is long, since everything will come to an end. Act as if you can see the reward of your actions so that this will fill in you with desire for the life to come. The remaining age in this world is as same as that which passed away. Each doer should act sagaciously and experimentally. O son of Imran, think for yourself deeply so that you may win tomorrow when you will be interrogated. Therein, the wrongdoers will suffer defeat.
    10- O’ Moses, the single good deed is rewarded tenfold, while perdition comes from the single bad deed. Do not associate others with me. It is illicit for you to associate anything with Me. Be as close as possible then aim at the target. Supplicate to me like the supplication of the desirous for that which is with me and the regretful for what he had committed. Blackness of night is erased by daylight and, in the same manner; the good deeds erase the evildoings. Gloomy of night covers up the light of day and, in the same manner, the evildoings blacken the good deeds.
    [Source: Tuhaf al-Uqoul]

    Derived from: Shia Search

  • Babies Who Spoke

    So relate the stories that perhaps they will give thought.” (7:16)
    History is filled with stories about miracles and happenings that we today consider ‘supernatural’. Each miracle serves a purpose and is suited to the circumstances it is in. Learning about these ‘miracles’ helps strengthen the attachment to our beliefs and principles.
    In this article, we discuss one phenomenon that today we agree is ‘impossible’, but history has served us with numerous examples of it happening. That phenomenon is babies speaking a comprehensible language.

    Prophet Jesus (A.S)
    By far, the most prominent case and the one that is directly mentioned in the Qur’an is Prophet Jesus (A.S) speaking after his birth. This was a miracle that Prophet Jesus was armed with in order to spread the message of God.
    When the people came to Lady Maryam (S.A) and accused her of being unchaste, she remained silent and pointed to the baby. At that point, God gave the power of speech to Prophet Isa, who spoke and introduced himself to everyone and mentioned some of his qualities. In essence, this speech from the baby was proof for every one of the status of Prophet Isa and his mother. Also, it was a direct answer to the accusations that the people made towards Lady Maryam. This story is recounted in the 19th chapter of the Holy Qur’an.
    The Witness of Prophet Joseph (A.S)
    In the story of Prophet Joseph(A.S), Zulikha accused the prophet of trying to seduce her when in fact she was the one who did so. When the king was questioning both, Prophet Yusuf told him what happened. It was at that point that Allah inspired Prophet Yusuf to point to a baby which was still in a cradle. Prophet Yusuf then told the king to question the baby. Allah gave the power of speech to that baby, who said, “If his shirt is torn from the front, then she has told the truth, and he is of the liars. But if his shirt is torn from the back, then she has lied, and he is of the truthful.” (12:26-27) It was that baby who became a witness through the will of Allah and was the one who saved the Prophet of Allah from being wrongfully accused by Zulikha. (Bihar Al-Anwar)

    Son of the Hairdresser of Pharaoh’s Daughter
    The hairdresser of Pharaoh’s daughter secretly believed in Allah and Prophet Moses. One day, while she was combing the hair of the daughter, the comb fell. As she picked it up, she said “In the name of Allah”. The daughter surprisingly asked, “[Do you mean] my father?” The hairdresser replied, “No, but my Lord, and the Lord of you and your father.” The daughter told the Pharaoh about the hairdresser’s secret faith, so Pharaoh punished her by throwing her children one by one alive into a blazing fire. The hairdresser was patient as she saw her kids martyred before her very eyes. But her last child was a newborn, a baby! She was devastated. It was at the point that Allah gave the hairdresser that last surge of patience and hope through her baby son. Allah let the baby speak, and he told his mother, “Have patience, mother, because you are on the right path.” Upon hearing these words, she stood there armed with more patience than ever, and she was martyred right after her son. (Bihar Al-Anwar)

    The Baby from the Companions of the Trench
    This story is similar to that of the hairdresser of Pharaoh. The companions of the trench were those who followed a prophet sent by Allah, but the disbelievers fought him and hurt him until he was martyred. Then they dug trenches and filled them with fire, warning everyone to either abandon the prophet and his path or be thrown in the ignited trenches. Many people feared for their lives and abandoned the right path. Only a few held on to what they believed in, and they were consequently martyred. These are the companions of the trench mentioned in the Qur’an in chapter 85, verse 4.
    One lady from these true followers was willing to throw herself into the fire, but then she saw her newborn, who was only two months old. She pitied him and was close to abandoning martyrdom. Just like in the story of the hairdresser of Pharaoh, Allah let the baby talk. The baby told his mother, “O mother, throw yourself and me in the fire. This is little in [the way] of Allah.” (Bihar Al-Anwar)

    A Final Look
    Indeed, history is filled with fascinating stories. And what we consider today as ‘impossible’ has repeatedly occurred throughout history. Given these multiple examples of babies speaking, it is rather ironic that people have a hard time believing that our Infallibles (peace be upon them) testified to God’s Oneness as soon as they were born.
    Yes, when Imam Mahdi (A.S) was born, his father Imam Askari (A.S) held him and told him to speak, and Imam Mahdi (A.S) recited the testimony of faith. And according to narrations, on the seventh day, Imam Mahdi (A.S) recited the following verse: “And we wish to confer favor upon those who were oppressed in the land and make them leaders and make them inheritors.” (28:5) (Kamal Al Deen Wa Tamam Al Ne’ma)
    And similar stories regarding the Prophet, Imam Ali, and the rest of Ahlul Bayt (A.S) exist, and if Allah made other babies in history speak, is it really difficult for Him to make the best of all people speak when they were babies?
    No, and “indeed, Allah is over all things competent.”

    Taken From: Islamic Insight

  • Prophet Solomon (Sulaiman), the King Prophet

    For the guidance of mankind, Allah honored four famous Prophets by revealing to them four Holy Books as under:
    1) Taurat to Prophet Moses (Musa).
    2) Zaboor (Psalms) To Prophet David (Dawood).
    3) Injeel (Evangel) To Prophet Jesus (Isa).
    4) Quran to Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P).

    The commandments of Allah are contained in these books. The first three books were for the earlier times. The Holy Qur'an is the last book of God and is for the guidance of entire mankind till the Day of Judgement.
    Prophet Dawood eventually became King of his people. He had 19 sons. Each of them hoped to inherit the father's throne. Allah revealed to Prophet Dawood a few questions and their answers and commanded him to put the questions to each one of his sons. Whosoever answered those questions correctly, would inherit the throne of the father, Prophet David.
    One day Prophet David called all his sons in the presence of the scholars and the chiefs of the tribes of his kingdom. He then put forward the following questions:
    1. Which thing is closest (nearest) to man?
    2. Which is the farthest thing?
    3. Which two things are attached to each other?
    4. Which is the most awe-creating thing?
    5. Which two things remain unchanged?
    6. Which two things are always different?
    7. Which two things are opposed to each other?
    8. What is the action the result of which is good?
    9. What is that action the result of which is bad?
    The sons of Prophet David felt helpless and could not answer any of these questions. Then the youngest of the sons, Prophet Solomon stood up and gave the following answers:
    1. The nearest things to a man is the hereafter (Life and Death - as one may die any moment).
    2. The farthest things is the time which has passed away (which is not to come again).
    3. The two things that are attached to each other is man's body with the soul.
    4. The most awe-creating is the man's body (dead) without soul.
    5. The two things which remain the same are the sky and the earth.
    6. The two things which are different are the day and night.
    7. The two things which are opposed to each other are life and death.
    8. The action - the end of which is good - is patience and forbearance at the time of anger.
    9. The action - the end of which is bad is haste at the time of anger.
    Prophet David obviously, was very much impressed with these correct answers and appointed Prophet Solomon as his successor.
    Thus it will be seen that it was the supreme knowledge and understanding that made Prophet Solomon succeed his father and become the Great King Prophet.

    Taken from: Al-Islam.org

  • Which one of the Prophets are still alive?

    Allamah Tabatabai interpreting the verse 65 of Surah al-Kahf “Then they found one from among Our servants whom We had granted mercy from Us and whom We had taught knowledge from Ourselves“[«فَوَجَدا عَبْداً مِنْ عِبادِنا آتَیناهُ رَحْمَةً مِنْ عِنْدِنا وَ عَلَّمْناهُ مِنْ لَدُنَّا عِلْماً»] appertained to Prophet Moses (A.S) and Prophet Khidr (A.S). quotes narrations from a number of Sunni and Shia sources about some prophets being alive.
    Among the narrations he has quoted is a tradition from Jalaluddin in his Al-Durr al-Manthur which is narrated from Shahin from Khasif that says:

    أربعة من الأنبیاء أحیاء
    اثنان فی السماء: عیسى و إدریس؛ و اثنان فی الأرض الخضر و إلیاس
    فأما الخضر فإنه فی البحر و أما صاحبه فإنه فی البر

    [Suyuti, Jalaluddin, al-Durr al-Manthur fi Tafsir al-Ma’thur, vol.4, p. 239]
    Four of the prophets are alive two of whom are in the heavens: Jesus and Edris, and two of them are in the land: Khidr and Elias, Ilyas (Elias). As for Khidr, he is in the sea but his companion is in the land.”[Tabatabai, Sayyid Muhammad Hussein, Al-Mizan fi Tafsir al-Qur’an, Vol. 13, p. 353, Islamic Publications Office, Qom, fifth edition, 1417.]
    It should be noted that this narration is also available in Shia sources but it has been narrated from Sunni sources.[ Majlisi, Muhammad Baqir, Behar al-Anwar, vol13, p. 402/ Ibn Tavus, Ali bin Musa, Sa’ad al-Saud Lil-Nofus Mandhud, p. 163]

    Source: Islam Quest

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