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Prophet Jesus (A.S) - Islam Guidance

  • Babies Who Spoke

    So relate the stories that perhaps they will give thought.” (7:16)
    History is filled with stories about miracles and happenings that we today consider ‘supernatural’. Each miracle serves a purpose and is suited to the circumstances it is in. Learning about these ‘miracles’ helps strengthen the attachment to our beliefs and principles.
    In this article, we discuss one phenomenon that today we agree is ‘impossible’, but history has served us with numerous examples of it happening. That phenomenon is babies speaking a comprehensible language.

    Prophet Jesus (A.S)
    By far, the most prominent case and the one that is directly mentioned in the Qur’an is Prophet Jesus (A.S) speaking after his birth. This was a miracle that Prophet Jesus was armed with in order to spread the message of God.
    When the people came to Lady Maryam (S.A) and accused her of being unchaste, she remained silent and pointed to the baby. At that point, God gave the power of speech to Prophet Isa, who spoke and introduced himself to everyone and mentioned some of his qualities. In essence, this speech from the baby was proof for every one of the status of Prophet Isa and his mother. Also, it was a direct answer to the accusations that the people made towards Lady Maryam. This story is recounted in the 19th chapter of the Holy Qur’an.
    The Witness of Prophet Joseph (A.S)
    In the story of Prophet Joseph(A.S), Zulikha accused the prophet of trying to seduce her when in fact she was the one who did so. When the king was questioning both, Prophet Yusuf told him what happened. It was at that point that Allah inspired Prophet Yusuf to point to a baby which was still in a cradle. Prophet Yusuf then told the king to question the baby. Allah gave the power of speech to that baby, who said, “If his shirt is torn from the front, then she has told the truth, and he is of the liars. But if his shirt is torn from the back, then she has lied, and he is of the truthful.” (12:26-27) It was that baby who became a witness through the will of Allah and was the one who saved the Prophet of Allah from being wrongfully accused by Zulikha. (Bihar Al-Anwar)

    Son of the Hairdresser of Pharaoh’s Daughter
    The hairdresser of Pharaoh’s daughter secretly believed in Allah and Prophet Moses. One day, while she was combing the hair of the daughter, the comb fell. As she picked it up, she said “In the name of Allah”. The daughter surprisingly asked, “[Do you mean] my father?” The hairdresser replied, “No, but my Lord, and the Lord of you and your father.” The daughter told the Pharaoh about the hairdresser’s secret faith, so Pharaoh punished her by throwing her children one by one alive into a blazing fire. The hairdresser was patient as she saw her kids martyred before her very eyes. But her last child was a newborn, a baby! She was devastated. It was at the point that Allah gave the hairdresser that last surge of patience and hope through her baby son. Allah let the baby speak, and he told his mother, “Have patience, mother, because you are on the right path.” Upon hearing these words, she stood there armed with more patience than ever, and she was martyred right after her son. (Bihar Al-Anwar)

    The Baby from the Companions of the Trench
    This story is similar to that of the hairdresser of Pharaoh. The companions of the trench were those who followed a prophet sent by Allah, but the disbelievers fought him and hurt him until he was martyred. Then they dug trenches and filled them with fire, warning everyone to either abandon the prophet and his path or be thrown in the ignited trenches. Many people feared for their lives and abandoned the right path. Only a few held on to what they believed in, and they were consequently martyred. These are the companions of the trench mentioned in the Qur’an in chapter 85, verse 4.
    One lady from these true followers was willing to throw herself into the fire, but then she saw her newborn, who was only two months old. She pitied him and was close to abandoning martyrdom. Just like in the story of the hairdresser of Pharaoh, Allah let the baby talk. The baby told his mother, “O mother, throw yourself and me in the fire. This is little in [the way] of Allah.” (Bihar Al-Anwar)

    A Final Look
    Indeed, history is filled with fascinating stories. And what we consider today as ‘impossible’ has repeatedly occurred throughout history. Given these multiple examples of babies speaking, it is rather ironic that people have a hard time believing that our Infallibles (peace be upon them) testified to God’s Oneness as soon as they were born.
    Yes, when Imam Mahdi (A.S) was born, his father Imam Askari (A.S) held him and told him to speak, and Imam Mahdi (A.S) recited the testimony of faith. And according to narrations, on the seventh day, Imam Mahdi (A.S) recited the following verse: “And we wish to confer favor upon those who were oppressed in the land and make them leaders and make them inheritors.” (28:5) (Kamal Al Deen Wa Tamam Al Ne’ma)
    And similar stories regarding the Prophet, Imam Ali, and the rest of Ahlul Bayt (A.S) exist, and if Allah made other babies in history speak, is it really difficult for Him to make the best of all people speak when they were babies?
    No, and “indeed, Allah is over all things competent.”

    Taken From: Islamic Insight

  • Birth Anniversary of Imam al-Sadiq (AS)

    Zechariah, who was a Christian, drew the attention of his Muslim friend Abdollah towards a person who was going to the mosque, and said: "Do you know him? Do you know how kind he is ?
    Abdollah replied: Yes, but I thought that only Muslims know him and not the followers of other religions .
    Zechariah, the Christian gentleman, who was still not properly acquainted with the identity of the man going towards the mosque, said: I am indebted for my life to him. Once when I had lost my way in the desert and was dying of thirst, he kindly approached me, gave me water to drink from his goatskin water carrier, although it was almost empty. He even gave his food to me and showed me the way towards Medina. I thought Prophet Jesus (A.S) has come to my help.
    Abdollah told his Christian friend: He is the leader of Muslims; he is Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (A.S) who is a direct descendant of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H&H.P). He adheres to the ways and behavior of his forefathers and his name is a byword for generosity, forgiveness and virtue.
    Zechariah, the Christian gentleman, who had pinned his eyes to the mosque even after Imam Sadiq (A.S) had entered it, saw several youths hurrying towards the mosque although it was not the time for prayer. He asked his friends: Why are they going to the mosque?
    Abdollah replied: Soon Imam Sadiq (A.S) will start giving lessons and these are his students who have come from different lands to learn different sciences from him.
    Zechariah enthusiastically got up and said he was eager to hear the words of the Imam.
    Abdollah said: do not hurry, we will go together. I am one of his students and I have benefited much from the vast sea of his knowledge.
    The two entered the mosque and sat down among the students. Although a Christian, Zechariah listened with rapt attention to the Imam's discourse. He felt amazed at the depth of knowledge of Imam Sadiq (A.S). He had regularly visited Churches and monasteries but had never heard such wise words with clear reasoning.
    Abdollah realized the change of state of Zechariah and turning to him said that soon you will be a student and disciple of the Prophet's successor. It was not long when the clear reasoning and rational proofs of the 6th Imam transformed Zechariah into a devoted Muslim and follower of the Ahlul-Bayt.
    Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (A.S) was thus the 6th infallible Imam. He was born in 83 AH and was twelve years old when his grandfather, Imam Zayn al-Abidin, the survivor of the tragedy of Karbala, passed away. At the age of 31 the mantle of divinely-decreed leadership fell on his shoulders when his father, Imam Muhammad Baqir (A.S), was fatally poisoned. For the next 34 years Imam Sadiq built up the nucleus of the Muslim society by training a whole generation of Islamic scholars in various fields of knowledge including practical sciences. Jabir ibn Hayyan who is considered as the Father of Chemistry, was among his students.
     The political conditions of the time when the Omayyad and the Abbasid were fighting for control of the realm, provided precious breathing space to Imam Sadiq (A.S) to propound to the Muslim masses the practice, behavior, hadith and jurisprudence of the Prophet. For this reason, the genuine Islamic jurisprudence is also known as Fiqh-e Ja'fari in honor of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (A.S) although whatever he thought was not innovation but the word and deed of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H&H.P). This school of thought with its dynamic concept of Ijtihad or independent reasoning on the basis of the Holy Qur'an and the teachings of the Prophet had excellently catered to the expanding human needs in view of the times and conditions .
    On the auspicious birthday of Imam Sadiq (A.S) we bring you two wise statements from that him: He said:
    "Either be a scholar, or try to seek knowledge or at least be a follower of the possessors of knowledge."
    "No comfort is better than good temper. Good temper promotes love and affection."
    Ref: Islamic Education Center

  • Follow me, not worship me

    Like all other prophets, Jesus had also come to teach the sublime ethical issues. With his lifestyle, he set a role model for his followers inviting them to guard themselves against evil and to obey his commands. He said to his people:
    Fear Allah (be pious) and obey me.” (3:50)
    From the day, he miraculously spoke in his crib, he declared, “Verily I am the servant of God”, and until the time that he lived among people he invited them to follow him not to worship him. He always invited people to praying, fasting and worshipping God much. He lived a very simple life and always shared his words of wisdom with people. The holy Quran quoting from Jesus stating:
    And when Jesus came with clear Proofs, he said: I have come to you with Wisdom, and to make clear to you some of the points in which you differ. Therefore, fear Allah and obey me. Verily, Allah He is my Lord (God) and your Lord(God). So, worship Him alone. This is the only Straight Path.”(43:63-64)
    Imam Ali (A.S) in Nahjul Balaghah in description of the simple life of Prophet Jesus says, “If you desire I will tell you about Jesus; Son of Mary (S.A). He used a stone for his pillow, put on coarse clothes and ate rough food. His condiment was hunger. His lamp at night was the moon. His shade during the winter was just the expanse of earth eastward and westward. His fruits and flowers were only what grew from the earth for the cattle.” (Sermon No.160)

    Ref: Islamic Insight

  • Prophet Jesus and three loaves of bread

    A man accompanied Prophet Jesus (A.S) the son of Mary (Maryam) and said that he would go with him. They continued along until they came to a river. They sat and started to eat. They had three loaves of bread. They ate two of them and one remained.
    Prophet Jesus (A.S) went to the river, drank some water and returned. Prophet Jesus (A.S) did not find the third loaf, so he asked the man who had taken that loaf. The man said that he did not know.
    They continued until they came to a doe followed by two fawns. Prophet Jesus (A.S) beckoned one of the fawns, killed it, roasted it and they ate it. Then Prophet Jesus (A.S) addressed the fawn [that had been eaten,] saying, "Live!" It came to life and went. Then Prophet Jesus (A.S) said to the man, "By the God Who has shown you this miracle, who took that loaf of bread?" The man said that he did not know.
    They continued until they reached a lake. Prophet Jesus (A.S) took the hand of the man and led him over the water. When they reached the other side, Prophet Jesus (A.S) said, "By the One Who has shown you this miracle, who took that loaf of bread?" The man said that he did not know.
    They continued until they reached a desert. They sat down. Prophet Jesus (A.S) gathered some sand or dust and said, "By the permission of Allah (S.W.T), be Gold!" It became Gold. He divided it into three portions.
    Then Prophet Jesus (A.S) said, "One third is for me, one third for you, and one third for whoever took that loaf of bread."
    The man said, "Alright, I took that loaf of bread."
    Prophet Jesus (A.S) said, "Then all of this Gold is yours." Then he left him.
    The man encountered two other men in the desert. They wanted to take his Gold and kill him. He said, "Let us divide the Gold into three portions." They sent one of them to the village to buy food.
    The one who went said to himself, "Why should I let them have portions of this wealth? I shall put some poison into the food, and kill them." So, he poisoned the food.
    The other two said, "Why should we give a third of this wealth to him. When he comes back, let us kill him, and divide the rest of the wealth between us."
    When he returned, they attacked him and killed him. Then they ate the poisoned food and died. The wealth remained in the desert with the three dead men beside it.
    Prophet Jesus (A.S) passed them and saw the situation. He said to his disciples, "This is the world, so beware of it!"

    Source: islamicoccasions.com

  • Prophet Solomon (Sulaiman), the King Prophet

    For the guidance of mankind, Allah honored four famous Prophets by revealing to them four Holy Books as under:
    1) Taurat to Prophet Moses (Musa).
    2) Zaboor (Psalms) To Prophet David (Dawood).
    3) Injeel (Evangel) To Prophet Jesus (Isa).
    4) Quran to Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P).

    The commandments of Allah are contained in these books. The first three books were for the earlier times. The Holy Qur'an is the last book of God and is for the guidance of entire mankind till the Day of Judgement.
    Prophet Dawood eventually became King of his people. He had 19 sons. Each of them hoped to inherit the father's throne. Allah revealed to Prophet Dawood a few questions and their answers and commanded him to put the questions to each one of his sons. Whosoever answered those questions correctly, would inherit the throne of the father, Prophet David.
    One day Prophet David called all his sons in the presence of the scholars and the chiefs of the tribes of his kingdom. He then put forward the following questions:
    1. Which thing is closest (nearest) to man?
    2. Which is the farthest thing?
    3. Which two things are attached to each other?
    4. Which is the most awe-creating thing?
    5. Which two things remain unchanged?
    6. Which two things are always different?
    7. Which two things are opposed to each other?
    8. What is the action the result of which is good?
    9. What is that action the result of which is bad?
    The sons of Prophet David felt helpless and could not answer any of these questions. Then the youngest of the sons, Prophet Solomon stood up and gave the following answers:
    1. The nearest things to a man is the hereafter (Life and Death - as one may die any moment).
    2. The farthest things is the time which has passed away (which is not to come again).
    3. The two things that are attached to each other is man's body with the soul.
    4. The most awe-creating is the man's body (dead) without soul.
    5. The two things which remain the same are the sky and the earth.
    6. The two things which are different are the day and night.
    7. The two things which are opposed to each other are life and death.
    8. The action - the end of which is good - is patience and forbearance at the time of anger.
    9. The action - the end of which is bad is haste at the time of anger.
    Prophet David obviously, was very much impressed with these correct answers and appointed Prophet Solomon as his successor.
    Thus it will be seen that it was the supreme knowledge and understanding that made Prophet Solomon succeed his father and become the Great King Prophet.

    Taken from: Al-Islam.org

  • The prophet Jesus (A.S) and Gold Bullion

    A man accompanied Prophet Jesus (A.S) the son of Mary (Maryam) and said that he would go with him. They continued along until they came to a river. They sat and started to eat. They had three loaves of bread. They ate two of them and one remained.
    Prophet Jesus (A.S) went to the river, drank some water and returned. Prophet Jesus (A.S) did not find the third loaf, so he asked the man who had taken that loaf. The man said that he did not know.
    They continued until they came to a doe followed by two fawns. Prophet Jesus (A.S) beckoned one of the fawns, killed it, roasted it and they ate it. Then Prophet Jesus (A.S) addressed the fawn [that had been eaten,] saying, "Live!" It came to life and went. Then Prophet Jesus (A.S) said to the man, "By the God Who has shown you this miracle, who took that loaf of bread?" The man said that he did not know.
    They continued until they reached a lake. Prophet Jesus (A.S) took the hand of the man and led him over the water. When they reached the other side, Prophet Jesus (A.S) said, "By the One Who has shown you this miracle, who took that loaf of bread?" The man said that he did not know.
    They continued until they reached a desert. They sat down. Prophet Jesus (A.S) gathered some sand or dust and said, "By the permission of Allah (S.W.T), be Gold!" It became Gold. He divided it into three portions.
    Then Prophet Jesus (A.S) said, "One third is for me, one third for you, and one third for whoever took that loaf of bread."
    The man said, "Alright, I took that loaf of bread."
    Prophet Jesus (A.S) said, "Then all of this Gold is yours." Then he left him.
    The man encountered two other men in the desert. They wanted to take his Gold and kill him. He said, "Let us divide the Gold into three portions." They sent one of them to the village to buy food.
    The one who went said to himself, "Why should I let them have portions of this wealth? I shall put some poison into the food, and kill them." So, he poisoned the food.
    The other two said, "Why should we give a third of this wealth to him. When he comes back, let us kill him, and divide the rest of the wealth between us."
    When he returned, they attacked him and killed him. Then they ate the poisoned food and died. The wealth remained in the desert with the three dead men beside it.
    Prophet Jesus (A.S) passed them and saw the situation. He said to his disciples, "This is the world, so beware of it!"

    Taken from: islamicoccasions.com

  • To Bring a Fool to His Senses

    Prophet Jesus was once seen running away from a man. People were surprised to see him running away. Prophet Jesus did not run away from anything or anybody. He was known for his goodness, humbleness and friendliness.
    They asked him: "Jesus, why are you running away from that man?"
    Prophet Jesus replied: "I am running away from a fool".
    People were still more surprised they knew that prophet Jesus was a prophet. He had cured the sick. He had even brought the dead to life. So they said: "But Jesus, you have power to bring dead to life."
    Prophet Jesus smiled and said: "True, I have brought dead to life. But I find it difficult to bring a fool to his senses."

    1. It is necessary to understand who is wise and who is a fool.
    2. It is indeed difficult to bring a fool to his senses.

    Ref: Alhassanian.com

  • Was Jesus a Muslim?

    Was Jesus a Muslim? Listen to the answer
    Muslim = Anyone or anything that submits to God's will

  • Why didn't Prophet Mohammed live like Jesus?

    Why didn't Prophet Mohammed live like Jesus?
    By: Syed Muhammad Baqir Qazwini

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