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Hazrat Zainab (S.A) - Islam Guidance

  • An Eloquent Lady

    After the tragedy of Karbala, Lady Zainab (S.A) and the other captives were brought to the palace of Ibn Ziyad. There, Lady Zainab disguised herself among the other women. Once Ibn Ziyad noticed her, he asked:
    “Who is that disguised woman?”
    No one answered him; so he repeated his question. Then, one of his servants replied:
    “She is Zainab, the daughter of Fatimah, daughter of the Messenger of Allah”.
    Ibn Ziyad recognized this honoured Lady, and decided to express his joy of victory in front of the honourable daughter of Imam Ali (A.S). Through addressing Lady Zainab he planned to take advantage of the opportunity and advertise the cruel and disgraced tyranny of Yazid. He however, failed to realize that the Lady he was addressing happened to be the heroine who would disgrace Yazid and all other oppressors through her firm logic.  Ibn Ziyad rudely said:
    “Praise be to Allah who disgraced you, and revealed your sayings as false.”
    Perhaps Ibn Ziyad thought that one who is martyred in the way of fighting falsity is in fact disgraced, and his or her sayings are proven as false.  Or maybe he knew the truth, but spoke as such in order to deviate the mind of people and invert the realities, knowing that he attributed his sayings to Allah (S.W.T). In spite of that, Lady Zainab (S.A) immediately frustrated his conspiracy by replying:
    “Praise be to Allah who has honoured us with His Messenger, and purified us from impurity. The one who is disgraced is certainly the libertine, and the one who lies is the lewd; and we are not such people. Praise be to Allah.”
    Ibn Zyad, who never expected to be talking to such a knowledgeable and courageous woman, changed the subject and said:
    “How did you find the way Allah treated your brother and your family?”
    Lady Zainab (S.A), with a tone full of pride and power, indicating her faith and submission towards Allah (S.W.T), answered:
    I saw nothing but beauty. …They rushed towards their graves (with honour). But know that Allah will judge between you and them, and He will call you to account; so be worried about the winner at that day (either it will be you or them). O son of Marjanah! May your mother be mournful for you.”
    These few statements were so powerful that as the historians mention, they made Ibn Ziyad so angry that he decided to kill Lady Zainab (S.A). He however ceased to do such as one of his army generals, who was present there, calmed him down and prevented him from doing so.

    Roshd Islamic Shia website

  • Angelic Appellation

    It was five years after the Muslims had accompanied the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) and his family in the migration (Hijrah) to Medina, when the Holy Prophet's daughter, Hazrat Fatima (S.A), gave birth to a little girl.
    When her father, Imam Ali (A.S), saw his daughter for the first time Imam Hussein (A.S), who was then almost three years old, was with him. The boy exclaimed in delight:
    "O father, Allah has given me a sister."
    At those words Imam Ali (A.S) began to weep, and when Hussein (A.S) asked why he was crying so, his father answered that he would soon come to know.
    Fatima (S.A) and Ali (A.S) did not name their child until a few days after her birth, for they awaited the Prophet's return from a journey so that he could propose the name.
    When finally the baby girl was brought before him he held her in his lap and kissed her. The Angel Gabriel came to him and conveyed the name that was to be hers, and then he began to weep. The Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) asked why Gabriel wept and he answered:
    "O Prophet of Allah. From early on in life this girl will remain entangled in tribulations and trials in this world. First she will weep over your separation (from this world); thereafter she will bemoan the loss of her mother, then her father, and then her brother Hasan. After all this she will be confronted with the trials of the land of Karbala and the tribulations of that lonely desert, as a result of which her hair will turn grey and her back will be bent."
    When the members of the family heard this prophecy they all broke down in tears. Imam Hussein (A.S) now understood why earlier his father had also wept. Then the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) named her Zainab (S.A).
    When the news of Zainab’s birth reached Salman al-Farsi, he went to Ali (A.S) to congratulate him. But instead of seeing him happy and rejoicing he saw Ali (A.S) shed tears, and he too was apprised of the events of Karbala and the hardships that were to befall Zainab (S.A).
    One day, when Zainab (S.A) was about five years old, she had a strange and terrible dream. A violent wind arose in the city and darkened the earth and the sky. The little girl was tossed hither and thither, and suddenly she found herself stuck in the branches- of a huge tree. But-the wind was so strong that it uprooted the tree. Zainab (S.A) caught hold of a branch but that broke. In a panic she grabbed two twigs but these top gave way and she was left falling with no support. Then she woke up. When she told her grandfather, the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P), about this dream he wept bitterly and said:
    "O my daughter. That tree is me who am shortly going to leave this world. The branches are your father Ali and your mother Fatima Zahra, and the twigs are your brothers Hassan and Hussein. They will all depart this world before you do, and you will suffer their separation and loss."

    Source: Almujtaba Islamic Articles Page

  • Habib ibn Madhahir

    Hazrat Zainab (S.A) said to her brother: "Brother Hussain! Thousands of soldiers are gathering to fight you. We have hardly 72 men with us. Do you not have anyone to come to your help?" "My sister Zainab, many wanted to join me during the journey from Medina to Karbala. I politely discouraged them because their intention was not truthful. Many joined and have run away during the journey because they were scared of dying." He continued: "Zainab! My sister! Falsehood can buy many supporters, but truth has only a few friends. The soldiers on the other side have been bought. They prefer happiness in this world than in the world hereafter. My 72 truthful men prefer happiness in the world hereafter and that is why they are with me." That night, Imam Hussain wrote a letter to his childhood friend, Habib ibn Madhahir, who was in Kufa. Kufa was blocked off and nobody was allowed to leave. Habib ibn Madhahir did not know the whereabouts of Imam Hussain until the letter from Hussain arrived at his house. At the time he was having breakfast with his wife and a young son. Habib read the letter from Hussain. He kissed it and tears began to flow from his eyes. His wife asked him what was wrong. Habib said: "I have received a letter from my master, Hussain. He has asked me to join him in Karbala. Yazid's soldiers have surrounded him and are after his life." Habib's wife said: "Habib! Your childhood friend has called you. Your master needs your help. What are you waiting for? Go Habib, before it is too late!" Habib's worry was how to escape from Kufa without being seen. He instructed his slave to take his horse to a farm outside the city and to wait for him there. The slave did as he was told. The slave took Habib's horse to a farm outside the city. He waited for his master. His master was delayed. The slave started talking to the horse: "O horse! Master Hussain is in trouble. He needs help. He has asked my master Habib to join him. Master Habib is late. Horse If he does not manage to escape from Kufa, I will ride on you and go to Hussain’s help." At evening time, most of the men were in mosque. Habib managed to reach the farm where his horse was waiting. He quickly mounted his horse and said to his slave: "Go, my friend, Go! I am freeing you from my services" "Master! You are not being fair. I have served you faithfully for years. Now, I have a chance to serve the son of Bibi Fatima, and you are asking me to go. Why are you denying me a place in Heaven'?" Habib was taken aback by the words of his slave. He was pleased to hear that he had recognized the difference between the truth and the wrongful. He wanted to sacrifice his life for truth. Habib asked his slave to mount his horse. Together they galloped towards Karbala. Habib reached Karbala late in the evening. Imam Hussain greeted him with great affection. Hazrat Zainab heard that Habib had come. She asked her maid, Fizza, to convey her greetings to Habib. When Habib heard that Bibi Zainab had sent greetings to him, he screamed out in grief and anger. He threw his turban down on to the ground. He slapped his face. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he spoke: "What a sad day! What has happened to the household of Bibi Fatima? The princess! Grand-daughter of the Holy prophet, the daughter of Ali and Fatima is sending her greetings to an ordinary person like me! Yazid! You beast, you tyrant! What have you done to the household of Bibi Fatima?" At dawn, Ali Akbar gave Adhan for the last time. Yazid's soldiers blew the trumpets to start the battle. One-by-one, Hussain’s companions went to the battlefield and gave their lives for Islam. Between noon and evening time, Habib ibn Madhahir came to Hussain. He said: "My Master, Hussain, allow me to go to the battlefield. Let me sacrifice my life for Islam." "Habib, my childhood friend. Stay with me. You give comfort to me, my friend." Habib persisted with his request. Eventually Hussain gave his permission. Hussain mounted his friend, Habib, on the horse. Habib ibn Madhahir rode into the battlefield. He fought bravely but was finally over-powered. He fell to the ground. As Habib ibn Madhahir fell to the ground, an enemy soldier came over and cut off his head. All the martyrs of Karbala had their heads cut off, but Habib's was the first to be cut off by the enemy. Habib's head was not hung on the spearhead like that of the other martyr's. Habib's head was tied to a horse and pulled along the land of Karbala. Later on, in Shaam, Habib's head was tied to a horse's neck. A young boy, called Qasim, followed the horse wherever it went. One day, the man riding the horse asked the young boy Qasim: "Why are you following me around? What do you want? Qasim just looked at the head hanging from the horse's neck. The man asked again: "Why are you staring at the head". "This head is the head of my father, Habib ibn Madhahir; please give it to me so that I can bury my father's head." Habib's head seemed to look at his son and say: "My son Qasim, you are thinking of burying my head. What about the head of Hussain on that spearhead?"

    Ref: hujjat.org

  • Hazrat Fatima’s last day of this earth

    One day, during the time when Hazrat Fatima (S.A) was ill in bed. Imam Ali (A.S) returned home and he found very busy, cooking and cleaning her children, Imam Hassan (A.S) and Imam Hussain(A.S). Imam Ali (A.S) asked her as to why she was so hard working.
    Tears started flowing from her eyes. She told him that on the previous night she had seen her father in a dream. She told him about the troubles that she had to go through after his death and that she found life without him very difficult. Her father, the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) consoled her and told her not to worry anymore because after one day she would be with him.
    By this dream Hazrat Fatima (S.A) knew that it was her last day. So she wanted to do all that she could for her beloved children before she was separated from them by death.
    This news made Imam Ali (A.S) very sad.
    Hazrat Fatima (S.A) then made her final wishes know to him. Her first wish was that those who had oppressed her and her husband should not be allowed to attend her burial.
    To make this possible, she wished that she be buried in the darkness of night. Secondly, she recommended Imam Ali (A.S) to her daughter, Zainab, as she would take good care of the children.
    Thirdly, she requested Imam Ali (A.S) to be extra careful with Imam Hassan (A.S) and Imam Hussain (A.S) as they would be very sad after their mother's death.
    With tears in his eyes Imam Ali (A.S) said goodbye to her and went to the Mosque together with Imam Hassan (A.S) and Imam Hussain (A.S).
    Hazrat Fatima (S.A) was now left home alone with Asma Bint Umays. Asma reports that when alone, Hazrat Fatima (S.A) put on a new garment and perfumed herself. She then retired to the place where she used to pray daily. She asked Asma to leave her alone as she wished to carry out some special prayers in remembrance of Allah, the Almighty. She requested Asma to come back to her after sometime and check if she was still alive or not.
    Asma says, "I did as I was told. When left alone, Hazrat Fatima (S.A) started addressing Allah and praying for the wellbeing of her followers. After sometime there was silence. I rushed to see what she was doing and saw that she was lying straight on her back. Her face was covered with a piece of cloth.
    When I removed the cloth from her face, I found her not breathing any more. She had left this world to join her father.”
    As per her wishes, Imam Ali (A.S) buried her in the darkness of the night. Besides Imam Ali (A.S) and his two sons, very few others such as Ammar, Salman, Mighdad and AbuZar attended her funeral.

    Derived from: Al Hassanain.

  • Hazrat Sakina (S.A), the daughter of Imam Hussain (A.S)

    On 5th of the Islamic month of Rabi al-Awwal in 117 AH, Hazrat Sakina (S.A), the daughter of Imam Hussain (A.S), passed away in her hometown Medina and was laid to rest in the Baqie Cemetery. She was over 70 years of age, and her death occurred in the initial years of the imamate of Imam Sadiq (A.S), the son and successor of her nephew, Imam Mohammad al-Baqir (A.S) and grandson of her brother, Imam Zain al-Abedin (A.S).
    She was present in Karbala during the tragedy that befell the Prophet's Household, resulting in the martyrdom of her father, her two brothers, Ali Akbar (A.S) and the 6-month infant Ali Asghar (A.S), her cousins, and her uncles, including the valiant standard-bearer, Hazrat Abbas(A.S), who sacrificed his life while bringing water from the River Euphrates for the thirsty children.
    At Karbala when from the seventh Muharram, access to water was blocked by the army of Yazid and water became scarce Hazrat Sakina (A.S) shared whatever little water she had with other children. Whe n soon there was no water at all, the thirsty children would look at Hazrat Sakina (A.S) hopefully, and because she could not help them she would have tears in her eyes. Hazrat Sakina (A.S)'s lips were parched with thirst.
    She was betrothed to her cousin, a son of Imam Hassan (A.S) and Hazrat Qasim's (A.S) elder brother, who was martyred in Karbala. In the aftermath of the tragedy, Sakina (S.A), along with other members of the Ahl al-Bayt including aunts, Hazrat Zainab (S.A), Hazrat Umm Kulsoum (S.A) and others; sisters, Hazrat Fatima (S.A) and the 4-year-old Hazrat Ruqayya (S.A) – who attained martyrdom in Damascus – had to suffer imprisonment for a while.
    Upon return to Medina, she devoted her life to prayer, fasting and worship of God, refusing to marry anyone. The same year (117 AH) her elder sister, Fatima, the wife of Imam Hassan's(A.S) son, Hassan al-Muthanna (severely injured in the tragedy of Karbala but survived) and the ancestress of the Hassanid branch of Tabatabie Saadaat, also passed away in Medina.

    This article borrowed from Imam Reza.Network.

  • Hazrat Zainab (S.A) in Karbala

    Zainab (S.A) is the shining sun in the history of Islam and of humanity. Her brother's name and Karbala associate the idea of freedom, justice, humanity, virtue, fighting against despotism, with the realization of the sovereignty of Allah. The history of Karbala is based on two pillars: the rising of Imam Hussain (A.S) and the rising of Zainab (S.A). She was an outstanding figure in the history of Karbala endowed with divine steadfastness and fortitude. She sacrificed her two sons and one should not say anything if one devoted his life for the cause of Allah. After the martyrdom of her brother and her two sons, she said: "O my Lord! Accept our humble sacrifice to you."
    When Zainab reached Kufa, she addressed people with fury words: "Praise to Allah, and May the blessing of Allah be upon Muhammad and his progeny. O people of Kufa, you are hypocrites and deceitful. You feign to be sorry for the death of my brother and his companions. May you always shed tears. I find nothing in you but flattery, evil acts and thoughts, pride and spite and ill will. By Allah! You deserve lasting sorrow instead of joy. Shames on you, your hands are imbrued with the blood of the son of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P), the one who was your sole refuge in case of adversity. By your evil act and disloyalty, you incurred the wrath of Allah against you. Woe betides you! No one will intercede with Allah for you." Her furious words provoked people of Kufa to avenge Hussain's martyrdom. This frightened Ubayd Allah ibn Ziyad and his cruel agents. She also delivered a furious sermon in the court of the caliph that made his authority and despotic rule feel undermined. She said: "I fear no one but Allah. Make whatever evil plot you can. Blazes are waiting for you in the hereafter. You'll he accountable to Allah for your atrocities."

    Ref: Ziaraat.com

  • Ruqayyah bint al Hussein (S.A)

    Hazrat Ruqayyah (S.A) was a vivacious child, full of love and happiness. Everyone loved Ruqayyah (S.A). She was also a very religious girl. From the age of two she took great care to make sure that her head and face were properly covered as per the Islamic dress of code Hijab when in public.
    Ruqayyah (S.A) was Imam Hussein's (A.S) most beloved child. Our Third Imam (A.S) used to pray for a daughter in his night Prayer (Namaz E Shab) and the birth of Ruqayyah (S.A) was a result of those night prayers. Imam Hussein (A.S) was often heard to say, "A house without Sakina would not be worth living in!" She always had a sweet and cheerful smile and a very friendly nature. Other children sought her company as much as the grown-ups did. She was very generous and always shared whatever she had with others.
    There was a special bond between Hazrat Abbas (A.S) and Ruqayyah (S.A). Hazrat Abbas (A.S) loved her more than he did his own children. If Ruqayyah (S.A) requested for anything, Hazrat Abbas (A.S) would not rest until he satisfied her request. There was nothing that Hazrat Abbas (A.S) would not do to make Ruqayyah (S.A) happy.
    During the journey from Medina to Makkah and then Makkah to Karbala, Hazrat Abbas (A.S) was often seen riding up to the Mehmil (A decorated framework on a Camel) in which Ruqayyah (S.A) sat to make sure that she had everything she wanted. Ruqayyah (S.A) loved her uncle just as much. While in Medina she would visit, several times a day, the house in which Hazrat Abbas (A.S) lived with his family and his mother, Hazrat Ummul Baneen (S.A).
    Like any other four-five year old when Ruqayyah (S.A) went to bed at night, she wanted to spend some time with her father. Imam Hussein (A.S) would tell her stories of the Prophets (A.S) and of the battles fought by her grand-father Imam Ali (A.S). She would rest her head on her father's chest and Imam Hussein (A.S) would not move from her until she fell asleep. When from the second of Muharram the armies of Yazid began to gather at Karbala, Imam Hussein (A.S) said to his sister Hazrat Zainab (S.A), "The time has come for you to get Sakina used to going to sleep without me being there." Ruqayyah (S.A) would follow her father at night and Imam Hussein (A.S) had to gently take her to aunt, Hazrat Zainab (S.A) or Hazrat Rubab (S.A) - her mother.
    At Karbala from the seventh Muharram, access to water was blocked by the army of Yazid and water became scarce. Ruqayyah (S.A) shared whatever little water she had with other children. When soon there was no water at all, the thirsty children would look at Ruqayyah (S.A) hopefully, and because she could not help them she would have tears in her eyes. Ruqayyah’s (S.A) lips were parched with thirst.
    On the day of Ashura - the 10th of Muharram, Ruqayyah (S.A) gave her Mashk (water carrier) to Hazrat Abbas (A.S) to get some water for her and the children. When Hazrat Abbas (A.S) went to fetch water, the children gathered round Ruqayyah (S.A) with their little cups, knowing that as soon as Hazrat Abbas (A.S) brought any water, Ruqayyah (S.A) would first make sure that they had some before taking any herself. When Ruqayyah (S.A) saw Imam Hussein (A.S) bringing the blood drenched Alam (Flag) she knew that her uncle Hazrat Abbas (A.S) had been martyred. From that day on Ruqayyah (S.A) never complained of thirst. Ruqayyah (S.A) never again asked anyone for water. Hazrat Zainab (S.A) would persuade her to take a few sips, but she herself would never ask for water or complain of thirst.
    Then came the time when the earth shook and Ruqayyah (S.A) became an orphan! But even then she always thought of the others first. She would console her mother, Hazrat Rubab (S.A) on the death of her six month old brother, Ali Asghar (A.S) and when she saw any other lady or child weeping Ruqayyah (S.A) would put her little arms around her.
    From the time when Imam Hussein (A.S) was martyred in the battle field, Ruqayyah (S.A) forgot to smile! Kufa saw her as a little girl lost in thought. Quite often she would sit up at night. When asked if she wanted anything, she would say, "I just heard a baby cry? Is it Asghar? He must be calling out for me!"
    Knowing that her weeping upset her mother, Ruqayyah (S.A) would cry silently and quickly wipe away her tears! In the prison in Damascus she would stare at the flock of birds flying to their nests at sunset and innocently ask Hazrat Zainab (S.A), "Will Sakina ever be going home like those birds flying to their homes?"

    Source: islamicoccasions.com

  • Umm ul-Banin - first Husseini elegy chanter

    After the martyrdom of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (S.A), Imam Ali (A.S) called his brother Aqeel who was known for his knowledge about the tribal genealogies and told him to find out a respectable lady of a noble family, known for its bravery, for him to wed for he wanted to have a brave son from her to be his own representative there at Karbala to serve Hussain (A.S) the son of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) and help him in the calamitous situation against his enemies and lay his life defending Hussain (A.S) on his own behalf, for Hassan (A.S) and Hussain (A.S) were hailed as the sons of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) and each one was addressed as Ibn-Rasoolullah' (son of the Holy Prophet).
    Aqeel said: "Marry thou, Umm ul-Banin Kalabi, the daughter of Hazm bin Khalid-e-Kalabi, for braver than her father, there was none in the tribes.
    Hadrat Umm ul-Banin bore Hazrat Ali's four sons, Abbas, Abdulla, Ja'far and Usman. The meaning of 'Umm ul-Banin' is 'Mother of Sons'. All of her sons were martyred along with Imam Hussein. After their martyrdom, she requested people not to call her 'Umm ul-Banin' ever again.
    The day she entered the household of Imam Ali (A.S), she made it very plain to Imam Hassan (A.S) and Imam Hussain (A.S) that she considered herself their slave, and she hoped and prayed that they would accept her as one. Her respect and affection for them was reciprocated by the two brothers, who occupied a foremost place in her heart.
    When Imam Hussain (A.S) was leaving Madinah for Iraq Hazrat Umm ul-Banin asked her four sons, Hazrat Abbas (A.S), Abdulla, Ja'far and Usman to sacrifice their lives in the sacred cause of Imam Hussain (A.S).
    Umm ul-Banin had such sincerity toward the Holy Prophet's progeny that she loved Imam Hussain (A.S) more than her own children.
    She was the first who received Bashar bin Hazam, the man who proclaimed to the people of Medina “Qotelal Hussain…” (Hussein has been killed...). It was to the extent that when she received the news stating the martyrdom of her four sons, she said: "Tell me about Hussain (A.S)” and when she received the news of Imam Hussain (A.S)'s martyrdom she said: "All of the arteries of my heart are torn. May all of my children and whatever that exist under this azure heaven be sacrificed for the sake of Imam Hussain (A.S).”
    After the arrival of Imam Sajjad (A.S) and Hazrat Zainab (S.A) in Medina Hazrat Umm ul-Banin used to gather women in her house and used to narrate them how Imam Hussain (A.S) and his companions were martyred by Yazidi forces.
    Hazrat Umm ul-Baneen is considered as the first Noheh Reciter (dirge reciter) for the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (A.S). She used to visit regularly the famous Jannat al-Baqi cemetery in Medina and recite her Noheh in a very sad and pathetic voice that everybody present there used to weep bitterly.
    She transformed the Jannat al-Baqi cemetery as "the Centre of mourning of Imam Hussain (A.S)". The Noheh recited by Hazrat Umm ul-Banin for the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (A.S) are recorded in history and are considered as masterpiece in Arabic literature.

    Derived from: Alhassanain.com

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