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Prophet David (A.S) - Islam Guidance

  • Prophet Solomon (Sulaiman), the King Prophet

    For the guidance of mankind, Allah honored four famous Prophets by revealing to them four Holy Books as under:
    1) Taurat to Prophet Moses (Musa).
    2) Zaboor (Psalms) To Prophet David (Dawood).
    3) Injeel (Evangel) To Prophet Jesus (Isa).
    4) Quran to Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P).

    The commandments of Allah are contained in these books. The first three books were for the earlier times. The Holy Qur'an is the last book of God and is for the guidance of entire mankind till the Day of Judgement.
    Prophet Dawood eventually became King of his people. He had 19 sons. Each of them hoped to inherit the father's throne. Allah revealed to Prophet Dawood a few questions and their answers and commanded him to put the questions to each one of his sons. Whosoever answered those questions correctly, would inherit the throne of the father, Prophet David.
    One day Prophet David called all his sons in the presence of the scholars and the chiefs of the tribes of his kingdom. He then put forward the following questions:
    1. Which thing is closest (nearest) to man?
    2. Which is the farthest thing?
    3. Which two things are attached to each other?
    4. Which is the most awe-creating thing?
    5. Which two things remain unchanged?
    6. Which two things are always different?
    7. Which two things are opposed to each other?
    8. What is the action the result of which is good?
    9. What is that action the result of which is bad?
    The sons of Prophet David felt helpless and could not answer any of these questions. Then the youngest of the sons, Prophet Solomon stood up and gave the following answers:
    1. The nearest things to a man is the hereafter (Life and Death - as one may die any moment).
    2. The farthest things is the time which has passed away (which is not to come again).
    3. The two things that are attached to each other is man's body with the soul.
    4. The most awe-creating is the man's body (dead) without soul.
    5. The two things which remain the same are the sky and the earth.
    6. The two things which are different are the day and night.
    7. The two things which are opposed to each other are life and death.
    8. The action - the end of which is good - is patience and forbearance at the time of anger.
    9. The action - the end of which is bad is haste at the time of anger.
    Prophet David obviously, was very much impressed with these correct answers and appointed Prophet Solomon as his successor.
    Thus it will be seen that it was the supreme knowledge and understanding that made Prophet Solomon succeed his father and become the Great King Prophet.

    Taken from: Al-Islam.org

  • The prophet David (Dawood) (A.S)

    The prophet Dawood (David) (A.S) in Taloot’s army
    The few who were left in Taloot’s army stood and faced the Palestinians, who were priding themselves on Jaloot, their strong leader. Once war commenced, Jaloot marched onto the battlefield and challenged the Bani Israel. But due to his awe and terror, none in the Bani Israel had the courage to face him. There was a young boy in Taloot’s group, Dawood (A.S) who was accompanying his three brothers. Dawood (A.S) did not come with the intention of participating in the battle. Rather he had been sent by his father along with his brothers so that he would inform him about their victory at the earliest. Hazrat Dawood (A.S) was appointed as a Prophet among the Bani Israel after Hazrat Samuel (A.S). Hazrat Dawood (A.S) asked one person, ‘If someone vanquishes Jaloot, how will the king reward him?’ The man replied, ‘Apart from bestowing him with innumerable gifts, the king will give him his daughter’s hand. His family will be honoured and respected.’
    Until that day, Hazrat Dawood (A.S) had never participated in a battle and in fact, had no exposure whatsoever to warfare. However, he still approached the king and expressed his desire to fight Jaloot. Taloot refused to grant him permission and informed him of Jaloot’s strength compared to his own weakness. But Hazrat Dawood (A.S) replied fearlessly, ‘I think of myself capable of fighting this war. Just a few days ago a lion had attacked the Rock of sheep of my father but I countered it and killed it.’ The king made Hazrat Dawood (A.S) wear the armour and sent him to the battlefield. Hazrat Dawood (A.S) felt uneasy in the armour and he removed it and went to battle Jaloot unarmed. He did not have any weapon with him except five stones, which he had picked in the jungle, a small stick and a sling.
    After arriving in the battlefield, he loaded a stone in his sling, aimed it at Jaloot and flung it at him, taking Allah’s name. The stone hit Jaloot on the forehead and Jaloot fell on the ground. Hazrat Dawood (A.S) advanced towards Jaloot and severed his head from his body. He carried the head to Taloot. When Jaloot’s soldiers saw this sight, their hopes were frustrated and they all fled.

    Hazrat Dawood’s (David) (A.S) relation with Taloot
    As per his promise, Taloot married his daughter to Hazrat Dawood (A.S) and appointed him the commander of his army. Gradually the discussion of Hazrat Dawood’s (A.S) greatness and excellence increased among the people. With these discussions, love and affection for him increased manifold in the hearts of the people. Meanwhile friendship of Hazrat Dawood (A.S) with Yunasan (son of Taloot) grew stronger.
    This widespread fame and acceptance of Hazrat Dawood (A.S) among the people became a cause of jealousy and envy for Taloot. This fire of jealousy against Hazrat Dawood (A.S) began raging fiercely, until one day Taloot made a plan to kill him. Yunasan tried unsuccessfully to stop his father from this disgraceful act. Taloot sent Hazrat Dawood (A.S) too many dangerous wars so that he may be killed by the enemy. However Hazrat Dawood (A.S) was always victorious.
    Talut devised another scheme to kill Hazrat Dawood (A.S), but the latter got news of it. He left the place that same night along with his relatives and took shelter in a cave. Gradually Hazrat Dawood’s (A.S) other relatives, the poor, weak and needy also took shelter along with him. Hazrat Dawood (A.S) along with the entire group sought refuge in the neighbouring kingdom of Palestine. When Talut learnt of this, he attacked the kingdom of Palestine, but was defeated and the battle ended with his death. His soldiers fled the battlefield. The kingdom fell in the hands of the Hazrat Dawood (A.S). During the same period Hazrat Samuel (A.S) passed away and the prophet hood transferred to Hazrat Dawood (A.S). He fought several wars and Allah gave Him victory. Hence he was successful in bringing many kingdoms within the realm of Bani Israel.

    Miracles of the prophet Dawood (David) (A.S)
    Allah bestowed numerous favours on Hazrat Dawood (A.S) in addition to the kingdom. Apart from prophet hood, knowledge, kingdom and a divine book like ‘Zaboor’, he was also blessed with a good voice. When he was engaged in Allah’s worship, the birds of the mountains and forests rushed towards him and joined him in divine remembrance in their own language. Even the mountains prayed along with him.
    Hazrat Dawood’s (A.S) miracles mentioned in the Holy Quran are:
    -    The mountain glorified Allah, the Almighty, along with him.
    -    The birds too glorified Allah along with him.
    -    Allah made iron soft as wax for him, without any furnace and tools. Allah bestowed upon him the knowledge of constructing the armour. In fact, the armour was invented by him.
    -    Allah granted him a huge, stable and secure kingdom.
    -    Allah granted him the Zaboor, which he recited with pleasant recitation. In this manner he invited the people towards Allah.

    Taken from: Almuntazar

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