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Imam Ali - Islam Guidance

  • A truly uniqe character

  • Ali ,son of Abu Talib

  • Arriving to Najaf

  • Gems of Guidance from Imam Ali (A.S)

    Saeed bin Zaid bin Arta'ah met with Kumail bin Ziyad and asked him about the virtues of Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.S)
    Kumail said, "I will share the will that Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.S) left for me with you, which is better than the entire world and everything that is in it."
    All bin Abi Taleb (A.S) told me:
    -O Kumail! Start your day with the name of Allah, "BISMILLAH" and with "LA HOWLA WA LA QOWWATA ILLA BILLAH" (There is neither strength nor power but with Allah) and depend upon Allah. And mention us with our names and send blessings on us (Salawat) and seek refuge with Allah our Lord. This will protect you and everything around you from all evil on that day.
    -O Kumail! There is no knowledge except that I am the founder (opener) of it and there is no secret except that al-Qaim (A.S) will complete it. O Kumail! "Offspring, one from the other; and Allah is hearing, knowing" (3:34).
    -O Kumail! Dont take (anything) except from us and you will be from among us.
    -O Kumail! You (people) need help in learning about everything that exists.
    -O Kumail! When you want to start eating, start with the name of Allah. Nothing can hurt you with His name; it is a cure from illness.
    -O Kumail! Always have someone eat with you and do not be stingy with your food. Understand that you do not provide sustenance and that Allah will reward you for sharing your food.
    -O Kumail! When you are finished eating, thank Allah for the sustenance and thank Him loudly so that others hear you and thank Him too, because this will increase your reward.
    -O Kumail! Do not fill up your stomach with food, Keep place for water and space for air.
    -O Kumail! Health is in eating little and drinking little.
    -O Kumail! Do not turn away the poor even if you can only give them a date or a grape!
    -O Kumail! Charity grows in Allah's eyes.
    -O Kumail! Every nation has good and bad people. So do not get in a heated argument with those who are ignorant. And if they insult you, be patient amongst them for Allah says, "When the ignorant address them, they say: Peace" (25:63).
    -O Kumail! Always tell the truth. Surround yourself with those who are pious and abandon those who are immoral.
    -O Kumail! Stay away from the hypocrites and do not befriend those who will betray you.
    -O Kumail! The best thing that Allah loves from His slaves, after testifying in Him and His successors, is beautifying the soul through compassion and patience.
    -O Kumail! There is nothing wrong with people not knowing your secrets. O Kumail! Do not show people your needs and be patient while anticipating Allah's reward and you will thereby earn peoples trust.
    -O Kumail! Who is your brother? Your brother is he who does not let you down in times of difficulty, does not keep quiet when you do something wrong, does not lie to you when you ask him a question, and does not wait to offer his help until he learns that the problem has already been solved.
    -O Kumail! A believer is the mirror of his fellow believer. A believer will help identify a fellow believer's weaknesses and he will help him rectify them.
    -O Kumail! Do not teach the disbelievers anything about us because they will change it and will use it against you.
    -O Kumail! For any difficulty say "LA HOWLA WA LA QOWWATA ILLA BILLAH" (There is neither strength nor power but with Allah) and the difficulty will be removed.
    For any blessing say "ALHAMDLI LILLAH" (All Praise Belongs to Allah) and we will increase the blessing.
    If your sustenance is delayed seek forgiveness and it will come to you.
    -O Kumail! Those who win in this life win a passing life, which is temporary, so understand what I have said to you and you will win the Hereafter, which is eternal.
    [Source: Basharat ul Mustafa Le Shiyyat e Murtuza, Chapter 1, Hadees 43 / Bihar ul Anwar Vol.74 Pg.266-277]

    Reference: Aalulbayt Global Information Center

  • Imam Ali (A.S) and the Discourteous Trader

    Imam Ali (A.S), during his Caliphate, would often undertake tours to survey the markets and advise and guide the traders there.
    One day, while passing through the date market, he noticed that a small girl was weeping. Imam asked her the reason for her tears at which she explained: “My master had given me a dirham to purchase some dates. I purchased them from this trader here, but when I returned home, my master did not approve of them. Now I wish to return them but the trader refuses to take them back.”
    Imam Ali (A.S) turned to the trader and said to him, “This child is a slave-girl and has no authority of her own. Take backs the dates and returns her money to her.”
    The trader stepped forward and, in full view of the other traders and onlookers, struck the Imam (A.S) on the chest in an attempt to shove him away from the front of his shop.
    The people who were witnessing the incident, rushed forward and said to the man: “What do you think you are doing? This is Ali Ibn Abi Talib (A.S)!”
    The trader’s face went pale as he stood flabbergasted. He immediately took the dates from the girl and handed back the money to her.
    Then, turning to the Imam (A.S), he implored, “O’ The commander of the faithful! Be pleased with me and forgive me.”
    The Imam replied, “I shall only be pleased with you when you change your behaviour for the better and pay close attention to morals and courtesy.”

    Ref: Shia studies articles

  • Naming your son Muhammad or Ali

    If one, while expecting a baby, has the intention to name the child Muhammad or Ali, the child will be a boy with the permission of Allah (S.W.T):
    “Once ibn Ghaylan al-Mada’iniy and I visited abu al-Hassan, al-Rida (A.S) and ibn Ghaylan said to him (the Imam), ‘I pray to Allah to keep you well, I have been informed that if one’s wife is pregnant and he keeps his intention to name him Muhammad a son then is born to him.’ He (the Imam) said, ‘If one’s wife is pregnant and he keeps in his intention to name him Ali, (in this case also) a son will born to him.’ He (the Imam) then said, ‘Ali and Muhammad is one thing.’ He then said, ‘I pray to Allah to keep you well, I left my wife pregnant, please pray to Allah to make him a boy.’ He (the Imam) bent down his head for a long time; then raised his head and said, ‘Name him Ali because it is good for his long life.’ We then entered Mecca and a letter came from al-Mada’in saying, “A boy is born to him.”’”

    Source: It is narrated from Muhammad ibn Ali from Ali ibn al-Hakam from al-Hussein ibn Sa‘id
    [Furu’ al-Kafi, Volume 6, Chapter 5, Hadith #2]
    [Mira’at al-Uqool, Volume 21, Page 20]

    Reference: wilayat.net

  • Some Traditions on the Virtues of Imam Ali (A.S)

    It is narrated that:
    The Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P) said: "He who wants to see Noah (A.S) in his determination, Adam (A.S) in his knowledge, Abraham (A.S) in his clemency, Moses (A.S) in his intelligence and Jesus (A.S) in his religious devotion should look at Ali Ibn Abi Talib (A.S)."
    Sunni references:
    Sahih al-Bayhaqi
    Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, as quoted in
    Sharh Ibn Abil Hadid, v2, p449
    Tafsir al-Kabir, by Fakhruddin al-Razi, under the commentary of the Verse of Imprecation (Mubahilah), v2, p288. He wrote this tradition has been accepted as all genuine.
    Ibn Batah has recorded it as a tradition related by Ibn Abbas as is stated in the book "Fath al-Mulk al-Ali bi Sihah Hadith-e-Bab-e-Madinat al-Ilm", p34, by Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Siddeeq al-Hasani al-Maghribi.
    Among those who have admitted that Imam Ali (A.S) is the store house of the secrets of all the Prophets is the Chief of Gnostics, Muhyiddin al-Arabi, from whom al-Arif al-Sharani has copied it in his al-Yawaqeet wa al-Jawahir (p172, topic 32).

    It is also narrated that:
    The Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) said: "There is amongst you a person who will fight for the interpretation of the Quran just as I fought for its revelation. “The people around him raised their heads and cast inquisitive glances at the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) and at one another. Abu Bakr and Umar were there. Abu Bakr inquired if he was that person and the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) replied in the negative. Then Umar inquired if he was that person and the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) replied "No. He is the one who is repairing my shoes (i.e., Ali)."
    Abu Said Khudri said: Then we went to Ali and conveyed the good news to him. He did not even raise his head and remained as busy as he was, as if he had already heard it from the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P)."

    Sunni references:
    Al-Mustadrak, by al-Hakim, v3, p122, who said this tradition is genuine based on the criteria of al-Bukhari and Muslim.
    Al-Dhahabi, also records it in his Talkhis al-Mustadrak and admitted that it is genuine according to the standard of the two Shaikhs.
    Khasa'is, by al-Nisa'i, p40
    Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v3, pp 32-33
    Kanz al-Ummal, by al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, v6, p155
    Majma' al-Zawa'id, by al-Haythami, v9, p133

    Ahmad Ibn Hanbal and al-Hakim recorded with authentic document from Abu Said al-Khudri that the Apostle of God said to Ali: "Verily you will do battle for (implementation of) the Quran, as you has done for its revelation."
    Sunni reference: Tarikh al-Khulafaa, by Jalaluddin al-Suyuti, p173

    Al-Hakim recorded that Anas Ibn Malik narrated that the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) said to Ali (A.S):
    “You shall inform my nation about the truth and what they dispute after me"

    Source: Imam Ali (A.S) Network

  • The History of the city of Najaf


    The visit of Prophet Abraham and Isaac and Abraham's prediction and desire to buy the Valley of Peace. 

    Those who have visited Najaf will remember vividly that to the north and east of the town there are acres of graves and myriads of domes of various colours and at various stages of disrepair. Whoever goes to Najaf will follow a road that approaches the town by a winding course through this vast cemetery. The Prophet Abraham had come to this place along with Isaac; there had been many earthquakes in the vicinity, but while Abraham remained there, there were no tremors. On the night, however, when Abraham and Isaac went to a different village, and sure enough Najaf was visited with another earthquake. When they returned, the people were most eager for them to make Najaf their permanent dwelling-place. Abraham agreed to do so on condition that they would sell him the valley behind the village for cultivation. Isaac protested and said that this land was neither fit for farming nor grazing, but Abraham insisted and assured him that the time would come when there would be a tomb there with a shrine, at which seventy thousand people would gain absolutely undisputed entrance to Paradise, and be able also to intercede for many others. (Majlisi op. cit. page 108) 

    The valley that Abraham wanted to buy is called the Valley of Peace (Wadiu's-Salaam), and it is related on the authority of the fourth Imam, that Ali once said that this Valley of Peace is part of Heaven and that there is not a single one of the believers in the world, whether he dies in the east or west, but his soul will come to this Paradise to rest. (Mailisi op. cit. Page 111) "As there is nothing hidden in this world from my eyes," Ali went on to say, "I see all the believers seated - here in groups and talking with one another." 

    How Najaf was given its name is explained in the tradition. At first there was a mountain there, and when one of the sons of Noah refused to enter the Ark, he said that he would sit on this mountain until he would see where the water would come. A revelation came therefore to the mountain, "Do you undertake to protect this son of mine from punishment?" And all at once the mountain fell. to pieces and the son of Noah was drowned. In place of the mountain a large river appeared, but after a few years the river dried up, and the place was called Nay-Jaff, meaning, "the dried river." (Majlisi op. cit. page 111) 

    And so as per the prediction of Abraham, Imam Ali was buried here. 

    Ali is absent today from our midst only physically. His soul even to this day is the greatest spiritual resort everyone who seeks the help of God through his medium. Thousands and thousands of people call out to him in their difficulties, and the word "Ya Ali Madad", automatically comes to them. A famous prayer known as "NADEY ALI" (Call Ali) is recited wherever abound the lovers of Ali.


    The deer hunting incident of Harun al-Rashid 

    "During the reigns of the Umayyad Caliphs his blessed resting-place could not be disclosed, and so it was also under the Abbasids until the reign of Harun al-Rashid. But in the year 175 A.H. (791 A.D.), Harun happened to go hunting in these parts, and the deer he was chasing took refuge on a small piece of raised ground. However much he asked his hunting dogs to capture the quarry, they refused to go near this spot. He urged his horse to this place, and the horse too refused to budge; and on this, awe took possession of the Caliph's heart, and he immediately started to make inquiries of the people of the neighbourhood, and they acquainted him with the fact that this was the grave of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib, the cousin and son-in-law of the Holy Prophet. Harun ordered a tomb to be erected over the grave, and people soon began to settle down in its vicinity." (The Shrine of Ali at Najaf from "The Shi'ite Religion" by Dwight M. Donaldson)


    Reference: Imam Reza.Network

  • The munajat of Imam Ali (A.S)

    The munajat of Imam Ali (AS)

  • The Shop Keeper

    A heavy-built man was passing through the market of Kufa, his step was firm and assured. He had a fine physique and sun-burnt face; encounters of the battle-field had left their marks on him and the corner of one of his eyes was slit. A shop-keeper, to amuse his friends, threw a handful of sweepings onto the man. The man continued his walk in the same assured and firm manner, without raising an eye-brow or looking towards the shop-keeper. When he went away, a friend of the shop-keeper said:
    "Do you know who the man is whom you have insulted just now?"
    "No, I do not recognize him. He was a passerby like thousands of people passing this way every day. But tell me who this man is."
    "Strange! Didn't you recognize him? He was Malik al-Ashtar, the renowned commander-in-chief of Imam Ali."
    "Strange! He was Malik al-Ashtar! The same Malik whose bravery turns the heart of lions into water and mention of whose name makes his enemies tremble with fear?"
    "Yes, that was Malik himself."
    "Woe to me! What did I do? Now he will give orders to punish me severely. I must run to him immediately to apologize and request him to forgive my misbehavior."
    He ran after Malik. He saw him turning towards a mosque. He followed him to the mosque and saw that he had started praying. He waited till he finished his prayer. Humbly introducing himself he told him:
    "I am the man who had committed the silly prank and behaved disrespectfully to you."
    Malik said: "By Allah, I did not come in the mosque but for your sake, because I understood that you were a very ignorant and misguided man and that you give trouble to the people without any reason.
    I felt pity on you and came here to pray for you and ask Allah to guide you onto the right path. No, I did not have any such intentions that you were afraid of."

    Source: Almujtaba Islamic articles page.

  • Very Beautiful Eulogy of Imam Ali (A.S)

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