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The commander of the faithful (A.S) - Islam Guidance

  • The atmosphere of sadness night of martyrdom of the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P)

    The atmosphere of sadness night of martyrdom of the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) in the shrine of the commander of the faithful, Imam Ali (A.S) – November/18/2017

  • The characteristics of a successful doctor

    The characteristics of a successful doctor, according to Imam Ali (A.S)

    Sheikh Salim Yusufali

    Muharram 1436, Night 4

  • The commander of the Faithful (A.S) and Generosity

    The commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S) was returning from a journey with a string of camels fully laden with goods. On the way a beggar asked for a piece of bread. Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S) ordered his beloved servant Qambar to give some bread to the beggar. Qambar started searching for bread. After a few moments Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S) asked about the delay. Qambar said, "I am looking for the bread."
    The commander of the faithful, Imam Ali (A.S) said, "Give the bagger the camel which carries the food." After a while Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S) again inquired about the delay. Qambar replied, "I am searching for the camel carrying the food." "Give the whole caravan," Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S) ordered.
    Qambar hurriedly jumped off from the camel and handed the reins of the whole caravan to the fortunate beggar.
    The commander of the faithful, Imam Ali (A.S) smiled at the agility of Qambar and asked him, "Why did you jump so quickly and hand over the reins in such haste?" Qambar replied, "Master, you are in such a mood that on account of a little delay, you gave away the whole caravan. I was afraid if there was some more delay, you might give me away also with the caravan. You will get a thousand slaves like me, but where will I get a master like you?"

    Ref: islamicoccasions.com

  • The companion - Zubair ibn Awam

    certain elite figures in early Islamic history and analyses how their actions contributed to the chaos that ensued and, eventually, the brutal massacre that took place in Karbala | Zubair ibn Awam

  • The Icon of Justice

    Once on the eve of Ramadan, towards the end of a memorable sermon on the blessings of the month of fasting, the Prophet burst into tears. Asked by his dear cousin and son-in-law, the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb (A.S), the reason for his weeping, the Almighty’s Last Messenger to mankind, replied:
    "O Ali, I weep for that which will befall you in this month. (Imagining myself) to be in your place when you will be praying to your Lord, and the most wicked person of all times, like the one who chopped off the feet of the camel of Thamoud (that was the divine proof of Prophet Saleh's mission), will strike you on your head and your beard will be dyed by it (blood)."
    "O Ali whoever kills you has (in fact) killed me, whoever annoys you has annoyed me and whoever slanders you has slandered me, because you are to me like my soul. Your spirit is my spirit and your nature is my nature. Surely, Allah the Praised and the Glorious created me then you, chose me then you. Selected me for Prophet Hood and selected you for Imamate. And whoever denies your Imamate has (in fact) denied my Prophet Hood. O Ali, you are my legatee and father of my (grand) children, and husband of my daughter, and my Caliph (vicegerent) over my ummah both in my lifetime and after my death. Your bidding is my bidding, and your forbidding is my forbidding. I swear by the Power that granted me Prophet Hood and made me the most excellent of creation, you are the Hujjat-Allah (Proof of Allah) over His creatures, and His Trustee over mysteries and His Caliph over His creatures.”
    What the Prophet had predicted occurred over three decades later on the 21st of Ramadan in Iraq. The Imam of the Pious, on being struck the fatal blow in the Grand Mosque of Kufa while engrossed in the morning prayer of 19th Ramadan in the year 40 AH expressed that immortal phrase: By the Lord of the Ka’ba I have succeeded.”
    And what a grand success did the Icon of Justice achieve! Till this day, Imam Ali (A.S), whose ideal administration of justice has yet to be emulated, is remembered as the Martyr for the Cause of Freedom and Liberties. As the most nearest and dearest person to the Prophet, he had stood beside his cousin through every thick and thin, frustrating the bloodcurdling plots of the hypocrites in order to free human societies from the fetters of ignorance, superstition and polytheism.
    In short, Imam Ali (A.S) was the supreme example of social justice the world has ever seen. Even non-Muslim scholars have praised his dynamic personality. The Christian scholar George Jordaq has written a series of excellent books titled: Imam Ali (A.S) and Socrates; Imam Ali and Aristotle; Imam Ali and the French Revolution; and Imam Ali the Voice of Human Justice. Jordaq has shown that Imam Ali (A.S) excels all comparisons, and the freedom and liberties that he enshrined are still beyond the reach of human societies despite the bragging of democracy and human rights by western governments, whose practice is nothing but outright hypocrisy.
    We thus pay our sincere tribute to this Icon of Justice, whose model government has been the source of inspiration in every age and era for those striving for justice in society. We pray to God to hasten the reappearance of the Lord of the Age, Imam Mahdi (A.S) to cleanse the world of all vestiges of corruption and oppression by establishing the global government of peace, prosperity and justice.

    Derived From: Shia.es

  • The martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali (A.S)

    The holy shrine of Imam Ali in Najaf, Iraq, hosted pilgrims during the night of the martyrdom anniversary of the first Shia Imam (A.S).

    The pilgrims gathered in the holy city to mourn the martyrdom of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S), who was martyred on the 21st day of the holy fasting month of Ramadan around 14 centuries ago.

    According to the Najaf police statement, the number of Iraqi pilgrims who visited the city estimated at 3,500,000.

  • The Nicer Thing: Simplicity in Islam

    One day our first Imam, Imam Ali (A.S) went to the market with his servant, Qambar. There he bought two shirts, one which was really nice and expensive and the other which was not as nice. When Imam Ali (A.S) returned home he gave the better shirt to Qambar and kept the other one for himself. Qambar told Imam Ali (A.S) that it would look better if he wore the nicer shirt as he was the leader of the Muslims (Commander of the Faithful) while Qambar himself was only a servant. Imam Ali (A.S) answered that Qambar should wear the nicer shirt because he was younger and so it would suit him better; but more importantly Imam Ali (A.S) told him that he was a guide for the Muslims and so had to set a good example for them by leading a simple life.

    Ref: Islam Portal.net

  • The Path (Siraat)

    We have heard a lot about the Siraat - The Path over which the people will have to walk over on the day of Judgement.
    Let’s see what else our Imam's (A.S) have said about the "Siraat".

    عن المفضل بن عمر قال: سألت أبا عبدالله عليه السلام عن الصراط
    قال: هو الطريق إلى معرفة الله عزوجل، وها صراطان: صراط في الدنيا، وصراط في الآخرة
    وأما الصراط الذي في الدنيا فهو الامام المفترض الطاعة، من عرفه في الدنيا واقتدى بهداه مر على الصراط الذي هو جسر جهنم في الآخرة، ومن لم يعرفه في الدنيا زلت قدمه عن الصراط في الآخرة فتردى في نار جهنم

    .From Mufaddal b. `Umar, who said:
    I asked Aba Abdallah (A.S) about al-Siraat (the Path) [1:6].
    He replied: It is a course towards the cognition (Marifah) of Allah, Mighty and Exalted. And these are two paths: the path in the world, and the path in the hereafter. And as for the path that is in this world, it is the Imam whose obedience is imposed. Whose recognizes him in the world and emulates his guidance will cross over the path in the hereafter that spans over Hell. And whoso does not recognize him (the Imam) in the world will misstep on the path in the hereafter and will fall into hellfire.
    [Source: Maani Al Akhbar – Vol,1 Ch,22 Hadees,1]


    عن أبي عبدالله عليه السلام قال: الصراط المستقيم أمير المؤمنين علي عليه السلام

    From Abi Abdallah (al-Sadiq) (A.S) who said:
    The Straight Path [1:6] is the Prince of the Believers, Ali (A.S).
    [Source: Ma'ani Al Akhbar - Vol.1 Ch.22 Hadees.2]

    Ref: Alseraj.net

  • The place where the commander of the faithful (A.S) born

    Short clip of place where the commander of the faithful (A.S) born – Kaaba - Mecca

  • The virtues of Imam Ali (A.S)

    The virtues of Imam Ali (A.S)

  • Welcoming the month of Shaban

    Imam Ali (A.S) once saw some Muslims arguing among themselves on the topic of fate and destiny, on the first day of Shaban. He discouraged them from their preoccupation and instead drew their attention to the merits of this month.
    He said that the Lord had called it Shaban because His favors and bounties were scattered (shaban) all over during it. Allah presents His great bounties in this month which are easy to achieve, and inexpensive, said Imam Ali (A.S). This could mean that the acts of worship, performing other good deeds and abstaining from evils will carry manifold benefits.
    The Imam (A.S) then enumerated some of the good actions which should not be overlooked in this month. These include prayer, paying zakat (charity), enjoining of good, forbidding of evil, goodness to parents, Relatives, neighbors, mutual reconciliation and giving charity to the poor and the destitute.
    Shaban is the second month of worship in order to make preparations for the grand and majestic month of Holy Ramadhan the month of Allah (S.W.T). The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) has said, Shaban is my month. This is the month of asking for forgiveness of sins, giving alms & charity and fasting. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) used to observe fast during the whole month of Shaban. Imam Sajjad (A.S) has said: whosoever, in love of the Prophet, wishes to seek nearness to Allah and receive His bounties, favors and rewards in this world and in the hereafter, must connect Shaban with Ramadhan in the matter of fasting and special prayers.
    It is also reported from the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) that whosoever observes nine fasts in the whole month of Shaban should not fear the interrogation of Munkar & Nakeer. Whosoever observes twelve fasts in the month of Shaban, 70,000 angels will descend over his/her grave on the first night of his burial, to remove his/her fear & loneliness.
    Therefore, one must observe at least twelve fasts to gain both the favors.

    Derived from: Almujtaba Islamic Network

  • What enemy says about Imam Ali (A.S)?

    Abu Sa'id Mansur bin Hussein Abi (422 A.H.) writes thus in his book entitled Nathrud Durar that Ahnaf bin Qays says: "One day I went to see Muawiyah. He had on a wonderful dinner carpet. He brought all sorts of hot, cold, sweet, and sour foods for me. I was wonderstruck. Later, as ordered by him, another dish of a different kind of food was brought in.
    I tried my best to find out what it was but did not succeed. I, therefore, enquired about it from Muawiyah. He replied that it consisted of the intestines of a duck which had been filled with the marrow of the sheep and had then been fried in pistachio oil and finally sugar had been sprinkled on it.
    I began to weep. He asked me: "Why are you weeping?"
    I replied: "I have been reminded of the life of Ali (A.S). I remember that one day I was with him. When the time for dinner and breaking the fast drew near, he asked me to remain with him. A sealed leather case was brought to him.
    I asked him what it contained and he told me that there was barley flour in it.
    I asked him: "Why have you sealed it? Are you afraid that others may take some of it or do you not wish that anyone else should eat it?"
    He replied: "Who else? As a matter of fact I am afraid that my sons Hassan and Hussein may not taint it with butter or olive oil."
    I said: "O Commander of the Faithful! Is it prohibited?"
    He replied: "No. It is not prohibited. However, it is necessary for the true administrators and rulers to consider themselves to be the most deprived persons so that poverty and distress may not press and squeeze the indigent".
    When I had said this, Muawiyah interrupted and said: "You have mentioned a man whose excellence cannot be denied by anyone".

    Taken from: Islam Portal.Net

  • What is the importance and philosophy of mourning for Imam Hussein (A.S)?

    In order for us to understand the significance and philosophy of mourning for Imam Hussein (A.S), it is necessary to take notice of the following points:
    1. The Holy Quran has emphasized through many different verses on maintaining and reviving lofty virtues and traits of great men and noble religious leaders.
    2. The great Shia Imams, peace be upon them, have encouraged us to keep the memory of the event of Karbala alive through different ways namely, holding mourning ceremonies, weeping and making others weep, reciting elegies and visiting the grave of the Chief of the Martyrs, Imam Hussein (A.S).
    3. Muharram is the month of the victory of blood over sword. The event of Ashura has been and is inspiring nations and people all over the world to fight tyrant and unjust rulers. Therefore, remembering the event of Ashura and the suffering of Imam Hussein (A.S) and his family plays a key role in spreading his message across the world.
    4. Mourning is a key element of unity and different nations' secret of success over the history. Most of the revolutions of the world have been inspired or in fact originated from the lessons learned from the epic of Ashura. An example of it is the liberation of the Indian Sub-continent from the English colonial rule. Hence, therefore, it can be said that mourning for Imam Hussein (A.S) has profuse benefits for Muslim Ummah including dignity, pride, maintenance of Islamic and religious culture and many more which on the whole indicate the importance of this great event.

    The Shia Imams (A.S) and Different Ways of Mourning for Imam Hussein (A.S):
    A) Holding Mourning Ceremonies:
    One of the methods that the Imams used to keep the memory of the rise of Ashura alive was arranging gatherings for crying and mourning and making others cry for the tragic incidents that took place in Karbala and reminding people of those incidents on appropriate occasions.
    Imam Sajjad would constantly cry and mourn for what had taken place on the day of Ashura during the years he was the Imam of the Ummah. He cried so much to the extent that he was known as and called one of the "Bakka’een" (those who cried very much). [Wasa’elul-Shia, vol. 2, pg. 922.]
    Alqame Hadrami relates that Imam Baqir (A.S) would gather people in his house on the day of Ashura to cry and mourn, and the Imam himself would cry for his grandfather. There was no Taqiyyah involved and he would tell those in the house to cry for Imam Hossein and to express their condolences to each other on the day of his martyrdom. [Wasa’elul-Shia, vol. 2, pg. 398.]
    On one occasion Imam Sadiq (A.S) told Dawood Ruqi: "I have never drunk cold water without remembering Imam Hossein." [Amali (Saduq), pg. 142.]
    It is narrated in a hadith that Imam Reza (A.S) said: "When the month of Muharram would arrive no one would see my father (Imam Kazim) smile and sadness and sorrow would take over him until the day of Ashura. The tenth day of Muharram was the day of sorrow and sadness and tragedy and he would say: Today is the day in which Imam Hossein was martyred." [Mafatihul-Jinan, Sheikh Abbas Qummi, the section on the rituals and supplications of Muharram.]

    B) Visitation of Imam Hussein's Grave Encouraged:
    Commemorating the nobles and religious leaders and visiting the graves of the heroes have been a good custom, one that has been practiced by various nations. Among them, the chief of the martyrs and leader of freemen, Imam Hussein (A.S) is like a glamorous sun whose name and memory should be revived and remembered befittingly. There are so many sayings from the infallible leaders about the significance of visiting the grave of Imam Hussein (A.S) in Karbala. In fact, it can be said that those noble and divine leaders took advantage of every opportunity to encourage people to visit the luminous grave of the Chief of Martyrs (A.S). It was as though the Imams were committed to persuade people to visit the tomb of Imam Hussein (A.S) in Karbala. Not only did this create spiritual and intellectual union with the Imam but it was also a kind of campaign against the tyrant and the unjust rulers as it has always been and is the same even today. There are different narrations from the Infallibles of which we shall mention only one:
    Imam Sadiq (A.S) said: "One who visits his shrine (of Imam Hussein) with eagerness and out of affection for the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P), Zahra (S.A) and the commander of the faithful (A.S), will be seated by Allah on the tablecloth of Paradise. He will dine with these holy personalities (Ahlulbayt (A.S)), while the others will be absorbed in the accounting of deeds." [Biharul-Anwar, vol. 24, pg. 284.]

    Source: Islam quest.net

  • What Is the Worth of Man???

    The commander of the faithful, Imam Ali (A.S) said:
    "The worth of every man is in his attainments."
    [Nahjul Balaghah, Saying No.482]
    The real value of a person is in his knowledge (and the perfection of his attainments). His worth and position would be in accordance with the status of knowledge and attainments he holds. Eyes that are conscious of real values do not look at the face, features, tallness of stature, size or worldly pomp and position but look at the attainments of a person and assess his worth according to these attainments. The conclusion is that a man should strive to acquire distinction and knowledge.
    The worth of every person is according to the extent of his knowledge.
    [Ghurar -ul- Hakam, p. 341]

    Ref: Hussein Education and Welfare Society Trust

  • What Shiites and Sunnis unitedly believe about Imam Ali (A.S)

    Did you know that both Shiites and Sunnis believe Verse 67 in Chapter Al-Ma’ida has been revealed on Ghadir day and for the sake of Imam Ali’s (A.S) guardianship (walaya)?
    Shiite: Usul Kafi, Vol. 1, P 290
    Sunni: Shavahed at-Tanzil, Vol. 1, Hadith 249
    * * *
    Did you know that both Shiites and Sunnis believe Verse 55 in Chapter Al-Ma’ida regards Imam Ali’s (A.S) ring donation during prayers and obliges acceptance of his guardianship (walaya)?
    Shiite: Noor al-Thaghalain (tafsir), verse interpretation
    Sunni: Ibn Kathir’s Tafsir, verse interpretation
    * * *
    Did you know that Verse 9 in Chapter An-Nisa urges everyone to obey Imam Ali (A.S) and the other Imams (A.S)?
    Shiite: Kamal ad-Din, Vol. 1, Pg 222
    Sunni: Shavahed Tanzil, Vol. 1, Hadith 202
    * * *
    Did you know that, according to Verse 3 in Chapter Al-Ma’ida, one’s faith is completed by accepting Ghadir and Imam Ali’s (A.S) successorship?
    Shiite: Usul Kafi, Vol. 1, Pg 290
    Sunni: Shavahed at-Tanzil, Vol. 1, Hadith 211
    * * *
    Did you know that both Shiites and Sunnis believe Verse 7 in Chapter al-Bayyina is about Imam Ali’s (A.S) guardianship and that he is the best benefactor?
    Shiite: Al-Burhan (tafsir), verse interpretation
    Sunni: Dur al-Manthur, verse interpretation
    * * *
    Did you know that both Shiites and Sunnis agree Verse 7 in Chapter Al-Ra’d introduce Imam Ali (A.S) as the best guide and director for Muslims?
    Shiite: Al-Burhan (tafsir), verse interpretation
    Sunni: Musnad Ahmad, Chapter 2, Hadith 990
    * * *
    Did you know that Verse 7 in Chapter Al-Anbiya suggests Imam Ali and other Imams (A.S) the meaning of “those who reminisce (possess) the Message?”
    Shiite: Tafsir Saafi, verse interpretation
    Sunni: Shavahed at-Tanzil, verse interpretation
    * * *
    Did you know that both Shiites and Sunnis believe Imam Ali (A.S) possesses full insight of the Holy Quran according to Verse 43 in Chapter Al-Ra’d?
    Shiite: Usul Kafi, Vol. 1, P 229
    Sunni: Shavahed at-Tanzil, Vol. 1, P 400
    * * *
    Did you know that “holding fast by the rope Allah (S.W.T) has stretched for you” in Verse 103 in Chapter Al-i-Imran means grasping on belief in Imam Ali’s and other Imam’s (A.S) guardianship?
    Shiite: Ghayba No’mani, Chapter 2, Hadith 2
    Sunni: Shavahed at-Tanzil, Vol. 1, P 168
    * * *
    Did you know that both Shiites and Sunnis have identically narrated the famous hadith “Whoever I am his master, this Ali is his master?”
    Shiite: Usul Kafi, Vol. 1, P 293 Did you know that Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) introduced Imam Ali (A.S) as his successor in his party after the reveal of Verse 214 in Chapter Ash-Shu’ara?
    Shiite: Al-Burhan (tafsir), verse interpretation
    Sunni: Musnad Ahmad Hanbal, Chapter 39, P 297, Hadith 18497
    * * *
    Did you know that Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) told Imam Ali (A.S) that, “Your position to me is like Aaron’s to Moses?”
    Shiite: Ershad Mofid, Vol. 1, Pg 8
    Sunni: Sahih Bukhari, Chapter 13, Hadith 4064
    * * *
    Did you know that Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) has said, “Ali is of me and I am of him; and he is the guardian of the faithful?”
    Shiite: Managheb Shahr-Ashoob, Vol. 3, P 51
    Sunni: Sunan Tirmizi, Chapter 12, Number 3653
    * * *
    Did you know that Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) mentioned, “My successors (imams) are only 12 ones?”
    Shiite: Uyun Akhbar al-Reda, Vol. 1, Pg 64, Hadith 31
    Sunni: Sahih Moslem, Vol. 9, Al-Amaarah, Hadith 3393
    * * *
    Did you know that Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) said, “One who passes away while does not know the Imam of his time dies as those in the Jahiliyya era?”
    Shiite: Usul Kafi, Vol. 1, Chapter ‘Ma Yajibo Ala an-Nas (What people are obligated to do), Hadith 2
    Sunni: Musnad Ahmad, Chapter 34, Hadith 16271
    * * *
    Did you know that Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) said, “I pass away while I leave two invaluable evocations: Quran and my family (Itra)?”
    Shiite: Vasayel ush-Shia, Hadith 33144
    Sunni: Sahih Moslem, Chapter 12, Number 4425
    * * *
    Did you know that Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) said, “I am the capital of insight and Ali is its portal?”
    Shiite: Kamal ad-Din, Vol. 1, Chapter 22, P 241
    Sunni: Mustadrak Hakim al-Nishaburi, Chapter 10, Number 4614
    * * *
    Did you know that Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) said, “Ali is with the truth and the truth is with Ali?”
    Shiite: Khesal Sadugh, Chapter 2, P 496
    Sunni: Tarikh Baghdad, Chapter 6, (the story of who whose name is Yousef), P 312

    Taken from: Imam Reza.Network

  • Where is Paradise?

    "Where is Paradise?"

    Sheikh Fayaz Jaffer!

  • Why Is Najaf So Holy?

    Najaf is considered so sacred because it's the site of the tomb of Ali, the first imam of the Shiites. When Mohammed died in A.D. 632, there was a schism over who should be his successor. A learned council called a Shura selected Abu Bakr, one of the prophet's closest friends and allies. But many of the faithful insisted that Mohammed had wished to pass the mantle to Ali, his cousin, adopted son, and son-in-law. They claimed that the prophet had expressed this desire in a sermon delivered during his last hajj, or holy pilgrimage. Those who revered Ali as Mohammed's rightful heir became known as the Shiat Ali, or "faction of Ali"—the forefathers of today's 150 million Shiites.
    Ali eventually did become Islam's fourth caliph. His reign, however, was brief. An extremist sect known as the Kharijites, which advocated death for moderate Muslims, orchestrated Ali's assassination in 661. He was killed in a mosque at Kufa, approximately 6 miles from Najaf.
    At that time Najaf was just a minor village. But Muslim tradition held that Abraham who is a venerated figure in all three of the world's major monotheistic faiths once visited the area, and he predicted that it would someday host a shrine of great importance. Abraham also stated that those buried in Najaf would be guaranteed entry to paradise. So Ali had requested that, when he died, he be buried not in his capital of Kufa but rather in neighboring Najaf.
    Najaf's founding as a city dates back to 791, when the Abbasid caliph Harun al-Rashid supposedly passed through during a hunt. When the villagers informed him that he'd encountered Ali's resting place, he ordered that a grand mausoleum be built atop the grave. That shrine, the Meshed Ali, soon attracted pilgrims and clerics, and the city became the pre-eminent center of Shiite scholarship.
    In addition to Ali's tomb, the city also boasts one of the world's largest cemeteries, the Wadi-us-Salaam ("Valley of Peace"). Several Shiite prophets are buried there, and some believe that Ali himself endorsed the site as part of heaven. Shiites from around the world long to be buried there.
    The city's religious importance diminished somewhat during Saddam Hussein's rule, as he brutally persecuted the Shiites; many pilgrims opted instead to visit the Iranian city of Qom. The pilgrimage trade has perked up significantly since Saddam's defeat.
    Abraham wasn't Najaf's only famous ancient visitor. According to Muslim lore, one of Noah's sons refused to board the Ark, choosing instead to sit atop a mountain that covered present-day Najaf. But the mountain crumbled, drowning the son, and a river appeared in its place. The river eventually dried up, giving the city its name  Najaf means "dry river."

    Derived from: Imam Ali Network

  • Why Should Ali (A.S) not be remembered?

    Why Should Ali (A.S) not be remembered?

  • Working in his Farm

    Imam Hadi (A.S) was free of every material tendency. He was free from any kind of selfishness and he did not submit to any pleasure or fancy. Historians say that he worked in his farm to secure the living of his family. Ali bin Hamza said, “Once, I saw Abul Hassan the third (Imam Hadi (A.S)) work in a farm while his feet were soaked with sweat. I said to him, ‘May I die for you! Where are the men?’
    He said, ‘O Ali, one, who was better than me and my father, worked with a spade in his farm.’
    I said, ‘Who was he?’
    He said, ‘the messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P), the commander of the faithful (A.S), and all my fathers worked with their hands. It was the work of prophets, apostles, and good saints…” [Man lā yahduruhu al-Faqīh]
    Work was the sign of prophets. Every prophet worked in some field.

    Ref: Imam Reza.Network

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