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The commander of the faithful (A.S) - Islam Guidance

  • Education of Imam Ali (A.S)

    The commander of the faithful, Imam Ali (A.S) is the first perfect example of the education and training of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P).
    Ali (A.S) was educated by the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) from the period of his infancy. Ali (A.S) was always with the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) like a shadow until the last moment of the Prophet's life. Like a butterfly which sacrifices its life for the candle, Ali (A.S) also was with the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P). Ali (A.S) parted with the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) when he took the sacred body of the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) in his arms and buried him.
    According to history, from among all rulers who have come to power since the demise of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) until the present time, Ali (A.S) is the only person who fully complied with the sirah (Tradition) of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) and who never deviated from the policies of the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) in the period of his rule over the Islamic society. Ali (A.S) implemented the laws and religious precepts of Islam without any misinterpretation or distortion just as they were executed in the lifetime of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P).
    Upon first entrance into the social environment, Ali (A.S) had a very simple life. During the lifetime of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P), after the Prophet's demise, and even during his own glorious caliph period, he lived like the poor and in the most humble condition. He had no superiority over the needy insofar as food, clothing, and housing were concerned and used to: "The ruler of a society should live in such a way so as to be the source of consolation for the needy and the distressed and not the cause of their regret and disappointment." Although the ruler of the entire Islamic State, he had only seven hundred dirhams on the day of his martyrdom with which he wanted to hire a servant for his house.
    Ali (A.S) used to work to meet the needs of life. Particularly he was interested in agriculture and spent his time in planting trees and digging water canals. Whatever he earned in this manner or through the war-booty, he distributed among the needy. He endowed the properties which he had cultivated for the needy or distributed among them the money received as sale proceeds of such properties. Once, during the period of his own caliph, Ali (A.S) ordered to those concerned to bring the revenues of his endowments to him and then spend them. When these revenues were collected, the amount reached 24000 gold dinars.
    In the period of his caliph, Ali (A.S) welcomed everyone without having chamberlains and doorkeepers, walked on foot. All alone, and walked in the alleys and the bazaars. He ordered the people to fear Allah and guard against evil and protected them against injustice of one another. Ali (A.S) helped the poverty-stricken people and widows kindly and humbly and kept the shelter less orphans in his own house, personally providing their requirements and educating them.
    Ali (A.S) had a special regard for knowledge and learning and gave particular attention towards promotion of knowledge and education and used to say: "There is no suffering like ignorance." While Ali (A.S) was arraying his troops in the bloody Battle of Jamal, an Arab went forward and asked him the meaning of Tawhid. The people rushed toward the Arab from every direction and confronted him by saying that such a moment is not an appropriate time for asking such questions and for discussion. Ali (A.S) asked them to disperse away from the Arab and said: "We are fighting the people in order to revive such truths." Then, while arraying the troops, Ali (A.S) called forth the Arab and clarified the matter for him with an eloquent statement.
    In short, the prominent personality of Ali (A.S) is beyond description and his infinite virtues are countless. History has never witnessed a personality attracting as much the attention and the views of the scholars and philosophers of the world as he has.

    Derived from: Shia.es

  • Hazrat Muhsin Ibn Ali (A.S)

    The infant who was martyred before his Birth…or He was no more than six months fetus at the time of the attack…..!!!!
    The demise of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) triggered a chain of events that caught the Muslims unaware. Worse, they accepted these events as if that was the most natural thing to do and remained unmindful of the far-reaching consequences of their submission.
    One such incident that stands out in the aftermath of the Holy Prophet’s (P.B.U.H&H.P) demise is the siege on Hazrat Fatimah’s (S.A) house and the eventual attack that claimed two lives in its wake, one of them being Hazrat Fatimah (S.A) herself. The other one being the martyrdom of Hazrat Muhsin Ibn Ali (A.S), the subject of this article.

    Unbelievably True …………
    Muhsin Ibn Ali’s (A.S) martyrdom is so unsettling and incredible that some Muslims have even gone to the extent of denying it.
    To think of it, indeed the incident is unbelievably true. Not just the martyrdom of Hazrat Muhsin Ibn Ali (A.S), the entire chain of incidents, the oppressors and oppressed ones, everything about the attack on Hazrat Fatimah’s (S.A) house is unbelievable.
    It is unbelievable that the slightest harm would come on Fatimah (S.A), let alone her being inflicted with a fatal body blow. Especially, when the Muslims were served a crystal clear warning by the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) in this regard when he (P.B.U.H&H.P) informed them that Fatimah’s displeasure was the cause of his (P.B.U.H&H.P) displeasure, which in turn was Allah’s displeasure and finally, driving one to Hell.
    It is unbelievable that Ali Ibn Abi Talib (A.S) who was anointed the commander of the faithful (A.S) publicly by the Messenger of Allah(P.B.U.H&H.P) on divine command less than three months before his (P.B.U.H&H.P) demise in Ghadir Khumm and was the unmatched choice of Allah and His Messenger (P.B.U.H&H.P) as highlighted by every notable incident in Islam’s history should be subjugated by individuals who could not even compare to the dust of his horse’s hooves which incidentally Allah swears by in Surah Al-Adiyat.
    It is unbelievable that the perpetrators of this crime were none other than the so-called companions of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) and his so-called successors who claimed proximity and brotherhood with the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) and after whose names the Muslims invoke Allah’s satisfaction and mercy.
    It is unbelievable that the atrocities meted out to Fatimah (S.A) would eventually claim her life inducing the commander of the faithful Ali (A.S) to declare that she was like a flower nipped in the bud and expressing to the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) his helplessness in safeguarding his (P.B.U.H&H.P) trust. All this within a few days of the Holy Prophet’s (P.B.U.H&H.P) demise and revelation of the Verse of Purification (Surah Ahzaab, Verse: 33) and Incident of the Cloak testified to by all the Muslims as being related to Fatimah (S.A) along with her husband and sons.
    It is unbelievable that Fatimah (S.A) willed her burial to be carried out in the dead of the night deeming the companions in question unworthy to attend her funeral and in this way categorically refuting their claim to caliphate and so-called proximity to her father (P.B.U.H&H.P) and inflicting a slap so hard on her oppressors that its reverberations will always be felt by her oppressors and their partisans.
    Finally, it is unbelievable that the struggle launched by a few individuals for worldly power and status would mercilessly uproot the existence of a six-month unborn infant from the comfort of his mother’s womb.
    Over here, the martyrdom of Hazrat Muhsin Ibn Ali (A.S), the third son of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (A.S) and Fatimah (S.A) after Hassan (A.S) and Hussain (A.S) has been analyzed in detail. Other events before and after the martyrdom, although very significant from the viewpoint of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (A.S) and Fatimah (S.A) in particular and Muslims in general, are referred to in lesser detail.
    Despite claims to the contrary by misinformed and uninformed Muslims, it is well-documented by scores of scholars from both the sects Sunnis and Shias that there was a full-scale attack on Fatimah’s (S.A) house only a few days after the Prophet’s (P.B.U.H&H.P) demise. The objective of the companions who assaulted Fatimah (S.A) and Ali Ibn Abi Talib (A.S) was to extract Ali’s (A.S) allegiance for Abu Bakr, without which they knew Abu Bakr’s caliphate would lack any form of legitimacy.

    Derived from: Serat online

  • His Martyrdom

    From the second half of 658, MUAWIYA, the governor of Syria, had been steadily escalating violence against the dominions of Ali. Some of his inroads reached Ain-at-Tamar and Anbar, only 170 miles north of Kufa. The men of Kufa were so unwilling to fight against the Syrians that Ali found it impossible to take effective punitive action. Muawiya himself led a raid right across the Jazira from Raqqa to Mosul, and met no resistance anywhere. At last, Ali declared in the mosque of Kufa that he would leave the city with the few of his faithful followers in an attempt to halt the Syrian aggression against Iraq, even if it cost him his life. This threat awakened the citizens of Kufa to the specter of being left leaderless if Ali was killed fighting against the Syrians. They were stung into action and they began to mobilize for defense.
    The battle of Siffin had been the first trial of strength between Ali and Muawiya. Militarily, the battle had been a near-victory for Ali, but politically, it had become a stalemate. After some time, it began to appear that Ali would take up the challenge of Muawiya. But just then Ali was assassinated in the mosque of Kufa, and the second trial of strength never took place.
    According to the historical accounts some of which are quite plausible, three Kharijis met in Kufa (some say in Mecca) to hatch a conspiracy. Each of them volunteered to kill each of the three leading political figures of the Dar-ul-Islam – Ali, Muawiya and Amr bin Aas. By killing them, it is alleged; they hoped to put an end to civil wars in Islam, and to restore peace to the Muslim umma.
    One of the three conspirators was a certain Abdur Rahman bin Muljam. He stayed in Kufa to kill Ali, and the other two went to Syria and Egypt to kill Muawiya and Amr bin Aas. The plans of the would-be assassins of Muawiya and Amr bin Aas, according to the stories in circulation, went awry, and they were captured and were executed.
    The Kharijis had been defeated at Nehrwan, and most of them had perished in the battle but a few had escaped. Abdur Rahman bin Muljam was one of those who had escaped. He was consumed with the desire to kill Ali, and was in quest of an opportunity to do so. By a coincidence, he met a Khariji woman, one Qattama, whose father and brothers had also been killed in Nehrwan, and she too had nursed an undying hatred of Ali.
    Abdur Rahman fell in love with Qattama, and proposed marriage to her. She told him that the price of her hand was the head of Ali ibn Abi Talib. This only strengthened Abdur Rahman in his resolution. He promised his inamorata the moon if she asked for it, but she said that nothing was of interest to her if she could not get the head of Ali ibn Abi Talib!
    Abdur Rahman bin Muljam carefully worked out his plans to kill Ali. A few other trusted Kharijis also volunteered their services to him, and together they rehearsed the assassination. Abdur Rahman bin Muljam took one extra precaution – he put his sword in deadly poison, and let it soak in it for three days.
    On the morning of the 19th of Ramadan of the year 40 A.H., Ali came into the Great Mosque of Kufa, and called Adhan (the call to prayer). He took his place in the alcove, and moments later, the worshippers began to arrive. They stood behind him in serried ranks, and the prayer began. Standing in the front row, with other worshippers, were Abdur Rahman bin Muljam and his confederates. They were watching Ali's movements. In the folds of their cloaks, they were carrying swords burnished to a high sheen, and soaked in poison.
    Just when Ali touched the ground with his forehead for Prostration (sajda), Abdur Rahman bin Muljam stepped out of his row, and crept into the alcove. And just when Ali lifted his head from the ground, ibn Muljam struck the fatal blow at his forehead with such deadly force that it split open.
    Blood squirted from Ali's forehead in several jets, and he exclaimed:
    "By the Lord of the Kaaba, I am successful!"
    ("Fuztu wa rabbil Ka'ba")

    Source: Imam Ali Network

  • I am the Prince of Beleivers

  • Imam Ali (A.S) according to Sunni Sources

    Sahl bin Ahmad narrated from Ali bin Abdullah, from Al-Zubairi Is’haaq bin Ibrahim, from Abdul Razzaq bin Homam, from his father, from Mina, slave of Abdul Rahman bin Awf, from Abdullah bin Masoud, who said:
    I was with the Messenger of Allah, when he sighed heavily.
    “O the Messenger of Allah, why are you so sad?” I asked.
    “O Ibn Masoud, my death is approaching,” the Prophet replied.
    “Appoint a successor, O Messenger of Allah,” I said.
    “Who?” asked the Prophet.
    “Abu Bakr,” I replied.
    The Prophet fell silent and sighed heavily again.
    “Why you are so sad? May I sacrifice my life for you, O Messenger of Allah” I said.
    “My death is approaching,” replied the Prophet.
    “Appoint a successor,” I said.
    “Who will it be?” asked the Prophet.
    “Omar bin Al-Khattab,” I replied.
    The Prophet fell silent and sighed heavily for the third time.
    “May I sacrifice my mother and father for you. Why are you so sad, O the Messenger of Allah?” I asked.
    “My death is approaching,” replied the Prophet.
    “Appoint a successor,” I said.
    “Who will it be?” asked the Prophet.
    “Ali Ibn Abi Taleb,” I said.
    Then the Prophet cried and said, “Ah, you people will not obey him! If you would, Allah would allow you (to enter) Paradise. But by disobeying him, Allah will remove the value from anything good that you do.”

    [Ghayatol Maram, P 69, H 14.
    Khawarezmi in Manaqeb, P 64.
    Faraed Al-Semtayn, V 1, P 167, H 209.
    Manaqeb Ibn Shahr Ashoub, V 2, P 262.
    Bishart Al-Mostafa, P 215.
    Tarikh Al-Damesh, V 3, P 72.
    Nafahatul Lahout, P 114.
    Arjah Al-Mataleb, P 162.
    Maqsad Al-Ragheb, P 29.
    Majma’ Al-Zawaed. V 5, P 185.
    Ibn Katheer in his Tafseer, V 9, P 200.]

    Ref: Imam Reza.Network

  • Imam Ali‌ (A.S) and Presence of Heart in prayer

    The presence of heart means that the heart and attention of the one who offers his prayer is with God during the pray. The presence of heart is more profound than mere attending the meaning of the words of prayer, although this may be a good start to reach the presence of heart.
    Two she-camels were gifted to the Messenger of God. One was fatter than the other, but the other was bigger.
    The Messenger of God‌ (P.B.U.H&H.P) announced to his companions that whoever can offer two units of prayer during which he does not think of any worldly affairs, he would gift one of the she-camels to him. No one nominated himself even after the Prophet repeated his offer three times. Imam Ali‌ (A.S) then stood up and said: “I will do that, O Messenger of God. From the time I recite Allah-o-Akbar until when I say my last Tasleem, I think of nothing other than God.”
    The Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) of Islam asked him to get ready and offer a two-unit prayer under the supervision of the Prophet‌ (P.B.U.H&H.P).
    The challenge began, and as soon as Imam Ali‌ (A.S) finished his prayer, the Archangel Gabriel descended to the Prophet‌ (P.B.U.H&H.P) and said: “O Muhammad! Allah greets you and says: give one of the two camels to Ali!”
    The Prophet‌ (P.B.U.H&H.P) said: “The condition was that he should not think of other than God, but in his Tashahud, he thought about which camel he should ask for.”
    Gabriel said: O Muhammad! Indeed God greets you and says: Ali was thinking which one would be better for charity. Thus, his thought was for the sake of God, not for a worldly pleasure!”
    The Messenger of God‌ (P.B.U.H&H.P) gifted both of the she-camels to Ali‌ (A.S) while he had tears in his eyes. Upon this a verse was revealed to him: “Verily, therein is indeed a reminder for him who has a heart or gives ear while he is heedful.” (50:37)
    The degree of Imam Ali’s‌ (A.S) presence of heart was so high and strong that in one of the battles a piece of an arrow had remained in his foot. Having no anesthetic drugs, to remove the piece would have been too painful, and to leave the piece in his body would cause the wound to become infected and would also affect his mobility.
    Lady Fatima al-Zahra‌ (S.A) suggested that the piece of stick be removed from his foot while he was praying, as the Imam would not be conscious of his physical body. The operation was a success whilst he was in prostration!
    [Source: Kashani, al-Mahajatul-Baydaa, vol. 1 p. 397]

    Taken from: Islamic Insight

  • Imam Ali (A.S) introduce himself

    The Commander of the Faithful (A.S), Imam Ali (A.S) introduce himself

  • Imam Ali (A.S) is the first one & last one!!!

    It’s narrated that the commander of the faithful, Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S) was seated in Mosque with a group of his followers sitting around him.
    They said to Him, "Narrate to us, O the commander of the faithful".
    Imam Ali (A.S) said, "Woe to you. My word is difficult and intolerable. None can understand it except for the knowledgeable."
    They said, "No problem that you narrate something for us".
    Imam Ali (A.S) said, “I am the one who became elevated and did overcome. I am the one who gives life and death. I am the first one and the last one. I am the apparent one and the hidden one.
    Then the people became angry and said, "He has done Kufr and the people got up (to take the exit)."
    Imam Ali (A.S) then said to the door, "O' the door, close upon them. So the door closed upon them".
    Then Imam Ali (A.S) said, "Did I not tell you that my word is difficult and intolerable and none can understand it except for the knowledgeable? Come I will explain it to you.
    As for my saying that, 'I am the one who became elevated and did overcome'. Then it means that I became elevated (above you) with this sword and overcame you until you believed in Allah (S.W.T) and His Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P).
    As for my saying that, 'I am the one who gives life and death'. Then it means that I give life to the tradition (Sunnah) and give death of Bid'ah.
    As for my saying that, 'I am the first one'. Then it means that I am the first one to believe in Allah (S.W.T) and to submit to Him.
    As for my saying that, 'I am the last one'. Then it means that I am the last one in terms of giving shroud to the Prophet and burying Him.
    As for my saying that, 'I am the apparent one and the hidden one'. Then it means that with me is the apparent and hidden knowledge.
    The people then said, "You have delighted us. May Allah (S.W.T) delight you'.
    [Source: al-Ikhtesaas, Shaikh Mufeed, Pg. 163]

    Ref: Marefate AhleBait (A.S).com

  • Imam Ali (A.S) never pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr

    Although majority of Sunni sources indicate that Imam Ali (A.S) finally pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr, and he became one of the main supporters of the system, the reality is otherwise, as according to many companions and later on historians, Imam Ali (A.S) never pledged allegiance to them and refused to present any sort of legitimacy.
    According to unanimous narrations by both groups (Shia & Sunni), after the attack on Imam Ali’s (A.S) House, the Imam (A.S) was tied and dragged to the mosque, as he was asked forcefully to pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr. Imam Ali (A.S) refused and he was threatened to be killed, but since they knew killing the Imam (A.S) is literally impossible and would cause more harm to their purpose, they decided to use another method. According to historians, Omar and others pulled the Imam (A.S) toward Abu Bakr and Abu Bakr came toward the Imam (A.S), Omar pulled the hand of Imam Ali (A.S) and placed Abu Bakr’s hand on top it and shouted:  “O’ everyone, Ali pledged to the new Caliph.”
    Therefore, even during these tense and sensitive moments, Imam Ali (A.S) refused to give any kind legitimacy to the new system, as he refused to pledge his allegiance to Abu Bakr while saving the stability of his society.

    Ref: Shia Wisdom

  • Imam Ali's (A.S) Grief on the Death of Bibi Fatima (S.A)

    What the commander of the faithful (A.S) said on the occasion of the burial of Supreme lady Fatima (S.A) while addressing the Holy Prophet at his grave.
    O' Prophet of Allah! Please accept my salutation and those of your daughter who is being buried not far from you, and who is to meet you so quickly. O the chosen Apostle! The death of your daughter has left me without patience and solace. I have lost my self-restrain and the power of endurance.
    After having from endured the separation you I shall have to bear this catastrophe patiently O Prophet of God! I laid you down in the grave with my own hands, your soul departed from my body while you were resting upon my breast and your head was lying between my neck and heart.
    Verily we are Allah's and verily unto Him shall we return (Qur'an 2:156)
    Your trust (your daughter) which was entrusted to me is taken back from me. Sorrow now abides with me and happiness has taken leave. This grief is so overbearing that it engulfs and swallows other sorrows, and it has left me with sleepless nights and joyless days. From now onwards, my life will be a continued heartache until God gathers me with you both in the realm of His favor and peace.
    O' Apostle of God! Your dear daughter will tell you how your followers have behaved with her and how they have mistreated her. You pleases ask her the details of all that has happened to her during such a short period (barely three months) after your departure to the Heaven. This period of separation from you was so short that people were still remembering you and talking about you.
    Please both of you accept my parting salutation and goodbye. It is the wish of a sincere heart which has loved and will always love you both, a heart which will cherish and will carry your tender and loving memories to its grave. Goodbye O daughter of the chosen Apostle of God! May you rest in peace which mankind has refused you in this world. If I leave your grave to go it is not because I am tired of your company, rather I wish I had it till the end of my life. If I make a permanent abode on your grave, it will not be because I doubt the reward that God has reserved for those who bear sorrows patiently, Goodbye, may God's peace and blessings be with you both.

    Ref: Balaghah.net

  • Imam Hussain (A.S) was killed on the day of Saqifa

    It all began after the untimely martyrdom of the Messenger of Allah, many of those around the Messenger who had claimed to be his friends, were plotting a major revolution after his demise. As foretold by the Messenger and his master in the Holy
    And Muhammad is no more than a messenger; the messengers have already passed away before him; if then he dies or is killed will you turn back upon your heels? And whoever turns back upon his heels, he will by no means do harm to Allah in the least and Allah will reward the grateful.” (Holy Quran 3:144)
    He died, and none of his so called 'dear friends' were next to him, in fact according to the most reliable of his living wives Umm Salama, he died in the arms of his brother and rightful successor the Commander of the Faithful Ali ibn Abi Taleb (A.S). So where were the claimants (ones who claimed to be his closest of friends)? What could possibly be more important than washing and burying the body of Allah’s most loved creation? Unless of course, the Caliphate was more important than this, but if it was then why the Messenger of Allah didn’t choose a successor? But he had, and the people couldn't accept his selection, after all people want someone that follows his whims and allows them to be capricious in nature.
    It was Saqifah, that dreaded day, the beginning of all calamities, the mother of all massacres. The day the rightful successor was robbed of his right. This is what allowed Fatima (S.A) to be slapped by Kunfudh and crushed behind the door by the Messenger's own father-in-law!!! It begin there.... It was that incident that allowed all injustices to take place, the murder of the Commander of the Faithful (A.S) in mosque Al Kufa, while he was prostrating, the poisoning of the Grandson of the Messenger of Allah, and the daughter of the first usurper waging war against the Imam of her time and preventing the burial of Imam Hassan to take place next to his Grandfather, in fact she even ordered his purified dead body to be showered with arrows!!! And people like Shimr bin Ziljoshan only emulated the actions of his masters on the day of Ashura, and while Imam Hussain (A.S) was his mother, except that on the day of the incursion of the House of Hazrat Zahra (S.A) only one of her ribs was broken. But on the day of Ashura all of the ribs of Imam Hussain (A.S) were broken!!!!
    It all began on that day, when someone asks you when Imam Hussain (A.S) was murdered, you reply it was on the day of Saqifaa!!!

    Ref: shiachat.com

  • Imam Mahdi (A.S) in Imam Ali (A.S)’s Words

    I. Imam Mahdi’s (A.S) Occultation
    Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib (A.S) has brought up the subject of Imam Mahdi (A.S)’s occultation in different occasions within the limits of his audience intellectual and understanding abilities and according to the natural trend of events in the future.
    On an occasion he points to the necessity of the existence of a divine Hujjah on the earth, even more, in the entire universe. Then he notes that this Hujjah may be present and apparent and may be hidden from the people’s sight because of the situation not being suitable. The Imam (A.S) declared that during the time of occultation, even though his body cannot be sighted and is not present, his knowledge will be known to the people. [Kulaini, Al-Kafi, Vol. 2, P. 139]
    On the second occasion, Imam Ali (A.S) emphasized that the Mahdi (A.S) is one of us, the Ahlul-Bait, and he will fill the earth with justice and equity after it is filled with oppression. [Allameh Majlesi, Bihar ul-Anwar, Vol. 51, P. 118]
    Finally, on the third occasion, he mentions the hardships and problems of the time of occultation and the characteristics of the people of that time saying at the end that many people will go astray or lose hope and start denying His Eminence. [Ibid. Vol. 38, P. 70; Vol. 51, P. 119]

    II. The Causes and Philosophies behind the Occultation
    Even though some traditions clearly state that the actual philosophy of occultation is not known for mankind, some of Imam Ali’s (A.S) sayings point out a few. Some of these are: the Imam (A.S) not having to pledge allegiance to the oppressors, the distinction of the deceived, the oppression of people and the children of Imam Ali (A.S) by people themselves, and the perseverance of the signs of guidance.

    III. The Signs of the Era of Occultation
    There are interesting face that can be found in Imam Ali (A.S)’s sayings about the signs and dangers for the intellect and belief in the era of occultation. Some of these are the wonderment of the people and their being lost; having difficulties in being religious and, hesitance in the existence of the Imam (A.S).

    Taken from: The universal center of imam Mahdi (A.S)

  • Importance of Education

    The first and foremost condition for the vitality of a nation is acquisition of knowledge. In view of this Islam has encouraged the people very much to acquire knowledge and science. As a matter of fact it has made it obligatory for them. The Holy Prophet says:
    “It is obligatory for every Muslim, man and woman to acquire knowledge”.
    It is narrated that one day the Holy Prophet came into the Masjid and saw some people gathered there. They were divided into two groups. Whereas one of the two groups was busy offering prayers, the other was engaged in religious discussions. The Holy Prophet was very pleased to see those people and said:
    “Both these groups are doing something good but I prefer the group which is busy discussing”. Saying this, he himself joined that group.
    Islam attaches so much importance to the acquisition of knowledge that it has declared the path of knowledge and wisdom to be the path leading to Paradise.
    The Holy Prophet took a keen interest in promoting education among the Muslims and availed of every possible opportunity to achieve this object. At times it so happened that as a result of wars with the enemies of Islam, some literate people were also captured as prisoners of war. The usual custom in those days was that prisoners of war were released only on the payment of ransom. However, the Holy Prophet always treated these literate prisoners well and agreed to set them free provided they taught at least ten Muslims how to read and write.
    The Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (A.S) has emphasized the importance of education in these words: “The most valuable treasure is knowledge and wisdom and the worst misfortune is ignorance”.
    Knowledge is power.

    Ref: Al-islam.org

  • Live Like Imam Ali (A.S) or Imam Sadiq (A.S)?

    Many people have asked why Imam Hussein (A.S) decided to go and fight against the tyrant of his time, and why Imam Hassan (A.S) entered into a peace treaty. Why did Imam Reza (A.S) cooperate with the government, while Imam Sajjad (A.S) distanced himself from the government? There are books devoted to answering these specific questions, so we won’t go into it here. But the short answer is that every Imam that we have has had a different situation and lived in different and varied environments. This is actually a blessing for us, as we can study the lives of the Imams and how they acted, given all of their different situations. Thus, we can apply these to our lived the best we can.
    Sufyan al-Thawri visited Imam Sadiq (A.S) and objected to the Imam wearing fine clothing, since the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) did not wear such garments. The Imam said, “Are you inferring that since the Prophet used to live in that way, everyone else should do the same until the end? Do you not know that this is not a part of the Islamic commandment? You must act and think upon wisdom. You must use your intellect and take time and place into consideration. The Prophet used to live a middle class lifestyle appropriate to his time. Islam commands equality and compassion. We must observe that this was the lifestyle of the majority at that time. Of course, as the Prophet was the leader, people used to give up their wealth and their life for him, and it was possible for him to have all kinds of lifestyles. However, he never took advantage of that, even though it was all available to him. Islamic commandments denote sympathy compassion and equality. They stand for justice and fairness. It is the soft and delicate methods which stop the frustration in the soul of the poor and prevents a friend or a neighbor, or whoever may be watching your acts, from becoming upset. If the luxurious lifestyle that is available now were possible during the time of the Prophet, then he would not have conducted his life in that way. People are given personal choices on the aspect of dressing up, and may choose whether to wear old or new clothes, in whichever material or style they prefer. Religion does not pay attention to such matters. What is important in religion are issues such as sympathy, compassion, equality, justice and fairness.” The Imam then added, “And as you see me now, I am aware of the responsibilities towards my possessions; thus, there is no logical or spiritual difference between my method and the Prophet’s.”
    (Ref: A Survey into the Lives of the Infallible Imams by Ayatollah Mutahhari, page 8)

    Taken from: Islamic Insight

  • Most companions were uncomfortable around Imam Ali (A.S)

    Most companions were uncomfortable around Imam Ali (A.S), even if he didn't say anything
    By: Syed Muhammad Baqir Qazwini

  • Muawiya and insulting Imam Ali (A.S)

    Imam Mohammad Baqir (A.S) said:
    When the Commander of the Believers, Ali Bin Abi Taleb (A.S), came back from the Battle of Nahrawan to Kura, he heard that Muawiya had been cursing and insulting him and was killing his Shia. So he gave a speech in which he started by praising Allah and by sending Salawat to the Prophet. He mentioned the blessings that Allah had bestowed on His Prophet and on him.
    Then he said:
    If it was not for this verse in the Qur'an, I would not mention what I am about to say. Allah says, "Keep recounting (make mention of) the bounties of your Lord" (93:11). O Allah, praise is only for you, for your countless blessings and your unforgettable favors.
    O people! I have heard the news (of Muawiya's behavior) and I can see that my death is approaching and that you are ignoring my status.
    O people! I leave behind that which the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) left for you, the Qur'an and my family, which is the family of the Guide to Survival, the last of the prophets, and the Master of Nobility, Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H&H.P).
    O People! You will not hear this after me except from a liar. I am the brother of the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P) and his cousin. I am the sword of his revenge and his pillar of intense strength and support.
    Where are the Muslims who believe in Qur'an?
    My name in the Bible is "ILIYA," and in the Torah is "BARI," and in the Psalter is "ERI." Indians know my name as "KAABER," Romans know me as "BIT'RISA," Persians know me as "JOBEIR," Turks know me as "TABIR," blacks know me as "HEYTAR," priests know me as "BUSI," Abyssinians know me as "BITRIK," my mother knows me as "HEYDARA," my nurse knows me as "MAYMOUN," Arabs know me as "ALI" Armenians know me as "FAREEQ," and my father knows me as "Z'AHEER."
    Beware that I am the special one in the Qur'an with many names. Do not change these or you will lose your religion.
    On the Day of Judgement, the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P) will precede me, and I will precede my Shia. I swear to Allah that none of my Shia will be thirsty and none of them will be scared (on the Day of Judgement).
    I have authority on my Shia, and Allah has authority on me.
    Those who love me love someone who loves Allah. Those who hate me hate someone who loves Allah.
    I have heard that Muawiya has insulted and cursed me! O Allah! Increase your punishment on him and descend the curse on the one who deserves it, Ameen. O Lord of the Worlds, Lord of Isma'eel, and the sender of Ibrahim, You are Glorious.
    Then he (Imam Ali (A.S)) came down from the platform and he never addressed the public like that again for the rest of his life, which came to an end when Ibn Moljam (may Allah's curse be on him) killed him.
    [Source: Basharat ul Mustafa Le Shiyyat e Murtuza, Chapter 1, Hadees.18 / Maani Al-Akhbar, Pg. 59]

    Taken from: Marefate AhleBait (A.S).com

  • never forgot about the orphans

    Imam Ali (A.S): never forgot about the orphans

  • Pilgrimage for Abbas (A.S)

    The pilgrimage to the holy shrines of the Prophets, Imams, and saints is called Ziyara. It is different from the ritual pilgrimage to Mecca, which is called Hajj. Hajj however is obligatory upon every Muslim man and woman under specific conditions, whereas Ziyara is not obligatory. Yet, it is much recommended in the innumerable narrations of the Prophet and the Imams who have stated about the rewards of those who perform such pilgrimages voluntarily. [See Sheikh Abbas al-Qummi, Mafaateeh ul-Jinan]
    Simply, Ziyara is to visit the tomb and say a word of greeting, such as ‘Salaam (Peace)’. Other narrations have confirmed that it is acceptable to address such words of greetings from any place in the world while directing the face towards the direction of the tomb.
    At any rate, it is advisable, according to reason as well as instructions of well-versed scholars, to commit to the statements of the Ziyaras that are related to the Ahlul Bayt (A.S), because such statements express the deep reality of status of the owner of the visited tomb and hint at the most accurate conducts to be practiced there.
    On that account, it is recommended for the visitors of the tomb of al-’Abbas to follow the instructions mentioned in the saying of Imam Sadiq (A.S) regarding the Ziyara.
    In this saying, the Imam instructs the visitor to stop opposite to the body of al-’Abbas turning the back to the kiblah, just like visiting the tombs of the prophets and Imams. This expresses the utmost courtesy befitting the elevated rank of al-’Abbas. In fact, to visit al-’Abbas after his death is same as visiting him during his life. This is because the martyrs are
    “… alive with their Lord and receive sustenance from Him.” [The Holy Qur’an; Sura of Aal-Imran, Verse 169]

    The author of Mezar ul-Bihar on page 165, records that Sheikh al-Mufid, Ibn al-Mashhadi, and Al-Shahid al-Awwal emphasized that the visitor of the tomb of al-’Abbas should first stop at the door of the shrine and seek permission to enter by saying: “Greetings of Allah… etc.” He then should enter and throw himself on the tomb and recite: “Peace be upon you, the righteous servant of God… etc.” He then should move to the direction of the head to offer the prayer and supplicate to God. He then should return to the tomb, stop at the two legs, and recite: “Peace be upon you, Abul-Fadhl al-Abbas… etc.”
    Although these statements do not show whether it is advisable to stop at a specific side, it is understood that the direction of the kiblah is the intended.
    Some scholars however advised to visit the tomb of al-’Abbas before that of Imam Hussain (A.S), because the earlier is the door to the latter.
    It is also advisable to offer the two-units prayer of Ziyara at the tomb of Abbas. During his visit to the tombs of the martyrs of Karbala on the fortieth day after their martyrdom, Jabir ibn Abdullah al-Ansari visited the tomb of Abbas ibn Ali and offered a two-units prayer. [See Ziyarat ul-Arbaeen]
    It is also advisable to kiss the tomb. This is proved through the narration of Safwan al-Jammal who relates it to Imam Sadiq (A.S):
    “…You should then come near the tomb of Abbas ibn Ali and say… Then throw yourself on to the tomb, kiss it, and say… etc.”

    Ref: Al-Abbas
    Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

  • Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) ordered by Allah (S.W.T) to recite the merits of Imam Ali (A.S)

    Imam Baqir (A.S) narrates from the Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P):
    Gabriel came to me and said:
    Allah has ordered you to give a speech about Ali bin Abi Taleb's virtues in front of your companions so that they can narrate it to others. Allah has ordered all of the angels to listen to your speech. Allah says that those who disobey you by not following Ali will go to Hell, and those who obey you will be rewarded with Paradise.
    So the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) called for prayer and when people gathered, the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) went on the pulpit and he started by saying:

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    O people! I am the bearer of glad tidings and I am the Warner. I am the Prophet from Mecca.
    Allah has ordered me to tell you about a man whose flesh is from my flesh and whose blood is from my blood. He is the keeper of knowledge. He is the one whom Allah chose from this nation and appointed as the Wali.
    Allah has created the two of us together. Allah elevated me above all people by honoring me with prophet hood and Allah elevated him above all people by appointing him as my successor.
    Allah made me the city of knowledge and made him the door. Allah chose him as the keeper of knowledge with which he defines the rules.
    Allah has chosen him as my successor and Allah has revealed his status to everyone.
    Allah has warned his enemies and Allah has brought his followers closer to Himself.
    Allah has forgiven his Shia and Allah has ordered all of the people to obey him.
    Allah says that those who are against Ali are against Allah and those who disobey Ali disobey Allah. Those who hurt Ali hurt Allah and those who hate Ali hate Allah. Those who love Ali love Allah and those who desire Ali desire Allah. Those who conspire against Ali conspire against Allah and those who support Ali support Allah.
    O people! Listen to my orders and obey me. I am warning you of Allah's punishment:
    [(Remember) the day when every soul shall find present whatever it has done of good and whatever it has done of evil; it will wish there might be a wide interval between it and that (evil), Allah warns you to beware of Him; and Allah is affectionate to His faithful servants] (3:30).
    Then the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) took the hand of the Commander of the Believers, Ali ibn Abi Taleb (A.S), and said:
    O People! He is the Master of the Believers and he is Allah's decisive argument on His entire creation. Ali is the fighter of the as.
    O Allah! I have announced it! And these are your slaves and you have the power to reform them, so reform them with your mercy, for You are the most merciful.
    I seek forgiveness for myself and for you, O people.
    Then the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) descended the pulpit.
    Gabriel came to the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) and said to him:
    Allah conveys His Salaam to you and says, "I will reward you for what you have announced. You have fulfilled your duty of prophet hood. You have advised your nation. You have pleased the believers and you have constrained the pagans. O Mohammad! Your cousin will be made to suffer and people will suffer with him. O Mohammad! Say at all times, [Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. And soon those who deal unjustly shall know as to what an evil turning they shall be turned] (26:227).
    [Source: Basharat ul Mustafa Le Shiyyat e Murtuza, Chapter 2, Hadees 52 / Amaali of Sheikh Mufeed 76,346]

    Taken from: Marefate AhleBait (A.S).com

  • Sadaqah Spent on Poor Relatives

    Many of us consider spending of Sadaqah on relatives as wrong and believe that such an act is disgraceful. Contrary to our belief and thinking, Islam encourages us to do the same.
    It is reported from Imam ‘Ali bin al-Hussein (A.S) that the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) has said, “Begin your charity at home. By this I mean that you spend on your father, on your mother, on your sister and on your brother. Thereafter, follow the sequence of those who are nearer, and then nearer.” (Bihar al-Anwar)
    He (P.B.U.H&H.P) has also said, “If the near ones are needy then the Sadaqah cannot be given to anyone else.” (Bihar al-Anwar)
    He (P.B.U.H&H.P) has also said, “The best Sadaqah is the one which you spend on your sister, or on your daughter who has been returned to you (divorced), and she has no one save you who can support her.” (Bihar al-Anwar)
    There are two advantages of giving Sadaqah to one’s poor relatives:
    Firstly, it will increase in the weight of good deeds when the deeds shall be put on the weighing scale in the Hereafter. Imam ‘Ali Ibn Abi Talib (A.S) has said, “The first thing that shall be put in the weighing scale of a servant (on the Day of Judgment) will be his charity on his relatives.” (Bihar al-Anwar)
    And secondly, the rewards of whatever one spends on his poor relatives shall be doubled. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) has said, “Verily the reward of every Sadaqah that is spent on poor relatives shall be doubled.” (Kanzul-Ummaal)

    Ref: Almujtaba Islamic Articles Page

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