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The Holy Prophet and a Jew - Islam Guidance

  • Moral Habits of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P)

    Allah’s Messenger is reported by Imam al-Baqir (A.S) as saying: I will not quit five habits until the moment of my death: wearing coarse clothes, riding a mule without packsaddle, eating with the slaves, weaving footwear with my own hands, and saluting children so that it will become a tradition after me.

    A Jew Becomes Muslim by the Holy Prophet
    Imam Musa (A.S) has quoted Imam Ali (A.S) as saying, “Allah’s Messenger owed a Jew a few Dinars, so he asked for it. The Holy Prophet said, “I can’t pay it now.” The Jew said, “I will not leave you until you pay my money.” The Holy Prophet said, “Then I will sit beside you.” He sat beside the Jew for a long time during which he performed all his prayers in the same place. The Holy Prophet’s companions made an attempt to intimidate him. Looking at them, the Holy Prophet asked, “What are you going to do with him?” They said, “O Allah’s Messenger! A Jew is taking you a hostage like that!” The Holy Prophet said, “Allah has not commissioned me to do any injustice to non-Muslims.” When the day was coming to an end, the Jew said, “I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger. I give away a portion of my wealth for the sake of Allah, O Messenger! I swear by Allah what I did to you was to see whether you are the same person described in the Torah. I have read your description in the Torah that Muhammad, son of `Abdullah, is born in Mecca; he migrates to Medina. He is neither rough nor furious. He is neither foul-mouthed nor does he use indecent words. I testify to the oneness of Allah and your Prophet Hood. This is my wealth at your disposal. Spend it as Allah has commanded.”

    Ref: shia.es

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