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Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) - Islam Guidance

  • The Prophet's flower

    Hussain (A.S) spent his childhood with Lady Fatimah (S.A), Imam Ali(A.S), and especially with Prophet Muhammad(A.S). The love and affection Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) had towards Hussain(A.S) was so unique that all the companions were aware of it, had frequently seen its manifestation, and had heard of it repeatedly. Moreover, historians have recorded incidents and narrations in this respect. In one account it has been said that the Prophet's prostration took longer than usual in his prayer. People came to the Prophet and asked, "Were you receiving a revelation or order from Allah during prostration?" Prophet Muhammad(A.S) replied, "No, my son Hussain had climbed onto my back; I waited until he wished to come down." This is an example showing how the best creature of Allah (S.W.T) treated Hussain(A.S) while he was in the best state of worship. 
    The companions had seen Prophet Muhammad(A.S) repeatedly put Hassan and Hussain(A.S) on his shoulders and play with them. At other times he would kiss Hussain(A.S) and say, "Hussain is from me, and I am from Hussain. May Allah love him who loves Hussain." In other traditions the Prophet would say, "Hassan and Hussain(A.S) are my two aromatic flowers from this world."
    Nonetheless, most people knew that the Prophet's love for his two grandchildren, especially for Hussain(A.S) was not a usual love of a grandfather for his grandchild. According to the Holy Quran, the Prophet's(A.S) actions and words are apart from his desires: "Indeed in the Messenger of Allah you have a good example to follow..." (The Holy Quran, 33:21) On the other hand, although Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) had other adopted daughters and a son, the specific affection and recommendations were only shown towards Hassan and Hussain(A.S).
    Prophet Muhammad's (P.B.U.H&H.P) recommendations and affections for Hussain(A.S) were in fact portraying an important fact. He would repeatedly inform people that salvation and prosperity can only be found through the friendship and love of Imam Hussain(A.S). Umar Ibn Khattab narrates from Prophet Muhammad(A.S): "Hassan and Hussain are masters of the youth in heaven. Whosoever loves them has loved me, and whosoever has animosity with them, is my enemy." In another account the Holy Prophet has also said, "You came to awareness by me; you found the right path and were guided by Ali; you were given blessings through Hassan; but your eternal salvation is with Hussain. Be aware that Hussain is a door from the doors of heaven. Whosoever has animosity towards him can never enter heaven."

    Taken from: Islamic Shia information site

  • The Shia of Ali (A.S)

    Ibn Abbas narrated from the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P):
    When the verse “Those who believe and do righteous deeds are the best of the creation(Quran 98:7) was revealed, the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P) said to Ali (A.S): "They are you and your Shia." He continued: "O Ali! (On the Day of Judgment) you and your Shia will come toward Allah well-pleased and well-pleasing, and your enemies will come angry with their head forced up. Ali (A.S) said: "Who are my enemies?" The Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) replied: "He who disassociates himself from you and curses you. And glad tiding to those who reach first under the shadow of al-'Arsh on the day of resurrection." Ali (A.S) asked: "Who are they, O the Messenger of Allah?" He replied: “You’re Shia, O Ali, and those who love you.”
    Sunni references:
    - Al-Hafidh Jamaluddin al-Dharandi, on the authority of Ibn Abbas.
    - Al-Sawa’iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar, Ch. 11, section 1, pp 246-247.

    Ref: Islamic Insight

  • The story of the six month old baby

    Ashura came to the land of Karbala.
    One-by-one, Hussain (A.S)'s friends and companions were martyred.
    Aun & Muhammed, Qasim, Abbas and Ali Akbar went to the battlefield and were martyred.
    By noon time Hussain (A.S) was left alone.
    The time had come for Hussain (A.S) to go to the battlefield. Hussain (A.S) said good bye to everyone.
    Hussain (A.S), with his sword Zulfiqar on his waist, mounted Zuljanah, his horse.
    Hussain (A.S) rode his horse to a small mount, he then called out loudly:
    “Is there anyone to help me? Is there anyone to help the grandson of the holy prophet?”
    With this call, the grandson of the Holy Prophet was giving one last chance to Yazid's men, the men who called themselves Muslims - the followers of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P).
    Hypocrites! That's what Yazid's men were.
    No one answered Hussain (A.S)'s last call. But Hussain (A.S) heard the sound of crying coming from his camp.
    Hussain (A.S) turned around and returned to his tents.
    "Zainab (S.A), your brother is still alive. Why are you crying?"
    "My brother Hussain (A.S), when you called out,” Is there anyone to help me?” Ali Asghar fell from his cradle."
    Hussain (A.S) knew what Ali Asghar was trying to say.
    Hussain (A.S) went to Umme Rubab. Ali Asghar was on her lap.
    He was crying and Umme Rubab was trying to comfort him.
    Hussain (A.S) picked up baby Ali Asghar and whispered in his ear. Ali Asghar stopped crying. He looked up at his father and smiled.
    "Umme Rubab, I am taking Ali Asghar to the battlefield with me so that I can get some water for him."
    What did Hussain (A.S) whisper in Ali Asghar's ear? What made Ali Asghar stop crying, and to smile? Hussain (A.S) had whispered:
    "My son, Ali Asghar, do you want to come to the battlefield with me? Asghar, do you want to show your strength on the battlefield? Come, let us go, my little soldier, Asghar."
    Umme Rubab changed Ali Asghar's clothes.
    Imam Hussain (A.S) carried Ali Asghar to the battlefield. It was very hot. Ali Asghar was thirsty. Hussain (A.S) covered baby Ali Asghar with his Cloak, to protect him from the scorching sun.
    Yazid's men saw Hussain (A.S) approaching with something in his hand.
    "Look, Hussain (A.S) is coming with the Quran. He has no one left to help him. With the help of the Quran he is hoping to win."
    Hussain (A.S) walked to Yazid's soldiers. By moving his Cloak he uncovered Ali Asghar.
    He held Ali Asghar high with both his hands and said:
    "O soldiers of Yazid, you feel I have offended you, but what has this little child done to you? His mother's milk has dried up. He has not had a drop of water for three days. He is dying of thirst. I beg you to give water to this innocent little child."
    Not one of Yazid's soldiers brought any water for Ali Asghar.
    Once more Imam Hussain (A.S) said:
    Maybe you think that when you bring water for this child, I will drink it too. I will put this little child on the ground. You can come and give him water yourself."
    Hussain (A.S) placed Ali Asghar on the burning sand of Karbala.
    Ali Asghar lay quietly on the hot sand of Karbala. His turned his head and stared at Yazid's men.
    No water came for Ali Asghar.
    Hussain (A.S) picked up Ali Asghar and said:
    "My son Ali Asghar, my darling, you are too young to fight with a sword or a spear. My little soldier, you are a grandson of Ali (A.S). Ali Asghar, fight with your tongue."
    Little Asghar stuck his dry tongue out and moved it over his dry lips looking towards Yazid's men. He fought with his tongue.
    The little soldier shot a strange arrow - his dry tongue.
    It hit the hearts of Yazid's soldiers who had children of their own. They became restless. Some started crying.
    They spoke amongst themselves:
    "Hussain (A.S) is saying the truth. What has this child done to us? Why is he punished like this? Let us give him some water."
    Umar ibn Sa'ad got worried that his soldiers will turn against him.
    The little soldier's fight was very effective.
    Umar ibn Sa'ad ordered his best archer:
    “Harmalah! What are you waiting for? Silence the little child! Don't you know he is a grandson of Ali (A.S)? Hurry, shoot your arrow, before it is too late."
    Harmalah aimed an arrow at Ali Asghar. A small arrow for a little child? No! An arrow not with one head, not with two heads, but with three sharp heads.
    Why? Why an arrow with three heads for such a small child?
    My fellow Hussain (A.S)! You will not be able to stop crying when you hear what happened next.
    An arrow with three sharp heads flew across the desert of Karbala. It was heading for Ali Asghar. Hussain (A.S) saw the arrow coming. He covered Ali Asghar with his arms.
    The arrow reached Hussain (A.S).
    The arrow went through Hussain (A.S)'s arm and lodged in the tiny neck of Ali Asghar.
    Ali Asghar died instantly.
    Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar!
    Poor Hussain (A.S), the poor father, who came to get water for his little child.
    Instead of water, Ali Asghar got an arrow in his neck.
    What shall Hussain (A.S) do now? What shall Hussain (A.S) do now?
    Hussain (A.S) gently pulled the arrow from Ali Asghar's tiny neck.
    My fellow Hussain (A.S), put your hand on your heart and imagine the scene a father removing an arrow from his child's neck. What a tragic scene!
    Blood gushed out from Ali Asghar's neck.
    A voice came from the ground:
    "No, Hussain (A.S), do not let Ali Asghar's blood fall to the ground, otherwise no crops will ever grow from this earth." Hussain (A.S) looked up at the sky.
    A voice came from the sky:
    "No Hussain (A.S), do not let the blood gush towards the sky, otherwise, no drop of rain will ever fall from this sky."
    What shall Hussain (A.S) do now? What shall Hussain (A.S) do now?
    The sky is refusing, the earth is not happy to accept Asghar's blood.
    Poor Hussain (A.S) wiped Ali Asghar's blood on his face.
    Hussain (A.S) started walking towards his tents.
    He saw Ali Asghar's mother - Umme Rubab - standing by his tent. A mother anxiously waiting for her baby.
    Hussain (A.S) thought:
    "How can I face Umme Rubab? What shall I tell her? How can I tell her that her baby has been martyred without water? How? How?"
    Seven times, Hussain (A.S) went forward and then turned back, Saying:
    He finally reached the tent where Umme Rubab was standing. "Rubab, come and take your Ali Asghar. Rubab, your little soldier has died for the sake of Allah."
    Umme Rubab took her little child, Ali Asghar. She hugged him and cried.
    "Come with me Rubab. Enough, Rubab, enough. Let us bury our baby Asghar"
    Hussain (A.S) and Umme Rubab walked to the back of the tents.
    Hussain (A.S) dug a small grave with his sword, the Zulfiqar.
    Umme Rubab placed Ali Asghar in the small grave.
    My fellow Hussain (A.S) why should we not cry tonight?
    Have we ever heard of any other father and mother digging a grave and burying their own child?
    Where can Hussain (A.S) get water to sprinkle on Ali Asghar's grave? There is no water to sprinkle on Ali Asghar's grave.
    Hussain (A.S) sat by the grave crying.
    Tears poured on the grave. Ali Asghar's grave was sprinkled with Hussain (A.S)'s tears.

    Derived from Almujtaba Islamic articles page.

  • The types and Advantages of Water

    A reliable tradition states that in this world and the world-to-come, there is nothing better than water. Anyone who takes pleasure in drinking water will take pleasure when God gives him the wine of Heaven.
    According to a tradition from Imam Ali (A.S), "Zam Zam water is the best water among all the waters of the earth and Burhoot water (which is in Yemen) is the worst for it is haunted by the spirits of the nonbelievers, and day and night it is in a state of curse."
    According to Imam Sadiq (A.S): "Zam Zam water is a cure for all diseases."
    Imam Ali (A.S) said: "one should drink rain water as it purifies the body and cures all pains and diseases."
    According to Imam Sadiq (A.S): "cold water lessens temperature, cures vomiting, digests food, and is an antidote for heat and also stated that boiled water is good for all types of pains and is not harmful in any way."
    According to Imam Reza (A.S): "the water which is boiled seven times in seven different vessels cures fever and cough."
    Ibn Abi Tahir Tayfur, a doctor, states that when he visited Imam Kazim (A.S), he saw him drinking a lot of water. When he stopped, the Imam (A.S) replied: "drinking water even in excess is not harmful in any way as it digests food in the stomach, lessens excitement (anger), increases intellect and cures vomiting."

    Manners of Drinking Water
    According to Imam Sadiq (A.S), "whosoever, while drinking water, remembers Imam Hussein (A.S) and his Ahlul Bait and curses his murderers and tormenters, one lakh good deeds will be written in his record, one lakh sins will be forgiven, he will be elevated one lakh times and he will be rewarded to the extent as though he has freed one lakh slaves in the name of God and on the Day of Judgement God will look towards his welfare. If he recites the following while drinking water, it is better:
    ‘May Allah shower his blessings on Hussein (A.S) and his Ahlul bait and his companions. May He increase His curses on the murderers of Hussein (A.S) and his enemies.’
    Another reliable tradition from the same Imam (A.S) asserts that if a person does not drink water when he is feeling thirsty and appeases his thirst late, then God makes him an inhabitant of Heaven.
    Actually, before appeasing his thirst, he should wait for a while praising Almighty and then drink and at that time God makes Heaven compulsory for him.
    In another tradition from the same Imam (A.S), it is stated that if a person, before drinking water at night recites three times:
    ‘Salutation to the water of Zam Zam and water of Furat.’
    Then the water will not harm him.
    According to a tradition from Imam Sadiq (A.S), "one should not have water while standing, one should not walk around a grave and should not urinate in standing water. If a person does these things, he will be affected by troubles and then he will have to cure himself alone from these."
    According to Imam Baqir (A.S), "one should say ‘In the Name of God (Bismillah)’ before drinking water and ‘Alhamdulillah’ after drinking. If the clay container has a handle, then one should take the water from the front and if it is broken from somewhere or has a hole, then one should have water from the other side as both the situations are related to the devil."
    The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) has prohibited blowing with mouth in the water.
    It is stated that the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) used to drink water in glass utensils which had come as a present from Syria and at times in wooden and leather containers and if none were available, in his hand.

    Taken from: Al Maaref Islamic Net

  • Why is the grave of Lady Fatimah (S.A) still concealed, while Imam Ali`s (A.S) has been revealed?

    Complete Question
    Considering the enmity towards Imam Ali (A.S) and Lady Fatimah (S.A), why has Imam Ali’s (A.S) grave been revealed after some time, while Lady Fatimah’s (S.A) is still missing?

    Concise answer
    The reason for why the grave of Imam Ali (A.S) was concealed for a while was the fact that ignorant and abusive individuals, who were enemies to him, would possibly disrespect his grave. Later on though, after time had passed and the abovementioned individuals had passed away, in addition to the growing strength of the school and teachings of the Ahlul-Bayt, the possibilities of such a matter lessened. Moreover, since the grave was located in between reeds and the desert, no one was certain even about its approximate whereabouts, causing the people not to be able to visit it and from its great blessings and bounties. These factors caused the imams to show the grave to their true followers and slowly, it became known to all over the years and as the Shia became stronger.
    As for why Lady Fatimah (S.A) had ordered for her grave to be concealed, it was because this was a form of protest and making her voice heard that she objects to what has taken place regarding the caliphate and successorship of the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P). Therefore, as long as the Muslim nation doesn’t believe in what she believes in regarding the Prophet’s successorship, which results in the deprivation of the Muslim nation of many true Islamic teachings, the reason for the concealment of her grave will remain.
    Another point is that the concealment of her grave is a strong barrier that doesn’t allow the falsification of the history of early Islam, preventing people from totally denying her stance against the situation that had come up regarding the caliphate. The issue of her grave is a sign for those in search of the truth, guiding them across the sea of evil and corruption to the shore of salvation, unveiling the truth and completing Allah’s (S.W.T) proof regarding it.
    Of course, since the approximate coordinates of her grave have been mentioned, people can benefit from the areas close to her grave.
    What was said, were only a few points that are supported by different clues and evidence, but that doesn’t mean that these are all of the reasons, meaning that there are possibilities that there are other secrets behind this matter that might be unveiled in the future.

    Source: Shiastudies.net

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