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Imam Hussain - Islam Guidance

  • A Nice view of Shrine of Imam Hussain (A.S)

    The Holy shrine of Imam Hussain (A.S) - voice of Basem al-Karbalayi

  • Arbaeen, In Karbala

  • Peace be upon you O Aba Abdullah

    Peace be upon you O Aba Abdullah (salam) - Ammar al-Halwaji

  • The blood venture - The Season of Unfaithfulness

    The Season of Unfaithfulness

  • The Prophets visit the grave of Imam Hussein (A.S)

    Shaikh Abul Qasim Jafar bin Muhammad bin Qawlawyh relates from his father, who relates from Ibn Mahboob, who relates from Hussein, the grandson of Abu Hamza Sumali, that during the last days of the caliphate of Bani Marwan, I left for the pilgrimage to the grave of Imam Hussein (A.S) hiding from the Syrians. I reached Karbala and took shelter in a corner of the desert.
    At midnight I went towards the grave, and when I reached further, a man came and stood facing me saying, “Your reward is with Allah! Return back, for you shall not reach the grave”. I returned back, and when it was early morning, I went towards the grave. When I reached there, the same man approached me and said, “O slave of Allah! You shall not reach the grave”. I said, “May Allah pardons you! Why would I not reach it when I have come from Kufa for the pilgrimage? Do not desist me, for I fear lest it dawns and the Syrians find me here and kill me”.
    He replied, “Wait for a moment, for (Prophet) Moses bin Imran (A.S) has solicited permission from Allah to visit the grave of Imam Hussein (A.S), he has received permission and has descended from the heavens accompanied by seventy thousand Angels. They are in his (Imam’s) presence since the beginning of the night and are waiting dawn so as to return back to the heavens”. I asked him, “May Allah pardon you! Who are you?” And he replied, “I am one of the Angels appointed to guard the grave of Imam Hussein (A.S) and invoke forgiveness for his pilgrims”.
    I returned back and wondered whether my intellect would part away having heard his words. I again went to the head of the grave after dawn, while there was none to desist me now. I offered salutations and cursed his murderers, and then I offered the morning Prayers and hastened back in fear of the Syrians.
    He (Ibn Qawlawayh) relates through his chain of authorities from Ishaq bin Ammar, that I asked Imam Jafar as Sadiq (A.S) that, “May I be your ransom, O son of the Prophet of Allah! On the night of Arafah I was in the Shrine of Imam Hussein (A.S) and I witnessed three thousand men with glowing countenance, emitting fragrance and adorning white clothes praying there until the morning. And as much as I tried to reach near the grave and recite invocations, I could not do so due to the immense crowd of men. When it dawned, I fell into prostration, and when I lifted my head, not a single one of them was visible”. Imam Sadiq (A.S) replied, “Do you know who they were?”
    And I replied in the negative. Imam (A.S) continued, “My father has related to me from his father, that when Imam Hussein (A.S) was being martyred, four thousand angels passed by and flew upon the heavens. Allah revealed to them: ‘O group of Angels! You passed by the son of my friend and beloved Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) while they killed him when he was in severity and you did not assist him?’ Then return back to the earth and reside at the head of his grave, and weep with dishevelled hair and smeared in sand until the day of Qiyamah. Thus they remain at his grave until the arrival of the time”.

    Ref: Shia Studies Articles

  • The Reward of Holding Ceremonies (Majalis) for Imam Hussein (A.S)

  • The Situation of Umm-ul-Banin (S.A)

    Umm ul Baneen

    Lady Umm-ul-Banin took care of Hassan (A.S) and Hussein (A.S) so remarkably well that she had asked her husband not to call her with her name Fatima, so that this name would not remind these two boys of their mother. They, however, felt the extreme kindness and sympathy of this lady who could fill a part of the great loss of their own mother whose demise had left a deep sadness in their minds.

    Emotionally, Umm-ul-Banin had great love for Hassan (A.S) and Hussein (A.S) because of their perfection and unique morality. She in fact loved them more than her own children. She also preferred them to her sons in taking care and responsibility.

    Except for this great lady, history has never seen a fellow wife act so sincerely with her stepsons. This is because this perfect lady believed that it was her religious duty to take care of the two Imams the love for who is imposed by God and revealed in the Qur’an:
    Say, ‘I do not ask you for any payment for my preaching to you except (your) love of (my near) relatives’.

    [Holy Qur’an, Surah of ash-Shura (42), Verse 23]

    Taken from: Al-Abbas
    Written by: Badr Shahin
    Ansariyan Publications - Qom

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