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Mecca - Islam Guidance

  • 3D tour of the inside of the Holy Kaaba

  • A moment of Changing the Cloth (Curtain) of the Kaaba

    A moment of Changing the Cloth (Curtain) of the Kaaba - Mecca

  • Etiquette of Drinking

    Imam Sadiq (A.S) said: “When anyone of you drinks water and say Bismillah (In the name of Gad), then he interrupts drinking and says, Alhamdo lillah (Praise be to Allah), and repeats the process three time, water will praise the Lord on his behalf (as long as it stays in his stomach) until it leaves his body.” (Al-Wasa`il, from the book of foods and drinks)
    According to abu-Dawood al-Raqy. “I was in Imam Sadiq’s (A.S) place when he asked for a drink. When he started drinking, he began shedding tears and his eyes were bathed with it. He then said to me: ‘O, Dawood! May Allah’s curse be upon the one who murdered Hussain (A.S); I have never drank cold water but remembered Hussain (A.S); no man drinks water and remembers Hussain (A.S) and his household and curses his murderers but a hundred thousand righteous deeds are reckoned to his credit and a hundred thousand bad deeds are dropped from his credit; and his rank will be raised by a hundred thousand and he is given the credit of freeing a hundred thousand men, and Allah will gather him delighted with Hussain (A.S).” (Al-Wasa`il, from the book of permissible beverages)
    According to Solayman Bin Khalid: “I asked for abu-Abdullah’s (Imam Sadiq (A.S)) opinion on the uninterrupted gulping of beverages, he replied: ‘It is reprehensible (not commendable) and that is (what the Koran calls) al-Heem’s (thirsty camels’) way of drinking. I said: ‘What are they?’ He replied: ‘Camels’. (Al-Wasa`il, from the book of permissible beverages)
    According to Jarrah al-Madainy: “Imam Sadiq (A.S) did not like it when a man eats with his left hand, drinks with it or receives with it.” (Al-Wasa`il, from the book of permissible beverages)
    Imam Sadiq (A.S) said: “If you want to drink water at night, stir the vessel and say: O, water (twice), ZamZam (the well in Holy Mecca, close to Kaaba) and the Euphrates (river) extend their greetings to you.” (Al-Wasa`il, from the book of permissible beverages)
    Imam Ali (A.S) said: “Water is the superior beverage in this world and in the hereafter.” (Al-Wasa`il, from the book of permissible beverages)
    The Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) said: “Offering water is the best kind of donations.” (Tib al-Nabiy)
    The Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) said: “Sip water and do not gulp it down.” (Tib al-Nabiy)
    Imam Sadiq (A.S) said: “Had they drank less water, their bodies would have been sounder. When the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) ate fatty food, he used to drink less water. When he was asked about it, he said: ‘It makes food more palatable.”
    Imam Baqir (A.S): “It is tastier and healthier to drink water from the standing position.”
    The Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) said: “The water of (the well of) ZamZam is a remedy.” {Drinking Zamzam’s water remedies the illness}. (Al-Wasa`il, from the book of permissible beverages)

    Adopted from: Al Seraj

  • New Mecca and Masjid al Haram Project

    New Mecca and Masjid al Haram Project - 2020

  • Oldest Recorded Quran Recitation

    Oldest Recorded Quran Recitation - Mecca 1885...
    Christian Snouck Hurgronje visited mecca in 1885/1302H taking photos and making sound recordings using Thomas Edison’s newly invented was cylinders.

  • The Change of the Qiblah

    Someone asked Imam Taqi (A.S): O son of Allah’s Messenger, why was Baitul Maqdas made the first Qibla? 

    His Eminence (A.S) replied: Allah Himself mentions the reason:

    and We did not make that which you would have to be the qiblah but that We might distinguish him who follows the Apostle from him who turns back upon his heels

    Simply: And we made Baitul Maqdas the Qibla, which you faced previously, to know who follows Our Messenger and who turns on both his heels (that is disobeys the Messenger). As we knew from before what would happen later.

    Its story is that the Meccans preferred Kaaba, so Allah decided to see who follows His Eminence and who are against him. In such a way that in spite of their aversion, if they obey the orders of Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P), it would mean that they are obedient, otherwise they would have been his opponents. Whereas the people of Medina preferred Jerusalem. That is why, they were asked to oppose it and face the Kaaba, so that it may be known who in spite of his aversion follows the order of Muhammad. Thus one who does so, would be his supporter and obedient one. Thus Allah says:

    and this was surely hard except for those whom Allah has guided aright

    Simply: In spite of the fact that at that time it was difficult for them to face Baitul Maqdas; but those whom Allah guided were not in this condition.

    This shows that Allah wants the people to obey Him even though they may have to act their own likes and wishes so that their obedience against selfish desires may be tested.

    [Source: Tafseer-e-Askari, Sura Baqara, Verse 106-107]


    Source: Marefate AhleBait (A.S).com

  • The Day of Arafah


    Of the nights in a year, there are seven nights mark as a grandeur and majesty nights. These are Shab-e-Qadr (Night of power), Shab-e-Meraj (Night of Ascension), Shab-e-Barrat (Night of deliverance), the night of Arafat (Great gathering), 15th of Shaban and the nights of two Eid (Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-Ul-Adha). However, the night of Arafat has great political as well as religious significant. But what is Arafat?
    Arafat is a mountain or a granite hill, east of Mecca. It is also known as the Mount of Mercy (Jabal ar-Rahmah). The level area surrounding the hill is called the plains of Arafah. Arafat literally means Knowledge and Science. Arafat is the place where according to the Islamic narrations, the repentance of Adam was accepted by the God after his fall from heaven, Adam and Eve were united at the mount of Arafat, prayed together, asking for forgiveness and got married by archangel Gabriel. Arafat is a site for prayer, supplication and repentance but also acquiring proper recognition of God. Arafat which is marifat means recognition.
    This is a day for those present on the plains of Arafah, who stand/sit in two piece of clothes, in scorching heat and ponder over just two facts, to whom they belong and where they are going.
    The plain of Arafat is the high point of the Hajj and Prophet Muhammad has said Arafat is the Hajj. While Imam Hussein inscribe an excellent supplication of Arafah, which is one of the famous in the Shiite Annals. Thirty days separate Arafah and Ashura. There exist many similarities and strong bondage between these two days as regard to the message. One clear link is that both of these days have a direct association with Imam Hussein –Doyen of Martyrs. The day of Arafah is all about journey in to the ocean of Gnosticism, which presents in the supplication and recommended to be recited on the day of Arafah.
    If one takes a journey through this supplication with understanding and pondering will realize what divine lord and his lordship is all about and how dare one commit any sins. The most trembling state of this dua comes, when he utters the statements, whereby he say “O’ Allah, if you do full fill this one desire of mine, then all other needs which have fulfilled is of no benefit to me, and whatever you have not given me will not do any damage to me. And that one desire is that you relieve my neck from the fire of Hell”. This verse of this Dua, tell us that whether my worldly desires are fulfilled or not, it won’t make any difference if at the end I cannot free myself from the fire of hell.

    The Martyrdom Anniversary of Hazrat Muslim Ibn Aqeel (A.S)
    The ninth day of Dhul Hijjah, is also the martyrdom anniversary of Hazrat Muslim Ibn Aqeel.
    Hazrat Muslim ibn Aqeel was the cousin of the third infallible Imam, Hadrat Husain ibn Ali (A.S), and was the son of Aqeel ibn Abu Talib (A.S).
    Muslim ibn Aqeel was sent ahead by Imam Husain (A.S) as his envoy to Kufa to see if the people could be trusted to be loyal. The people of Kufa swore allegiance to him and he sent word back to Imam Husain (A.S) saying that the people of Kufa were loyal to him. But Hazrat Muslim ibn Aqeel was brutally murdered by the governor of Kufa, Ibn Ziyad on the ninth day of Dhul Hijjah 60 A.H.

    Source: Hujjat.org

  • The Events of Saqifa

    While Imam Ali (A.S) was busy attending to the burial of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P), the Muhajireen of Mecca and the Ansar of Medina had lost no time in contesting the matter of the Caliphate. They had gathered at a place called Saqifa bani Sa'da and each group was putting forward its merits and claiming the Caliphate.
    One can only wonder at their actions, because only two months ago the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) had openly declared that Imam Ali (A.S) would be his successor. In their greed, these so-called Muslims even forgot that their beloved Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) lay as yet unburied.
    The Muhajireen claimed that they had a greater right to the Caliphate because they had been Muslims for longer and had supported the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.U&H.P) in Mecca when he had very few friends. They also claimed to be his kin and said that they had migrated from their homes in Mecca in very difficult circumstances, leaving behind all their wealth and property.
    The Ansar insisted that they had a greater right to the Caliphate because they had given the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) shelter in Medina when he could live in Mecca no longer. They had also protected him in his time of need and had fought at his side in battles against powerful enemies. They recalled how for 13 years he had preached amongst the Meccans and only a handful had become Muslims. They argued that it was the Ansar who had given Islam strength and consolidation.
    When Umar bin Khattab and Abu Bakr bin Qahafa reached Saqifa, the arguments had almost been settled in favor of the Ansar, who had chosen Sa'd bin Ubadah to lead the Muslims. Umar did not find this acceptable at all as he had already planned to bring in a man from the Muhajireen. He urged Abu Bakr to make a speech and turn the situation. Abu Bakr rose and said that the Arabs would not accept any Caliph who was not from the tribe of Quraish, which was the tribe of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P). He also praised the merits of the Ansar to keep them quiet. The Ansar were not fooled by the clever words of Abu Bakr and while there was some silence, Abu Bakr received help from an unexpected quarter.
    The two main tribes of the Ansar were the Aws and Khazraj. The old enmity between them had been settled long ago by the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P), but now it came out into the open.
    To stop the selection of Sa'd bin Ubadah who was the chief of the Khazraj, Bashir bin Sa'd from the tribe of Aws suddenly went forward and gave his allegiance to Abu Bakr. He was followed by three other men from Aws. Suddenly, the tables had turned and now the Muhajireen had the upper hand.
    Despite protests from the tribe of Khazraj and a few followers of Imam Ali (A.S), Abu Bakr was elected as the first Caliph. How strange was their behavior! While Abu Bakr and Umar sold their religion for their greed, the people of Aws sold their religion for fear that the Khazraj might come to power. The rest of the people followed like sheep, too weak or uncaring to protest. The few who did raise their voices to defend the unrecognized rights of Imam Ali (A.S) were ignored and outnumbered.
    The members of Bani Hashim and some loyal Muslims were too occupied with the passing away of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) to give any thought to worldly affairs. By the time they learnt of the happenings at Saqifa, it was too late to do anything.
    When Imam Ali came to exercise his right to the Caliphate as per the orders of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) at Ghadeer Khum, his claim was rejected and he was forced to return to his house. Later, Abu Bakr sent Umar to Hazrat Fatimah's (S.A) house, where Imam Ali (A.S) and some friends had gathered. Umar had instructions to bring Imam Ali (A.S) to Abu Bakr to pay the oath of allegiance to him. When Imam Ali (A.S) refused to do this, Umar threatened to burn down the house. Imam Ali (A.S) then came out with Abbas and Zubayr. From the open door was heard the sound of Hazrat Fatimah (S.A) weeping.
    She was saying:
    "O Father, how soon after your death are troubles pouring on our head at the hands of the son of Khattab and the son of Abu Qahafa. How soon they have ignored your words of Ghadeer Khum and your saying that Ali was to you as Haroon was to Musa."
    Hearing these heartrending words, the companions of Umar could not keep themselves from weeping and turned back.
    However Umar was bent on humiliating Imam Ali (A.S). He insisted that Imam Ali (A.S) be led to the mosque tied with a rope so that he could not escape.
    The Muslims now saw an amazing sight. The Lion of Allah, the man who was the champion of Badr, Uhud, Khandaq, Khayber and Hunayn, was being led by the cowardly Umar, who had run away from the battle of Uhud when the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) was injured.
    It was a measure of the patience of Imam Ali (A.S) that he did not use force in the interests of Islam. He knew that nothing could be gained by fighting, and a civil war would destroy the Muslims.
    When Imam Ali (A.S) was brought in front of Abu Bakr, Umar insisted that if he did not give the oath of allegiance, he should be killed. Imam Ali (A.S) replied:
    "Will you kill a man who is a servant of the Lord and a brother of the Apostle of the Lord?"
    Umar then turned to Abu Bakr who had remained silent till then, asking him to decide Imam Ali's (A.S) fate. However, Abu Bakr said that so long as Hazrat Fatimah (S.A) was alive, he would not force her husband to give allegiance to him.
    After that Imam Ali (A.S) was released and he went directly to the grave of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) where he stood, reflecting on how the attitude of the people had changed now that his brother had left this world.

    Taken from: Imam Reza.Network

  • The place where the commander of the faithful (A.S) born

    Short clip of place where the commander of the faithful (A.S) born – Kaaba - Mecca

  • Why Imam Hussein (A.S) travel to Iraq?

    When it came to Hussein’s knowledge that Yazid had appointed `Amr ibn Sad ibn Alas. As the head of an army, ordering him to take charge of the pilgrimage caravans and to kill Hussein (A.S) wherever he could find him, he decided to leave Mecca before finishing the pilgrimage and be satisfied with performing only the Umra because he hated that the sanctity of the House might otherwise be violated. (The history of Tabari, Vol. 6, p. 177)

    Ref: "Maqtal al-Hussein; Martyrdom Epic of Imam Hussein (A.S)" by: "Abd al-Razzaq al-Muqarram"

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