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Ashura - Islam Guidance

  • Ali Akbar (A.S), the perfect resemblance of the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P)

    “A Christian man once entered the Mosque of the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P), so the people said “Hey you! You are not allowed to enter the Mosque of the Messenger of Allah, for you are a Christian man, so leave” Thus, he said:” Yesterday, I saw the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P) with the Jesus, son of Mary (S.A), in my dream. So, Jesus said to me: “Embrace Islam by the hands of the Last Prophet, Mohammad son of Abdullah, for he truly is the Prophet of this nation.” I embraced Islam yesterday by his hands and I have come now to renew my Islam by the hands of a man of his household.” Therefore, they took him to Imam Hussain (A.S). He threw himself on the feet of the Imam and started to kiss them and when he calmed down; he narrated his dream to Imam Hussain (A.S) and renewed uttering the two testimonies to him. Thus, the Imam said to him “Do you like me to get you the one who resembles the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P)?” The Christian said “Yes, O Master.” Thus, Hussain (A.S) called for his son Ali Al-Akbar; he was a young child at that time and a veil was placed on his face. They took him to his father and when Al-Hussain lifted the veil off his face, his face’s beauty appeared and his brightness shined. The Christian became astonished and passed out due to the intensity of the brightness of Ali al-Akbar ibn Al-Hussain’s face and the greatness of his beauty and allure. Hence, Al-Hussain said to some of his close companions “Pour water on his face” So, they did and he returned to the way he was. Then, Hussain (A.S) said “He is the one who resembles my grandfather, the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P).” The Christian said:” Yes Indeed! It is as if I saw him with the Jesus (A.S) yesterday.” Hussain (A.S) said “What would you do if you had a son like him and he got hurt, had a fever or was injured by a thorn or had a small cut?” The Christian said:” I will mourn greatly over him, O Master, or I may die!” Thus, Al-Hussain (A.S) said “I foretell you that I will see with my eyes this son of mine cut into pieces by swords”

    [source: Samarat-al-Awad, v 1, p 174]

    Ref: Ashura.com

  • Arbaeen Anniversary of Imam Hussein (A.S)

    We condolence on the Arbaeen anniversary, marking end of a 40-day mourning period after the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein ibn Ali (A.S), the third Imam of prophet Muhammad’s (P.B.U.H&H.P) infallible household.
    Number forty is mystic in Theosophy. According to the Islamic culture if someone practices a good deed constantly during forty days, it would be his inseparable attribute and lead to descending of God’s blessing. In some religions forty days and forty nights praying has been special position.
    When Moses (A.S) prayed forty nights; found the ability to hear the words of God.
    [And remember when we appointed for Moses forty nights, and (in his absence) you took the calf (for worship), and you were polytheists and wrong-doers.] (Holy Quran1:51)
    The holy prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) said:
    If someone devotes him only to god forty days; the springs of wisdom found in his words.
    Commemorating of the fortieth day of deeds by their family and giving alms is one of the common customs among some of the Muslims. The fortieth day of Imam Hussein’s (A.S) martyrdom is called Arbaeen. In this day Shiites commemorate Imam Hussein’s (A.S) revolution. These forty days are a suitable opportunity for people to develop the love of Hussein (A.S) and hate his murderers, in their hearts. Forty consecutive days, from Ashura up to Arbaeen, also is a national ceremony of aversion announcement from oppressors of the history.
    In the first Arbaeen, Jabir Ibn Abdullah and Atieh were the persons who pilgrimaged the holy tombs of Imam Hussein (A.S). According to some narrations, captive family of Imam Hussein (A.S) In the way of returning to Medina from Sham, visited Jabir and pilgrimaged tombs of Ashura"s martyrdoms.

    Ref: Alhassanain.com

  • Ashura and Today

    The uprising of Imam Hussein (A.S) has not only affected the Shiite Islamic societies, but also people of other faiths. We will review some of the important social and individual effects of this movement in the following paragraphs.

    I–Social Effects
    The uprising of Imam Hussein (A.S) and his companions caused a significant effect on the Islamic community of that time as well as those of later centuries. Some of the social effects are:
    - Removal of Ignorance:
    In many narrations and scripts for pilgrimages (Ziarat), the most important social message of this movement is considered to be "fighting against ignorance in the society and people's unawareness." The tyrants of that time had done everything to diminish the limits between right and wrong, and Imam Hussein (A.S) intended to redefine that for the society. This movement not only caused a general awareness in Islamic communities, but also enlightened the non-Muslim communities as well. For instance, some of the representatives of non-Muslim counties in Yazid's palace and some of the monks were deeply affected and eventually were guided on the right path. Indeed, the guidance which is a result of this uprising is still in place and leads many free men to the right path. Further, the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (A.S) and his companions proves the trueness of Islam. The first goal of the movement of Ashura is to bring about awareness in people of reasonable thoughts and behaviors. Obviously if this movement were based exclusively on emotions and taking advantage of people's emotions, then it would not encourage people to refer to their intellect, and it would not lead to general awareness in society.
    - A General Uprising:
    There were a number of uprisings after the movement of Ashura (both in that period of time and in later years) against oppression and tyranny of governments. Among them, the uprising of the people of Medina was one of the most important ones. Those who started the movement were not thinking about victory, but they decided to stand against tyranny as a social duty. There were other Islamic and non-Islamic movements in later years which had the teachings of Karbala in mind. Moreover, there were many religious and non-religious uprisings throughout history which had set their goal to fight against oppression. But most of them had affected their own period of time and not further; or they had taken advantage of people's emotions and were later forgotten. On the contrary, the event of Ashura was not limited to a few years after its taking place; it affected societies from the first day until the present time. Further, the motivation of this movement was divine, unlike other uprisings, and therefore, it calls upon people to rise up against oppression based on divine values and human principles.
    - An Uprising Only for the Sake of Allah Almighty (S.W.T):
    Obviously, the most important and ultimate effect of Imam Hussein's (A.S) uprising, whether socially or individually, is only to act for the sake of Allah Almighty (S.W.T). Imam Hussain (A.S) sacrificed all he had for Allah (S.W.T). He did not even consider victory at the battlefield as a condition to rise up against the oppressive government.
    He told his companions and family on the night before the battle (the night of Ashura) that: "These people have animosity only for me; you can take advantage of the dark and leave. Know that whosoever stays here will be killed tomorrow." Furthermore, in the hardest condition of the day of Ashura, Imam Hussein (A.S) said: "This is easy for me because Allah is watching me."

    II–Individual Effects
    The uprising of Imam Hussein (A.S) affects every individual and constructs a practical path for social improvements. Some of the most important individual improvements are:
    - To practice the commands of Allah (S.W.T) and to abandon sin:
    Whoever benefits from the event of Ashura in any way will receive a sensation of obedience toward Allah (S.W.T) and a unique pleasure in submission to His command. Furthermore, even the act of committing a sin will appear ugly and unpleasant to that individual. However, the extent to which an individual leaves his sinful behavior depends upon his individual capacity for understanding the event of Ashura and Imam Hussein's (A.S) movement. This fact can be seen through individual experiences.
    - Freedom:
    After so many years, one of the quotes of Hussein (A.S) is still remembered – "If you do not believe in religion, at least be free in your world." This saying invites the whole world to practice freedom. The message of Hussein (A.S) continues, and his followers reject submission to oppression. Freedom from enslavement by tyrants or anyone except Allah (S.W.T) is one of the points of Imam Hussein's (A.S) revolution that can be used to realize the true values of Islam in this day and time. Hence, those who are in love with Hussein (A.S), no matter what religion they have, will try to free themselves from misfortune and obedience to anyone except Allah (S.W.T) by following Hussein's (A.S) path.
    - Patience and strength:
    Shiite Muslims and others who think about the events of Ashura have learned from the patience of Imam Hussein (A.S) such that in the most difficult situations of their lives, they remember their beloved leader. Therefore, they remain steadfast and patient in difficulties by remembering the difficulties Hussein (A.S) faced:
    1. Surrounded in the hot desert without any water, and the river blocked for three consecutive days by the enemy.
    2. The killing of his six-month old infant son with an arrow.
    3. The killing and subsequent mutilation of his young son, who was the most similar in looks and moralities to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP).
    Hussein (A.S) never complained and did not stop thanking and remembering Allah (S.W.T). This was the only way his broken heart could be healed.
    Human demands for the teachings of Ashura are not only still on the rise after many centuries, but they are increasing at a fast pace due to the age of technology. One reason is that as humans quickly satisfy their materialistic needs, they feel the need to improve their spiritual capabilities as well. Such development can help them in their lives and take them closer to the goal and purpose of life, that is, perfection and becoming closer to Allah (S.W.T). The event of Ashura, nowadays, has such a critical responsibility. If the people of 1300 years ago could not fully understand what Hussein Ibn Ali (A.S) had accomplished at that time, mankind today has more capability of understanding what Hussein's (A.S) movement was all about. They have more to ponder over at their own level of concentration. By comprehending the philosophy of his movement, humans may be able to do something about the present spiritual problems, such as their routine life and apathy toward their Creator and the Resurrection Day.
    Furthermore, one could contemplate the ceremonies held for the martyrdom of Imam Hussein and Ahl al-Bayt (A.S) (the household of the Prophet (PBUH&HP)) by Shiite communities from a different point of view.
    The human body is totally dependent upon its soul. Unlike the materialistic part of the body, the soul is everlasting. That is why the spiritual connection is deeper and more sophisticated than the physical or materialistic connection. But when does a spiritual connection happen between two distinct individuals? The answer is when they have the same spiritual/divine values. The connection between Shiite Muslims and the household of the Prophet (PBUH&HP) is a spiritual relationship, which is much deeper and stronger than any materialistic relationship. Therefore, the sad the tragic ceremonies that Shiite communities hold are absolutely logical, since their spiritual relationship continues to exist, even though the souls of those martyrs are not in this world. Allah (S.W.T) says: "Do not think of those who are killed in the Way of Allah as dead. Nay, they are alive with their Lord and receive sustenance from Him." (The Holy Quran, 3:169). Thus Shiites have a spiritual connection with their Imams (A.S) even centuries after their martyrdom, since they are alive and a spiritual relationship is independent of time and place.
    For the same reason Shiites cry and commemorate the martyrdom of their beloved Imams (A.S). There is an advantage to their tears. Crying is a good means for increasing the love and care for a beloved one. So, crying and weeping is a result of love and improves that love in its nature. This way the people who sincerely love Allah (S.W.T) and Ahl al-Bayt (A.S) can escalate their spiritual level and get closer to perfection. It is true that weeping is not the only way to improve spirituality, but there lies a hidden point in weeping. The presentation of real love and the proof of a claim of a lover is demonstrated when the lover forgets every other one but his beloved. Indeed weeping fulfills this mission in its best way; it also clears one's mirror of heart and prepares the heart for being influenced by the best humans in all of creation.
    Finally, the remembrance of Ashura and Imam Hussein's (A.S) movement should be undertaken with logic and wisdom at all times. There are many ideological and moral needs, which can be satisfied by understanding his movement, which can lead to improvement of the spiritual life of the human being, as well as avoid any possible superstitions.

    Ref: Roshd magazine

  • Ashura Procession

    Ashura Procession 1438 / 2016 - Karbala, Iraq

  • Ashura Procession in Europe

    Ashura Procession in Europe - London

  • Morgan Freeman attends Ashura ceremony in London

    Morgan Freeman attends Ashura ceremony in London    
    Legendary actor Morgan Freeman attends Ashura commemorations in London. 2016.

  • Mourning for Imam Hussein (A.S)

    Al-Shaykh al-Saduq (the truthful scholar) mentions:
    Muhammad ibn Ali Majiluyeh said: Ali ibn Ibrahim narrated to us from his father from al Rayyan ibn Shabib, He said: I came into the presence of al Reza (A.S) on the first day of Muharram. He said to me: O son of Shabib! Are you fasting? I said: No. So he said: Verily this day is the day on which Zechariah (A.S) called upon his Lord (S.W.T). He said: My Lord! Grant me good offspring from Thee; surely Thou art the Hearer of the prayer. [Sura Ale-Imran, 3:38]. So Allah answered him and ordered the angels to call out to Zechariah (A.S) while he was standing in the mihrab (the prayer-niche), that: Verily Allah gives you the glad-tidings of Yahya. [Sura Ale-Imran, 3:39]. Whoever fasts this day and then calls out to Allah (S.W.T), Allah will respond to him like He responded to Zechariah (A.S).
    Then he said:
    - O son of Shabib! Muharram is the month in which the people of the ignorant (Jahiliyyah) from the past would prohibit oppression and fighting due to its sanctity but this nation did not recognize the sanctity of its month nor the sanctity of its Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P). They killed his offspring in this month and captured his women and plundered his burdens (provisions). So Allah will not forgive them that, ever.
    - O son of Shabib! If you were to cry over anything, then cry over Hussain ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S), for he was slaughtered like the ram is slaughtered. And eighteen men from the people of his house, the like of whom are not to be found on the earth, were murdered with him. The seven heavens and the earths wailed over his killing. Four thousand of the angels descended toward the earth but they found that he had been murdered. So they shall remain disheveled, dusty till the Mahdi rises; then they will be from his helpers. And their slogan is: Vengeance for the blood of Husain!
    - O son of Shabib! My father narrated to me from his father from his grandfather (A.S): Verily when my grandfather, Hussain (A.S) was killed, the sky rained down blood and red dust.
    - O son of Shabib! If you wept over Hussain (A.S) to the extent that your tears came onto your cheeks, Allah will forgive all of your sins which you have committed, minor or major, little or excessive.
    - O son of Shabib! If you take pleasure in meeting Allah (S.W.T) while there is no sin over you, then visit Hussain (A.S).
    - O son of Shabib! If you take pleasure in residing in the erected chamber in Jannah along with the Prophet and his progeny (A.S), then curse the murderer of Hussain.
    - O son of Shabib! If you take pleasure in having a like of the reward of the one who was martyred with Hussain (A.S), then whenever you mention him, say: How I wish I was with them! I would have attained a great victory!
    - O son of Shabib! If you take pleasure in being with us in the highest stages of the Gardens, then grieve over our sorrow and be happy in our happiness. And you must keep to our Wilayah, for verily, were a man to befriend a stone, Allah will raise him with it on the Day of Resurrection.

    Derived from: Wilayat.net

  • The heartbreaking reenactment of the day of days (Ashura) in Karbala Iraq

    Hussain Lives On | Muharram 2016
    The heartbreaking reenactment of the day of days (Ashura) in Karbala Iraq.
    Cinematography & Edited by: Nouri Sardar
    'I Salute & Mourn' recited by: Sayed Ali Radhawi

  • Unite For Hussain

    Unite For Hussain - The 2016 Ashura Day Procession in London

  • Whats Happened In Karbala?

    What Happened In Karbala? The Cartoon

  • Zuhair’s tryst with Imam Hussain (A.S)

    This meeting which proved to be the turning point in Zuhair’s life has been covered by Shaykh Abbas Qummi in ‘Nafasul Mahmoom’ page 180 as also by Tabari in his ‘Tarikh’ vol.  3 page 224.
    Abu Mikhnaf narrates from Sades b. Faraarah that an `Usmaani’ recounted to him thus:
    ‘In one of our journeys with Zuhair b. Qain al-Bajali, we happened to coincide with Hussain b. Ali (A.S). Now, nothing was more repugnant for us than to assemble with the latter at the same place. And Zuhair given his resentment tried to avoid Husain (A.S) in every possible way. However, despite our best efforts and much to our consternation, we ended up with Hussain (A.S) at the same spot. Hussain (A.S) pitched his tents at one side of the road and we on the other side. We had just got started with our food when a messenger from Hussain’s (A.S) side interrupted us. He saluted us and addressed Zuhair:
    Zuhair!  I have been sent by Hussain (A.S) to persuade you to meet him.
    These words of the messenger took us completely by surprise, so much so that we dropped what food we were eating in our astonishment. All of us were loath to go. Dillaam binte Amr, wife of Zuhair, who was a witness to the entire scene exclaimed `Glory be to Allah! Son of the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) wishes to see you and you refuse to go. At least see what Hussain (A.S) has to say.’ Zuhair, heeding this counsel, reluctantly crossed over to Imam Hussain (A.S) side. Before long, he returned looking very grim and solemn. He ordered his tent be relocated next to Imam Hussain (A.S). He turned towards his wife and said “I release you from matrimony. Return to your family. I do not want to be responsible for any distress or misfortune that may befall you”. Then Zuhair declared “I have decided to accompany Hussain (A.S). I will sacrifice my life in order to save him”. He then left his wife in the custody of a relative who would escort her back to her family. Dilham b. Amr stood up, sobbed bitterly and bidding farewell to Zuhair said, “May Allah (the Glorified) help you in your affair and attract only goodness  and  virtues  towards you. My only plea is that you remember me on the Day of Resurrection in front of Hussain’s (A.S) grandfather Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P).” Zuhair then turned towards his companions and declared, “Those of you who still hold me dear may accompany me. The rest may take this as our last meeting.” Subsequently his friends also joined Zuhair in Imam Hussain’s army.

    Ref: Al-Muntazar

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