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Family - Islam Guidance

  • Marriage and its Merits

    Marriage 3

    The family is a small social unit that begins with the union of husband and wife and is fortified with the birth of children. Marriage is a natural need for humans, which is sanctioned by pronouncing the formula of the marriage contract (the marriage vows).

    Islam assigns great importance upon establishing the family and regards it as a holy event. Various Hadith consider family the finest institution in existence. Imam Muhammad Baqir (A.S) has cited from the Prophet of Allah (S.W.T):

        عن أبی جعفر (ع) قال: رسول الله (ص): «ما بُنِي بناء فی الإسلام أحبّ إلی الله عزوجل من التزویج»

    No institution has been established in Islam that is more loved by Allah, the Honored, the Glorified, than marriage.
    [Wasa’il ush-Shi‘ah, vol. 20, p. 15]

    Imam Sadiq (A.S) has cited from the Prophet of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P):

        عن أبی عبدالله (ع) قال: قال رسول الله (ص): «ما من شیء أحبّ إلی الله من بیت یعمر فی الإسلام بالنکاح، و ما من شیء أبغض إلی الله من بیت یخرب فی الإسلام بالفرقه، یعنی الطلاق.»

    Nothing is more loved by Allah than a house that is populated through marriage and nothing is more hated by Allah than a house that is broken through separation (i.e. divorce).
    [Wasa’il ush-Shi‘ah, vol. 20, p. 16]

    Marriage is an invaluable Islamic tradition, the necessity of which the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) and Immaculate Imams (A.S) have emphasized. The commander of the faithful (A.S) has declared:

        قال أمیر المؤمنین (ع): تزوّجوا فإنّ رسول الله (ص) قال: «من أحبّ أن یتّبع سنّتي فإنّ من سنّتي التزویج.»

    Marry because the Prophet of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P) has stated: Those who wish to follow my traditions must know that marriage is one of them.
    [Wasa’il ush-Shi‘ah, vol. 20, p. 17]

    The Prophet of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P) has stated:

        قال رسول الله (ص): «النکاح سنّتي فمن رغب عن سنّتي فليس منّی».

    Marriage is my tradition and whoever forsakes my tradition is not of me.
    [Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 103, p. 220]

    Islam does not regard marriage (and procreation) as an animalistic deed and it does not enjoin its followers to monastic existence and abandonment of marriage. On the contrary, it regards it as a way of purification [tazkiyah] and edification [tahdhib] of the soul, abstinence from sin, and proximity to Allah. Imam Sadiq (A.S) has stated:

        قال أبوعبدالله (ع): «رکعتان یصلّیهما المتزوّج أفضل من سبعین رکعة یصلّیها عزب.»

    Two units (rak‘ats) prayer of a married person is superior to seventy units (rak‘ats) prayer of an unmarried person.
    [Wasa’il ush-Shi‘ah, vol. 20, p. 18]

    The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) has stated:

        قال النّبی (ص): «رکعتان یصلّیهما متزوّج أفضل من رجل عزب یقوم لیله و یصوم نهاره.»

    Two units (rak‘ats) prayer of a married person is superior to the worship of an unmarried man who spends his nights in prayer and his days in fast.
    [Wasa’il ush-Shi‘ah, vol. 20, p. 19]

    Imam Sadiq (A.S) has cited from the Prophet of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P):

        عن أبی عبدالله (ع) قال: قال رسول الله (ع): «رُذّال موتاکم العزّاب.»

    The worst of your dead are those who die without marrying.
    [Wasa’il ush-Shi‘ah, vol. 20, p. 19]

    Taken from: An Introduction to the Rights and Duties of Women in Islam
    Author(s): Ibrahim Amini
    Translator(s): Abuzar Ahmadi

  • Respect your Wife

    A woman is proud of herself just the same as a man would be. She likes to be respected by others. She would get hurt if she were to be insulted or belittled. She feels good when respected and would hate those who try to degrade her.
    Dear Sir! your wife surely expects you to respect her more than others. She has every right to expect her life partner and best friend to care for her.
    She works for you and your children's comfort and thus expects you to value her efforts and to respect her. Honoring her would not belittle you but it would indeed go to prove your love and affection towards her. Therefore, respect her more than others and talk to her politely. Do not interrupt her or shout at her. Call her by respectful and virtuous names. Show your respect when she wants to sit down. When you enter the house, if she forgets to say 'Salam' (greetings), then you should say 'Salam' to her.
    Say 'Good-bye' when leaving your house. Do not lose contact with her when travelling or away from home. Write to her.
    Show your respect for her when in gatherings. Seriously avoid all insults and humiliation. Do not abuse or even jokingly tease her. Do not think that because you are close to her she would not mind you making fun of her. On the contrary she will dislike such an attitude but may not express it.
    All women expect their husbands to respect them and all of them hate insults If some women keep silent before their husbands' humiliations, it is not the proof of their satisfaction.
    If you respect your wife, she will do the same to you and thus your relationship will grow stronger. You would also earn more respect from others. If you maltreat her and she retaliates, it is again your fault and not hers.
    Dear Sir! marrying is not equal to getting a slave. You cannot treat a free person as a slave. Your wife has married you in order to live with you and to share her life with a man whom she loves. She expects the same things from you as you do from her. Therefore treat her in a manner in which you would like to be treated.
    "Imam Sadiq (A.S), quoting his father, stated: 'Whoever marries, must respect his wife'." [Bihar al-Anwar, vol 103, p 224]
    "The Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) of Allah stated: 'Whoever respects a Muslim, Allah would pay him his own respect'." [Ibid, vol 74, p 303]
    "The Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) of Allah also stated: 'None would respect women except the magnanimous ones, and none would insult them except the ignoble ones.' In addition, the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) of Allah stated: 'Whoever insults his family, would lose happiness in his life'." [Mawa iz al-Adadiyyah, p 151]

    Derived from: Principles of Marriage & Family Ethics
    By: Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini

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