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  • 10 Healthy Drinks That Won't Make You Thirsty

    Now the month of Ramadan is approaching towards summer season and there are the hours of fasting have also increased. This Ramadan is in mid of summer season. So you may feel more thirsty as there will be increased sweating. During summer your body gets exhausted and dehydrated due to the loss of body fluids. There is an excessive perspiration when you get involved in outdoor activities. You must maintain the reserves of water and electrolytes in your body to keep yourself fit during Ramadan especially if it is in summer season.

    10 Healthy Beverages
    To Relieve Stress Take a look at some of the best homemade summer drinks for Ramadan.

    1- Butter Milk with Ice
    This is one of the best Ramadan drinks that will not only quench your thirst but will also benefit your body in many ways during summer. Take some curd and put some dried mint leaves, pinch of salt, little honey and mashed strawberries in it. Add some ice cubes and have it chilled at iftar time.

    2- Yoghurt Drink
    Put some water, cumin seeds, ginger slices and a pinch of salt to a cup of yoghurt. Shake and mix it well to make a drink. It is rich in good bacteria (probiotics), antioxidants and electrolytes. It protects your body from various summer infections and also protects you from dehydration.

    3- Lemon and Mint Drink
    Put some mint leaves and lemon slices in a glass of water and boil it for 15 minutes. After cooling add some honey to it. This is one of the best drinks to protect you from summer heat in Ramadan.

    4- Tangy Water
    This is one of the best drinks to have put a cucumber slice, few mint leaves and orange slices in a glass of water. The water gets a tangy flavor and is rich in vitamin C. This healthy drink will also protect you from heat rashes due to its antioxidant properties.

    5- Rose Drink
    Add some saffron and fresh rose petals in water. Boil it for some time and keep it overnight. In the morning add some honey to it and your drink is ready. This is among the best summer drink recipes to have this season.

    6- Cucumber and Musk Melon Drink
    Make a juice out of cucumber and musk melon in a juicer. Put half a teaspoon of honey and salt in it. You can also add some cumin seeds (Zeera) and fresh mint leaves to it. This drink will sooth your body and prevents excessive sweating during Ramadan.

    7- Orange Juice
    Squeeze an orange & add a pinch of salt to it. This drink is rich in vitamin C and electrolytes and will prevent you from getting exhausted and dehydrated. This is one of the best healthy drinks to quench your thirst in Ramadan.

    8- Skimmed Milk
    This drink is rich in proteins and low in calories. It will satisfy your hunger as well as it quenches your thirst during hot summer days. Have some cold skimmed milk during summers to beat the heat. This is an effective summer drink recipe to prevent dehydration in Ramadan.

    9- Watermelon Drink
    Make a watermelon juice & add two teaspoons of lemon juice and a pinch of salt to it. This will be a perfect summer drink for you as it will supply your body with all the essential minerals needed in summer. This works very well as a best energy drink for dehydration.

    10- Green Tea
    Having tea in summer dehydrates your body as it contains caffeine. But green tea is an exception. You can enjoy green tea in summer by adding some lemon juice to it. You can also put some ice cubes in it to make it a cold.

    Derived from: Bold Sky

  • As Ramadan comes to an end stay healthy

    With only a few days left to go in the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims who observe the fast fall into two broad categories.
    Some are so used to the rhythms of fasting that it feels almost natural at this point.
    For others, the final stretch is psychologically and physically the hardest.
    This year poses an even greater challenge, with Ramadan falling during some of the longest and hottest days of the year, requiring a fast of 15 or more hours in some parts of the world.
    The dramatic change from regular eating habits can take a toll on an one’s health and energy, and makes it difficult to keep up a regular fitness regimen.
    But there are ways to turn it around.
    Here are some tips to make a Ramadan fast beneficial, rather than damaging, to your health:
    Eat meals, not feasts
    When the body is starved of food, it burns fat to make energy, which can help shed the pounds.
    But that benefit can be lost with excessive feasting at the post-sundown meal, the iftar.
    Dr. Terry Meriden, an endocrinologist at the Thyroid & Metabolism Clinic in Peoria, Illinois, tells Quartz that it’s important to limit portions, or an opportunity to lose weight could be wasted.
    Although it might seem like the natural reaction to overstuff your stomach when it is finally time to eat, overeating causes discomfort in the abdomen, and pretty much rules out all hopes of being active after eating.
    The same goes for water.
    There is no reason to down your recommended eight glasses as soon as the sun sets.
    Sip, don’t chug, to gently rehydrate.   
    Wake up for the pre-dawn meal
    An integral part of Ramadan is suhur, the traditional pre-dawn meal, but many lack the stomach for a meal in the dark before sunrise.
    Since the month only offers the observant few opportunities to eat and drink, it’s important to use all of them to get through the daylight hours.
    For this meal, eat food that will release energy throughout the day.
    In order to stay full, stick to high-fiber, high-protein foods, with healthy fats such as avocado.
    And it doesn’t hurt to plan ahead. Boil a dozen hardboiled eggs, make smoothie packets to keep in your freezer, bake a batch of bran muffins, or prep some oatmeal with nuts and fruit to make your morning routine a little easier.

    Work out before eating
    When you haven’t consumed food or drink all day, the thought of exercise might sound terrifying.
    But experts say it’s important to maintain an active lifestyle, though they recommend low-intensity workouts.
    Dr. Meriden suggests working out in the pre-dawn hours, before suhur.
    If you’re not an early riser, Nadia Amrikani, a personal trainer at Boston gym Physique who observes the fast, suggests exercising at iftar, after drinking water and eating a portion of complex carbs and veggies—then munching on proteins when you’re done.
    Ramadan also provides an opportunity to switch up workouts to more weight training or interval training, since cutting down cardio is recommended.
    “This gives your body a change from routine and will most likely see definite results,” Amrikani tells Quartz.
    Yoga, Pilates, and swimming are popular choices, since they don’t involve sweating profusely, which makes water cravings intense.
    Light exercise can also help to distract you from thinking constantly about food and drink.

    Eat right and stay hydrated
    Many welcome the opportunity to burn fat, but fasting for a long period of time can eventually make your body break down muscles for energy, which is less desirable.
    To prevent muscle-breakdown, meals should consist of complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and protein to help release energy slowly throughout the day.
    Those foods will also make you feel more full, which is a plus.
    Avoiding caffeine is a good idea, since caffeinated drinks can dehydrate you. Additionally, fasting all day can escalate your sugar cravings, but it’s important not to overindulge in those post-sunset dates or pastry to avoid weight gain.
    “Give your body what it needs, not what it is asking for,” says Amrikani.
    Remind yourself why you’re doing this
    Often forgotten, the annual fast, one of the five pillars of Islam, is also the total commitment of the person’s mind.
    So when the last stretch gets difficult, it is important to remember why you began the fast in the first place.
    The month is a period of self-growth.
    It provides the opportunity to practice self-restraint, cleanse the body and soul of impurities, and build a sense of community.
    It can also offer a sense of solidarity with those who can’t afford food or material goods, and help inspire charitable acts throughout the year.

    This article borrowed from Ahl-ul-Bayt.org

  • Healthy Ramadan: Eat and Live Well

    Fasting during the month of Ramadan can be good to your health if it’s done correctly.
    Benefits of fasting during Ramadan include:
    -    Fasting promotes weight loss
    -    Rests digestive system
    -    Resolves inflammatory diseases and allergies e.g. arthritis and skin conditions such as psoriasis
    -    Reduce blood glucose level
    -    Reduce cholesterol level
    -    Reduce high blood pressure
    -    Increase fat breakdown
    -    Fasting can help overcome addictions such as smoking, caffeine etc.

    Weight loss process
    Stage 1- first response of the body to fasting is the breakdown of glucose for a source of energy.
    Stage 2- When the store of glucose is exhausted, ketosis begins; this is the breakdown of fats to release energy.

    Are there any health risks during fasting?
    -    Heartburn- the thought of food and smell makes the brain to release more acid in the stomach, causing heartburn. Eating fatty food at night increase the risks of developing heartburn.
    -    Poor control of diabetes- if eating excess food.
    -    Headache- caused because of dehydration, hunger, poor sleep, and lack of caffeine.
    -    Dehydration.
    -    Unintentional weight gain.
    -    Stress and anxiety- changes in daily routine can cause stress and anxiety, which can be managed by stress management and relaxation techniques.

    How to avoid unintentional weight gain?
    -    Mix 200mls of hot/warm water with lemon- drink it before eating food, maximum 3 times a week as it can cause stomach ulcers.
    -    Mix Green tea, ginger and peppermint- drink it 1 hour after food. This will help to increase metabolism and therefore aid weight loss.
    -    Calories- remember the calorie content in each meal. The calorie content per day for men should not be more than 2000 and for women 1500.

    You can eat whatever you want, but follow this golden rule please:
    Stage 1- start with dates
    Stage 2- drink milk/juice
    Stage 3- pray
    Stage 4- eat a plate full of salad/vegetables
    Stage 5- start with your main meal: carbohydrates, proteins, fats etc.
    Note: by the time you reach stage 5, the stomach is almost 80% full, therefore you won’t eat that much of the high calorie food.

    Dates and juices
    They are good source of sugars. They are sufficient to bring low blood glucose level to normal level. Dates are considered the best source of quick energy in the form of sugar as they contain many important minerals such as magnesium, phosphorous, zinc, potassium, calcium, iron, selenium, fiber, vitamin B and Vitamin K. The mineral content of dates is good for red blood cells, bones, teeth and blood clotting.

    -    Dehydration can be avoided by drinking water, fluids, tea, milk etc.
    -    Eat fresh fruits and vegetables
    -    On average 6 cups of water plus fruits and vegetables is enough to keep a person well hydrated during Ramadan.

    Pharmacist Advice
    -    Any form of physical activity during Ramadan is good and healthy.
    -    Walking every day for 10 minutes is very good for the blood circulation.
    -    When visiting mosques - if travelling by car, try to park the car in a nearby location and walk for 10 minutes to your destination. If travelling by bus or train get off one stop before your actual destination.
    -    Suhur time- avoid eating carbohydrates if possible, it can cause sleep disturbance and dry mouth in the morning. Recommended food: cereals, milk and fruits.
    -    Tea- use brown sugar instead of white sugar, avoid artificial sweeteners as they are associated with kidney/liver dysfunctions and some cancers.
    -    Avoid fizzy drinks as they are rich in calories including the diet products.
    This article borrowed from Aim Islam.

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