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Back You are here: Home Eternal Words Nahj al-Balaghah Sayings saying - 321 to 340

saying - 321 to 340

321. When Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib, peace be upon him came to Basrah, he sent Anas ibn Malik to Talhah and az-Zubayr to make them recall what he (Anas) himself had heard the Messenger of Allah (p.b.u.h.) saying concerning them both, but he avoided doing so. When he came back to Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib (p.b.u.h.), he said that he had forgotten that matter. Thereupon, Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib (p.b.u.h.) said: “If you are speaking a lie, Allah will afflict you with white spots (leucoderm) which even the turban may not cover.”

Sayyid ar-Razi says: “White spot means leucoderma. After sometime this disease did occur to Anas’s face, so much so that he was never seen with his face uncovered.”

322. Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib, peace be upon him said: Sometimes the hearts advance [towards their Creator] and sometimes they retreat. When they advance, get them to perform the optional [acts of worship] (as well). But when they retreat, keep them confined to only what is obligatory.

323. Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib, peace be upon him said: The Qur’an contains news about the past, foretelling about the future and commandments for the present.

324. Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib, peace be upon him said: Throw a stone in return from where one comes to you because evil can be met only with evil.

325. Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib, peace be upon him said to his secretary ‘Ubaydullah ibn Aba Rafi‘: Put cotton flake in the ink pot, keep the nib of your pen long, leave some space between the lines and close up the letters because this is good for the beauty of the writing.

326. Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib, peace be upon him said: I am the ya‘sab (leader) of the believers, while wealth is the leader of the wicked.

Sayyid ar-Razi says: “It means that the believers follow me while the wicked follow the path that take them to wealth and riches just as the bees follow their ‘ya`sub’, their leader.”

327. Some Jews said to Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib, peace be upon him: “You did not bury your Prophet when you picked up differences about him.” It is then that Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib (p.b.u.h.) replied thus: “We did not differ about him; we differed after him (i.e. about his succession). You had not dried up your feet yet, having come out of the river, when you began asking your Prophet: ‘Make you for us a god as they have gods of their own.’ Said he; ‘Verily you are a people behaving ignorantly’ (Qur’an, 7:138).”

328. Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib, peace be upon him was asked: “With what did you overpower your adversaries?” He answered: “Whenever I confronted one of them, he helped me against himself.”

Sayyid ar-Razi says: “Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib (p.b.u.h.) is pointing out his striking of awe in the hearts.”

329. Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib, peace be upon him said to his son Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyyah: “O my son! I fear lest destitution overtakes you. So, you should seek Allah’s protection from it because destitution is [an indication of] a deficiency in religious beliefs, perplexity of intelligence, and it is conducive to hatred of obstinate people.”

330. Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib, peace be upon him replied to a man who had asked him a difficult question with the following: Ask me for understanding but do not ask for confusion because the ignorant person who tries to learn is like the learned man, but the learned man who tries to create confusion is like the ignorant.

331. ‘Abdullah ibn `Abbas once advised Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib, peace be upon him against his views, so the Imam (p.b.u.h.) said: You have only to advise me, but then I have to see (what to do), and if I act against your advice, you have to follow me.

332. Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib, peace be upon him returned to Kufah from Siffin, he passed by the residences of the Shibamites (who belonged to the tribe of Shibam) and heard their women mourning those killed in Siffin. At that time, a Shibamite, namely Harb ibn Shurahbil ash-Shibami, who was one of the nobles of those people, went to him. Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib (p.b.u.h.) said to him: “Do your women have control over you as regarding the weeping that I hear? Do you not refrain them from such crying?” Harb began to walk with him while Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib (p.b.u.h.) was on horseback, so Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib (p.b.u.h.) said to him: “Get back because the walking of a man like you with one like me is mischief for the ruler and a disgrace for the believer.”

333. Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib, peace be upon him passed by the dead bodies of the Kharijites on the day of the battle of Nahrawan and said: “Woe unto you! You have been harmed by him who deceived you.” He was asked: “O Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib (p.b.u.h.)! Who deceived them?” He replied: “Satan, the deceiver, and the inner self [nafs] that leads one to evil deceived them through passions. It made it easy for them to get into sins, promised them victory and eventually threw them into the Fire.”

334. Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib, peace be upon him said: Beware of disobeying Allah in solitude because the Witness (of that situation) is also the Judge.

335. When the news of the killing of Muhammad ibn Aba Bakr reached Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib, peace be upon him, he said: Our grief over him is as great as their (i.e. the enemy’s) joy for it, except that they have lost an enemy and we have lost a friend.

336. Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib, peace be upon him said: The age up to which Allah accepts any excuse for a human being is sixty years.

337. Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib, peace be upon him said: One whose sin overpowers him is never victorious, and whoever secures victory by evil means is (in fact) vanquished.

338. Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib, peace be upon him said: Allah, the Glorified One, has fixed the livelihood of the destitute in the wealth of the rich. Consequently, whenever a destitute remains hungry, it is because some rich person has denied (him his share). Allah, the Sublime, will question them [the rich] about it.

339. Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib, peace be upon him said: Not to be in need of putting forth an excuse is better than putting forth a true excuse.

340. Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib, peace be upon him said: The least right of Allah on you is that you should not make use of His favors in committing His sins.

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