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Back You are here: Home Eternal Words Nahj al-Balaghah Letters letter63 - To Abu Musa (`Abdullah ibn Qays) al-Ash`ari, Governor of Kufah when Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib, Peace be Upon Him learned that he was dissuading the people of Kufah from joining the forces to fight the battle of Jamal when Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib,

letter63 - To Abu Musa (`Abdullah ibn Qays) al-Ash`ari, Governor of Kufah when Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib, Peace be Upon Him learned that he was dissuading the people of Kufah from joining the forces to fight the battle of Jamal when Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib,

From the servant of Allah, Ali ibn Aba Talib, to `Abdullah ibn Qays:
I have come to know of words uttered by you which go in your favor as well as against you. So, when my messenger reaches you, prepare yourself and get ready, come out of your den and call upon those who are with you. Then, if you are convinced of the truth, get up. But if you feel cowardly, go away. By Allah, you will be caught wherever you may be and you will not be spared till you are completely upset and everything about you is scattered and till you are shaken from your seat. Then, you will fear from your front as you do from the rear.
What you hope for is not a light matter; it is a serious calamity. We have to ride its camels, overcome its difficulties and level its mountains. Set your mind in order, take a grip on your affairs and acquire your (lot and your) share. If you do not like it, go away to where neither you are welcome nor can you escape. It is better that you be left alone and lie sleeping. Then no one will inquire where is so-and-so. By Allah, this is the case of right with the rightful person, and we do not care what the heretics do, and that is the end of the matter.

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