
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Back You are here: Home Eternal Words Nahj al-Balaghah Letters letter34 - To Muhammad Ibn Aba Bakr on Coming to Know That He Had Assumed the Position of (Malik) Al-Ashtar as Governor of Egypt after the Latter Had Died on His Way to Egypt

letter34 - To Muhammad Ibn Aba Bakr on Coming to Know That He Had Assumed the Position of (Malik) Al-Ashtar as Governor of Egypt after the Latter Had Died on His Way to Egypt

I have come to know of your anger at the status quo of al-Ashtar, but I did not do so because of any shortcoming on your part or to get you to increase your responsibilities. But when I take away what was under your authority, I will place you in a status which will then be less exhausting and more attractive to you.
The man whom I have made Governor of Egypt was my well-wisher and very harsh and vengeful towards our enemies. May Allah have mercy on him since he has finished his days and met his death. I am quite pleased with him. May Allah, too, accord him His pleasure and multiply his rewards. Now get ready for your enemy and act according to your intelligence. Prepare to fighting one who fights you and call to the path of Allah. Seek Allah’s help earnestly. If Allah wills, He will assist you in what worries you and help you with what befalls upon you.

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