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Back You are here: Home Eternal Words Nahj al-Balaghah Letters letter9 - To Mu`awiyah

letter9 - To Mu`awiyah

Our people (the tribesmen of Quraish) decided to kill our Prophet (p.b.u.h.) and to uproot us. They caused us many worries, behaved with us harshly, denied us the ease of life, exposed us to fear, forced us to seek refuge in a rugged mountain and ignited for us the flames of war.
Allah then gave us determination to protect His religion and defend His honor. The believers among us expected (heavenly) rewards from so doing, and the unbelievers among us gave their support because of kinship. Those who accepted Islam from among the tribesmen of Quraish were away from the distresses in which we were involved either because of a pledge that protected them or because of the tribe that would rise to support them. They were, therefore, safe from being killed. The way with the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) was that when fighting became fierce and people began to lose ground, he would send forward members of his family and through them protect his companions from the attacks with swords and spears. In this way, `Ubaydah ibn al-Harith was killed on the Day of Badr, Hamzah (ibn `Abdul-Muttalib) on the Day of Uhud, and Ja`far (ibn Aba Talib) on the Day of Mu’tah. One more person, whom I can name if I wish, desired to seek martyrdom as they did, but their deaths approached, while his had not.
How strange it is that I am being grouped with him who never had a briskness of pace like mine, nor had he, to his credit, any achievement like mine unless he claims something of which I do not know. In any case, all praise belongs to Allah.
As regarding your request to hand over to you the murderers of `Othman, I have contemplated over this matter and I do not find that handing them over to you or to someone else is possible for me. By my life, if you do not give up your wrong ways and disruptive deeds, you would surely know them. They would shortly be seeking you and would not give you the trouble of seeking them on land, sea, mountains or plains. But this search would be painful for you and their visit would not give you happiness. Peace be on those whoever deserves it.

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