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Back You are here: Home Eternal Words Nahj al-Balaghah Letters Letter6 - To Mu`awiyah (ibn Aba Sufyan)

Letter6 - To Mu`awiyah (ibn Aba Sufyan)

Verily, those who swore allegiance to Aba Bakr, `Umar and `Othman have sworn allegiance to me on the same basis on which they swore allegiance to them. Whoever was present had no choice (to consider), and whoever was absent had no right to reject, and consultation was confined to the Muhajiran and the Ansar. If they agree on an individual and take him to be the Caliph, it will be deemed to imply seeking Allah’s pleasure. If anyone keeps away by way of demonstrating his objection or for innovation, they will return him to the status from where he kept away. If he refuses, they will fight him for following a course other than that of the believers, and Allah will put him back from where he had run away.
By my life, O Mu`awiyah, if you see with your brain without any passion, you will find me the most innocent of all with regard to `Othman’s blood, and you will surely know that I was in seclusion from him, unless you conceal what is quite open to you. Then you may commit an outrage (on me) as you like, and that is the end of the matter.

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