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Selected Sermons, Letters and Sayings
of Amir al-Mu’minin Ali ibn Aba Talib, Peace be Upon Him

List of articles in category Sermons
Title Hits
SERMON 202 - What Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib, Peace be Upon Him Said on the Occasion of the Burial of the Supreme Lady, Fatima, Peace be Upon Her, While Addressing the Holy Prophet, Peace be Upon Him at His Grave Hits: 1567
SERMON 201 - One Should Not Be Afraid of the Scarcity of Those Who Tread on the Right Path Hits: 1054
SERMON 200 - Treason and Treachery of Mu`awiyah and the Fate of Those Guilty of Treason Hits: 864
SERMON 199 - Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib, Peace be Upon Him Advising His Companions about Prayers Hits: 1044
SERMON 198 - Allah’s Attribute of Omniscience Hits: 1058
SERMON 197 - Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib’s Attachment to the Holy Prophet, Peace be Upon Him and His Progeny, Performance of Funeral Rites for Him, Peace be Upon Him Hits: 1072
SERMON 196 - The Condition of the World at the Time of the Proclamation of Prophethood, the Transience of this World and the State of its Inhabitants Hits: 1133
SERMON 195 - Praising Allah, Advising about Fear of Allah and Providing Details about the Day of Judgment Hits: 1002
SERMON 194 - Describing the Hypocrites Hits: 1048
SERMON 193 - It is related that a companion of Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib, Peace be Upon Him called Hamman, who was a man devoted to worship, and said to him, “O Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib! Describe to me the pious men in such a way as though I see them.” Imam Hits: 1619
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