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Back You are here: Home Eternal Words Nahj al-Balaghah Sermons SERMON 197 - Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib’s Attachment to the Holy Prophet, Peace be Upon Him and His Progeny, Performance of Funeral Rites for Him, Peace be Upon Him

SERMON 197 - Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib’s Attachment to the Holy Prophet, Peace be Upon Him and His Progeny, Performance of Funeral Rites for Him, Peace be Upon Him

Those companions of Muhammad (p.b.u.h.), the custodians (of the Divine messages), know that I never disobeyed Allah or His Messenger at all and by virtue of the courage with which Allah honored me, I supported him with my life on occasions when even the brave turned away and feet lagged behind.
When the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) died, his head was on my chest and his (last) breath blew over my palms, and I passed it over my face. I performed his funeral ghusul (ceremonial bath), may Allah bless him and his descendants, and the angels helped me. The house and the courtyard were full of them. One party of them was descending while another was ascending. My ears continually caught their humming voice, as they invoked Allah’s blessing on him, till we buried him in his grave. Thus, who can have greater rights with him than I during his life or after his death? Therefore, depend on your enemy because I swear by the One Who is such that there is no god but He, that I am on the path of truth and that they (the enemy) are on the misleading path of wrongdoing. You hear what I say and I seek Allah’s forgiveness for myself and for you.

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