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Back You are here: Home Eternal Words Nahj al-Balaghah Sermons SERMON 86 - About Getting Ready for the next World and Following Allah’s Commandments

SERMON 86 - About Getting Ready for the next World and Following Allah’s Commandments

Allah knows hidden matters and is aware of inner feelings. He encompasses everything. He has control over everything and power over everything. Everyone of you should do whatever he has to do during his days of life before the approach of death. In its leisure before his occupation and during the breathing of his breath before it is overtaken by suffocation, he should provide for himself and his journey and should collect provisions from his place of halt for his place of stay.
So remember Allah, O people! about what He has asked you in His Book to take care of and about His rights that He has entrusted to you. Verily, Allah has not created you in vain nor left you unbridled nor let you alone in ignorance and gloom. He has defined what you should leave behind, taught you your acts, ordained your death and sent down the Book (Holy Qur’an) explaining everything (Holy Qur’an, 16: 89). He has made His Prophet (p.b.u.h.) live among you for a long time till He completed for him and for you a message sent through the Holy Qur’an namely the religion liked and clarified through him His good and evil acts, His prohibitions and His commands.
He placed before you His arguments and exhausted his excuses upon you. He put forth to you His promises and warned you of severe retribution. You should, therefore, make full atonement during your remaining days and let yourselves practice endurance in these days. These days are fewer as against the many days during which you have shown obliviousness and heedlessness towards admonition. Do not allow time to yourselves because it will put you on the path of wrong-doers and do not be easy-going because this will push you towards sinfulness.
O servants of Allah! The best advise for himself is he who is the most obedient to Allah and the most deceiving for himself is he who is the most disobedient to Allah. Deceived is he who deceived his own self. Enviable is he whose faith is safe. Fortunate is he who takes lessons from others, while unfortunate is he who falls victim to his desires. You should know that even the smallest hypocrisy is like believing in more than one Allah and keeping company of people who follow their desires is the key to obliviousness from religion and is the seat of Satan.
Be on your guard against falsehood because it is contrary to faith. A truthful person is on the height of salvation and dignity, while the liar is on the edge of ignominy and degradation. Do not be jealous because jealousy eats away faith just as fire eats away dried wood. Do not bear malice because it is a scraper (of virtues). And know that desires make one forgetful and make memory oblivious. You should falsify desire because it is a deception and he who has desires is in deceit.

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