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The City (al-Balad) -90


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 90
90 Al-Balad

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752 KB 00:01:35

In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. Nay! I swear by the city (Mecca)!
2. While you (Muhammad) are settled in this city!
3. And (by) the begetter (Adam), and by whom he begot (mankind),
4. That indeed We have created man (to dwell) amidst hardship.
5. Did he think that none has power over him?
6. He says: “I have wasted an enormous wealth!”
7. Does he think that none sees him?
8. Did We not make for him his two eyes?
9. A tongue, and two lips?
10. And We showed him the two paths (of goodness and evil).
11. But he did not strive to (cross over the) steep ascent;
12. (But) what would make you know what the steep ascent is?
13. (It is) the freeing of a slave or a captive,
14. Or the feeding on a hungry day-
15. Of an orphaned kin,
16. Or the poor man who lies in the dust,
17. Besides this, to be of those who believe and enjoin steadfastness on each other, and enjoin mercy.
18. These are the people of the right hand,
19. And those who disbelieve in Our signs are the people of the left hand,
20. On whom the Fire shall close in.

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