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He Frowned (Abasa) -80


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 80
80 ‘Abasa (He Frowned!)

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. He frowned and turned away,
2. Because the blind man came to him;
3. And what makes you know that he might cleanse himself?
4. Or he is warned and avails himself of the warning?
5. As for him who thinks himself independent (on account of being wealthy),
6. To him do you attend,
7. It shall be no blame on you if he did not cleanse himself,
8. But as to him who comes to you striving in earnest,
9. And he fears (at heart),
10. To him should you be indifferent,
11. Nay! But it (Qur’an) shall be a reminder;
12. So let those who please keep it in mind.
13. Written in the books greatly honoured,
14. Exalted with elevation, purified,
15. In the hands of the emissary angels,
16. Noble, virtuous.
17. Cursed be man; how ungrateful he is!
18. Of what did He create him?
19. Of a seminal drop; He created him, then He fixed his measure,
20. Then He made the way (for him) easy,
21. Then He causes him to die, and gets him buried,
22. Then when He wills, He will again raise him (to life).
23. Nay! He has not fulfilled what He bade him.
24. Then let man look at his food:
25. It was We Who poured down [rain]water in abundant pouring,
26. Then We cleft the earth with a (necessary) cleaving,
27. Then We caused grain to grow therein,
28. And grapes and vegetables,
29. Olives and palms,
30. And gardens enclosed, thick with trees,
31. And fruits and herbage,
32. A provision for you and your cattle.
33. But when the deafening trumpet blast comes,
34. That Day man will flee from his own brother,
35. From his mother and his father,
36. And from his wife and offspring,
37. For every man of them on that Day will have a concern enough to make him heedless (of all others).
38. (Some) faces on that Day shall be radiant,
39. Joyously laughing,
40. And (other) faces on that Day shall (look like) dust,
41. Darkness shall cover them,
42. These are they who are the disbelievers, the wicked.

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