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The Snatchers (an-Nazi’aat) -79


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 79
79 An-Nazi‘at

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. Those who drag forth violently,
2. And those who untie (the knot) briskly,
3. And those who glide on swiftly,
4. Then those who go ahead with a foremost speed,
5. Then those who manage the affairs (as commanded),
6. On the day when the quake shall be quaking,
7. The (second) trumpet shall follow the quake,
8. Hearts on that day shall palpitate;
9. Their eyes shall be cast down.
10. They shall say: “Are we indeed to be restored to our first (state)?
11. “Even when we are rotten bones?”
12. They said: “That will then be a return in vain.”
13. Verily it shall be but a single (violent) blast,
14. When lo! They shall all be in the awakened state.
15. Has not the story of Moses come to you?
16. Behold! His Lord called him in the holy valley of Tuwa:
17. - “Go to Pharaoh! Verily he has transgressed the bounds,
18. “And say (to him): `Have you (any desire) to cleanse yourself?
19. “`And I will guide you to your Lord, so that you may fear Him.”`
20. And he showed him the greatest sign,
21. But he falsified and disobeyed,
22. Then he turned his back in haste,
23. And gathered people and proclaimed,
24. And said: “I am your lord, the most high!”
25. So God seized him with the chastisement of the hereafter and of the life before.
26. Verily in this there is a lesson to him who fears (God).
27. Are you the harder to create or the heavens He built?
28. He raised its heights and established it,
29. And He darkened its night, and brought its moonlight forth,
30. And afterwards He stretched forth the earth,
31. He brought forth from it its water and pasturage,
32. And set the mountains firm,
33. A provision for you and your cattle.
34. When the great calamity comes,
35. It is then that man shall recollect all that he strove for,
36. And Hell shall be displayed to him who sees,
37. As for him who has transgressed the bounds,
38. And preferred the life of this world,
39. Then verily Hell shall be his abode,
40. As for him who fears the standing of his Lord, and forbids himself from following his inclination,
41. The garden shall then be his abode.
42. They ask you of the Hour, “Whereto its anchorage?”
43. Wherein are you of its motion?
44. To your Lord (alone) is its termination!
45. You (Muhammad) are only a warner to him who fears it.
46. It shall seem to them on the day when they see it as though they tarried not in (their graves) but an evening, or till the following morning.

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