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Time Or Man (ad-Dahr) -76


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 76
76 Al-Insan

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. Has there been any period to pass when man was nothing, unmentioned?
2. Surely We created man of a life-drop of intermingled life germ, so that We might put him to trial, and We endowed him with hearing and sight.
3. Surely We have shown him the (right) Way, be he grateful or ungrateful.
4. Surely We have prepared chains for the disbelievers and shackles, and a flaming fire.
5. Surely the righteous shall drink of a cup tempered at the fountain of Camphor [Kawthar].
6. The fountain whereof the servants of God shall drink; they shall cause it to flow to a desirable measure.
7. Those who fulfill their vows and fear the day the woe of which stretches far and wide.
8. And they give away food out of love for Him to the poor man, the orphan, and the captive,
9. (Saying): “We feed you only for God’s sake; we seek no recompense nor thanks from you.
10. “Surely we dread from our Lord a stern day of distress.”
11. So did God protect them against the evil of that day and caused them to meet beauty and (blissful) pleasure;
12. And He rewarded them, for what they patiently persevered, with a garden and silk-wear,
13. Reclining therein on elevated couches. They shall find no sun[heat] therein, nor any chill.
14. And close low over them (shall be) its shades, and the clustered fruits thereof (shall be) bowing down;
15. And shall pass round among them vessels of silver and goblets of crystal (glass),
16. Bright as glass, made of silver, measure they to a well- measure.
17. They shall be supplied with the drink therein of a cup, tempered with Zanjabil (ginger).
18. A spring therein is named Salsabil,
19. And around them in their service shall be boys (graced) with eternal youth; when you see them, you will deem them scattered pearls.
20. And when you behold there, you shall behold bounties (abundant), and a kingdom magnificent.
21. Upon them shall be robes of fine green silk and rich brocade, and they shall be adorned with bracelets of silver, and their Lord gives them to drink a pure and holy drink.
22. - “Surely this is to you a reward, and your endeavour is accepted (with appreciation).
23. Verily We ourselves have sent down to you (Muhammad) the Qur’an in a proper revelation;
24. Await, then, with patience, for the Command of your Lord, and do not obey any sinner or an ungrateful one among them.
25. And remember the name of your Lord at morn and at eve,
26. And during a part of the night, prostrate in obeisance to Him, and celebrate His Praise a long night through.
27. Surely these people love the present fleeting life, putting away behind them the day which shall be hard.
28. We have Ourselves created them, and made their parts strong, and if We will, We can replace them with the like of them.
29. Surely this is a reminder; so whomsoever pleases, let him take the (right) Way to his Lord.
30. And you do not wish save only if God wishes; verily God is all-Knowing, all-Wise.
31. He admits whomsoever He wills into His mercy, and (as for) the unjust ones, He has prepared for them a painful torment.

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