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The Cloaked One (Al-Muddathir) -74


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 74
74 Al-Muddaththir

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. O you (i.e. Muhammad) who is covered under the mantle (i.e. Muhammad)!
2. Arise and warn!
3. And glorify your Lord!
4. And purify your raiment!
5. And shun every kind of abomination!
6. And bestow no favours (expecting) that you may receive them back increased;
7. And for (the sake of) your Lord (endure) in patience;
8. For when the trumpet is sounded.
9. That shall be the Day of distress,
10. To the disbelievers nothing easy.
11. Leave Me (to deal with) him whom I created alone;
12. And to whom I granted wealth in abundance,
13. And offspring abiding in his presence,
14. And to whom I made (life) adjustably smooth,
15. And yet he desires that I should further add!
16. Never! For he was a foe to Our signs,
17. Soon will I afflict him with a severe punishment.
18. Surely he thought and estimated,
19. But may he be ruined how he estimated,
20. May he again be ruined how he estimated!
21. Then he looked around,
22. Then he frowned and scowled,
23. Then he turned his back and swelled in pride!
24. Then he said: “This is naught but the sorcery of old!
25. “This is naught but the word of a human being!”
26. Soon will I cast him into Hell;
27. And what will make you realize what Hell is?
28. It leaves out none, nor does it spare;
29. It shrivels the human body;
30. Above it are nineteen (guardians);
31. We have made no guardians for the Fire other than angels, and We have made their number but a trial for those who disbelieve, that certainly those who have been given the Book may be certain, and it may increase those who believe in faith, so that those who have been given the Book, and the believers, may not doubt therein, and that those in whose hearts there is distress, and the disbelievers, may say: “What does God mean by this similitude?” Thus does God allow whomsoever He pleases to stray, and He guides whom He pleases. None knows the hosts of God save He Himself. This is naught but a reminder to man.
32. Nay! By the moon!
33. And by the night when it retreats!
34. And by the morn when it brightens!
35. Surely it (Hell) is one of the grievous woes!
36. A warning to mankind,
37. To him among you who desires to go forward (in goodness) or to remain behind:
38. Every soul is pawned to what it earned,
39. Save the people of the right,
40. In gardens shall they all be asking each other-
41. About the guilty ones:
42. - “What has brought you into Hell?”
43. They shall say: “We were not among those who offered regular prayers,
44. “And we used not to feed the poor,
45. “And we used to talk vanities with vain talkers,
46. “And we used to falsify the Day of Judgment;
47. “Till the certain (death) came upon us.”
48. So the intercession of intercessors shall not (now) avail them.
49. What has happened to them that they turn aside from the warning?
50. As if they were frightened donkeys,
51. Fleeing before a lion,
52. Nay! Everyone of them wishes that he may be given (the heavenly Book) in open pages spread out;
53. Nay! They do not fear the hereafter!
54. Nay! Surely it is a reminder;
55. So, whosoever pleases may heed it;
56. They will not heed it unless God pleases! He is worthy to be feared, and He is worthy to be sought as the refuge.

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