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The Beneficient (Ar-Rahman) -55


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 55
55 Ar-Rahman

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. (God is) the Beneficent,
2. He taught the Qur’an;
3. He created man;
4. He taught him (the power of) expression;
5. The sun and the moon follow the (prescribed) timings,
6. And the herbs and trees prostrate in obeisance,
7. And the heavens He raised high, and placed the scales,
8. So that you may not transgress the scales,
9. And you may maintain the measure with justice and do not cut the scale short.
10. And the earth He has made for (His living) creatures.
11. Therein is fruit and palms having sheathed clusters.
12. And corn with leaves and stalks, and with sweet-smelling herbs;
13. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) reject?
14. He created man from dry clay like that of earthen vessels,
15. And He created the jinn of a flame of fire.
16. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) reject?
17. Lord of the two easts and the two wests;
18. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) reject?
19. He has let loose the two seas that they may flow together, meeting each other.
20. Between them He has caused a barrier, that they may not encroach one upon the other;
21. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) reject?
22. Pearls and corals come forth out of the twain;
23. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) reject?
24. And His are the ships towering up at the sea like mountains,
25. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) reject?
26. Everyone upon its (earth’s) face shall perish,
27. But forever will the Face of your Lord, the Glorious, the Gracious, remain.
28. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) reject?
29. All those in the heavens and the earth beseech Him; every day He is in a (new) splendorous manifestation.
30. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) reject?
31. Soon will We attend to you, O you two groups (man and jinn).
32. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) reject?
33. O people of the jinn and humans! If you can penetrate the bounds of the heavens and the earth, then do penetrate through them, but you cannot do so except with (Our) authority.
34. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) reject?
35. On you both shall the flames of fire and molten brass be sent, then you shall not be able to protect yourselves.
36. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) reject?
37. And when the firmament is rent asunder, becoming red like tanned hide.
38. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) reject?
39. And on that Day, no man or jinn shall be asked of his sin;
40. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) reject?
41. The guilty ones shall be recognized by their marks, and they shall be seized by their forelocks and feet.
42. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) reject?
43. This is Hell in which the guilty ones used to disbelieve.
44. They shall run between it and boiling water;
45. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) reject?
46. And for him who fears the time of standing before his Lord are two gardens.
47. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) reject?
48. With over-branching trees.
49. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) reject?
50. In both of them are two fountains flowing.
51. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) reject?
52. In each of them are two kinds of every fruit.
53. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) reject?
54. Reclining on beds, the inner coverings of which are silk brocades; the fruit of the gardens shall be nigh.
55. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) reject?
56. Therein shall be damsels with retiring glances whom no human nor jinn had ever touched before.
57. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) reject?
58. As though they were rubies and pearls.
59. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) rejec60. Is the recompense for good any but good?
61. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) reject?
62. And besides these (two) are two other gardens.
63. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) reject?
64. Dark green in colour.
65. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) reject?
66. In them both are two springs gushing forth.
67. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) reject?
68. In both are fruits, palms, and pomegranates.
69. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) reject?
70. In them are virtuous women, beautiful ones.
71. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) reject?
72. Fair ones, restrained, in pavilions.
73. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) reject?
74. No human being nor jinn had ever touched them before.
75. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) reject?
76. Reclining on green cushions and beautiful carpets.
77. Which, then, of the bounties of your Lord will you twain (man and jinn) reject?
78. Hallowed is the name of your Lord, Lord of Glory and Grace!

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