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The Mountain (At-Tur) -52


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 52
52 At-Tur (The Mount)

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. By Mountain Tur (of Sinai),
2. And a written Book,
3. On a lustrous parchment outstretched,
4. And by the House populated with frequent worshippers.
5. And by the Roof elevated,
6. And by the sea boiling,
7. Verily the chastisement of your Lord shall indeed come to pass,
8. There is none to repel it.
9. On the day when the heavens reels a (terrible) reeling,
10. And the mountains fly here and there;
11. Woe then on that day unto those who reject the truth,
12. Those who play in vain sport;
13. The day on which they shall be driven to Hell-fire with a violent drive.
14. - “This is the Fire in which you used to disbelieve.
15. “Is it sorcery then? Or do you see it not?
16. “Enter into it then, and be patient or impatient, alike it shall be to you; certainly you shall be recompensed for what you used to do.”
17. Verily the pious shall be in the gardens amidst bounties,
18. Rejoicing in what their Lord gave them, and their Lord saved them from the chastisement of Hell.
19. - “Eat and drink in health and delight for what you used to do.”
20. Reclining on thrones ranged. And We shall unite them with pure maidens, with large, lustrous (lovely) eyes.
21. And We shall unite those who believe with their progeny who follow them in faith and will lessen naught of their (good) deeds; every man shall be responsible for what he has wrought.
22. And We will provide them with fruits and meat of what they desire.
23. They shall pass therein to one another a cup wherein there shall be no vanity nor sin.
24. Youths like imbedded pearls shall go around them (serving).
25. And some shall advance to each other making mutual inquiries.
26. They will say: “Verily we feared before this in regard to our families,
27. “But God has bestowed His grace upon us, and He has saved us from the chastisement of the scorching wind;
28. “Verily we used, before this, to call upon Him; He is the Benign, the Most Merciful.”
29. So remind them (O Muhammad), for you are, by the grace of your Lord, neither a soothsayer nor a madman.
30. Or do they say (about you): “A poet! Let us wait for him (in anticipation of) a fatal adversity (drawn) by time.”
31. Say (O Muhammad): “You wait, and indeed so do I, too, wait with you.”
32. Or is it that their deliberations bid them do this, or are they an inordinate people?
33. Or do they say: “He has forged it (Qur’an)”? Nay! They do not believe.
34. Let them then bring a discourse like it, if they are truthful.
35. Or were they created by nothing? Or are they themselves the creators?
36. Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Nay! They have no certainty.
37. Or are the treasures of your Lord with them, or do they hold absolute authority?
38. Or is there for them a ladder whereby they can listen (to the angels)?
39. Or are daughters His and sons yours?!
40. Or do you ask them for any recompense (so much so) that they are burdened with the weight of debt?
41. Or is the unseen with them and they write it down?
42. Or do they intend to lay snares for you? But those who disbelieve are themselves the snared ones.
43. Or is there a god for them other than God? Hallowed is God from what they associate with Him.
44. And if they see a portion of the heavens coming down, they say: “Clouds piled up.”
45. Leave them then until they encounter the day of theirs wherein they shall be smitten (with terror) to swoon,
46. A day wherein their stratagem shall not avail them aught, nor shall they be helped.
47. And verily there shall be a chastisement for those who did injustice besides that, yet most of them do not know it.
48. And wait patiently for the Command of your Lord, for verily you are before Our Eyes; and celebrate the praise of your Lord when you rise.
49. And in the night, too, celebrate His glory, and at the setting of the stars.

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