
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Muhammad -47


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 47
47 Muhammad

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. God shall render vain the deeds of those who disbelieve and hinder others from His Path.
2. As to those who believe and do good, believing in what has been sent down to Muhammad, which is the truth from their Lord, He shall forgive their sins, remove their evils from them, and improve their conditions.
3. That is so because those who disbelieve follow falsehood, whereas those who believe follow the truth from their Lord; thus does God set forth examples to the people.
4. So when you encounter those who disbelieve (on battlegrounds), smite their necks until you have wounded them heavily and routed them, then take them captives in fetters, or set them free as an obligation, or they may be ransomed, till they lay their weapons down; thus are you commanded. If God pleases, He would certainly exact retribution from them, but He would rather try some of you through the others. He will never permit the deeds of those who are slain in His way to go in vain.
5. Soon will He guide them rightly and please their conscience,
6. And admit them to the garden with which He has acquainted them.
7. O you who believe! If you support (the Cause of) God, He will also support you and set your feet firm.
8. As to those who disbelieve, stumbling with destruction shall be their fate, and He shall render their deeds vain.
9. That is so because they hated what God revealed, so He shall render their deeds null.
10. Have they not travelled in the earth and seen how the end of those before them was? God brought destruction to them, and there shall be the like of it for the disbelievers.
11. That is so because God is the Guardian of those who believe, and there shall be no guardian for the infidels.
12. Verily God will admit those who believe and do good deeds into gardens beneath which rivers flow. As to those who disbelieve, they shall enjoy themselves and eat as beasts eat, then the Fire shall be their final abode.
13. How many a town, mightier in power than your own, from which you (Muhammad) have been driven out, did We destroy? There was none to help them.
14. Is he who is on clear proofs from his Lord like unto him whose evil work is made fair-seeming to him, following his own vain desires?
15. A similitude of the garden which has been promised to the pious ones. Rivers of water therein that are incorruptible, and rivers of milk whose taste suffers no change, and rivers of wine, delicious to those who drink it, and rivers of honey, pure and clear. For them therein are (also) all kinds of fruits, and a complete forgiveness from their Lord. Are they similar to those who shall dwell in the Fire and who shall be made to drink boiling water so that it will render their bowels asunder?
16. Among them are those who seek to listen to you until, when they go forth from you, they say to those who have been given the knowledge: “What was it that he said just now?” These are they on whose hearts God has set a seal, and they only follow their own vain desires.
17. Those who avail of the guidance. He increases their guidance and grants them the rewards of their piety.
18. Do they wait then save for the Hour that it comes suddenly to them? Indeed the signs of it have already come; of what avail can the reminder be to them when it has already come unto them?
19. So know that there is no god but God, and seek (His) protection for your sins and for the believing men and women; God well knows the place of your movements, and the place of your final rest.
20. Those who believe say: “Why has no chapter been sent?” but when a chapter is revealed in which war is mentioned, you see those in whose hearts there is a disease look at you with a look of one on whom the shadow of death has fallen; woe unto them!
21. Obedience and a fair word; but when the affair is determined, then if they are true to God, it would certainly be better for them;
22. Then belike you are if you hold authority that you make mischief in the earth and sever the ties of kinship?
23. Those are they whom God has cursed, and so has He made them deaf, and their sights blind.
24. Do not they (ever) reflect upon the Qur’an? Nay! Locks are set on their hearts.
25. Verily those who return on the backs after manifest guidance has become, Satan has beguiled them, and has given them a respite.
26. That is so for those who hate what God has revealed say: “We will obey you in a part of this matter,” but God knows well their secret reservations.
27. How if the angels cause them to die, smiting their faces and backs?
28. It is so for they follow that which displeases God and hate what pleases Him; so, He has made their deeds null.
29. Or do those in whose hearts there is a disease deem it that God will never bring their spite forth?
30. Had We willed, We would certainly have acquainted you with them, and you would certainly have known them by their features; you can certainly recognize them by the tone of their speech, and God well knows whatever you do.
31. Certainly We shall try you until We know who among you strives and who perseveres, and shall make your affairs known.
32. Verily those who disbelieve and hinder others from the Path of God, and oppose the Messenger after guidance has been made manifest to them, can never harm God in any way, and He will make their deeds null.
33. O you who believe! Obey God, obey the Messenger, and do not render your deeds null.
34. Verily those who disbelieve and hinder others from the Way of God shall die disbelievers, then God will never forgive them.
35. So do not be faint-hearted, and call (the infidels) to peace, while you have the upper hand, and God is with you; He will never depreciate your deeds.
36. The life in this world is but idle sport and play, and if you believe and fear God, He will grant you your recompense and will not ask you (to give up) your possessions.
37. Should He ask them of you, you will be niggardly, and He will bring your spite forth.
38. Lo! You, who are called upon to spend in the way of God, are niggardly, and whosoever is niggardly harms his own soul, and God is self-Sufficient, and you are in need (of Him). If you turn back, He will bring in your place people other than you, then they surely will not be like you.

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