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The Ornaments (az-Zukhruf) -43


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 43
43 Az-Zukhruf

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. Ha, Meem.
2. By the Book manifesting,
3. Verily We have made it an Arabic Qur’an that you may gain understanding.
4. And verily it is in the mother-book with Us, Most Exalted, full of Wisdom.
5. Shall We then turn the Reminder away from you wholly since you are extravagant people?
6. How many of Our prophets did We send to those who have gone by?
7. Whenever a prophet came to them, they mocked him.
8. Then We destroyed those who were mightier than these in strength, and such has gone examples among those gone before.
9. Should you ask them “Who created the heavens and the earth?” they would certainly say: “The Almighty, the all-Knowing, created them.”
10. He Who made the earth for you a cradle, and made paths therein for you that you may be rightly guided.
11. He sends down [rain]water from the heavens in a measure; then We raise with it a town that is dead (dried); even so shall you be brought forth (to life again).
12. He created pairs of all things and made ships for you, and the cattle to ride on,
13. That you may mount their backs, then haply remember the bounty of your Lord, and when you mount it you say: “Hallowed is He Who subjected this to us, and we (on our own) were not able to attain this.
14. “Verily we, to our Lord, shall all return.”
15. Yet they (still) assign to some of His servants partnership with Him! Verily man is openly ungrateful.
16. Has He taken daughters (unto Himself) of what He has Himself created, and chosen you to have the sons?!
17. When the news is given to anyone of them of what similitude the Beneficent sets, his face becomes darkened and he is choked with rage.
18. Can then one brought up amidst ornaments and in disputes, unable to give a clear account (be associated with God)?
19. They (even) make the angels, who are servants of the Beneficent, females; did they witness their creation? Their witness shall be written down, and they shall be questioned.
20. They say: “Had the Beneficent willed, we should not have worshipped them.” They have no knowledge of this; they only surmise.
21. Or have We given them a Book before it which they fast uphold?
22. Nay! They say: “Verily we found our [fore]fathers on a creed and verily in their footsteps are we guided.”
23. Thus, We sent no warner before you to a town except that the luxurious in it said: “Verily, we found our [fore]fathers on a creed, and verily in their footsteps are we following.”
24. (The warner) said: “Even if I bring you a guidance that is better than that on which you found your [fore]fathers?” They said: “Verily we are disbelievers in whatever you are sent with.”
25. So We inflicted retribution upon them, and behold how the end of those who falsified (Our messengers) was.
26. And (remember) when Abraham said to his father and people: “Verily I am free of what you worship.
27. “I worship but Him Who created me, for surely He will guide me.”
28. He made it a word to continue in his progeny that they might return (to God).
29. Nay! I provided these and their fathers to enjoy until the truth (Qur’an) came to them and the Messenger (Muhammad) manifesting it.
30. When the truth came to them, they said: “This is sorcery. We are disbelievers in it.”
31. And they said: “Why was no Qur’an sent to a leading man in both cities?”
32. Do they distribute your Lord’s mercy? It is We Who distribute their own livelihood in the life of this world, and We raised some of them above the others in ranks, so that some of them may take others in subjection; and the mercy of your Lord is better than all that they hoard.
33. Were it not that all people might follow one (evil) way of life, We would certainly have provided those who disbelieve in the Beneficent God silver roofs and stairs on which they ascend.
34. And the doors of their houses, and the couches on which they recline,
35. And ornaments of gold; but all these are only provisions of this life, and the hereafter with your Lord is for the pious.
36. Whosoever is blinded against the remembrance of the Beneficent, for him shall We appoint a Satan, and he shall be his close companion.
37. Verily (Satan) turned them away from the Right Path, and they (still) deem it that they are rightly guided.
38. Until, when he comes to Us, he would say: “Would that between me and you (Satan) there were a distance of two Easts!” Indeed, an evil companion Satan is.
39. Never shall it profit you on this day since you committed injustice that you be partners in the chastisement.
40. Can you then make the deaf hear you, or can you guide the blind and him who is manifestly astray?
41. Even if We take you away, then verily We shall exact retribution from them,
42. Or We shall show you that which We have promised them, for verily We are over them (fully) Powerful.
43. Hold fast, therefore, to what has been revealed to you; verily you (Muhammad) are on the Right Path.
44. And verily it is a Reminder for you and your people, and you shall soon be questioned about it.
45. Ask those of Our Messengers whom We sent before you if We appointed besides the Beneficent God any gods to be worshipped.
46. And indeed We sent Moses with Our signs to Pharaoh and his chiefs, and he said: “I am truly the messenger of the Lord of the worlds.”
47. When he came to them with Our signs, lo, they held them in ridicule.
48. We showed them no sign but was greater than the other, and We seized them with chastisement so that they might return.
49. They said: “O sorcerer! Call on us to your Lord to do as He has promised you; verily we will (then) be rightly guided.”
50. But when We relieved them from the chastisement, lo, they did not honour the pledge.
51. Pharaoh proclaimed to his people: “O people! Is not the kingdom of Egypt mine? And these rivers flow beneath me? Do you not behold?
52. “Nay! Am I not better than this fellow (Moses) who is contemptible, scarcely capable of speaking distinctly?
53. “Why have no bracelets of gold been put upon him? Why no angel came with him as his companion?”
54. Thus did he persuade his people to levity, and they obeyed him; verily they were a transgressing people.
55. When they angered Us, We inflicted them with Our retribution. So did We drown them altogether.
56. We made them a precedent and an example for later generations.
57. When (Jesus) the son of Mary set forth an instance (of Our Power), lo, your people laughed in ridicule.
58. They say: “Are our gods better or is He?” They do not set it forth to you but a way of disputation. Nay! They are a contentious people.
59. None was he but a servant (of Ours). We bestowed upon him Our Favour, and We made him an example (of Our Power) to the children of Israel.
60. Had We pleased, We could certainly have let the angels be the successors on earth.
61. Verily he shall be a sign of the Hour. Do not doubt then about it, and follow Me: this is the Right Path.
62. Let no Satan prevent you; verily he is your open enemy.
63. When Jesus came with clear proofs (miracles), he said: “Indeed I have come to you with wisdom, that I may clarify some (issues) in which you differed; so Fear God and obey me.
64. “God (alone) is my Lord and yours, so serve (only) Him; this is the Right Path.”
65. But parties among them differed; so, woe of the chastisement of a painful day unto those who were unjust.
66. Do they wait for aught but the Hour (of reckoning) to come to them suddenly while they do not perceive?
67. Friends that day shall be enemies of one another save the pious.
68. O My servants! No fear shall be on you this day, nor shall you grieve.
69. Those who believed in Our signs and were Muslims,
70. Enter the garden, you and your mates; you shall be delighted.
71. Dishes of gold and cups (of drinks) shall be passed around to them, and they shall have whatever their souls desire therein, and whatever would delight their eyes, to abide therein eternally.
72. This is the garden (Paradise) you are made to receive as a heritage for what you have been doing.
73. For you therein are fruits in abundance, of which you eat.
74. Verily the guilty ones shall abide in the torment of Hell forever.
75. It shall not be abated from them, and they shall be despairing therein.
76. We were not unjust to them, but it was they who were unjust to their own selves.
77. They shall cry out: “O Malik! Would that your Lord puts an end to us!” He shall say: “Verily you shall remain (here forever).”
78. Indeed We have brought you the truth, but most of you were hateful of the truth.
79. Or have they settled any device (among themselves)? Then verily We too shall settle Ours.
80. Or do they think that We do not hear their secret and concealed discourses? Aye! And Our messengers write down everything.
81. Say: “Had the Beneficent God had any son, I would have been the first to worship.”
82. Hallowed is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, Lord of the Throne, far above what they attribute.
83. So leave them to plunge on and sport until they meet the day they have been (ominously) promised.
84. He it is Who is God in the heavens and the earth, the all-Wise, the all-Knowing.
85. Holiest is He Whose is the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth and whatsoever is between them twain, and with Him is the knowledge of the Hour, and to Him shall you all return.
86. Those whom they call besides Him do not own any power or intercession save he who bears witness to the truth and they know it.
87. If you ask them who created them, they would certainly say: “God.” Whence are they then deluded away (from the truth)?
88. And his (Prophet’s) cry: “Lord! Verily these are people who do not believe!”
89. So turn away from them (O Muhammad) and say: “Peace,” for they shall soon come to know.

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