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The Hordes (az-Zumur) -39


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 39
39 Az-Zumar

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. The revelation of the Book (Qur’an) is from God, the Almighty, the all-Wise.
2. We have surely revealed to you the Book (Qur’an) with the truth so that you may worship God (alone) and be sincere to Him in faith.
3. Beware! To God alone is all obedience due, and those who take others as guardians besides Him say: “We worship them only so that they may bring us closer to God;” God will surely judge between them about what they differ; surely God does not guide a liar, an ingrate.
4. Had God intended to take a son unto Himself, He would have certainly selected those whom He pleases of His creation; hallowed is He; He alone is God, the One, the Almighty.
5. He has created the heavens and the earth with the truth; He causes the night to enter the day and the day to enter the night, and He subjected the sun and the moon, each speeds on to an assigned term. Beware! He is the Almighty, the oft-Forgiving.
6. He created you from a single being, then He created from him, of like nature, his mate, and sent down for you eight in pairs of the cattle; He creates you in the wombs of your mothers one creation after another, in triple darkness; that is God your Lord; His is the Kingdom; there is no god but He; how then are you turned away?
7. If you are ungrateful, verily God is Independent of you; He does not like ingratitude in His servants. If you are grateful, He likes it in you. No bearer of a burden shall bear the burden of another; then to your Lord is your return; He will then inform you of what you were doing; verily, He knows all what is hidden in the hearts.
8. When distress touches man, he cries unto his Lord, oft- turning to Him, and when He bestows upon him a favour from Him, he forgets that for which he cried unto Him before, and he even sets up rivals with God that he may beguile men to stray away from His Path! Say: “Enjoy yourself in your ingratitude for a little while; verily you are of the inmates of Hell-fire.”
9. (Unlike) the one who offers prayers during the hours of the night, prostrating in obeisance and standing, taking heed of the hereafter, and hoping for the mercy of his Lord; say: “Can those who know be equal to those who do not? Verily only men of understanding heed the warning.”
10. Say to My believing servants: “Fear your Lord; for those who do good deeds in this world there shall be good, and God’s earth is spacious; verily, only the patient ones receive their reward without any account.”
11. Say: “I have been bidden to worship God (alone) and be sincere to Him in faith,
12. “And I am bidden to be the foremost in belief (Muslim).”
13. Say: “Verily I fear lest I should disobey my Lord the chastisement of a great Day.”
14. Say: “God (alone) do I worship, being devoted to Him in my religion,
15. “Worship then whatsoever you like besides Him.” Say: “Verily the losers are those who have lost their own souls and their own families on the Day of Judgment. Beware! That is the manifest loss.”
16. For them shall be the coverings of fire from above them and from beneath them, with that, God causes His servants to fear; so fear Me, O My servants.
17. And for those who shun the worship of the idols and turn to God shall be the glad tidings; so, convey the glad tidings to My servants,
18. Those who hearken to the word and follow the best of it; those are they whom Go has guided, and those are the men of understanding.
19. Is he upon whom the sentence of chastisement has been justly passed, could you rescue any from the Fire?
20. As for those who fear their Lord, they are in lofty pavilions built (for them); beneath them do rivers flow, a promise from God; God never fails His promise.
21. Have you not seen how God sends water down from heaven, then He causes it to go into the earth in springs, then He brings forth herbage therewith of various colours, then it withers till you see it yellow, then He makes it chaff? Verily in this is a reminder for men of understanding.
22. Is he whose heart God has opened for Islam and follows the Light from God (like the hard-hearted one)? Nay! Woe unto those whose hearts are hard against the remembrance of God; those are in clear error.
23. God has revealed the best recital, a Book consistent with criterion at which the skins of those who fear their Lord shudder, and so do their hearts when remembering God; this is God’s guidance; He guides with it whomsoever He pleases, and allows whomsoever He pleases to stray; there is no guide (for the latter).
24. Is he then who shuns his face against the torment of the chastisement on the Day of Judgment (like unto him who is secure therefrom)? It will be said to the unjust ones: “Taste what you were earning.”
25. Those before them rejected too, so there came to them a chastisement from whence they could not perceive.
26. Then God made them taste the disgrace of this life and certainly the chastisement of the hereafter is even greater if they only knew.
27. Indeed We have set forth examples in this Qur’an of every sort that haply they may reflect.
28. An Arabic Qur’an without any crookedness so that haply they may be pious.
29. God sets forth an example of a man (in the service of) associates quarrelling with each other, and of a man wholly devoted to a single man: can they both be alike in condition?! All praise is God’s. Nay! Most of them do not even know.
30. Verily you shall come to die, and so shall they too.
31. Then verily you, on the Day of Judgment, will wrangle with one another before your Lord.
32. Who is then more unjust than he who lies about God and falsifies the truth when it comes to him? Is there no place in Hell for the disbelievers?
33. He who brings forth the truth and he who testifies to it are indeed the pious ones.
34. For them is whatever they please with their Lord; that is the reward of those who do good deeds;
35. That God may take away from them the worst of what they did and reward them with the best of rewards for what they used to do.
36. Is not God sufficient for His servant? And they frighten you with those besides Him! Whomsoever God allows to stray, for him there shall be none to guide.
37. And whomsoever God guides, none shall beguile him. Is not God the Almighty Lord of retribution?
38. And if you ask them who created the heavens and the earth, they would certainly say “God;” say: “Consider then what you call upon besides God. If God wishes me any harm, could they remove His harm, or if He wishes me His mercy, could they withhold His mercy from me?” Say: “God suffices me. On Him do the reliants rely.”
39. Say: “O people! Act (as you please); verily I too do act; soon will you come to know-
40. “To whom a disgracing chastisement will come, and upon whom will the everlasting doom fall.”
41. Verily we revealed the Book (Qur’an) unto you for the good of people with the truth; whosoever is guided aright, it is for his own good, and whosoever goes astray, he strays only to his own harm; you are not a custodian over them.
42. God takes the souls away at death. Those that do not die (He takes) during their sleep; God withholds (the life of) those on whom He has passed the decree of death; but He sends the others (to their bodies) till a fixed time. Verily in this are signs for people who reflect.
43. Or have they taken as intercessors others besides God? Say: “Even if they have no power over anything, nor do they understand?”
44. Say: “God’s is intercession altogether; His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, then to Him you shall all be returned.”
45. When God alone is mentioned, the hearts of those who do not believe in the hereafter shrink, and when those besides Him are mentioned, lo, they rejoice.
46. Say: “God is the Originator of the heavens and the earth, Knower of the unseen and the manifest. You (alone) shall judge between Your servants in the matter wherein they were differing.”
47. Had it been for those who committed injustice, whatever is in the earth and the like of it added thereto, they will surely seek to ransom themselves with it from the pain of the chastisement on the Day of Judgment, and there shall appear to them from God that which they had not been expecting.
48. The evils of what they wrought shall appear to them, and they shall be surrounded by that which they used to ridicule.
49. When harm touches man, he cries unto Us; then when We grant him a favour from Us, he says: “I have been granted it only on account of my own knowledge.” Nay! It is only a trial, but most of them do not know.
50. Indeed, the same was said by those before them; what they had been earning did not avail them in the least.
51. So the evils of what they earned afflicted them; for those who committed injustice, the evil of what they earned shall soon befall upon them, and they shall not frustrate Us in the least.
52. Have they not come to know that God alone amplifies the sustenance to whomsoever He pleases and straitens it (from whomsoever He pleases); verily in this are signs for people who believe.
53. Tell My servants who have been extravagant unto their own selves: “Do not despair of God’s mercy; verily God forgives all your sins; He is the oft- Forgiving, the Most Merciful;
54. “And return to your Lord and resign yourselves to Him before the chastisement comes to you, for you shall not be helped then;
55. “And follow the most excellent thing of what has been revealed to you from your Lord before the chastisement suddenly comes to you even before you perceive it.”
56. (It is so) lest a soul should say: “Oh! Alas! Woe unto me for what I failed (in my duty) to God! Certainly I was of those who mocked.”
57. Or it should say: “Had God guided me, I would certainly have been among the pious.”
58. Or it should say, when it sees the chastisement, “Had there been a return for me, I would have been among the righteous.”
59. Nay! Indeed My signs did come to you, but you rejected them; you acted proudly, and you were among the disbelievers.”
60. On the Day of Resurrection, you shall see those who uttered lies against God with their faces blackened; is there no place in Hell as the abode of the arrogant?
61. God shall deliver those who shunned evil and were successful; no harm shall touch them, nor shall they grieve.
62. God (alone) is the Creator of everything, and He (alone) is guardian over all things.
63. His are the keys of the heavens and the earth; those who disbelieve in the Signs of God are truly the losers.
64. Say: “Do you bid me worship others besides God, O you ignorant folks?!”
65. Indeed, it has been revealed to you and to those before you: “Verily if you associate (others with God), your deeds would come to naught, and you would certainly be among the losers.
66. “Nay! God alone do I worship and be among the grateful ones.”
67. They did not esteem God justly, as is His due, while the whole earth is within His grip on the Day of Judgment, and the heavens rolled up in His right hand; hallowed is He, the Exalted, the Most High, above what they associate (with Him).
68. The trumpet is blown, and whoever is in the heavens and the earth are stunned save those whom God has wished; then it shall be blown again and lo! They shall stand up waiting.
69. The earth shall get radiant with the light of its Lord, and the Book (of deeds) shall be set; the prophet shall be brought and the witnesses too; it shall be judged between them, and they shall not be dealt with unjustly.
70. Every soul shall be paid in full for what it wrought, and He best knows what they did.
71. Those who disbelieved shall be driven to Hell in flocks until, when they come to it, its gates shall be opened, and its keepers shall say to them: “Did any messengers from among you not come to you to recite for you the signs of your Lord and warn you of the meeting of this Day of yours?” They shall answer: “Yes, indeed,” yet the sentence of punishment is justice for the disbelievers.
72. It shall be said to them: “Enter the gates of Hell to abide therein forever; wretched is the abode of the arrogant.”
73. Those who feared (their Lord) shall be conveyed in groups to the Garden; when they come to it, its gates shall be opened, and its keepers shall say to them: “Peace be upon you! You shall be happy here; enter it to abide therein forever.”
74. And they shall say: “All praise belongs to God Who had made His promise good to us, and He has permitted us to inherit the earth and dwell in the gardens wherever we please; goodly is the reward of those who do good deeds.”
75. You shall see the angels surrounding the Throne, celebrating the Praise of their Lord, and it shall be judged between them with justice, and it shall be said: “All praise is to God, Lord of the Worlds.”

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