
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Ya-Sin -36


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 36
36 Ya Sin

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. Ya-Sin.
2. By the Qur’an, the Word of (God’s) Wisdom,
3. Verily you (Muhammad) are the Messenger,
4. On the Straight Path,
5. Sent by the Almighty, the all-Merciful,
6. So that you may warn a people whose [fore]fathers were not warned and who therefore are heedless
7. Indeed the word has been proven true about most of them, and wherefore they do not believe.
8. Verily We have put chains around their necks, reaching up to their chins; their heads are forced up, stiff.
9. We have set a barrier before them, and behind them a barrier, and We covered them over, so that they cannot see.
10. It is the same if you warn them or do not; they will never believe.
11. Verily you can warn only him that abides by the Reminder (Qur’an) and fears the Beneficent (God), the Unseen; so convey to him the glad tidings of forgiveness and an honourable reward.
12. Verily We, and We (alone) give life to the dead, and We write down what they have sent before them, and the footprints they leave behind; We have confined everything into a Manifesting Imam.
13. Set forth to them the instance of the people of a town when Our messengers came to them;
14. We sent them two (messengers); they rejected them both then We strengthened them with a third. They said: “Verily we are messengers sent to you.”
15. They said: “You are but human beings like us; the Beneficent has not sent anything; you only utter a lie.”
16. They said: “Our Lord knows that we truly are messengers sent to you.
17. “On us is naught but the clear delivering (of the message).”
18. They said: “Verily we augur ill from you; if you do not desist, we will certainly stone you, and a painful torment shall afflict you from us.”
19. They said: “Your augury of ill is with your own selves; is it so even when you are admonished?! Nay! You are people transgressing.”
20. A man came to them from the furthermost part of the city saying: “O people! Follow (these) messengers;
21. “Follow these who do not ask you any reward, and they are rightly guided.
22. “Why should I not worship Him who brought me into being and to Whom you shall all be returned?
23. “Shall I take besides Him any gods? If the Beneficent wills to afflict harm upon me, their intercession shall not avail me, nor can they save me.
24. “Verily I shall then be in manifest error;
25. “Verily I believe in your Lord; so, listen to me.”
26. It was said (to him): “Enter the garden (of bliss).” He said: “Oh! Would that my people had known-
27. “Of my Lord’s forgiveness unto me, including me among the honoured ones!”
28. We sent no hosts upon his people after him, nor were We to send any.
29. It was nothing but a terrifying cry and, lo, they were all extinct.
30. Alas for the servants: whenever a messenger comes to them, they mock at him.
31. Do not they see how many generations We destroyed before them? They will never return to them.
32. All shall surely be gathered together before Us.
33. A sign for them is the dead earth; We give it life and bring forth grain therefrom, of which they eat.
34. We make therein gardens of date-palms and grapevines, and We cause springs to flow therein.
35. That they may eat of its fruits and of what they make with their own hands; should they not be grateful?
36. Hallowed is He Who created pairs of all things, of what grows on earth, of their own selves, and of what they do not know.
37. And (another) sign to them is the night: We draw forth the day from it and lo, they are in the dark!
38. And (another is) the sun travels to a resting-place fixed for it; that is the decree of the Almighty, the all-Knowing.
39. As for the moon, We have fixed for it stages till it returns bent like an old palm branch.
40. It is not (expedient) for the sun that it should overtake the moon, nor can the night outstrip the day; each rotates on its sphere.
41. And (another) sign to them is that We carry their offspring in the laden ark.
42. And We have created for them like it a conveyance on which they ride.
43. If We only will, We can drown them (all), then there shall be none to help them nor shall they be ever rescued,
44. Save by a mercy from Us, and an enjoyment for yet awhile.
45. When it is said to them: “Guard (yourselves) against what is before you and what is behind you, that you may be treated with mercy,”
46. (Yet) no sign comes to them from their Lord but they turn away from it.
47. And when it is said to them: “Spend of what God has provided you with of sustenance,” those who disbelieve say to those who believe: “Shall we feed those who, if God wills, He could have fed them? You are but in manifest error.”
48. And they say: “When will this promise come to pass if you are truthful?”
49. They wait but for a single (terrifying) cry to seize them even while they wrangle with one another.
50. Then they shall not be able to make a bequest, nor shall they be able to return to their families.
51. When the trumpet is blown, lo, they shall all hasten to their Lord from their graves.
52. They shall say: “Oh! Woe unto us! Who has raised us up from our place of repose?” - “This is what the Beneficent promised and the messengers spoke only the truth.”
53. There will be but a single cry when, lo, they are all brought to Us.
54. So this day no soul shall be dealt with unjustly in the least, nor will you be recompensed but with that which you were doing.
55. Verily the inmates of the garden shall on that day be busy enjoying themselves.
56. They and their mates shall be in shades, reclining on raised couches.
57. They shall have fruits therein, and for them shall be whatever they would call for.
58. “Peace!” shall be the word from the Most Merciful Lord.
59. - “And get you aside this day, O you guilty ones!
60. “Did not I enjoin on you, O children of Adam, that you should not worship Satan, for he is your open enemy?
61. “And that you should worship (only) Me: this is the Right Way?
62. “And yet he led a great multitude of you astray; did you not then reason?
63. “This is Hell which you were promised;
64. “Enter into it for what you used to disbelieve.”
65. On that Day, We will set a seal upon their mouths, and their hands shall speak to Us, and their feet shall bear witness regarding what they used to earn.
66. If We will, We could certainly put out their sight, then they would struggle (groping) to get first to the way, but how could they see?
67. And if We will, We would certainly transform them in their own places, then they would not be able to go on, nor will they ever return.
68. Whomsoever We increase in life-span, We reverse him to an abject state in life. Do they not understand?
69. We have taught him no poetry, nor would it befit him (to compose); it is (not poetry) but a reminder and a manifesting Qur’an,
70. To warn any who is alive, and the word be proven against the disbelievers.
71. Do they not see that We created the cattle for them, among what Our hands have created, and over them they are the masters?
72. And We subjected them (cattle): you ride upon some of them, and of some you eat.
73. And for them therein are benefits and drinks; will they not then be grateful?
74. And yet they have taken gods besides God so that they may be helped.
75. They shall not be able to help them, yet they are their host to be brought to account.
76. So let not their speech grieve you (Muhammad), for verily We know what they hide and what they reveal.
77. Does man not see that We created him from (a drop of) sperm? Yet, lo, he is an open disputant!
78. He sets to Us an argument, forgetting his own creation; he says: “Who will bring the bones that are decayed back to life?”
79. Say: “The One Who created them the first time shall bring them back to life, and He is fully cognizant of all creation,
80. “He Who made a fire for you from the green tree and, lo, you kindle (a fire) therefrom!
81. “Is not He Who created the heavens and the earth capable of creating the like of them? Yea! And He is the Creator, the all-Knowing.”
82. His Command, when He wishes anything, is only that He says: “Be!” and it is.
83. Hallowed, therefore, is He in Whose hand is the kingdom of all things, and to Him you shall all be returned.

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