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Back You are here: Home Eternal Words The Holy Qur'an English Translation The (east) Romans (ar-Rum) -30

The (east) Romans (ar-Rum) -30


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 30
30 Ar-Rum

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. Alif, Lam, Mim.
2. The [East] Romans have been defeated,
3. In the nearer land, yet after their defeat, they will soon triumph,
4. Within a few years; God’s is the Sovereignty before and after, and day shall come when the believers rejoice,
5. Due to God’s victory (upon them); He renders whomsoever victorious as He pleases; He is the Almighty, the all-Merciful.
6. It is God’s promise; God never fails His promise, but most people do not know.
7. They (only) know what is apparent in life, heedless to the hereafter.
8. Have they not reflected upon their own themselves? God never created the heavens and the earth, and what is in-between, except in truth, and for an appointed term; most people, indeed, disbelieve in the meeting of their own Lord.
9. Have they not travelled throughout the world and seen how the outcome of those before them had been? They were mightier than them, and they left stronger marks, dug the earth and built more than what these people have built; Our messengers brought them manifest proofs; so, God did not have to do them injustice, but they were unjust to their own selves.
10. Then evil was the end of those who committed evil by rejecting God’s manifest signs and mocking them.
11. God originates the creation, then He causes it to recur, then to Him shall you all be returned.
12. On the Day when the Hour comes, the guilty ones shall surely despair.
13. They shall have no intercessors from among their partner gods, and they shall (even) deny their partners.
14. On the Day when the Hour arrives-it is then that they shall separate.
15. As to those who believed and did good deeds, they shall be in the Garden, well-pleased.
16. As to those who disbelieved and rejected Our signs and the meeting in the hereafter, these shall be brought to the chastisement.
17. So glory be to God when you approach the eve or the morn.
18. And His (alone) is the Praise in the heavens and the earth, and at dusk, and when you approach noon.
19. He brings forth a living out of the dead, and brings forth the dead out of the living, and He brings life to the earth after its death-thus shall you, too, be resurrected.
20. Among His signs is that He created you of dust, then you became human beings scattering (in the world).
21. And among His signs is that He created for you, from your own selves, mates so that you dwell (in tranquility) with them, creating love and compassion between you; indeed, there are signs in this for people who reflect.
22. And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variety of your languages and complexions; verily in this are signs for those endowed with knowledge.
23. And among His signs is your slumber at night and day, and your seeking of His grace; verily in this there are signs for people who listen.
24. And among His signs is that He shows you lightning, causing awe and hope, sending water down from the heavens and giving life with it to the earth after it had died; verily there are signs in this for people who understand.
25. And among His signs is that the heavens and the earth carry out His command, then if He summons you to come out of the earth (your tombs), you shall come forth.
26. His are whosoever in the heavens and the earth: all are subservient to Him.
27. He it is Who originates the creation, then He causes it to recur again, and the latter (case) is even easier to Him; His are the most exalted similitudes in the heavens and the earth, and He is the Almighty, the all-Wise.
28. He sets forth parables for you from your own creation. Have you had partners from those your right hands possess in what We have provided you for sustenance, so that you are alike in its regard, fearing them as you fear each other? Thus do We make Our signs clear for those who understand.
29. Nay! Those who are unjust followed their own desires without any knowledge, so who can guide those whom God has permitted to stray? They shall have no helpers.
30. So set your face uprightly for religion, in natural devotion to the truth, the nature caused by God in which He has made people; there can be no change in God’s creation; this is the established religion, but most people do not know.
31. Turn to Him; fear (only) Him, and establish prayer, and do not be polytheists,
32. Each party of those who split up their religion and became sects rejoices in what is therewith.
33. When people are afflicted with harm, they call upon their Lord, turning to Him; then when He causes them to taste of His mercy, lo, some of them even associate partners with their Lord.
34. Let them be ungrateful for what We have granted them; enjoy for a while, for soon you shall come to know.
35. Or have We sent down upon them an authority that speaks of what they associate with Him?
36. And when We cause people to taste of Our Mercy, they rejoice therein, and if an evil befalls them for what they wrought with their own hands, lo, they are in utter despair.
37. Have not they seen that God amplifies the provision for whomsoever He pleases and straitens? Verily in this are signs for people who believe.
38. Then give the near of kin his dues, and to the needy and the wayfarer; this is best for those who desire to please God, and these it is who are the successful ones.
39. And what you give out at interest so that it may increase people’s wealth, it does not increase with God, and whatever you give as zakat, desiring to attain the Pleasure of God, it is these that shall get manifold (rewards).
40. God is He Who created you then provided you with sustenance, then He causes you to die, then He brings you to life again; is there any of your associate gods that does aught of these things? Glory be to Him, and Exalted is He far above what they ascribe (to Him).
41. Mischief has appeared in the land and the sea on account of what the hands of men have wrought, that He may make them taste a part of what they have done, so that they may return (to Him).
42. Say: “Travel in the earth, then see how the end of those who were before you was; most of them were polytheists.”
43. Then set your face upright to the established Religion before a Day comes from God when, on that Day, which can never be averted, they shall surely be separated.
44. Whoever disbelieves shall bear the burden of his disbelief, and whoever does good deeds, it is for his own self what he prepares.
45. So that He may recompense those who believe and do good deeds with His Grace; verily He does not love the disbelievers.
46. Among His Signs is that He sends forth the wind bearing glad tidings, and that He may make you taste of His Mercy, and that ships may sail by His Command, and that you should seek of His Grace, and that you may show gratitude.
47. Indeed, We sent messengers before you to their (respective) people, and they came to them with clear proofs, then We took vengeance upon those who were guilty; the succor of the believers was indeed incumbent upon Us.
48. God it is Who sends forth the winds so that they raise clouds, then He spreads it forth in the skies as He wills and causes it to break up so that you see the rays coming forth from inside it. When He causes it to fall upon whomsoever He pleases from among His servants, lo, they rejoice therein-
49. Though before it was sent down upon them they were in mute despair.
50. Behold the traces of God’s Mercy: how He gives life to the earth after it had died; verily He is the giver of life to the dead; He has power over all things.
51. If We send the wind, and they see (their tilth) yellow, they become disbelievers thereafter;
52. For you cannot make the dead hear, nor can you make the deaf hear the call when they withdraw, turning upon their heels.
53. Nor can you lead the blind away from straying; you cannot make anyone hear except those who believe in Our Signs, for they are resigned to Our Will as Muslims.
54. God it is Who created you out of weakness and then turned your weakness into strength, then your strength into weakness and grey hairs; He creates whatsoever He wills; He is the all-Knowing, the omni-Potent.
55. When the Hour (of Judgment) arrives, on that Day the guilty will swear that they tarried but an hour; thus did they use to utter lies.
56. Those who have been endowed with knowledge and faith shall say: “Indeed, you tarried according to the decree of God till the Day of Resurrection, but you did not know.”
57. On that Day, the plea shall not avail those who were unjust, nor will they be able to please God.
58. Indeed, We have set forth for people every kind of parable in this Qur’an; yet if you bring a Sign to them, those who disbelieve will certainly say: “You are but a false claimant.”
59. Thus does God set a seal on the hearts of those who do not know.
60. Be patient, therefore; verily the promise of God is true, and let not those who have no belief in God make you despair of His promise.

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